Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:
Mountain View News Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce reminds you that
shuttle tickets to ride up to view the Wistaria Vine at its annual
Wistaria Festival are now available online. The 2011 Wistaria
Festival will take place on March 20th, 2011.
The Wistaria Festival features tours of the world’s largest
blossoming plant, certified as such by the Guinness Book of
World Records. Each year, the property owners upon whose land
the vine sits, the Solts and the Dorrances, open their property
to allow thousands to view the vine. Dozens of Sierra Madre
residents volunteer to act as docents at the property, telling the
story of the vine, which was originally planted from a 1-gallon
pot that was purchased for $0.75 in 1894. At its peak, the vine
covered more than an acre of ground, and in the early 20th century
was so large that it even destroyed a home that was under it.
In addition to the tours of the vine, the two main downtown
streets of Sierra Madre are closed to traffic so that 175 juried
crafters and artists can set up booths to display and sell their arts/
crafts. Downtown village shops are open, and more than a dozen
musical acts perform at multiple outdoor venues. Memorial Park
is transformed into a combination Kids/Food zone, as bouncy
houses, slides, rock climbing and other kids attractions set up in
the park alongside food vendors, both for profit and non-profit
The shuttle to the vine from downtown avoids a long uphill walk
from downtown to the neighborhood in which the vine sits.
“Day of” tickets for the shuttle have been reduced from $15 to
$12 this year, and pre-sale tickets are just $10. This year, for the
first time, seniors and kids (6 to 16) receive a discounted rate of
$7. Children under five ride for free. There is no charge to view
the vine.
Mountain Views News readers that purchase non-discounted
($10) pre-sale tickets on line can also receive a $1 savings on their
ticket by entering promo code MVN01 on the ticket order page
when prompted.
To order tickets online, visit
Older “Sierra Madre”
American of the Year
The Senior Community Commission is now accepting nominations
for the Older “Sierra Madre” American of the Year. If
you know someone living in Sierra Madre who has demonstrated
outstanding community service and is 60 years of age or
older, please contact the Senior Services Desk at (626) 355-7394
for a nomination form.
Nominations are due to the Community & Personnel Services
Department, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., by Monday, February
28, 2011. The Senior Community Commission will discuss
nominees at its Study Session on March 3, 2011 and announce
the honoree at their regular scheduled meeting also on March 3
at 3 pm in the City Council Chambers. The honoree will also be
recognized at a special reception held in their honor on Friday,
May 13th at the Sierra Madre Hart Park House.
Weather Wise
5-Day Forecast
Sierra Madre, Ca.
Mon: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 40s
Tues: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 40s
Wed: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 40s
Thur: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 40s
Fri: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 40s
Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings listed below are held at City Hall 232
W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 626-355-7135
March 8, 2011 6:30 pm
Arts Commission - 2nd Wednesday @ 6:30
Community Services - 3rd Monday @ 6:00
Library Trustees - 4th Wednesday @ 7:00
Planning Commission - 1st & 3rd Thursdays 7:00
Senior Community - 1st Thursday @ 3:00
Tree Advisory - 3rd Wednesday @ 7:00
Sierra Madre Public Library’s new five-week Parent/Child
Workshop for families with children ages three and younger
will feature noted resource professionals from the community.
Each workshop session will feature a different aspect of
parenting, including early literacy, speech, hearing and language
development, child development, nutrition, music, play, and
health. The workshops, which will take place at the Library on
consecutive Wednesdays: March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, from 6:30
p.m. - 8:00 p.m., will be interactive and will include toys, crafts,
books and play in addition to discussions of parenting issues and
concerns. Enrollment is free, but in-person pre-registration at
the Library is required to ensure a spot in the program.
The workshop itinerary and speakers are:
March 2: Orientation, Early Literacy – Meegan Tosh, Sierra
Madre Public Library Children’s Librarian.
March 9: Speech, Hearing & Language Development – Justine
Sherman of Justine Sherman & Associates, a nonpublic agency
serving the speech-language, and educational needs of young
children. Ms. Sherman also conducts a series of family programs
to help parents enhance their children’s language and social skills
in a fun environment. JSA is a family centered clinic that believes
parent involvement and education leads to great carryover of
March 16: Child Development – Dr. Tina Bryson, lecturer,
parenting educator and psychotherapist at Pediatric and
Adolescent Psychology Associates. Dr. Bryson is the author of
“The Whole-Brain Child.” Tina combines practical parenting tips
you can use every day with cutting-edge science. She gives parents
easy ways to solve parenting struggles, lay the groundwork for
whole and happy children, understand their child’s development,
and be more intentional in their parenting. Come learn how to
tame tantrums and build your child’s brain at the same time!
March 23: Nutrition – Dr. Edward Laurance, pediatric
gastroenterologist specializing in nutrition and in treating
children’s stomach and digestive disorders, along with Registered
Dietician Wendy Crump.
March 30: Music, Play & Health – Melissa Moore Castillo, who
holds a master’s degree in dance-movement therapy and has led
preschool movement groups. Melissa is currently Sierra Madre
School PTA President.
This project is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and
Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and
Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.
For more information, please call Meegan Tosh, Youth Services
Librarian at (626) 355-7186. The Sierra Madre Public Library
is located at 440 West Sierra Madre Boulevard in Sierra Madre.
1630 AM
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s new community radio station is now accepting
scripts for Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about
community events. PSAs will be broadcast on the air at no
charge. The station operates 24/7 and can be heard at 1630 on
the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have
their event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre
Community Information Radio. This new radio station covers
the city of Sierra Madre, plus surrounding areas of Pasadena,
Arcadia, and Monrovia.
In a nutshell, your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your
event and e-mail it to
This special postmark will be available at:
Event: The Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival,
Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hours: Open 11 A.M. to 3 P.M.
The Wistaria Festival Postal Station at Kersting
Court in Sierra Madre
Located at Sierra Madre Boulevard and Baldwin
Bring postcards or letters and mail them from this special
event post office and your friends will be surprised when
they receive mail with this extraordinary postmark.
This postal cancellation has been announced and printed
in the U. S. Postal Bulletin which is distributed worldwide.
To accommodate collectors from out of the area, the Sierra
Madre Post Office will cancel postcards and letters upon
request with the Wistaria Cancellation for 30 days after
the event. To postmark a letter after the event go to Sierra
Madre Post Office and request the Wistaria Postmark on
your mail.
For more information contact:
The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce
Phone: (626) 355-5111
U.S. Post Office Sierra Madre, California 91024
City of Sierra Madre Community Arts Commission Presents:
An Exhibition By Paul Fairbanks
You are invited to view the latest work of the Artist, Paul
Fairbanks, who hails originally from the land of the Bean
and the Cod. His natural ability to capture nature in its
changing moods over the course of 48 years has allowed
him to be represented in many private collections. Enjoy
the fruits of his adventure!
Paul Fairbanks' Exhibition
February 7 – April 1, 2011
Paul Fairbanks' Artist Reception
Friday, March 4, 2011
6:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M.
Sierra Madre City Hall
232 West Sierra Madre Blvd.,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
The Sierra Madre Public Library is the place to go in March
for the “Savin’ o’ the Green”—greenbacks, that is! The
Friends of the Library will hold a bargain book sale inside
the Library, Monday, March 7 through Saturday, March 12,
during the Library’s open hours. This month’s featured topics
will include Fiction, Films, TV, Hollywood, Politics, the
Military, and Children’s and Specialty Books. All books are
in good condition and are $1.00 each. Drop by often--there
will plenty of new titles to choose from throughout the
week, as books are replenished daily.
"Collection the American Old West"
David Goff will present his collection of American Old West
art and artifacts in Sierra Madre Library’s second Travelers
and Collectors program, Friday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Sierra Madre City Hall Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra
Madre Boulevard. Pioneers and cowboys remain iconic
figures in American culture, much admired for their “true
grit” and independent spirit. We never seem to tire of movies
and novels set in this time period, and even the everyday,
commonplace items unique to this period continue to fascinate
us. History buffs will not want to miss this hands-on
program with David Goff, who has dedicated years to collecting
and preserving the art and artifacts of this colorful
time in our nation’s history.
This program is free and open to the public. A program
schedule is available at the Sierra Madre Public Library,
440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., and can also be found on the
Library website, Travelers and
Collectors is held on the second Friday of the month, February
through May, and is funded by the Friends of the Library.
For more information call Catriona Shafer at (626)
As part of Sierra Madre’s month-long One Book One
City celebration of Chinese culture, the Library is hosting
“The Joy of Tea,” with Linda Louie, on Saturday,
February 26, at 2:00 p.m.
Ms. Louie will present the celebrated Chinese Gongfu
Tea Ceremony (Gongfu Cha), a centuries-old custom
practiced by tea connoisseurs that was discouraged
and virtually labeled a crime in China during the Communist
Cultural Revolution. Preparing a superior cup
of tea involves an exacting method which tea masters
study for years to perfect, and involves the marriage of
method with chemistry and physics. The goal is a brew
that is not only delicious, but is satisfying to the soul.
Ms. Louie’s presentation will conclude with a tasting of
rare Pu-erh tea, which is made from centuries-old wild
tea trees.
This program is free open to the public. For more information,
please call 626-355-7186, or visit the Library
website at The Sierra
Madre Public Library is located at 440 West Sierra
Madre Boulevard in Sierra Madre.
This program is free open to the public. For more information,
please call 626-355-7186, or visit the Library
website at The Sierra
Madre Public Library is located at 440 West Sierra
Madre Boulevard in Sierra Madre.
Thursday, March 10, the SMWC hosts their annual
Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce Mixer at our 1914
Essick House from 5:00 pm–7:00 pm – to which you also
are invited. One of the best mixers each year, we work really
hard to ensure our food spread is anticipated all year long.
Chamber mixer: $7 for chamber members, $15 for non-
members. Tour our historic 1914 Essick House, also home
to our award-winning Wistaria Thrift Shop.
Do you have an idea for a business venture, then this
is the place to start!
Women At Work presents the Evening Business Club on
Mondays, March 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th from 6:00pm to
7:30pm $60 for the entire series if registered by February
28th, after that $75
Join us for a month-long series; these interactive classes
will guide you through the basics of turning your dream or
idea into a significant source of income. Led by a seasoned
MBA entrepreneur, the workshops cover:
• Writing a business plan
• Legal and financial considerations
• Promoting your business
• … and more
You will have an opportunity to be a participant in an on
going Business Club that will meet monthly following
completion of the series.
Women At Work is a nonprofit career center offering career
counseling, computer access and job seeking skills. The
organization provides numerous workshops as well as
classes in computer programs in both English and Spanish,
in a small environment.
All workshops will be held at Women At Work, 3871 E.
Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107. Registration is
required by calling 626-796-6870, ext. 0.
Visit our website:
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
Live from Burger Continental, Pasadena
The Harvey Hyde Show
535 So. Lake Ave. Pasadena (626) 792
- 6634
Every Thursday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Hard-hitting, High impact
Sports Talk Radio
KSHP Las Vegas - 1400 AM
During the week of Sunday, February 13th, to Saturday
February 19th, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded
to approximately 366 calls for service. See for
updated information.
Friday, February 18th:
4:43 PM- Petty Theft, Montecito Ct. Unknown suspect(s) stole
an unlocked blue Moongoose dirt bike in an alley behind Bean
10:40 PM- Possession of Marijuana in Vehicle, W. Sierra Madre
Blvd. During a check at Buccanneer Bar an officer contacted
three adult male subjects in a vehicle, due to a strong odor of
Marijuana. The owner of the vehicle admitted to possessing
marijuana and was cited. Further investigations revealed that
the other subjects in the vehicle were on probation and one had
an outstanding warrant. The subject with the warrant was taken
to Pasadena Police Department Jail for booking.
Saturday, February 19th:
11:49 PM- Parolee Arrested, Don Diablo and Foothill Ave. An
officer stopped a motorist for a Vehicle Code violation. Further
investigations revealed that the driver was in possession of a
glass smoking pipe used to smoke crack cocaine. The driver
was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. It was
later determined the driver was a parole with an outstanding
felony warrant. The Highland Park resident was transported to
Pasadena Police Department Jail.