Mountain Views News Saturday, February 26, 2011
Is the Sun’s Heat Output Changing?
NASA’s Glory Mission Intends to Find Out
Rocket Also Carries Tiny Student-Built Satellite
A University of Colorado Boulder instrument for studying changes
in the Sun’s brightness and its impact on Earth’s climate is one of the
payloads on NASA’s Glory mission, set to launch from Vandenberg
Air Force Base in California this week. A second payload, a 4-inch
cube designed and built by CU-Boulder undergraduate students, is
intended to test and improve space-based communication systems.
Designed and built by a team from CU-Boulder’s Laboratory
for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), the Sun-measuring
instrument—called the Total Irradiance Monitor, or TIM—will
point directly toward the Sun to measure both short- and long-
term fluctuations in its energy output. Such measurements are
important because variations in the Sun’s radiation can influence
long-term climate change on Earth, said LASP researcher Greg
Kopp, principal investigator.
The Taurus XL rocket ferrying the Glory satellite also will be
carrying a tiny CU-Boulder satellite designed and built by about
100 students, primarily undergraduates, who are participating in
the Colorado Space Grant Consortium. This “CubeSat” satellite will
be ejected from the rocket at about 400 miles in altitude to orbit the
Earth and study new space communications techniques.
“We’d like to know how the Sun’s energy changes over both
the short and long term,” said Kopp. “This spacecraft is carrying
extremely sensitive instruments for monitoring solar variability,
which makes the mission especially relevant given climate change
on Earth and the importance of determining the natural influence
on those changes.”
Glory will join five other NASA Earth-observing satellites as part
of the Afternoon Constellation, or “A-Train,” a tightly grouped series
of spacecraft that circle the globe several times each day to gather
information on Earth’s biosphere and climate, including hurricane
behavior and climate change. The A-Train spacecraft follow each
other in close formation, flying mere minutes apart. The A-Train
orbits Earth about once every 100 minutes.
Using Glory as well as prior and subsequent missions to measure
solar radiation changes, scientists hope to determine how much
energy reaches Earth on timescales of decades to centuries,
influencing Earth’s long-term climate.
Scientists previously have shown that the overall output of the
Sun can change up to about 0.1 percent over the duration of a solar
cycle, which lasts about 11 years. But such short-term variations
cannot explain the warming seen on Earth in the past several
decades. The vast majority of climate scientists believe that global
warming is due primarily to human-produced greenhouse gases
building up in the atmosphere.
“In attributing climate change causes, solar variability
measurements such as those from Glory are necessary to
discriminate the natural from the human-caused effects on the
climate,” Kopp said.
The second CU-Boulder payload, a CubeSat satellite dubbed
Hermes that was designed and built by students, primarily
undergraduates, is about four inches on a side—roughly the size
of a Rubik’s Cube. The goal is to improve communications systems
in tiny satellites through orbital testing that may pave the way for
scientists to downlink large quantities of information, according to
Colorado Space Consortium Director Chris Koehler.
Hermes is part of NASA’s Educational Launch of Nanosatellites, or
ELaNa, project. Two other CubeSat satellites are aboard the Taurus
rocket with Glory—one from Montana State University and one
from Kentucky Space, a consortium of Kentucky state institutions.
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@MtnViewsNews.com.
Ask jai……
Ask jai is a weekly column that will strive to honestly answer your job search questions relating
to job searching techniques, networking skills, resume writing and interviewing. The employment
situation is getting better, however, it is still a challenge finding were the jobs are located and how to
get pass the “gate-keepers”. As an Executive Recruiter I was privy to working directly with Corporate
Recruiters and understanding their process in selecting which candidates to interview and hire. I will
candidly answer your questions, possibly bluntly answering you questions, but I will be totally honest.
My objective is to help you achieve your employment goal.
Q: I have been applying for jobs for the past 2 years. I now have a gap in my work
history. It’s obvious on my resume that I have been unemployed for 2 years. I don’t want my resume to look like
I have not been doing anything. What should I do? Jane P.
Dear Jane P:
Employers have been more understanding during the past few years regarding unemployment gaps, given the current
state of the economy and unemployment. I would suggest that you include in the Work History section of your
resume any significant length of time spent doing volunteer activities, self-employment, care-giving, traveling, or
any training that would be relevant to the position you are seeking. This section should be similar to the rest of your
resume. Include the organizations name, your responsibilities and list of your accomplishments.
Q: I’ve e-mailed hundreds of resumes and cover letters over the past month and have not received one response
from any employer. My background is sales and marketing. What should I do? Baffled
Dear Baffled:
Some employers are waiting to see if you are pro-active and aggressive in pursuing a position with their company.
This is especially true if you are seeking a position in sales and marketing. First step is to develop a follow-up action
plan and timeline. Allow 5-7 days between communications. Send an e-mail to the employer stating that you are
following up regarding the resume you sent and let them know that you are still interested in the position, offer
that you are available for any questions or interview at their convenience. Then make a telephone call and try not
to leave a voice message. If you have to leave a voice message be prepared to express yourself professionally. Next,
mail a hard copy of your resume and letter to the employer. Possibly make another follow-up telephone call. Your
communications should always be positive and not overly aggressive in tone or manner. Finally decide when to
stop contacting employers who are not responding. There is a fine line between becoming annoying and aggressive.
Continue applying, reaching out and sending your resume to other employers until you find that position.
Q: I am invited to lunch by the company recruiter and the hiring manager for a second interview. Does this
mean they want to hire me? Charles
Dear Charles:
Employers usually conduct lunch interviews to assess your social and communications skills in a public setting.
Treat lunch interviews as a continuation of the employer’s screening and interviewing process. Do not relax. Dress
professionally and brush-up on your table manners. Do not drink alcohol or order expensive food. Be prepared to
ask and respond to questions. Within 24 hours after lunch send a thank you note or letter to the recruiter and hiring
Everything you ever wanted to know about how to get a job….but did not know who to ask. Ask jai. Send your
questions to: jai@resumeandcareerservices.com or visit website at www.resumeandcareerservices.com
These days when a challenge of this sort is issued more often than not “It” will
be brought. And that was exactly the case earlier this week when representatives
of the Westboro Baptist Church (of funeral-protesting fame) issued the above
challenge to a representative of the online group Anonymous (of considerable
hacking skill and staunch Wikileaks defenders) during a taping of the David
Pakman radio show. To understand the how and why this challenge was issued
and answered let’s go over the events preceding this incident. For reasons
unknown, but probably easily guessed, members of the Westboro Baptist
church began to make public allegations that their organization was being
threatened and harasses by the hacker group “Anonymous” to anyone who
would listen. Anonymous claimed that WBC’s allegations were baseless and
in fact a cheap publicity stunt typical of the way that the WBC attempts to
keep itself and its issues in the media spotlight. Both parties were invited
to the David Pakman radio show to discuss the differences of opinion and
it was during one of these exchanges that the WBC rep issued the challenge
to “Bring It” that the Anonymous group agreed that “It” should indeed be
brought. Mid-sentence. While the WBC rep continued to taunt and belittle
the group, the speaker from Anonymous directed everyone’s attention to
the WBC “GodHatesFags” website where their operatives had hacked it and
replaced it with a message of their own. You can see the message at http://
pakman-show/. The message also included a detailed map of the internal
network of the WBC. All the other WBC sites were disabled and were still
offline at the time of this writing. In no uncertain terms Anonymous made it
clear that they were not a group to be trifled with.
Anonymous also had a very public run-in with information security firm
HBGary that has resulted in irreparable damage to the company’s business
model, reputation and legal standing. The group literally dismantled a business
because they felt that they were under attack from an entity that they believed
to be acting in bad faith and with malicious intent. Their response was effective
and devastating and there was no one there to stop them. While the targets of
the Anonymous group have been unpopular to say the least, their tactics have
been a bit heavy-handed despite the lofty reasons given for their deployment.
Even if the group is found to be entirely justified in its actions what happens
to us, the public, when equally skilled groups of hackers decide that they don’t
like what we, the public, are doing and decide to take matters into their own
During a recent walk with
“Tatertotts“, my nine-year-old black
& tan bloodhound, we were enjoying
the peaceful ambience of dusk, with
stars slowly beginning to show their
light in the sky and not another soul
in sight, when she suddenly engaged
in a series of intense bays, taking me
very much by surprise. You see, Tater
rarely ever bays or barks during our
walks. She is typically too involved
with sniffing out subtle scents,
keeping her nose trained to the trail
in hopes of tracking a furry critter,
or dream-of-all-dreams - finding
a discarded bag of fast-food left-
over‘s thoughtlessly tossed out by a
previous passerby.
We were hiking along the short trail
that begins where Sycamore Street
ends in Sierra Madre, between the
ball parks and the city yards. That’s
where the pavement turns to a dirt
path surrounded by overgrown grass,
floral fauna and shady oak trees. It
was a great evening for a walk; the
moon was full above the eastern
hills, and everything seemed calm
and peaceful. We were both relishing
the solitude of the evening when all
of a sudden, Tater stopped sniffing
the ground and threw her head
back, pointing her nose upward and
sending her huge ears flopping wildly
in the air. She let out the loudest
baritone bay I think I have ever heard
from her, shattering the silence and
shocking me out of my peaceful state.
Her first howl was followed by several
more, before her voice slowly faded
to a whimper as she became calm
again and resumed her trail tracking
endeavor. Naturally, I looked up to
see what had excited her and when I
did, I saw a flock of geese flying low
overhead, coming in for a landing
on the water in one of the settling
basins about 100 yards away. They
were Canada Geese and there about
12 in the flock. As they landed one by
one on the surface of the water, they
made quite a splash! I thought, how
happy they must be to have found a
water hole where they could
refresh themselves and rest
before continuing their long
journey, and how lucky I was
to have been in the right place
at the right time to see them fly
in and land so close to where I
was standing. That rare moment with
nature inspired me to learn more
about the migratory habits of Canada
Geese, and share what I learned with
my readers. I hope you find the life
of migrating geese as interesting and
remarkable as I do!
Canada Geese are native to North
America and best known for the
distinctive honking noises they make
and the “v” flock formation they
assume while migrating over the
continent. The “v” formation is by no
means random. It is their instinctual
way of utilizing the power of wind
and air foil by following behind and
slightly to the side of one another
to make the most of their stored
energy as they travel. Geese are much
larger and heavier than other types
of migrating birds, therefore it takes
a lot more energy for them to fly. By
using the “v” formation technique
they reserve energy and increase
their endurance while traveling. In
the summer months, most Canada
Geese reside in the Canadian region
of the Arctic Circle, where they nest
and raise their new-born goslings
in the safety and solitude of the
Fresh, snow-fed waterways and
reservoirs provide them with plenty
of water and food resources for the
season, as they foster the bonds within
their growing family, and prepare for
the impending multi-mile migration
south. By the time Fall comes around,
the temperatures in the Arctic will
have dropped dramatically, and the
geese have prepared themselves for
the 2500 mile flight that will take
them to the Gulf of Mexico, their
seasonal destination. There they
spend the winter months avoiding
the frost of the Arctic north. The
flight south can take anywhere from
3 weeks to 2 months, depending on
their point of origin and the route
they follow. Male and female geese
maintain a monogamous relationship
with the same partner throughout
their lives and raise their family as
an integral unit, caring for their
young until they are adults. Research
has shown that familial geese will
even fly closely together during the
migration process, and communicate
among themselves using honking
calls that are unique to their own
family members, to keep from being
separated along the way. Fascinating,
We have all heard the term “bird
brain” used to refer to someone
who acted stupidly or used poor
judgment. I remember hearing it as a
kid, and I assumed that meant birds
must be pretty stupid. Of course later
in life I learned the true facts about
birds and I realized that couldn’t be
further from the truth. The next time
someone calls you a bird brain, you
can take it as a compliment! Looking
into the life of the migrating goose,
I was able to draw a few parallels
between their sensational migration
and my own personal migration or
navigation through life on this earth!
Let’s face it, life presents some pretty
difficult challenges at times, but if
we take a lesson from the goose by
“flying” in a way that helps those
behind us keep up and stay strong,
and if we support one another as
a family unit and communicate
clearly with each other as the geese
do, I imagine we could handle the
challenges of life in a similar way
to how the goose handles that 2500
mile flight; with unity, strength and
determination! Observing animal
behavior brings me to a higher level
of understanding what life is all
about. Some people think the most
important thing in life is to make a lot
of money and collect a lot of toys. I
myself feel that there is much more to
this life than that, but I certainly don’t
claim to have all the answers. One
thing’s for sure, I do hope to be in the
right place at the right time for many
more close encounters with nature,
such as the one Tater and I had last
week with the migrating geese.
Those rare moments can help teach
us how to live life more fully and how
to appreciate and better understand
the families and loved ones we are all
blessed with, and I think that is truly
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
“Four score and seven years ago…” I don’t
pretend to be a great writer, but I think if I
were writing that speech I might’ve started
it differently. I know if I were Lincoln’s
audience, I would’ve spent five minutes
trying to calculate score times -four plus
seven. Granted, I never was strong in math.
Another Presidents’ Day has come and
gone. What does your mind conjure up
when thinking of Washington and Lincoln? Washington reminds
me of apples, and makes me grateful I don’t live in the frigid state
to the north or the frigid and dicey District of Columbia. Lincoln
reminds me of wide cars driven by the elderly. You probably
don’t think of your mom when considering our 16th president,
but for me, she is always the first person who comes to mind.
Some people are Civil War buffs. The more diehard enthusiasts even make the annual
pilgrimage to an empty field to reenact the battle of Gettysburg. Then there are Lincoln buffs who
study up on his life and accomplishments and can quote a number of his noteworthy sayings (see
end of the article!). My mom, on the other hand, is a special kind of Lincoln expert, in that she
knows everything (I do mean everything) about his assassination.
A morbid fascination with an infamous murder would not be surprising if it didn’t come from
the same person who won’t go to a PG-13 movie and finds the tension in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia
Woolf?” too extreme for viewing. Yes, this same individual who is so guarded when it comes to
entertainment has a penchant for Lincoln’s death that reaches even to its miniscule details. We
always knew she was like this, but the advent of online shopping really allowed her hobby to
blossom! The people at Amazon must have her listed as a most valued customer. You’ve heard of
Book of the Month clubs. Well, my mom has her own Book of the Day club. So, among the British
novels and vegan cookbooks waiting in a smiling cardboard box on my parents’ porch, there’s
probably a tome chronicling Booth’s’ getaway. As an elementary school teacher, my mom infuses
some of her own interests into the curriculum. Needless to say, her eight-year-olds were absorbed
with pictures of the deadly derringer and the conspirators’ hanging hoods. It’s inspiring to watch
her passion enrich the next generation. I don’t know why she’s not as fascinated with Kennedy!
As promised, here are a few of Lincoln’s memorable sayings, both humorous and insightful.
When accused of being two-faced, Lincoln replied, “If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this
“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”
“He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.”
“Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.”
“It has been my
experience that folks
who have no vices have
very few virtues.”
“Tact is the ability
to describe others as they
see themselves.”
“Tis better to be
silent and be thought a
fool, than to speak and
remove all doubt.”
“The probability
that we may fail in
the struggle ought not
to deter us from the
support of a cause we
believe to be just.”
“Whatever you are,
be a good one.”