Mountain Views News Saturday, February 26, 2011
Ground Breaking for
Huntington Courts 51-
Home Redevelopment
City and civic officials turned out for the long awaited ground
breaking ceremony launching phase two construction of
Huntington Courts, a 51-home redevelopment project on
4.42 acres on the 2100 block of Huntington Dr. in Duarte.
Owner/developer AHSU, LLC has selected Rancho
Cucamonga based Building Worx, Inc. to build 14 two-story
homes in phase two of the development. Set in a courtyard
garden design, the 10 detached single family homes and one
fourplex will range in size from 1,234 square feet to mid-
2,000 square feet. The single family homes will feature three
to four bedrooms. The fourplex homes will each feature two
to three bedrooms.
Construction is set to begin by the first week in March with
completion slated for October 2011.
Financing for the project was made possible by American
Plus Bank in Arcadia. Rana Madain of Podley Properties is
heading the sales team.
The 21 homes in the first phase of Huntington Courts were
completed in 2008. The final phase will consist of 16 homes.
No date has been set for the start of the final phase.
For more information or to be added to the waiting list
contact Rana Madain at (626) 827-9951 or visit the website:
Breaking ground for 14 new homes in phase two of the Huntington Courts redevelopment project in Duarte are, from left: Manoj Patel,
representing owner/developer AHSU, LLC; Shiraz Jivani; Parbhubhai Patel; Duarte City Manager, Darrell George; Duarte City Council
member, Margaret Finlay; Mayor Tzeitel Paras-Caracci; Vaishali Patel; Ryan Zivelonghi, partner, Building Worx, Inc.; and Benjamin Lin,
president of American Plus Bank.
Mid-Year Report Reflects Impact of Lackluster Economy and State Raids
Management and Alternatives for Laurel
Laurel sumac is a very common large shrub or small tree
(up to 20’ high and wide) of Monrovia hillsides. Its leaves are
curved and bent along the keel, somewhat like taco shells,
3-5” inches long, and they have a strong, distinctive smell.
There is a reddish tinge along many of the stems.
Because of its deep roots and drought tolerance, laurel sumac
is extremely beneficial for holding slopes. It also has the
advantages of being pest and deer resistant and able to re-
sprout after fire, offering slope protection in the aftermath
of a fire. However, because of its resins and tendency to shed
bark and dead limbs, it can be highly combustible if not
maintained properly.
Here are some recommendations for maintaining laurel
sumac on your property:
Avoid laurel sumac within about 30 feet of a structure.
When replacing a laurel sumac plant, consider one of those
listed below. Note: The City has a limited number of free
native plants available this month - please see details below.
Remove dead branches and peeling bark; keep amount of
leaf litter down to about three-inch depth.
Keep plant healthy: provide adequate sun, avoid soil
disturbance and do not overwater.
Choose a growth habit - either “ground-hugging” or “tree-
form”: If ground-hugging, keep it below 18 feet tall. For a
more tree-form plant, prune it up off the ground several feet
and thin out to create a good open branching structure.
Break up large, continuous stands into islands. The distance
between islands should be three times the size of the islands.
Irrigate sparingly, if at all, and use mulch (up to three-inch
depth) to retain soil moisture and moderate soil temperature.
If you wish to replace a Laurel sumac, here are some
alternative plants (scientific names provided in italics to
assist with ordering plants):
Lemonade berry (Rhus integrifolia) - large shrub 6-10’ high
Sugar bush (Rhus ovata) - very similar to Laurel sumac, but
less resinous
Holly leaf cherry (Prunus ilicifolia) - large shrub or small tree
up to 25’ tall.
Mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides) - large shrub
up to 20’ tall
Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) - small tree 15-25’ tall, red
Although there are some less combustible alternatives to
laurel sumac, where it exists and thrives naturally, laurel
sumac is simply too valuable an erosion control plant to
eliminate it entirely from the plant palette for hillside homes.
However, do be sure to keep it “thin, clean and green!” For
further information, please contact Rachel Wing at (626)
City of Monrovia Community
Wildfire Protection Plan
DUARTE, CA. Despite significant budget
cutbacks, a hiring freeze and other cost-
saving measures implemented over the
past several years, Duarte is estimating
a $915,500 budget deficit by 2010-2011
fiscal year-end. That prediction, combined
with a growing, gnawing concern that the
governor will succeed in his plan to strip
cities, including Duarte, of redevelopment
funds in an effort to pump up the state’s
finances added up to a sobering mid-year
budget report to the City Council on Feb.
22. The State budget proposal to eliminate
redevelopment if approved could add up
to $1 million to Duarte’s structural deficit
Total General Fund revenues are projected
to be $11,162,300, a slight decrease of
$34,200 or .3% as compared to the adopted
budget. There was some positive news. Sales
tax is expected to exceed initial projections
for the first time in several years, $142,000
higher than projected, but it is still more
than $1 million below the annual sales tax
revenues of five years ago. Plan check fees
are projected $50,000 higher than budgeted
due to the Huntington Courts and other
smaller projects in the community. On the
down side, as with other cities in California,
business licenses, transient occupancy and
real property transfer taxes, revenues that
are linked to business activity and real
estate transactions, are expected to be a
combined $48,000 lower than budgeted.
Interest earnings, which the City has more
and more utilized for cash flow purposes,
have plummeted to all time lows of earning
less than 1 percent, reducing this source of
projected revenue by more than $100,000.
General Fund expenditures are projected to
be $12,077,800, an increase of $323,500 as
compared to the adopted budget, despite a
majority of City departments expecting to
spend less than originally budgeted and two
more staff positions currently being held
One primary factor for the increased
expenses is the current year legal expenses
in the challenge to the Vulcan mining
expansion, which is projected to reach
$204,000. By the end of the fiscal year,
the City will have spent $500,000 of the
$700,000 Fight Against Vulcan Expansion
fund set aside by the City Council in 2008.
Another factor is the Citywide Lighting
and Landscape District, which continues to
be a substantial drain on the City’s general
fund. The original budget had projected a
deficit of $250,000, which is now estimated
to reach $305,000 by year-end. Following
the vote in the Neighborhood Districts to
not increase revenues, adjustments have
been made to expenses in those districts to
bring them into balance. But the Citywide
District continues to be out of balance and
adds to the City’s operating deficit. Other
revenue measures must be considered in
the future if services are to be continued at
the current level, said Petersen.
Duarte currently has 43 full time employees.
Full time staff has been reduced by 8 (16%)
in less than two years. Positions that have
remained vacant are Human Resources
Manager, Code Enforcement Manager, City
Planner, Facilities Supervisor, Recreation
Coordinator, Redevelopment Agency
Coordinator, IT Manager, and Field Services
Maintenance Tech.
“This kind of reduction in staffing has and
will continue to result in reduced and/
or delayed services. This will make the
prioritization of services and projects that
much more important as we try to complete
work with less staff,” said Petersen.
Included in the mid year budget Council
approved a loan repayment of $7.5 million
from the Redevelopment Agency to the
City. Like most California Redevelopment
Agencies, loans were made by their cities,
particularly in the early years of adopting
and kick starting the project areas. Under
the terms of the agreements, the cities may
demand payment of all or a portion of
the principal balance at any time as funds
become available. As of June 30, 2010 over
$9 million was outstanding.
“Given the current economic climate and
the governor’s proposed elimination of
Redevelopment the City cannot afford to
let this loan go unpaid into the uncertain
future,” said Petersen.
In light of ongoing State raids on
Redevelopment Funds combined with
stagnated revenues, the City Council has
instructed staff to start the 2011-2012 budget
process early. The City will be conducting its
first budget workshop on Tuesday, March 8
at 6 p.m. in the Community Center located
at 1600 Huntington Dr.
For additional information on the City
budget, contact the Administrative Services
Department at (626) 357-7931, ext. 211.
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Limited time offer.
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in Mountain Views News,
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for the Mount Wilson Observatory.
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