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Sierra Madre Wine & Jazz Walk Saturday, October 8, 2011 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 40 A REALLY BIG THANK YOU! After 34 years of dedicated service, Sierra Madre Librarian Toni Buckner retires NEW SIERRA MADRE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL, ESTHER SALINAS A Look Back and a Look Forward Story and Photos by Chris Bertrand PRELIMINARY PLANS INSPIRE CALLS FOR PUBLIC VOTE On Friday, September 16, a standing- room-only crowd of over 200 people gathered in the Sierra Madre Room of the Community Center to thank Toni Buckner for her 34 years of service to the Sierra Madre Library. City officials, city department heads, the library staff, the library board of trustees, board members of the Friends of the Sierra Madre Library, friends and neighbors were represented at the gathering. Guests enjoyed a lovely selection of refreshments including hors d’oeuvres, mini sandwiches, wraps, and fruit and vegetable trays provided by Bean Town as well as wine, water, and iced tea. The formal part of the evening began when Mistress of Ceremonies, Patricia Hall, introduced the dignitaries who were there to honor Toni and wish her well. Present at the reception were former mayors Clem Bartolai, Bart Doyle, and Rob Stockly, former city treasurer Richard May, current mayor John Buchanan, and city council members Josh Moran, Nancy Walsh, and Mary Ann MacGillivray. Following a speech by city manager, Elaine Aguilar, Toni received a standing ovation when Mayor Buchanan presented her with a tile containing the Sierra Madre city emblem, her name, and the dates of her years of service and read a proclamation from the city that listed all of her accomplishments during those 34 years. Library Board of Trustees president, Catherine Adde praised Toni’s ability to deal with all types of people and to select staff members each of whom brings a unique set of skills to the library. Friends of the Sierra Madre Library president, Darlene Traxler, thanked Toni for her help during the design and planting of the Library gardens and for all the support she has given the Friends over the years. Polly Bonnett called all the library staff to join her as they wished Toni well. Each staff member presented her with a gift representing a contribution Toni has made to the library and to the city. (cont. on page 3) With the first month of school under her belt, Esther Salinas, the new principal at Sierra Madre Elementary School (SME) sat down with the Mountain Views News for an in depth interview. Reporter, Chris Bertrand was joined by Fred Thomas, an SME parent and representative from one of the school’s many active, parent-facilitated organizations. In an informal poll of SME parents, reaction has been very positive and favorable to Salinas’ selection to fill the shoes of Principal Gayle Bluemel, who just retired. Wealth of Experience Said Thomas of the selection experience, “When I had a chance to share my thoughts about who should be chosen for our new principal, I said (to the selection committee), ‘When you’ve found the best of the applicants, go one step even higher. That’s what we want at Sierra Madre.’ And that’s what we got. She’s exactly what we needed. It’s allowing the great machine, the momentum that we built here to continue. At the same time, she brings a wealth of experience and knows how to listen.” That ‘wealth of experience’ Thomas spoke of is broad. After a Bachelor of Science, she was a researcher in a civil engineering firm for almost a decade, calculating boundaries drafting parcel and tract maps, and working through the entitlement process with municipalities on the firm’s projects. With a lifelong love of learning, she decided to go back to school for a teaching credential, falling in love with the profession of teaching and her students in the process. Salinas followed up with a Master’s degree in educational technology, both from Azusa Pacific University. She taught kindergarten through third grade, including a student teaching stint in a multi-age classroom, which came into use later as an administrator of a school with both traditional and multi-age open classrooms. From teaching in the classroom and serving as a curriculum specialist and interim positions as principal at two schools in La Canada, Salinas moved to an administrative position at a Title One school in Thousand Oaks, part of a team that made it a high achieving school within that designation, then on to Burbank Unified, as an opportunity to work closer to home. In Burbank, she served as a principal as well as director of human resources, a position that was eliminated due to budget cuts. “When I read about the Sierra Madre position,” reflected Salinas, “I saw an opportunity to match my skills with the mission of the school. It seemed a natural fit to come and be involved in a school with such a passion for academic achievement and arts and music.” Changes in Process to Separate Elementary and Middle School Regarding her job description and the school’s designation in the district, both are in the process of a change over the next two years. The school has been listed as a pre-K through 8th grade school with two campuses about a half mile apart within Sierra Madre. In the past, Salinas’ position has overseen both campuses. Recently, Garrett Newsom, formerly assistant principal in charge of the “upper” middle school campus, was named as Planning Principal for what will become a separate middle school entity after the construction of the new school building is completed about two years from now. Newsom is planning and overseeing the development of the middle school as if it were a new school. Though the two schools still technically share a name, their top academic achievement spot in the PUSD, with 908 API test scores for 2011 (Currently, the API scores measuring student performance and other student data are compiled into one), some faculty meetings, their Spotlight Assemblies highlighting musical and artistic performances by a particular grade level plus other collaborations, Salinas’ focus is on the “lower” campus of 716 students, which includes four classes at every grade level from k-5. A Neighborhood School in a Tight Knit Community “SME is an amazing place in so many ways, with such a rich tradition of pursuing excellence, and a commitment to positive relationships with parents and the community,” said Salinas. “It has the benefit of being the only neighborhood school woven into the fabric of (a tight knit) community.” Salinas and former principal Bluemel had several opportunities to meet before she took over the reins at SME, to effect as smooth a transition as possible. “The more time we spent together, the more we saw a like mindedness. I’ve kept a poster she had on the wall behind the desk, quoting Sir Isaac Newton. It reads, ‘If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.’ “ “It’s important to honor and appreciate the generations of teachers, students and parents that came before. It’s never just one person. It’s easy to embrace what’s wonderful here, the legacy, the history and the great team we have in place. We also have to continue to move forward.” Parental Concerns about School Construction Regarding concerns raised by parents since she started, the biggest one is the transition and construction at both campuses. (continued on page 3) Before the ink has dried on preliminary plans for an Assisted Living facility on W. Sierra Madre Blvd., residents are asking that the project be subject to approval via a citywide vote. And, although the matter was not on the council agenda several people addressed the council during community communications on the matter. The primary concern, expressed initially by David Hinton, is that the project exceeds the density limits for the downtown area and therefore must be approved via a vote of the people as mandated in Measure V. Measure V, passed in 2008 does state that any building that exceeds 3 stories, 30 feet in height and/or 13 units per acre must be approved via a city wide vote. However, according to the developer of the project, Fountain Square and its representative, Billy Shields, The Kensington (the name of the proposed facility), does not exceed those requirements. The issue boils down to the definition of a ‘dwelling unit’. As proposed, the facility will accomodate, “75 single or spouse/sibling/ friend-shared suites with a private bath and communal meals, social programs and transportation assistance.” (Mountain Views News Sept. 17, 2011) Shields believes that because the ‘suites’ do not constitute invidual dwelling units and therefore do meet the requirements. Those calling for a vote did not oppose the project, but wanted ratification by a public vote as called for in Measure V. S. Henderson/MVNews SMES Principal Esther Salinas PRESENTEDBYRiboliFamilyWineEstates&SanAntonioWineryProceedstobenefitCityofHopeSaturday,October8,20114–7p.m. DowntownSierraMadreatBaldwinandSierraMadreBlvd. VIPSanAntonioWineryWineGarden7:00-10:00p.m. Ticketsavailableatwww.sierramadrewineandjazzwalk.comorcall626.355.0024Tickets$40pre-sale•$50dayofevent$125VIPPackageincludesVIPWineGarden•StrollthroughhistoricdowntownSierraMadre•Browseinlocalshops•Tastefinewinesandsamplelocalcuisine•ListentoLiveWorldClassJazzBands•EnjoyaFabulousSilentAuction•ViewAntiqueCars•Sneakapeekofthe2012MercedesfromRusnak Inside This Edition... 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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |