4 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 27, 2013
Pasadena City College
officials announce that the
student-run weekly newspaper
The Courier has been
awarded the prestigious
General Excellence awards at
the Journalism Association of
Community Colleges’(JACC)
State Convention held in
Sacramento, Calif.
Awards were presented for
student work in the 2012-2013
academic year. Publications,
were judged based on a
criteria that included writing,
photography, design and
Joseph Futtner, interim dean
of the Visual Arts and Media
Studies division said, “I am
not at all surprised; I know
from numerous occasions
talking to The Courier staff
just how hard these guys work,
including the time and effort
put in by past editor Nicholas
Saul and current editor
Christine Michaels, as well
as advisors Rachel Fermi and
Mikki Bolliger.”
In addition, individual
awards were presented
to Courier staffers in the
categories of news writing,
copyediting, feature writing
and photography.
excellence4 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 27, 2013
Pasadena City College
officials announce that the
student-run weekly newspaper
The Courier has been
awarded the prestigious
General Excellence awards at
the Journalism Association of
Community Colleges’(JACC)
State Convention held in
Sacramento, Calif.
Awards were presented for
student work in the 2012-2013
academic year. Publications,
were judged based on a
criteria that included writing,
photography, design and
Joseph Futtner, interim dean
of the Visual Arts and Media
Studies division said, “I am
not at all surprised; I know
from numerous occasions
talking to The Courier staff
just how hard these guys work,
including the time and effort
put in by past editor Nicholas
Saul and current editor
Christine Michaels, as well
as advisors Rachel Fermi and
Mikki Bolliger.”
In addition, individual
awards were presented
to Courier staffers in the
categories of news writing,
copyediting, feature writing
and photography.
California Senate, Schiff
authored Senate Bill 1847.
Signed into law in 1998, this
paved the way creating the Gold
to be Held
Pasadena Public Library’s
annual Monopoly Tournament
for teens will be held on
Thursday at 10:30 a.m.
in Central Library’s Teen
Patio, 285 E. Walnut St. To
participate, register by calling
(626) 744-4766.
Refreshments will be served at
10:30 a.m. Game preparations
begin at 10:50 a.m. The
tournament starts at 11 a.m.
sharp. Two 90-minute rounds
will be played, with lunch
provided between rounds.
Official monopoly rules will
be followed. The teen librarian
will be the official tournament
For more information,
contact Veronica Fuentes at
(626) 744-4766 or vfuentes@
Fear Factor
Join the Pasadena Public
Library’s for its first Fear
Factor Food Challenge for
teens on Wednesday, August 7
at 2 p.m. in Central Library’s
Teen Patio, 285 E. Walnut St.
Those that think they have a
strong stomach can join in the
Fear Factor Food Challenge.
The teen who is able to eat the
grossest of foods wins! First,
second and third prizes will
be awarded.
Registration and a signed
parental waiver are required.
To register call (626) 7444766.
For more information,
contact Veronica Fuentes at
(626) 744-4766 or vfuentes@
Found dead
Pasadena Star News
reporter Janette Williams
was found dead, by a
neighbor, at her Monrovia
home over the weekend.
The cause of death was
not immediately known
although it appeared not to
be foul play.
According to the Star News
website, Williams worked
for the paper 22 years. She
was 68.
Williams was best known
for her in depth reporting
on Pasadena’s historical
places including, saving
the Greene and Greene-
designed Herkimer Arms
apartment building. She
was also known as an
expert on the history of the
Tournament of Roses. Her
last story, published July 20,
dealt with the Ambassador
Gardens development on
former Worldwide Church
of God’s Ambassador
College campus.
As a tribute to her,
many of her coworkers
posted short videos on
pasadenastarnews.comsaying what a joy it was to
work with her. Pasadena
Star News Editor Frank
Girardot said the news of
her sudden death devastated
the newsroom.
Williams, a native of
Scotland, moved to the
United States in the 1980s.
Two weeks ago Williams
said she was semi-retired
working at the paper just a
few days a week.
Pet of the
Scooter is a three-yearold
Poodle mix. He’s very
friendly and loves sitting in
laps. He’s been out on our
Mobile Unit and did very
Scooter’s adoption fee
is $125, which includes
his neuter surgery, a
microchip, the first set of
vaccinations, as well as a
free follow-up health check
at a participating vet.
New adopters will receive
complimentary health and
wellness exam from VCA
Animal Hospitals, as well
as a goody bag filled with
information on how to
care for your pet. Ask an
adoptions counselor for
more information during
your visit.
Call the Pasadena
Humane Society & SPCA at
626.792.7151 to ask about
A331846, or visit at 361 S.
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena.
Adoption hours are 11-4
Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday –
Friday, 9-4 Saturday. Pets
may not be available for
adoption and cannot be
held for potential adopters
from phone calls or email.
Directions and photos of all
pets can be found at www.
Gold line Celebrates 10 years
Ten years ago Friday the first downtown Los Angeles.
Metro Gold Line light rail full He went on to say the Gold Line
of passengers made its way from has radically changed how many
Pasadena to Union Station in of the local residents, workers
downtown Los Angeles. To and visitors travel every day.
mark the occasion the Metro “This is just the beginning of a
Gold Line Foothill Extension long term evolution that occurs
Construction Authority held following such a significant
an anniversary event at the transit investment.”
Del Mar Station Plaza complete Other speakers included,
with a cake cutting by Pasadena Assemblymember Chris Holden,
Mayor Bill Bogaard.LA County Supervisor Michael
“This project has been such a Antonovich, Congresswoman
significant factor in the modern Judy Chu, among others.
development of the city of Congressman Adam Schiff ’s
Pasadena,” Bogaard said. “We field representative Teresa
celebrate a very successful first Lamb-Simpson also spoke on
decade of Gold Line passenger Schiff ’s behalf.
service between Pasadena and During his tenure in the
rare Images of earth taken
by Cassini Spacecraft
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured Saturn’s rings and our planet
Earth and its moon in the same frame. Image Credit: NASA/JPLCaltech/
Space Science Institute
Color and black-and-white in Pasadena, Calif. “Cassini’s
images of Earth taken by two picture reminds us how tiny our
NASA interplanetary spacecraft home planet is in the vastness
on July 19 show our planet and of space, and also testifies to
its moon as bright beacons from the ingenuity of the citizens of
millions of miles away in space. this tiny planet to send a robotic
NASA’s Cassini spacecraftspacecraft so far away from
captured the color images of home to study Saturn and take
Earth and the moon from its a look-back photo of Earth.”
perch in the Saturn system Pictures of Earth from the
nearly 900 million miles (1.5 outer solar system are rare
billion kilometers) away. because from that distance,
In the Cassini images Earth Earth appears very close to
and the moon appear as mere our sun. A camera’s sensitive
dots -- Earth a pale blue and detectors can be damaged by
the moon a stark white, visible looking directly at the sun, just
between Saturn’s rings. It was as a human being can damage
the first time Cassini’s highest-his or her retina by doing the
resolution camera captured same. Cassini was able to take
Earth and its moon as two this image because the sun had
distinct objects. temporarily moved behind
“We can’t see individual Saturn from the spacecraft’s
continents or people in this point of view and most of the
portrait of Earth, but this pale light was blocked.
blue dot is a succinct summary More information about
of who we were on July 19,” the picture and the Wave at
said Linda Spilker, Cassini Saturn campaign is available
project scientist, at NASA’s at: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/
Jet Propulsion Laboratory waveatsaturn .
Julia Child Cocktail Partykicks off SIP-tember event
Sixty-four drinks willcompete to be named thefavorite during six-weekonline cocktail bracket
Patrons will get to decide
which cocktail is Pasadena’s
favorite during SIP-tember: A
Celebration of the Cocktail in
Pasadena. From August 15th
through September 26th, local
restaurants will serve cocktails
that will be paired against
each other in a competition.
64 cocktails, ranging from
drinks specially concocted for
the competition to margaritas
and sangria, will begin the
competition that will last six
weeks and culminate in a live
taste-off of the four drinks that
win their bracket.
Brackets will be unveiled on
the Pasadena Restaurant Week
website on Monday, August
5th at 2pm. The 64 cocktails
competing in 32 brackets
will be available for viewing
at the Pasadena Restaurant
Week website at www.
Voting will be live on August
15, with the first bracket voting
open for two weeks.
“Last summer we were
looking for a fun way to honor
and remember Pasadena
native Julia Child for her
contributions to culinary and
television history. Since Julia
Child was known to enjoy a
good cocktail, we decided to
throw the citywide cocktail
party on her birthday, August
15th, at venues throughout the
city,” said Pasadena Chamber
CEO Paul Little. “At the same
time, we wanted to highlight
all that Pasadena’s restaurants
and lounges have to offer for
visitors, residents and those
who work here.”
The four finalist drinks will
face off in a live sip-off at the
Taste of Pasadena on September
26th at the Rose Bowl. The
first challenge will take place
over two weeks and pit 32
pairs of cocktails against each
other. Each week following the
winners will be paired head-
to-head with another winning
cocktail until, on September
26th, the four finalists will be
matched in a live tasting during
the annual Taste of Pasadena
hosted by the Pasadena
Chamber of Commerce at the
Rose Bowl from 6pm to 9pm.
annual Wiggle Waggle
Walk Coming September
The fundraiser for
the Pasadena Humane
Society sets $400,000goal
Animal lovers are invited to
put their best feet forward at
the Pasadena Humane Society
& SPCA’s 15th annual Wiggle
Waggle Walk – a community
fundraiser for animals – at
Brookside Park adjacent to the
Rose Bowl. Organizers hope
to raise $400,000 through
the event, which will provide
food, shelter and medical care
to homeless animals, nearly
12,000 of which are taken in by
the humane society every year.
The walk will start at 9 a.m. on
Sunday, September 29.
Thousands of people and
their dogs are expected to
take part in the walk, which
begins at 9 a.m. Walkers and
their dogs can choose either a
one-mile or three-mile route
around the outside of the Rose
Bowl stadium before enjoying
a free Pet Expo at the park.
Participants do not need a dog
to join the fun—just a desire
to help animals—and they
can walk individually or form
“The Wiggle Waggle Walk
is a fun event that brings
events for the Pasadena
Convention Center
August 23-25 – 5 p.m.
PRO PHOTO EXPO 2013Admission $8 good for all three
Professional Photographers days; discount tickets available
of California presents the at ticketderby.comyear’s biggest photo trade show Children 8 and under not
during its 60th Western States permitted.
Convention. Learn about the
latest in equipment, computer August 31- Sept 1
software, albums, frames, 2013 LA OPEN JOOLAbackdrops, labs and so much TABLE TENNIS
Friday & Saturday noon – 5 This USTTA-sanctioned,
p.m., Sunday 11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.4-star event features some of
Three-day show pass $10 at the world’s top-ranked players,
ppconline.com including 2004 Olympic Men’s
Singles gold medal winner Ryu
August 30 – Sept 1 Seung-Min and 2012 Olympic
THE INTERNATIONAL Men’s Singles bronze medal
GEM & JEWELRY SHOW winner Dimitrij Ovtcharov. All
Industry professionals and the skill levels and all age groups
general public enjoy a large are represented. Winners share
selection of jewelry at deep $36,000 in prizes, including
discounts. The show features $10,000 for the open singles
top-quality diamonds, silver, winner.
gold, opals, rubies, watches, Games start at 8:30 a.m. and
earrings, necklaces, rings, finish when scheduled games
settings, onsite sizing and are completed.
repairs, and onsite jewelry Saturday $20, Sunday $30, two-
cleaning at affordable prices. day pass $40, VIP ticket $200Friday noon – 6 p.m., Saturday Pasadena Convention Center,
10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. 300 E. Green St. laopentt.com
altadeNa SHerIFF CrIme blotter
Monday, July 15th
10:00 AM – A residential
burglary occurred in the 900blk
of E. Mariposa St. Loss: gold
necklace, currency.
10:35 AM – A vehicle was
reported stolen from the 400blk
of Figueroa Dr. ***Vehicle
was recovered on 7/23 by
Pasadena PD***
4:41 PM – An assault with a
deadly weapon occurred in
the 2200-blk of Oakwood St.
Suspect was taken into custody.
Between 10:00 PM and 6:30
AM (Tuesday) – A petty theft
from an unlocked vehicle
occurred in the 1400-blk of N.
Grand Oaks Av. Loss: black
wallet, cellphone.
Wednesday, July 17th
Between 2:00 AM and 7:45 AM
– A vehicle burglary occurred
in the 1600-blk of Grand Oaks
Av. Loss: diaper bag.
Between 11:45 AM and 2:50
PM – A residential burglary
occurred in the 2300-blk N.
Allen Av. Loss: coffee & tea set,
two purses.
1:39 PM – A petty theftoccurred at Ralph’s, 2270 N.
Lake Av. Suspect described as
a male, Black, 25-30, 511-602,
210-245 lbs. Loss: security
10:05 PM – Suspect O’Neal
Hamilton, 34 yrs, of Altadena
was arrested for possession of a
controlled substance.
Thursday, July 18th
everyone together to help
animals in need,” says Steve
McNall, president and CEO of
the Pasadena Humane Society
& SPCA. “This is our biggest
fundraiser of the year. We would
not be able to provide the level
of care to all the animals without
the community’s support.”
Participants are encouraged
to fundraise for the animals by
creating personal web pages
through the Wiggle Waggle
Walk website and asking family,
friends and co-workers for
donations. Non-walkers, and
those unable to attend the event,
can also create fundraising web
pages through this site. Entrants
who raise $50 will receive an
official Wiggle Waggle Walk
T-shirt. Registration is free.
Check-in starts at 8 a.m. at
the entrance to Brookside Park.
The walk will begin at 9:00 a.m.
and the Pet Expo will take place
immediately after the walk until
1 p.m. The Pet Expo will feature
K9 demonstrations by the
Pasadena Police Department,
a variety of pet product
booths, paw-tapping music
and fun dog contests. This
year’s sponsors include Wells
Fargo, VCA Animal Hospitals
, and Community Bank. For
more information, visit www.
Between 12:30 AM and 5:00
AM – A vehicle vandalism
occurred in the 700-blk of
Royce St.
7:50 AM – An arrest for
possession of a firearm
occurred in the area of Allen
Av. & Washington Blvd.
The following suspects were
arrested: Wash Dorsey, 63
yrs., of Pasadena, Anthony
Anderson, 21 yrs. of Altadena,
Pedro Mraz, 23 yrs., of Los
Angeles, and Calvin Cadle, 19
yrs., of Altadena.
Between 9:00 PM and 6:30 AM
(Friday) – A petty theft from an
unlocked vehicle occurred in
the 1500-blk of N. Altadena Dr.
Loss: Avon products.
Between 11:00 PM and 6:00
AM (Friday) – A vehicle
burglary occurred in the
2000-blk of E. Jefferson Av.
Suspect(s) entered the vehicle
via unknown means. Loss:
black iPod.
Between 11:00 PM and 6:45
AM (Friday) – A vehicle
burglary occurred in the 2300blk
of Glenrose Ave. Loss:
iPhone car charger.
Friday, July 19th
Between 5:00 AM and 8:00
AM – A petty theft occurred
in the 2200-blk of Navarro Av.
Loss: sign.
Between July 14th and July
20th there were 12 runaway
juveniles reported to the
Altadena Sheriff Station.