Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 27, 2013
arcadia Police blotter
CHau to SPeaK at arCadIa CHamber
Ed Chau, Assemblymember of the 49th District, is the guest
speaker at 8am Thursday, August 1, at the Arcadia Chamber of
Commerce Government Affairs Forum, 388 W. Huntington Drive.
Assemblymember Chau will speak regarding AB477 and to answer
any questions the community may have.
A discussion of pending legislation and other updates will
be provided by representatives from City, County, and State
government offices, the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension and
the Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Town Council.
The public is invited on the first Thursday of each month to hear
informative presentations at the monthly Government Affairs
Forums led by Chairman Jack Orswell and co-chairs Pete Ulrich,
former Arcadia City Councilman, and Mary Dougherty, former
President of the Arcadia School District Board of Education. RSVPs to the Chamber of Commerce
office are appreciated - (626) 447-2159 or
aNNual eNd oF Summer CarNIVal
Wednesday, august 14 – 10am-2pm
Oh, the places you will go! Come down to the Wacky Wednesday Summer Carnival because “if you
never did, you should, these things are fun and fun is good.” - Dr. Seuss. The Recreation and
Community Services Department will be celebrating the end of summer with our annual carnival onWednesday, August 14th from 10am-2pm at Eisenhower Memorial
Park, located on the corner of 2nd and Colorado in Arcadia.
This year’s theme is a tribute to Dr. Seuss. Come spend a day with
family and friends while enjoying music, raffles throughout the
day, a costume contest, and a caricature artist. Carnival games
are available for a nominal fee and offer kid-friendly prizes, so
make sure to bring lots of change! Bring a picnic lunch or enjoy a
delicious snack from the Green Eggs and Ham Snack Bar. “Why
fit in when you are born to stand out?” So come to the carnival
in your favorite Dr. Seuss themed outfit. Judges will be searching
high and low and here and there, to find the wackiest costumes
For more information please contact the Recreation Office at 626.574.5113.
arCadIa Summer CoNCert SerIeS
auGuSt 1, 2013—uPStream
Join us this summer at Arcadia’s annual Summer Concerts in the Park series presented by Target.
The seven-week entertainment series showcases a wide variety of musical performances. Bring a
blanket or lawn chair for seating on the grass and enjoy a picnic dinner during the show. Kids of all
ages will be entertained in our FREE kids’ fun zone area with many games and crafts each week.
Become a part of the Arcadia tradition, gather your family and friends and enjoy the sights and
sounds of this year’s concert series. Whether you attend one or all seven, we are sure you will have a
great time! As always, admission and parking are free (additional parking held at Santa Anita Race
Track, Gate 5). Concerts take place on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8pm on the beautiful City Hall
West Lawn located at 240 West Huntington Drive. In addition, the City is pleased to announce the
Dogtown Dogs Gourmet Food Truck at all of the 2013 Summer Concert Series! A portion of the
proceeds will be given to the Recreation and Community Services Department!
The band Upstream, whose members include the two sons of the venerable inventor of Soca music,
the late Ras Shorty I, was formed in the republic of Trinidad & Tobago in 1989. They relocated to
Southern California in the early nineties and made a name for themselves performing in numerous
venues, events and festivals, throughout California and Western States for over 15 years. Their energetic
eclectic style of Reggae and Soca has earned them a formidable appellation in the music industry
world. Upstream’s talent, creativity and vision are astounding! All of the musician's are brilliant, quite
unique and bring various seasonings to the pot! The band plays an indescribably fascinating blend of
Reggae, Calypso, Soca and Steelpan Music.
For additional information, contact the Recreation and Community Services Department at
For the period of Sunday, July
14th, through Saturday, July 20th, the Police Department responded to 897 calls for service of which 105required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by theDepartment during this period.
Sunday, July 14:
1. Just after 12:00 a.m., officers responded to the 100 block of West Huntington Drive in regardsto a traffic collision between two vehicles. An investigation revealed one of the drivers was under theinfluence of alcohol and had a suspended license. The 43-year-old Hispanic female was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
2. At about 1:57 p.m., an officer responded to Sephora at the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South BaldwinAvenue, in regards to a theft report. The suspect concealed his wife’s favorite perfume inside hispants and exited the store without making payment. The 54-year-old White male was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Monday, July 15:
3. At approximately 10:41 a.m., officers responded to the 1300 block of Standish Place regardinga sounding burglary alarm. Witnesses observed a dark skinned male suspect of unknown race fleethe residence. The suspect is described as early twenties with short black hair, wearing a black shirt,
black baggy shorts, and a dirty white backpack. Officers conducted an area check, but were unable tolocate the suspect. An investigation revealed the suspect forced entry into the residence through a sidewindow; however, no property was reported missing.
4. Just after 8:46 p.m., officers were dispatched to the parking lot at Marie Callender’s, 820 SouthBaldwin Avenue, in reference to a possible vehicle burglary in progress. Officers located the suspect anddiscovered he was under the influence of alcohol. A records check revealed the 46-year-old White malehad an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. He was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. No vehicles were damaged or burglarized.
Tuesday, July 16:
5. At about 00:19 a.m., an officer responded to the 800 block of Arcadia Avenue in regards toa robbery that just occurred. The victim was walking away from her vehicle when she was hit on theside of her head with an unknown object, causing her to fall to the ground. She looked up and saw twomale subjects running away with her purse. The area was too dark for the victim to make out suspectdescriptions. An area check was conducted, but no suspects were located.
6. Around 11:11 p.m., officers responded to Motel 6, 225 Colorado Place, in regards to adisturbance between two males. An investigation revealed an argument between the couple resultedin a physical altercation. A records check revealed one of the subjects, a 25-year-old Hispanic male,
had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. He was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailfor booking.
Wednesday, July 17:
7. Around 1:39 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for making an unsafe turn onLovell Avenue, at Naomi Avenue. The officer discovered the 34-year-old Black male had a suspendedlicense. He was arrested, transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking, and his vehicle was impoundedfor 30 days.
8. At approximately 7:03 p.m., an officer was dispatched to H&M at the Santa Anita Mall, 400South Baldwin Avenue, in regards to a theft report. Three Asian juveniles, 16 to 17-years-old, concealedmerchandise inside a backpack and used shopping bags, and exited the store without making payment.
They were arrested, transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking, and later released to their parents.
Thursday, July 18:
Shortly after 5:40 p.m., an officer responded to JCPenney at the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South BaldwinAvenue, in regards to a theft report. A female suspect entered a bathroom stall where she concealedmerchandise inside a used shopping bag and exited the store without making payment. She wasobserved fleeing the parking lot in a black Honda. The suspect is described as Hispanic, approximately5’10” tall, 220 lbs., wearing a pink shirt and dark colored pants.
9. At about 8:00 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 700 block of South Second Avenue inregards to a sound of a woman screaming. Upon arrival, the officer observed two male subjects fightingon the sidewalk and ordered them to stop. An investigation revealed an argument between the 44-yearold
Hispanic male and his 18-year-old son escalated quickly. Both suspects declined prosecution andrequired no medical attention.
Friday, July 19:
10. Around 10:43 a.m., an officer responded to Motel 6, 225 Colorado Place, in reference to
counterfeit money found in a trash can. Housekeeping staff discovered forty-six counterfeit $20 bills
inside a common area trash can. No suspect information was located.
11. Just before 11:00 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for a broken tail light and
expired registration in the area of Las Tunas Drive and Baldwin Avenue. An investigation revealed
the driver had a suspended license and was in possession of methamphetamine. The 46-year-old
Hispanic female was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Saturday, July 20:
12. At approximately 8:40 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 700 block of West
Longden Avenue in regards to a grand theft report. The victim parked her vehicle, a 2007 white
Hummer, in the driveway the night before and discovered it missing when she woke up. No evidence
was located and the victim had no idea who took her vehicle.
13. Just after 8:45 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for expired registration on
Jeffries Avenue, at Tenth Avenue. The passenger provided false identification because he thought he
had a warrant out for his arrest. He was arrested for Providing False Information to a Peace Officer
and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. A records check revealed he had no outstanding
CIty oF arCadIa 2013 Summer SWIm
Get out of the heat and into the pool! The Recreation and Community Services Summer Swimming
Program is now open for lessons and open swim at the Arcadia High School Pool, 180 Campus Drive
in Arcadia. For open swim the pool will open Monday through Friday from 12pm-3pm, Saturday
and Sunday from 1-5pm and Tuesday and Thursday Nights from 6:30-8:30pm. Online registration
for Session 3 (July 15-26) begins Friday, July 5 for residents only by logging onto the City of Arcadia
website at Walk-in and fax-in registration begins July 8 for everyone.
Swim Session 4 (July 29-August 9) online registration for Arcadia residents begins July 19. Walk-
in and fax-in registration for everyone begins July 22 at the Recreation Department located at 375
Campus Drive. For more information regarding swim classes and the online and walk-in registration
dates for Sessions 5, please call 626.574.5113.