HealtHy lIFeStyleS Mountain Views News Saturday, July 27, 2013 14 HealtHy lIFeStyleS Mountain Views News Saturday, July 27, 2013 14
People tell me all the time that they are not able to meditate. They have too much on their minds.
What happens when you sit in silence? What do you hear? Do you hear the roaring of your
thoughts? Is your mind jumping around like a monkey? Are you too fidgety? Some styles of
meditation are to just sit there and watch as those thoughts jump around. Some styles are guided,
so that you follow along and then have brief pauses. Some styles say “just clear your mind”.
What is the right style for you? We are all very different. There are many, many styles. But here
is what works for me, most of the time: I start by practicing yoga. You knew I was going to say
that right? Well, yoga was designed as a back strengthener. Yoga was designed to help us learn
to breathe better, to increase our capacity so we can sit in meditation and do pranayama (breath
work). But honestly, I need to get the ya-yas out. I can’t just sit down and expect my mind to be
quiet. I can’t just sit down and be still. I need to move and get the body calmed down first. The
yogis knew this. In fact in Classical and Tantric yoga science it is the nervous system that we
need to calm down before we can meditate. Unless we are in a constant state of the sympathetic
nervous system then we are in fight or flight mode. That means we are waiting for the next thing
to happen. How can we expect to meditate if we have just been driving our cars? Our brains are
in Drive.
So, we know that meditation is the number one thing to reduce anxiety, the number one stress
reducer. But we can’t just go from stress to meditate in 2 seconds.
Let’s do the yoga first. It really helps!!!
Trust me, meditation is the balm/bomb, the best thing you can possibly do for yourself. And it’s
been around for thousands of years for just that very reason.
See you in class.
Namasté, René
tHe mytH oF lIVING aloNe
by Douglas Edwards
America is beginning to wake up and take notice of an important change taking place across this
broad land of ours; people are retiring in huge numbers and living much longer than ever before.
We are turning 65 at the rate of 8,000 a day; a rate that is expected to continue through 2020.
This is known by many names: “Age Wave, Silver Tsunami, or The Aging of America”. America,
and many other countries, are experiencing the Baby Boomers retirement, and American business
is changing to respond to this group’s interests and needs.
As Americans retire and live longer in this chapter than in any other chapter of life, where they
live becomes increasingly important to quality and quantity of life. “Aging in place”, is now part
of American vernacular which summarizes the hopes and dreams of most retirees. Living in
the privacy of one’s home until death is driving the American business community. One of the
big changes that has occurred is the privatization of services that traditionally were provided in
a community setting. Now one can buy all the services needed to remain in your home. Everything
under the sun can be delivered to your home.
The benefits to living in privacy are obvious: independence; the comfort of creating your own
space and living with the familiar;
living on your own
terms; the security of knowing
and being known by
your neighbors and the ease
of maintaining the routines
of daily living.
The challenges of independent
living become more
apparent as one ages, something
Americans are particularly
averse to admitting.
As we age it is more difficult
to maintain the lifestyle that
we created. When we lose
a spouse or our children
finally move out, we are
alone; and our network of
contacts with those around
us changes. The neighbors
we once knew have moved
and the new owners keep to
themselves and speak languages
other than our own.
Our homes which once gave
us security and freedom are
not always constructed to be
friendly to the challenges of
aging. The stairs become an
exercise element at best, a
risk at worse. Our home requires
upkeep that becomes
less interesting and more
expensive as the plumber
we knew has retired and the
gardening which once gave
us joy is now back breaking
and a distraction away
from activities in which we
now have interest. Privacy
begins to be a source of isolation,
often leading people
who live alone to experience
two leading causes of
death; declining health and
Living alone is not all it is
cracked up to be. For many
it leads to poor health, a
lower quality of life and in
increasingly more people,
early death. What else is
To be continued…………..
You can reach Doug at
by Lori Koop, Right Brain Business Coach
“The only pressure I’m under is the pressure I’ve put on myself.” -Mark Messier
A client arrive frazzled and confused. She had embarked an entrepreneurial
adventure and received rave reviews. Many new ideas had surfaced in her client
meeting, and she was excited. Things were moving forward, and fast!
After a few days, she felt overwhelmed and stuck. She couldn’t even focus
enough to file. There was a tempest
brewing, and it wasn’t outside.
The fury was within. Wind
howling. Thoughts flying about.
Nothing was grounded or certain. Fear. Yup, she was
in “the storm.” This is when she came to see me.
We discussed what was going on. How the initial excitement
had turned into pressure. Pressure to please
the retail buyers. Pressure to create all these new
things. Pressure to know things she didn’t know yet.
Distracted by the whirlwind, she had stopped doing
photography --the part of her business she loved
We are funny creatures. We lift up pressure and put it
on ourselves. Once we see what we are doing, we can
remove it. That’s just what we did. She was invited to
shift her thoughts to align with her TRU self; when
she did, she immediately felt better. More peaceful.
She planned to schedule regular photography sessions
each week. From this place of passion and love, she
would hear when her spirit suggested a new product.
She would know when to expand, even how to expand,
as she stayed connected.
Even bosses cannot stress us out unless we let them.
It’s a matter of learning the tools that get us out from
under the self-imposed weight. I teach these tools that
work both in life and business. If you’re interested,
book a complimentary session with me at The Center, 626-355-2443. I’m happy to share how you too
can experience more peace.
Lori Koop, The Right Brain Business CoachGet clear about The Real You and what’s TRU, for you and your business. Schedule a complimentary
coaching session at The Center for Wellbeing, 626-355-2443.
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