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Mountain Views News Saturday, July 27, 2013 13buSINeSS NeWS & treNdS Mountain Views News Saturday, July 27, 2013 13buSINeSS NeWS & treNdS 
a “203” For tlC 
You find a neat "fixer-upper," then learn that banks won't lend until the repairs are done, but the 
repairs can't be completed until the house is purchased! This Catch-22 scenario can be solved by 
HUD's FHA-backed 203(k) "rehab loan," growing in popularity because so many foreclosure purchases 
are in dire need of repairs. 

This loan covers the cost of the home, plus money for repairs up to a maximum of $35,000! To get 
the ball rolling, you'll need funds for the 3.5% required downpayment, and then to find a suitable 
property. Your real estate representative will prepare your offer, stating that you'll be seeking 203(k) 

Next you'll apply to an FHA-approved lender, including a sheet listing each repair and its cost. Finally, 
an appraisal is performed to determine the value of the home once the proposed repairs are complete.
Upon approval, you'll have financed the home purchase plus all your proposed repairs (there's even 
a 10%-20% "contingency reserve" included to cover any unforeseen improvements). At closing, the 
seller receives the purchase price, and the remaining funds go into escrow, to be disbursed to the 
contractor as work is completed (within six months). 

Real estate agents support this loan program because it expands homeownership and revitalizes 
neighborhoods, but all you need to know is that it will get you into a very affordable home right now. 


The latest on Business news, Trends and Techniques 

aCCouNtabIlIty beGINS & eNdS at tHe toP 

take credit for the success. This type of behavior 
The phrase “being thrown under the bus” is is a disservice to the essence of management and 
associated with blame being assigned to someone leadership. 
who bears little to no responsibility for that which 
they are being accused. In other words, someone One of the hallmarks of great leadership is the 
is being held responsible for another person’s willingness and ability to accept responsibility 
shortcomings or wrong doings. This situation for everything and everyone within one’s scope 
is not uncommon in the work environment, and of authority, the good and the bad. Individuals 
typically rears its head when someone has failed with solid management and leadership skills 
to make adequate progress or achieve a goal that embrace the reality that every comment, action 
was expected of them. and the demeanor of their delivery will have a 

direct impact on how well their staff will function 
In an effort to cover one’s butt, a co-worker or as a team. These managers are also willing to take 
supervisor may exhibit signs of selective amnesia the hit, accept the blame when necessary and to 
when faced with the reality that they have fallen be accountable. This approach builds trust and 
short in performing their job responsibilities. facilitates loyalty among the team. 
It’s bad enough when this dynamic is imposed 
staff-to-staff employed in the same classification, Way too many work environments are filled with 
but it’s truly deplorable when it is imposed by a employees who feel a need to spend more time 
manager, onto the staff they supervise. engaging in activities to cover their butts for 

fear of being held responsible for someone else’s 
Managers who engage in this type of disgraceful shortcomings. Bosses with big egos and huge 
practice are usually the first ones to take the doses of insecurity simply can’t comprehend that 
spotlight for accomplishments that belong to that everyone on the team would do a much better 
others. They are eager to take credit when job, which would make them look even better 
things are favorable, but quick to step back while in the process, if they’d learn how to handle the 
pointing the finger of blame when things don’t go management aspects of their jobs and terminate 
so well. Basically, they only want to lead when the practice of throwing staff under the bus. 
they can anticipate accolades so that they can 

By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA 
Creative Arts Group presents The 
2nd Annual Scarecrow 
October 2013 
Registration open now 
Sierra Madre Residents, Businesses & Organizations only 
Free Scarecrow Festival 
Make your own Scarecrow at Creative Arts Group for FREE 
Saturday September 14, 2013 
Workshop Space limited –Registration open now! 
2nd Annual Creative Arts Group 
a nonprof t art center 
Scarecrow Festival 
in Sierra Madre 
Contact Creative Arts Group 
for more information & applications 
108 N. Baldwin Ave, 
Sierra Madre 
tWo tHINGS you CaN learN From 
tWo momS at a SWImmING Pool 

While waiting for my daughter to finish 
her swim class, two of my mommy 
buddies were have an amusing exchange. 
One mom was helping the other use her 
smart phone to register her kids for a local 
summer bowling program. Here are three 
things I learned from these funny ladies:

If you are asking people to sign up for 
something on a smart phone, just ask 
them for the basics and keep it simple

“Why are they asking for all these 
things, they want my birthday, and 
my kids birthday, that’s way too much 
information,” says the mom registering. 
“This is the way you do it now, stop being 
so paranoid,” jokes the mom walking 
her through the process. While listening 
to this, I was wondering if some of the 
information could be optional or not 
required at all. Some people are only willing to give an email and a name and sometimes they don’t 
even want to do that! 

There are some people who look forward to email offers from their favorite businesses

The mom doing the coaching was excited to sign up and provide the details because she knew it meant 
she would receive special offers and updates on events. “Don’t you want to receive good deals?” she 
asked the other mom. She was very convincing and her coaching, inspiring. The lesson here is that 
the people who like your business want to hear from you and expect to hear from you when they give 
you their email. Having an email marketing program for loyal fans gives them something to look 
forward to. 

The bottom line 

Most of consumers understand why a business wants to connect with them, but they just want to 
connect on their terms. Offering choices sends a message that you care about the customer, which is 
Customer Service 101. 
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that specializes 
in Internet Marketing strategies. They are known for providing valuable information at their Social 
Media and Email Marketing classes. “Like” them on Facebook for trending news in social media, 
internet marketing and other helpful tips, 
Sign up for their upcoming classes and presentations at: 

Call 626-264-2085 
Model CTS 250 LE 
Cardinal Red 
Under 5,000 miles on the 
Fuel injected engine – 
Premium fuel 
Excellent condition – 
like new! 
Freeway legal-requires 
motorcycle license 
Fully garaged at all timesServiced by dealer on a 
regular basisAsking $4,000.00 – 
Serious buyers only!
Open to negotiation626-355-0160