SPortS Mountain Views News Saturday, July 27, 2013
10SPortS Mountain Views News Saturday, July 27, 2013
16u SIerra madre Colt all StarS Go uNdeFeated aNd beCome So Cal SuPer reGIoN
CHamPIoNS - Now It’s Off To San Jose To Represent Southern California in the Western Region Finals
The past two weeks have been
very good to the Sierra Madre Colt
baseball team. Last week, Sierra
Madre Colt won it’s first regional
championship ever. This week, the
16u Colt All Star team continued
on it’s hot streak, winning 4 straight
games and dominating their
opponents winning the Colt Super
Regional tournament in Glendora.
In the Super Regional, Jordan
Rodgers and Daniel Rosas pitched
complete game shut outs, Brenden
McKiernan/ Christian Mendez
pitched a combined no hitter against
Palmdale, and Angel Lerma allowed
only 1 earned run in the 13-2
championship game, blow out of
host Glendora.
The Sierra Madre defense has been
nothing short of stellar, turning
several double plays, pulling offspectacular diving plays in the
infield and outfield, and making
some great throws. Since it’s only
tournament loss to Diamond Bar, the
stingy Sierra Madre defense has only
allowed 10 runs in 7 games. Anthony
Khraich and Daniel Hernandez have
both been excellent behind the plate
for the Colt All Stars.
The bats have been equally
impressive for Sierra Madre Colt.
Daniel Casillas had 2 homers,
while Jon Mendoza and Jordan
Rodgers had a home run each in
the Championship game. Frank
Garriola, Daniel Casillas, John
Mendoza, Jordan Rodgers, Ryan
Garcia, and Brenden McKiernan, led
the hit parade in the finale. Sumner
Smith, Cole Pilar, Kyle Cuellar all contributed by getting on base.
Frank Garriola and Danny Casillas have showed big power,
hitting 5 and 3 home runs (respectively) in the two tournaments.
Smll Back Row: Danny CasKyle Cuellar, Christian MenAlfred Rosas, Daniel Rosas
Final Scores:
Sierra Madre 11
Sierra Madre 4
idllas, Daniel Hernandeez, Adrian Rodriguez,
z, Manager EdgCoach GeorgePalmdale 1
Quartz Hill 0
ar Garcia, Brenden McKier
Moran. Front Row: Angel
Sierra Madre 2
Sierra Madre 13
nan, John Mendoza, SumnLerma, Cole Pilar, Anthony
er Smith, JordaKhraich, Ryan
Glendora 0
Glendora 2
n Rodgers, Frankie Garriola,
Garcia Not Pictured: Coach
tHe World arouNd uS ScienceNewsby JEFF
The Sierra Madre sluggers have been so dominant, that two
different opponents filed unsuccessful protests contending
the team uses illegal bats! In fact, Sierra Madre possesses a
beautiful compliment of speed and power, which causes havoc
for opponents. They outscored their opponents 30-3 during the
championship run.
Sierra Madre Colt is now 9-1 in tournament play and on it’s way
to San Jose. Manager Edgar Garcia, and coaches Alfred Rosas
and George Moran have done an excellent job turning the boys
into a cohesive team that plays together like seasoned pros.
Picture provided by: Lisha GarriolaWriter: Tim McKiernan
Swedish machine
turns sweat into
drinking wa-
ter: The device
spins and heats
the sweat laden
clothes to remove
the sweat, and
then passes the
vapor through
a special membrane
to only let water
molecules get
through. Since its
launch, more than 1,000 people have "drunk
other's sweat." The liquid is cleaner than local
tap water. The device was built for the United
Nation's charity Unicef highlighting the fact
that 780 million people in the world lack access
to clean water .With all the exercising and
drought in Sierra Madre this could be a good
thing here. Very funny!
Late nights and lax bedtime routines can
blunt young children's minds: The findings
on sleep patterns and brain power come from
a UK study of more than 11,000 seven year
olds. Youngsters who had no regular bedtime
or who went to bed later than 9:00 P.M had
lower scores for reading and math. Lack of
sleep may disrupt natural body rhythms and
impair how well the brain learns .Establishing
a good bedtime routine early in childhood is
probably best, but it's never too late.
Couples who meet online have fine mar-
riages: Reported in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, relationship
satisfaction for Internet daters is similar to
that of people who find potential partners in
more traditional ways. A new survey of nearly
20,000 people who married between 2005 and
2012 finds that regardless of how they met,
couples report similar levels of satisfaction
with their marriage.
Smoking increases susceptibility to alcohol
abuse: A new study from Baylor College of
Medicine has shown how smoking increases a
person's vulnerability to alcohol abuse. Smoking
is a well known risk factor for subsequent
alcohol abuse, but the mechanisms underlying
this link are unknown. The study conducted
in rats showed that even a single exposure to
nicotine temporarily changes how the brain's
reward system responds to alcohol and increases
the reinforcing properties of alcohol
via stress hormones.
The headphones that charge your phone or
tablet using solar power: OnBeat headphones
are fitted with a solar panel across the headband.
The panel captures energy from the Sun
and stores it in built in batteries. Designer audio
engineer Andrew Anderson plans to sell
each pair of headphones for around $180 next
Dear Sierra Madre Pony Colt Baseball Fan:
The Sierra Madre Colt (16 and under) Baseball team just made History! After coming from behind to win the Regionals, Sierra
Madre swept the Super Regionals and will be the #1 seeded So. Cal team in the Western Regionals held in San Jose, CA.
No Pony/Colt team from Sierra Madre has ever won the Regionals (this year, we had 2 teams win it!), let alone advanced to
the Western Regional! It’s an amazing accomplishment for the boys, and a point of pride for our beloved town.
There are a lot of expenses getting 16 boys up to San Jose, and housing them for nearly a week. Pony/Colt contributes a small
amount, but nothing close to what we need to cover basic expenses. We are asking local businesses, charities and residents
to show their support for the Sierra Madre Colt team with a donation of any amount.
The boys have been working hard and want to bring the COLT National Champion trophy to Sierra Madre.
Contact Edgar Garcia:
Our home planet and its Moon appear as a mere dots—the
Earth a pale blue and the Moon a stark white—in new color
images taken from nearly 900 million miles away by the cameras
on NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. The images were taken on July
19, 2013, during an event that was observed and celebrated
The July 19 Earth-imaging event marked the first time
Earthlings had advance notice that their portrait was being
taken from interplanetary distances. It was the also the first
time Cassini’s highest resolution camera captured the Earth and
its Moon as two distinct objects. NASA invited the public to
acknowledge the occasion by either finding Saturn in their part
of the sky and waving, or simply smiling and celebrating. At
least 20,000 people around the world participated.
“We may not be able to see individual continents or people
in this portrait of Earth, but this pale blue dot is a succinct
summary of who we were on July 19,” said Linda Spilker, Cassini
project scientist, based at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
“Cassini’s picture reminds us how tiny our home planet is in
the vastness of space, but also testifies to the ingenuity of the
citizens of this tiny planet to be able to send a robotic spacecraftso far away from home to take a picture of Earth and study a
distant world like Saturn.”
Pictures of Earth from the outer solar system are rare because,
from that distance, Earth is very close to the bright Sun. Just as
a human being can damage his or her retina by looking directly
at the Sun, a camera’s sensitive detectors can be damaged by
looking directly at the Sun. Cassini was able to take these images
because the Sun had moved behind the planet Saturn from the
spacecraft’s point of view, blocking out most of the light.
The Earth and the Moon can be seen in both narrow-angle
and wide-angle images. In both cases, the illuminated portions
are smaller than the smallest resolvable objects the cameras can
see from the distance of Saturn.
At the time of this picture, the Earth and Moon shone through
a gap between the thin G ring, just outside Saturn’s main rings,
and the brightest portion of the diffuse E ring created from the
spray of geysers from the moon Enceladus.
“It thrills me to no end that people all over the world took a
break from their normal activities to go outside and celebrate
the interplanetary salute between robot and maker that these
images represent,” said Carolyn Porco, the Cassini imaging
team lead, based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.
“The whole event underscores for me our ‘coming of age’ as
planetary explorers.”
The wide-angle image is part of a larger mosaic—or multi-
image portrait—that imaging scientists are putting together of
the entire Saturn system. The lighting conditions allow for special views of faint, dusty rings that are usually difficult to see from other angles or from
ground-based telescopes on Earth. It will likely take another several weeks for the full mosaic to be completed.
Cassini’s image carries on a NASA legacy of images of our fragile home from space, including the 1968 “Earthrise” image taken by the Apollo 8 Moon
mission from about 240,000 miles away and the 1990 “Pale Blue Dot” image taken by Voyager 1 from about 4 billion miles away.
You can contact Bob Eklund at:
In this rare image taken on July 19, 2013, the wide-angle camera on NASA’s
Cassini spacecraft has captured Saturn’s rings and our planet Earth and its
moon in the same frame. It is only one footprint in a mosaic of 33 footprintscovering the entire Saturn ring system (including Saturn itself). At each foot-
print, images were taken in different spectral filters for a total of 323 images:
some were taken for scientific purposes and some to produce a natural colormosaic. This is the only wide-angle footprint that has the Earth-moon systemin it. Photo courtesy JPL/NASA