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15 Mountain Views News Saturday, July 27, 2013 artS & eNtertaINmeNt 15 Mountain Views News Saturday, July 27, 2013 artS & eNtertaINmeNt 
Jasmine’s Corner Book Reviews by Jasmine Kelsey Williams 
boSSyPaNtS By Tina Fey 
As we approach the end of July, our next selection 
features an author that is both familiar, funny, and 
provides her own unique spin on life and happiness. 
“Bossypants” by Tina Fey is a humorous memoir of how 
this actress and comedienne recounts the beginnings 
of her childhood to her quirky and rather charismatic 
adult life. Fey provides her own zest as she narrates her 
own tale: the tales of her childhood, her time spent with 
Saturday Night Live, her halfhearted pursuit of trying to 
attain physical beauty, her brief college romance, and 
even her life with motherhood. What appeals to many 
readers with “Bossypants” is not just Tina Fey herself, but 
also the tone with her book; Fey’s tone is casual, but with 
added seriousness and detail that does not overwhelm 
the book itself or readers. 
As early as the first chapter, Tina Fey’s tone is casual, 
witty, and of course humorous, since she recalls her own 
life with each detail and facet with clarity, wisdom, and 
her internal thoughts on what she was going through. 
To add to this, Tina Fey has added in photos, personal 
opinions, dialogue of conversations, and footnotes 
to further provide readers the opportunity to better 
understand Tina Fey’s perspective. When reading these 
little snippets, readers can sometimes find a common link not just in one author’s work, but 
in other books published by the same author, or even with other famous authors who have 
published their own stories (one example that I’ve reviewed is Ellen DeGeneres), and that 
readers may find connections on any subjects that those authors address (e.g. happiness, family, 
careers, etc.). Tina Fey provides wittiness, insight, and lovely charm to “Bossypants” that is sure 
to give readers a good laugh, and even a reason to see their own lives in a different light; one that 
is sure to give inspiration and sound advice. 
Copyrighted in 2011, and receiving praise from various critics and readers, “Bossypants” is a 
wonderful read for anytime of the year, and is one that goes to show that you can enjoy the 
various learning experiences that come from any walk of life. 
dId SomeoNe Say Party? 

Authors Tour USA Member: Stacy Nelson 

We consider Stacy Nelson our apparent resident party animal, 
a real media darling who has been already been featured at 
least twice this year on Southern Cali’s most popular a.m. news 
show to share holiday decorating and party ideas. The Channel 
5 KTLA Morning Show has featured Stacy weighing in with 
expertise on great party ideas for St. Patrick’s Day and Memorial 

This multi-talented author is a Production Designer, Set 
Decorator and Budget Design Specialist for television, film, and 
special events. She is the author of 10 On-Set Secrets style guide 
series and has been known as the decorating TRASH LASSIE for 
over 18 years for her ability to deliver exceptional results using 
low cost materials. She runs where she 
reveals fast, affordable solutions to decorating and entertaining. 

Her media credits include more than 89 hours of primetime 
television credit, guest interviews on 26 radio programs, 12 
morning shows and she was a recurring guest on Marie Osmond’s 
show that was aired on the Hallmark Channel. 

Her 10 On-Set Secrets style guide series are fun and informative 
books on how to present A-list style on low budget dollars. She 
reveals entertainment industry secrets on first class decorating 
and entertaining, in true Hollywood style. This book will show 
you how to host unforgettable parties for pennies on the dollar. 
You will save time and money using tips and tricks used behind 
the scenes to achieve professional results in record time with 
limited budgets. Discover television industry techniques to 
presenting the very best for less! 

Learn more about Stacy Nelson and other members at www. 

out to PaStor 

A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder

tHe aGe loNG query: WHo am I? 

 Last identity I don’t like myself? Can I of a man, is anyone’s guess this 

week I was exchange it or get my money back?point. The truth is that at the root 

t o o t lin g For some reason the personal of everything I am, I am a man.

a l o n g information of millions of people Second, I am a husband. This, 

w it h o ut had been lost or stolen from of course, is the most baffling of 

a care the security of my credit card my identity. What it means to be a 
in the world. Actually, I did have company, which begs the question, husband differs from wife to wife. 
several cares but I was ignoring how secured is my personal Fortunately, for me, I have only one 
them as much as possible. My basic information? wife, but even her idea of a husband 
philosophy is this, the more you While I am in the begging mood, changes from one moment to the 
ignore something the less you have another question comes to mind. next. I am never sure what she 
to deal with it. This, however, does If someone has stolen my identity, expects of me as a husband. Once I 
not apply to the Gracious Mistress who in the world am I? And, how thought I had it all figured out but 
of the I reclaim my identity?someone, I am not mentioning any 

Experience has taught me As a young person whenever my names, changed the rules.
one lesson concerning women, mother was upset with me about Third, I am a father. As a father, 
especially wives. They will not something I had done or did not my role consists of bankrolling 
stand to be ignored, particularly by do, she would always look at me the childhood adventures of my 
their husbands. I have learned the and ask, “Who do you think you children; financing their higher 
less attention I pay to my wife the are?”education career, hoping they get 
more I pay in other areas of life, if If anybody in the world should married before my money runs out. 
you know what I mean.know who I am it would be my To this day, I am not sure if I made 

 So, ignoring the cares I had last mother. And if she he was wrestling it or not. 
week, I was caught off guard when with the same question I was Fourth, I am a grandfather. 
I received a letter from my credit wrestling with, how in the world This is the most well defined role I 
card company. This was no friendly, could I ever come to grips with my have. The great thing about being 
“how are you,” kind of a letter. Nor personal identity?a grandfather is, nobody expects 
was it a cheery birthday greeting. I It is hard enough discovering much from us. Our role is covertly 
cannot tell you how many times I who you are without somebody to help our grandchildren make the 
have reminded them of my birthday casting dispersions upon that very lives of their parents as tempestuous 
but to date they have not picked up thing. Perhaps my mother and I as possible. Revenge is sweet when 
on my hint. could work together in solving this laced with jellybeans. Sugar highs 

 The ominous letter I did receive problem. After all, two heads are are a grandfather’s best retaliation.
informed me that along with better than one, unless one does not The most important thing 
millions of other customers my know who he is.about my identity quest is, I am 
identity had been stolen. The letter I have spent years trying to find a Christian. This undergirds 
went on to assure me I had nothing myself. Once I thought I found everything else I may or may not be. 
to worry about and they had the myself but it turned out to be an old My Christianity is the foundation 
situation well in hand.pair of socks I lost three years prior.upon which everything else is built. 

 That is easy for them to say. They My problem is compounded I take comfort in the Bible; 
know who they are but what about by this one thing, I did not really “These things have I written unto 
me? When I got the letter I ran to know who I was before my identity you that believe on the name of the 
my bathroom and looking into my was stolen. I had my suspicions, of Son of God; that ye may know that 
mirror -- nothing! My identity was course. However, somewhere in the ye have eternal life, and that ye may 
indeed gone.back of my mind, I really could not believe on the name of the Son of 

 I assure you I will worry until I come to grips with who I really was God.” (1 John 5:13 KJV).
get to the bottom of this. I will not in this world. When my identity is rooted in 
rest until I know exactly who I am In the course of time, (actually believing in Jesus Christ, everything 
and my identity is fully restored. it was a four-course lunch) I have else in my life falls into place. 
Of course, there is one problem come to several conclusions.
here. What if when I do recover my First, I am a man. What kind 


By Sean Kayden 


Hebronix is the latest project from Daniel Blumberg. He recently departed 
from his critically acclaimed band Yuck (who are continuing without him) 
to pursue his solo endeavor. “Unreal” marks Blumberg’s fourth debut 
record under different names/bands. He was the singer/songwriter for Yuck, had a solo side 
project in 2011 under the moniker, Oupa and his first band was Cajun Dance Party several 
years before that. However, with Hebronix, Blumberg has the freedom to do whatever he wants 
and he surely does just that. With only six songs on the album, it spans over 45 minutes, while 
most songs averaging over seven minutes in length. For most of the duration something truly 
reflective and deeply heartfelt is present. With a sudden burst of guitars and keyboards come 
together for some of the songs, there’s simply something utterly intoxicating and refreshing about 
Blumberg’s style. The longer song structure and more 
complex arrangements is a big difference than Yuck’s 
debut album. With Hebronix, Blumberg is distancing 
himself from the 90s alternative sound and delving into 
something more unique, more his own. 
No doubt about it, Blumberg has grown as both a 
songwriter and composer. He’s experimental with much 
a deeper soundscape that touches upon sounds that are 
very moving and melodic. Many of the songs here have a rise-and-fall type of sound. There’s a 
lot dynamic throughout the album that sadly only reaches six tracks. “Viral” one of the singles 
starts off very slow before it explodes in this swirling yet utterly soothing piece of music. The 
songs here put you in a dream state, which I’d recommend listening to this lying on your bed. It 
gets you thinking as it opens up your mind and soul. Often beautiful, if not repetitive, Hebronix 
almost connects with each and every song. The one I just didn’t care for was the title track, 
“Unreal.” It kind of reminded me of Yuck or at least one of their weaker tracks that is. Something 
about “Unreal” didn’t resonate with me. It merely had me zoning out rather than be entirely 
engaged by it. As for the rest of the songs, they’re all incredible. With the combination of guitars, 
pianos, snyths, flutes and string instruments, makes for some dreamy, warm, and sleepy music. 

Artist: Hebronix 
Album: Unreal 
Label: ATP Recordings 
Release Date: July 9th, 2013 
The closing track, “The Plan,” wanders on for a little too long. It feels like a song written to say 
goodbye to Yuck. The line, ““I can’t just sit around and hold your little hand… I’ve got some 
things to do.” Indeed Blumberg definitely has things to do and his ideas simply don’t mesh with 
the direction Yuck was apparently heading. I must admit, I was disappointed to see him depart, 
but once I heard this album, I’m more than okay with it now. “Unreal” minus the title track is 
a tender, dream-induced record that will get inside your head. The multifaceted arrangements 
along with the sheer beauty encompassing these songs are more than I ever imagined. This may 
be Blumberg’s best debut record from any band he’s been involved with, but I hope he’s just getting 
started with Hebronix. I definitely like the direction he’s heading and perhaps his fourth debut 
album, he’s finally found his own way. One could only hope, this marks the last debut for Blumberg. 

Key Tracks: “Unliving,” “Viral,” “Garden” 
Grade: 8.5 out of 10