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 Mountain Views News Saturday, November 23, 2013 




The number one complaint I hear is about stress. I hear complaints 
such as, “I am so stressed all the time”, “I am so tired all the time”, “I 
have such low energy” or “it’s just so hard to get going in the morning”. 
Maybe this is you? If you are like most people you have tried drugs 
and/or caffeine but have not found either to fix the problem. 

Reversing fatigue with nutrition is the way to go. There are many, 
many causes! In fact, if you are stressed and fatigued it is hard to 
figure out which one is causing the other because stress can cause you 
to feel fatigued and fatigue can cause you stress. The food you choose 
may be a cause of your fatigue. 

In a culture like ours where multitasking is a must, we find ourselves 
running on fast forward most of the time. This behavior can give your adrenals quite a workout. 
Your adrenal glands or “adrenals” as we refer to them, are small endocrine glands that sit at the 
top of the kidneys. They are chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in response to stress. You 
may be familiar with hearing them referred to as “fight or flight” hormones. Among other things, 
your adrenals are very important for a healthy immune system. They are necessary for proper 
thyroid function, balancing your hormones, maintaining a healthy weight, stabilizing emotions, and 
controlling food cravings. They are pretty much the regulators of your body, and when your adrenals 
are fatigued, they may be the key to solving many of your unexplained health challenges. 

The best way to improve energy and health is by focusing on what Hippocrates said many years ago, 
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” There are a few different organs in the body 
that are in charge of your energy levels. If they are malnourished, they need to be aided with whole 
food nutrition. Be smart about your health. You can feed your body and remove toxins to improve 
health or you can suppress symptoms with medications. When our body has symptoms it is trying 
to tell us something…we need to listen. 

There's a part in each one of us that we wish would come through 
and be seen. It could be a quality that we want more of, say patience 
or ambition. We could see this quality in others and long 
for more of that in ourselves. We know we are capable of it, but 
we need to develop and uncover it. Here is an instance when Yoga 
can help.

Whether we are just starting out with our yoga practice or been 
practicing a while, the process still works the same way. We gain 
awareness through the physical asana practice, which leads to 
mental clarity and ultimately, self knowledge. It's with this knowledge 
and awareness that we can then get clear on what we want and do not want. After we 
move through any sticky areas, new attributes may be exposed. Further, we can better determine 
where and to whom we want to give our energy. 

Once the journey has begun, we have a responsibility to continue. What was once hard 
seems easy. We must deepen and explore, seeking out what makes us happy, what we love, or 
ask when do we feel the most free? In yoga, we do this not only through our asana practice, 
but meditation, mantra, and pranayama may come in to play when it's time. 

Each student, or yogi progresses at their own pace. We can only handle so much "knowledge" 
at any one time. We must have fun too. And of course, there's always the pull to stay 
with what we know or what is comfortable. But, we just cannot ignore the quiet voice inside. 
That part in each one of us longing to be recognized and brought to the surface. With that, 
I hope to see you in class. 


Keely Totten 

Teacher, Yoga Madre

Dr. Tina is a traditional 
naturopath and nutritionist 
at Vibrant Living 
Wellness Center


(StatePoint) It is natural for parents to be curious about how their children are developing mentally, 
emotionally and physically. And it’s even natural for parents to experience some apprehension about 
what is “normal.” But experts say that by better understanding your child, you can put the anxieties 
aside and help guide your children through each age and stage.

“Each child grows at a different pace,” advises Dr. Lise Eliot, an early childhood mental development 
expert. “There are few hard and fast deadlines when it comes to a child’s milestones.”

To ease parents’ concerns, Dr. Eliot worked with VTech, a world leader in age-appropriate and developmental 
stage-based electronic learning products for children, to create a set of Developmental 
Milestones. These milestones can be used as a guideline to help parents better understand a child’s 
development and determine which toys and games are appropriate for that stage. Here are three areas 
of development to consider:

Language and Cognition

Language immersion is absolutely key to children's cognitive and emotional development. Children 
use words to express themselves, but also to learn about the people and world around them. Research 
has proven that early, two-way conversations with babies and young children are critical to speech 
and later reading development. 

“Look for interactive toys and books to expand your child’s vocabulary and awareness of letter 
sounds,” says Eliot.

At the same time, children learn important concepts through non-verbal play, like building and 
sorting, and so the combination of verbal and spatial play is very powerful to children's overall 

Social Development

Relationships are at the core of all human learning. Babies look to their parents' emotions and facial 
expressions to first learn about the world, and children continue to depend completely on other 
people to learn language and the rules of social engagement. Peers are an equally important part of 
the social equation.

“The fact is, we are a highly social species and the better children learn to read other people's feelings 
and desires the easier time they will have learning and befriending others,” says Eliot.

Physical and Motor Skills

Children learn through play. And as every exhausted parent knows, their play is extremely physical. 
Whether it is learning to crawl, run, or build a toy tower, young children are constantly exercising 
their gross and fine motor skills, honing brain pathways for smooth, purposeful movement.

“The more opportunity children have for physical exertion and exploration, the better for the development 
of both their minds and bodies,” says Eliot.

For a detailed milestones guideline, sorted by age group and area of development, along with other 
free parenting resources, visit

With a broader understanding of child development, parents can relax, have fun and help their kids 
grow to their full potential.

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The Sierra Madre Farmer’s Market hours have changed to 3:00pm through 8:00pm 
every Wednesday. Vendors include Dry Dock which has fresh and wild caught 
fish, Rustic Loaf with artisan breads, Cutie Pie with fresh pies and much more!

 For those interested in being a vendor contact Melissa Farwell with Raw 

Inspirations at 818-591-8161 ext. 806.