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Happy Thanksgiving SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2013 VOLUME 7 NO. 47 A COMMUNITY GIVES THANKS CITY INCREASES GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY, LAUNCHES OPEN DATA PROGRAM Just as residents begin to contemplate whether or not to support an increase in water utility rates and whether or not to extend and increase the User Utility Tax that will support our police, fire and paramedics, the city announced the launched “an interactive and user-friendly online platform of the City’s financial data”. There is also a program that allows you to find what the specific impact of a water rate increase will be on our household. These programs are designed to help citizens better understand the city’s finances and why city leaders feel the increases are necessary. Using software developed by OpenGov.com, a Silicon Valley software startup, there will be “an unprecedented ability to access, understand, and analyze the City’s budget.” The one site, “OpenGov has provided a low-cost way for residents to dig deeper into the City’s budget,” said City Manager Elaine Aguilar. “I hope Sierra Madre residents will make use of this new tool to see how the City spends the residents’ money.” The public is encouraged to explore the City’s financial data via the OpenGov platform on the City’s web site, or directly at sierramadre.opengov.com. “The City of Sierra Madre is leading the way for transparency in government in the 21st century,” says Zachary Bookman, CEO and co-founder of OpenGov. “By making its financial data transparent for its citizens, the City of Sierra Madre deepens the bond with its community and gives meaning to the term ‘access to information.’” As cities, counties, and other jurisdictions continue to transition to the digital age, it has become increasingly imperative for cities to utilize state-of-the-art technology to share financial data with residents in a user-friendly way. In a time when people are increasingly demanding open and transparent government, OpenGov is providing cities with a simple way to share data with the community. Founded by Stanford technologists, and backed by prominent Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and investors, OpenGov develops user-friendly transparency software for operational intelligence and budget analytics. Learn more at opengov.com. Sierra Madre was recently recognized in a Los Angeles County City Internet Strategy Analysis as one of the most transparent cities in the county. The analysis also revealed: • Culver City and Sierre Madre have the best overall strategies based on our measuring standards. • 51 of the 88 cities have a presence on Twitter or Facebook. • 64% of cities make their City Council meetings available online. • More cities had an official Facebook account (47%) than an official Twitter account (43%). http://www.tripepismith.com/los-angeles-county-city-internet-strategy-analysis- 3rd-edition/ In order to make informed decisions and to monitor how your tax dollars are being spent, residents are encouraged to utilize these resources. If you have trouble with the sites, contact city hall at 626-355-7135. “Continually utilizing the latest technology is really the key to addressing many of the challenges our City faces now and will face in the future. The budget transparency tool is a cheap and simple way of giving our residents complete access to the City’s finances in a user-friendly format. It also allows us as a Council to communicate more effectively with residents regarding our budget priorities, goals, and challenges going- forward. This level of access is really unprecedented, so we hope that residents utilize the tool and give us feedback.” City Councilman John Harabedian Speakers included: (l to r) Father Michael Higgins, Mater Dolorosa, Deacon John Hull, St. Rita’s Church, Reverend Linda Marshall, Sierra Madre United Methodist Church, Reverend Dr. Jolene Cadenbach, Arcadia Congregational UCC, Rabbi Alan Lachtman, Temple Beth David; Father Michael Bamberger, Episcopal Church of the Ascension and Mr. Steven Licata, Bahai Faith. Photo by S. Henderson On Wednesday, the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club held their annual Community Prayer Breakfast at the historic Essick House. The event was filled with community leaders, city officials and members of the general public most of whom had waited an entire year in anticipation of partaking in the famous ‘Quiche’ prepared by club members. The event brings together people from various religious backgrounds with a common goal. The theme that was a part of every speech included references to giving thanks this holiday season for our lives and families and also being thankful for our community. Eunice Banos, adorned in historic attire, played the piano for guests as they arrived and during the opening songs. Chairperson for the breakfast was Dr. Shahrzad Arzani. Mary Carney, President of the club, served as the Mistress of Ceremonies. The Women’s Club is one of the oldest, if not the oldest service organization in Sierra Madre. Established in 1907. it is also a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. There are over 100 active area women who are dedicated to friendship and service. Our members enjoy our events, programs, fundraisers, and supporting our community through donations and service Also Inside this week: SIERRA MADRE Calendar Page A2 Sierra Madre News Page A3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. A4 County Releases Devil’s Gate Report AROUND SGV Pg. A5 ARCADIA NEWS Pg. A6 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. A7 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. A8 FOOD & DRINK Thanksgiving Recipes Pg. A9 BEST FRIENDS Pg. A11 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Pg. A12 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. A13 Savvy Senior Senior Happenings This and That 45N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre Ca, 91024(626)355-1596Come one, come all, the more the merrier! Bean Town’s AnnualChristmas Benefit Santa Claus Is Coming To Bean Town All Donations Go To The Sierra Madre SchoolArts Program. On Saturday December 14, From 1pm-3pmA photographer will be on hand if you forget your camera. Photos will be e-mailed to you after the event. SECTION B SUPPORT OUR LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS SECTION Pg. B1 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. B2 WORLD AROUND US / SPORTS Pg. B3 BUSINESS What’s an I-Cloud? Pg. B4 LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN/OPINION Pg. B8 SMTV Channel 98 Program Guide Pg. B9 Shop Small Business Saturday LEGAL NOTICES Pg. B11 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |