Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, February 15, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 4

Mountain View News Saturday, February 15, 2014 


 The city council unanimously 
voted to extend Monday night 
an interim urgency ordinance 
that bans the building of new 
recycling centers or modifying 
existing centers until the 
possibility of a long-term ban 
is taken up by the council in 

 No one spoke for or against 
the issue during public 
comment; it was moved 
by Councilmember Victor 

 “The emergency ordinance 
would go into effect tonight,” 
Gordo said. “To move this 
along, I would be prepared to 
offer that we introduce tonight 
that the longtime ordinance be 
referred to ed/tech committee 
[Economic Development & 

 City Attorney Michele Beal 
Bagneris said the second 
reading of the long-term 
ordinance would be March 

3. If passed, new recycling 
centers would be banned from 
the city.
According to the city staff 
report, “recycling facilities 
have the potential to create 
adverse effects on surrounding 
neighborhoods. There 
continues to be a current and 
immediate threat to the public 
health, safety and welfare 
because existing regulations 
would permit new recycling 
facilities to be established 
and existing facilities to be 
expanded or replaced without 
consideration of their potential 
adverse effects.”

 “The second extension of 
the moratorium provides an 
opportunity to determine what 
regulations are necessary to 
eliminate or mitigate potential 
secondary impacts associated 
with recycling facilities and 
also to understand how further 
regulation or a prohibition on 
recycling centers may impact 
businesses governed by the 
California Beverage Container 
Recycling and Litter Reduction 
Act,” the report reads.

 The Planning and Community 
Development Department is 
also looking into the topic of 
inside store recycling. In 2010 
Target was the first national 
chain to install recycling 
stations by checkout lanes in 
all of their stores.

 The Planning and 
Development Department will 
implement the moratorium, 
with support from the Public 

Pet of the 

Forest is one-year-old 
Soft-coated Wheaten terrier 
mix. He’s very sweet and 
affectionate. He’s looking for 
his Valentine today. 

 Forest’s adoption fee is $125, 
which includes his neuter 
surgery, a microchip, the first 
set of vaccinations, as well 
as a free follow-up health 
check at a participating vet. 
New adopters will receive 
complimentary health and 
wellness exam from VCA 
Animal Hospitals, as well 
as a goody bag filled with 
information on how to 
care for your pet. Ask an 
adoptions counselor for 
more information during 
your visit. 

 Call the Pasadena 
Humane Society & SPCA at 
626.792.7151 to ask about 
A349621, or visit at 361 S. 
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena. 
Adoption hours are 11-4 
Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday – 
Friday, 9-4 Saturday. Pets 
may not be available for 
adoption and cannot be 
held for potential adopters 
from phone calls or email. 
Directions and photos of all 
pets can be found at www. 


 The city council took any 
notion of a National Football 
League team temperedly using 
the Rose Bowl, this year, off the 
table instead opting to increase 
other large scale events at the 
stadium throughout the year. 
Councilmember and chair of the 
Rose Bowl Operating Company 
Victor Gordo said the ROBC 
wanted, for calendar year 2014, 
the city of Pasadena not to host 
NFL games and hold no more 
than 18 “displacement events’ 
at the Rose Bowl Stadium 
something the city council 
voted unanimously in favor of 
Monday night.
“No NFL in 2014, it isn’t the 
ultimate answer but it’s certainly 
a big step forward, A max of 

Digital Bookmobile to
Visit Pasadena Library

18 [events] and upward isn’t 
ideal but it’s a step forward…,” 
said Linda Vista/Annandale 
Neighborhood Association 
President Nina Chomsky. “Then 
in January 2015 we get to start 
all over again, I guess, but we 
will cross that bridge when we 
come to it.” 
Added events included, 
International Soccer, Autism 
Speaks (the nation’s largest 
grassroots autism walk 
program), and AmericaFest.
Gordo said it was clear that 
adding new events would 
increase revenue for the 
stadium. He said premium 
seating revenue was up this 
fiscal year, from $2.1 million 
to $5 million. It is projected to 

hit $7 million next year he said. 
Revenue from non-premium 
seating was projected to be $1 
million this year and $2 million 
the next year. 
Councilmember Steve Madison 
said the money was needed for 
the stadium’s, almost complete, 
$180 million renovation. 
Last month, neighbors of the 
Linda Vista/Annandale area lost 
a lawsuit, against the city, in an 
attempt to stop an NFL team 
from playing at the stadium 
alleging that an environmental 
impact study did not correctly 
take into account the effects of 
the added events. 
The council also limited the 
number minor walks and run 
events to 13. 

 Pasadena Police 
Department Traffic Unit 
will be conducting a DUI/
Drivers License Checkpoint 
on Friday, February 21, 
2014, at an undisclosed 
location within the city 
limits between the hours of 
8:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. 
The deterrent effect of DUI 
checkpoints is a proven 
resource in reducing the 
number of persons killed 
and injured in alcohol or 
drug involved crashes. 
Research shows that crashes 
involving an impaired 
driver can be reduced by 
up to 20 percent when well-
publicized DUI checkpoints 
and proactive DUI patrols 
are conducted routinely. 
“Over the course of the past 
three years, DUI collisions 
have claimed 4 lives and 
resulted in 63 injury 
crashes harming 83 of our 
friends and neighbors,” 
said Pasadena Police Chief 
Phillip Sanchez. 
Officers will be looking for 
signs of alcohol and/or drug 
impairment with officers 
checking drivers for proper 
licensing delaying motorists 
only momentarily. 
Drivers caught driving 
impaired can expect the 
impact of a DUI arrest to 
include jail time, fines, 
fees, DUI classes, other 
expenses that can exceed 
$10,000 not to mention 
the embarrassment when 
friends and family find out. 
Suspect described as a male, 
Black, wearing a black beanie, 
black clothing, carrying a black 
backpack. Suspect last seen 
southbound on Grand Oaks Av. 
Loss: silver Apple laptop, black 
iPad, black iPad w/pink cover.

Thursday, February 6th

Between 12:00 AM and 9:00 
AM – A vandalism occurred in 
the 1300-blk of Morada Pl. 

12:51 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
2000-blk of Crary St. The 
suspects attempted to enter the 
residence by prying the rear 
door. Suspects described as (2) 
female, Hispanics, 19 – 20 yrs, 
504-505. Loss: none. 
Between 10:30 AM and 4:30 
PM – A residential burglary 
occurred in the 1500-blk of 
Coolidge Av. Suspect(s) entered 
the residence via the unsecured 
window. Loss: platinum 
wedding ring.
Between 7:00 PM and 7:15 PM 
– A petty theft occurred at 24Hr. 
Fitness, 2180 Lincoln Av. Loss: 
black Samsung Galaxy. 
Saturday, February 8th

Between 9:00 PM and 2:00 
PM – A commercial burglary 
occurred in the 2200-blk of N. 
Lake Av. Suspect(s) entered the 
location via unknown means. 
Loss: gray Expedition camera 
bag, blk CyberPack 8 camera 
bag, camera flash kit bags, 
black Nikon D3X camera, black 
Nikon D3 camera, black Nikon 


 The city council voted 
Monday night to increase the 
city loan assistance to Bridge 
Housing Corporation for 
the Heritage Square senior 
housing project by $400,000 
—a move welcomed by many 
in Northwest Pasadena.

 The longtime proposed 
project at 750-790 N. Fair 
Oaks Avenue would include 
a 70-unit affordable rental 
housing project for very low 
income seniors. 

 Councilmember John 
Kennedy said the purpose of 
the loan was to allow a better 
tax credit. 

 Under the Development, 
Loan, and Lease Agreement 
with Bridge Housing 
Corporation, the project 
financing structure includes 
a predevelopment loan in 

the amount of $600,000 
from City housing funds; 
a reservation of project-
based rental subsidies for 
69 units under the Housing 
Choice Voucher program 
administered by the City’s 
housing authority; and a 
nine percent Low Income 
Housing Tax Credits from 
the California Tax Credit 
Allocation Committee.

 This brings the total City loan 
amount to $1,000,000 which 
represents a loan subsidy 
of $14,706 per affordable 
unit. An allocation of tax 
credits for Heritage Square 
will enable the project to 
proceed into plan check, 
obtain a building permit, 
and commence construction 
according to city staff. 

 Construction is scheduled 
be begin in spring.

Proposed the Heritage Square project

Pasadena Hastings BranchPublic Library Turns 55

 Pasadena Public Library’s provide art projects for children 
Hastings Branch will celebrate and Ballet Folklorico Quetzal 
its 55th birthday on Saturday, will perform several folklorico 
February 22 from 1 to 3 p.m. dances. There will also be 

 Join in the fun on this festive informational tables hosted by 
day. There will be entertainment community organizations. 
for all ages provided by local This special birthday 
artists, artisans and community celebration is sponsored by 
groups. Damian Salcedo- Tong the Hastings Branch Library 
will craft imaginative balloon Associates.
sculptures while Aldonia Hastings Branch Library is 
Bailey creates amazing designs located at 3325 E. Orange Grove 
with her face painting talents. Blvd. For more information call 
Armory Center for the Arts will (626) 744-7262 

City Forum on StateWater Supply Challenges 

 The public is invited 
to attend a free panel 
discussion on water supply 
challenges sponsored by the 
Pasadena Water and Power 
Department (PWP). Water 
and environmental experts 
will discuss California’s longterm 
water supply challenges 
plus potential state and local 

 “Your Water: The Big 
Picture” begins at 6:30 p.m. 
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014, in 
Room 107 at the Pasadena 
Convention Center, 300 

E. Green St. The public 
is encouraged to register 
for the free event at www. or by calling 
(626) 744-3715. 
The forum is PWP’s 
kickoff event for its newest 
public awareness campaign 
highlighting the City’s 
proactive water conservation 
and drought response efforts. 
In addition to hearing from 
the panelists, the public will 

Learn How to Produce 
Your Own TV Show 

 In anticipation of Pasadena 
Media opening new studios at 
150 S. Los Robles Ave, they are 
offering free television-training 
programs for producers. Plan 
to attend an orientation to 
discover the right classes for 
you. Producers’ Training 
teaches how to produce shows available in citizen journalism 

for The Arroyo Channel. Studio 

and digital film groups. Call the 

Production/Equipment training 

office (626) 794-8585 or go to 

is also offered to volunteer 


crewmembers. In addition, 

explore what Pasadena Media 

on-going training will soon be 

has to offer. 
Class Offerings 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Nightly 

Closed for Presidents’ Day 

Monday, Feb. 17 All day 

Introduction to Field Production Training 

Wednesday Feb. 19 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

Orientation & Producers Training 

Monday Feb. 24 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

New Studio Grand Opening 

Tuesday March 4 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 

Citizen Journalism coming soon 
Digital Film Group coming soon

have the opportunity to 
build a free conservation kit 
and enter a raffle to win a 
rain barrel.

 Specific discussion topics 
include where our water 
comes from; information 
on plans to stabilize the 
Sacramento-San Joaquin 
Delta ecosystem; PWP’s 
innovative local water 
conservation efforts and 
incentive programs PWP 
customers can use to reduce 
water use and save money.

 Panel speakers currently 
schedules are Roger K. 
Patterson, Metropolitan 
Water District of Southern 
California; Doug Obegi, 
Natural Resources Defense 
Council and Dan Rodrigo, 
CDM Smith.

 For more water and energy 
conservation tips visit www.

 Statewide drought 
information is online at 

The public library will host 
the Digital Bookmobile on 
Thursday, February 20 from 
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Pasadena’s 
Central Library, 285 E. Walnut 

“As more and more titles 
become available to you in 
eBook format, we want to be 
sure you are comfortable with 
how to use them,” said Jan 
Sanders, Director of Libraries 
and Information Services. 
“Some of you have commented 
that you are curious about 
eBooks and how to borrow 
them from this library. Now is 
your chance to find out. Come 
and let the OverDrive folks 
give you hands-on training so 
you, too, can begin to enjoy our 
collection of eBooks and other 
digital media. Demonstrations 
on downloading will take place 
all day and staff will be on hand 
to answer all your questions. 
See you then.”

 The OverDrive Digital 
Bookmobile is an 18-wheel 
tractor-trailer. This 74-foot 
community outreach vehicle 
is a high-tech update of the 
traditional bookmobile and 
is visiting libraries across 
the nation. The vehicle is 
equipped with broadband 
Internet-connected PCs, high 
definition monitors, premium 

Sheriff Crime 

Sunday, February 2nd

12:30 AM – A petty theftoccurred in the 2500-blk of N. 
Fair Oaks Av. Loss: black w/
gold studs purse, iPod touch 
16gb, black Acer Iconian tablet 
16gb, white iPhone 4s, iPhone 
9:20 AM – A vehicle was 
reported stolen from the 100-blk 
of E. Sacramento St. ***Vehicle 
recovered by Pasadena PD***
Monday, February 3rd

Between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM – 
A residential burglary occurred 
in the 1300-blk of Lexington Av. 
Suspect(s) entered the residence 
by shattering the kitchen door 
window. Loss: black Lenovo 
tablet, black iPad mini, black 
Samsung Galaxy cellphone.
Between 2:00 PM and 12:00 PM 
(Tuesday) – A petty theft from 
an unlocked vehicle occurred in 
the 500-blk of W. Mariposa St. 
Loss: vehicle registration.
Between 5:30 PM and 7:30 AM 
(Tuesday) – A grand theft from 
an unlocked vehicle occurred in 
the 1100-blk of Meadowbrook 
Rd. Loss: clothing.
Between 5:30 PM and 7:30 AM 
(Tuesday) – A petty theft from 
an unlocked vehicle occurred in 
the 1100-blk of Meadowbrook 

sound systems, and a variety 
of portable media players, all 
of which help visitors explore 
Pasadena Public Library’s 
download service. Interactive 
learning stations give visitors 
an opportunity to search the 
digital media collection, use 
supported mobile devices, and 
download and enjoy eBooks, 
audiobooks, music, and video 
from the library. There is lot’s 
to do at the Digital Bookmobile. 

 All readers can take advantage 
of the Pasadena Public Library 
digital collection 24/7 by 
visiting the library’s website. 
Readers will find a growing 
collection of best-selling, new 
release, and classic titles, and 
can check out a digital title 
with a valid library card. Once 
downloaded, digital titles can 
be enjoyed on a computer or 
transferred to one of the many 
supported mobile devices. At 
the end of the 21 day lending 
period, titles automatically 
expire and are returned to the 
digital collection. There are 
never late fees for eBooks!

 The Digital Bookmobile 
is owned and operated by 
OverDrive, Inc. To check out 
and download digital books 
and media, visit the Pasadena/
Glendale Digital Library: http:// 

Rd. Loss: currency.
Between 8:00 PM and 7:00 AM 
(Tuesday) – A petty theft from 
an unlocked vehicle occurred 
in the 1400-blk-of Carroll Dr. 
Loss: coins. 

Tuesday, February 4th

Between 8:25 AM and 5:00 PM – 
A residential burglary occurred 
in the 1800-blk of N. Sierra 
Bonita Av. Suspect(s) entered 
the residence by removing the 
rear window screen. Loss: black 
PS3 console, remote control. 
Between 8:30 AM and 4:10 
PM – A residential burglary 
occurred in the 800-blk of 
Mountain View St. Suspect(s) 
entered the residence by cutting 
the rear kitchen window screen 
and prying the door kitchen 
door. Loss: gray HP desktop, 
black HP laptop, black Sharp 
32” flat screen. 

9:30 AM – A vehicle burglary 
occurred in the 2200-blk of 
Mendocino St. Suspect(s) 
entered the vehicle by prying 
the rear doors. Loss: Honda 
lawnmower, Echo blower, 
trimmer, and hedge trimmer.
Wednesday, February 5th

Between 5:30 AM and 3:50 PM 

– A vandalism occurred in the 
2400-blk of Glenrose Av. 
Between 8:25 AM and 9:06 AM – 
A residential burglary occurred 
in the 1400-blk of Grand Oaks 
Av. The suspect entered the 
residence by removing the 
bathroom window screen.