Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, February 15, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 15, 2014 

“What’s Going On?”

News and Views from Joan Schmidt 

Five Great Candidates in ArcadiaWhat’s 
a Voter to Do? 

At the February businesses with questionnaires and act on the 

monthly Arcadia Chamber results.” 

of Commerce Government Roger Chandler is the only candidate 

Forum Meeting, we were with experience (16 years) on the City Council 

introduced to the five and served as Mayor three times, “Arcadia is a 
candidates running for three open positions on great city, all council members and great staff 
the Arcadia City Council.have kept the City solid…No scandals…Public 

Each candidate was given four minutes has elected good people…Arcadia is a strong city, 
to speak and four were in attendance: Thomas most City Managers are envious of us…top rated 
Beck, Roger Chandler, Sho Tay and Paul Van schools, top city in Southern California to raise 
Fleet. Burton Brink, the fifth candidate, had a kids…I don’t have a Jump in and Do Changes 
prior commitment that could not be changed. campaign…I’ve only been gone two years.” 
However, Chairman Jack Orswell read Brink’s Paul Van Fleet began saying, “Roger 
statement. is a hard act to follow…I am running for office 

I am only going to give readers a “short because I want to contribute my skills and talents 
glimpse” of each candidate. There are websites to to keep Arcadia the paradise it is. Sixteen years 
learn more, and on March 6, there will be a “Meet ago I decided to make Arcadia my home.” 
the Candidates Forum” at the Arcadia Public Mr. Van Fleet has lived “all over the 

Library from 7:00-8:30, worked in various fields, speaks a smidgen 

Mr. Orswell began with Mr. Brink’s of Chinese and feels he has a lot of experience 
statement. Mr. Brink is running for City Council and expertise to bring to the Council.” 
because he loves the city; it is the community he Sho Tay is no stranger to Arcadia. He 
grew up in-his family has lived in Arcadia for has been a candidate before and his record is 
47 years. His mother Carolyn Brink was on the quite impressive. He was born in Taiwan, but 
Arcadia Planning Commission and his parents family relocated to Okinawa which he why he 
taught him to serve the community-he has been a speaks Japanese. At age 18, his family moved 
member of the L.A. County Sheriff ’s Department to Alhambra. His father died young, and at 
for 25 years. age 19, Mr. Tay began a business to support his 

Mr. Brink wants to make sure the City family. In 1994, he and his wife Sherry moved 
“continues to move forward and keep our focus to Arcadia and their two children were born 
on making the city a safe place… businesses at Methodist Hospital. Mr. Tay has served on 
thrive and grow…schools continue to get the the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce, Board of 
support they need to keep our kids learning and Trustees for the Los Angeles County Arboretum, 
become our future.” Arcadia Masonic Lodge, Arcadia Red Cross and 

The first speaker was Tom Beck. Current many more. On his web site, it shows numerous 
Mayor Segal, Mayor Pro Tem Wuo and Council awards/recognition from Congressman Dreier, 
Members Kovacic and Harbicht had all asked Mr. Supervisor Antonovich, Arcadia Chinese 
Beck to run for office. The Beck family moved to Association, Arcadia Firefighters Association, 
Arcadia in the 80’s. They immediately became and more. Mr. Tay feels his 30+ years of business 
involved in the schools-founded the Parent experience and involvement in law enforcement 
Support Group at Highland Oaks Elementary (Reservist, Alhambra Police Department) give 
and then at Foothills Middle School. Mr. Beck him the ability to make a difference in the City.
has been involved at Methodist Hospital. Mr. I see five men who are well-qualified and 
Beck suggested that “Economic Development with experience to serve on the Arcadia City 
Manager Jerry Swartz should go directly to City Council. Please visit their websites to learn more 
Manager Dominic Lazzaretto …Arcadia needs and attend the March 6 Candidate Forum at the 
to enter every Friendly City Contest…poll our Arcadia Library from 7:00-8:30 pm. 

The Construction Authority announced today “Monrovia residents are patiently accepting the 
that the Foothill Extension light rail project from challenges brought by construction, because we 
Pasadena to Azusa is now more than halfway to all eagerly anticipate the Gold Line arriving in 
project completion. The project is on-schedule our city. The excitement is certainly building, 
for a September 2015 turn over to Metro for test-especially now that we see the Monrovia station 
ing and pre-revenue service. Metro will decide and parking facility starting to take shape. Our 
when the line opens for passenger continues to move forward on the plans for 

 Since work began in 2010, more than 600,000 our Station Square development, including the 
work hours have been expended on the project. largest public works project in our history that 
We are proud to say that none have been lost due will be built up literally around the Monrovia 
to injury. To date, crews have completed the $18.6 Gold Line station.” 
million Gold Line Bridge; as well as eight of the - Mayor Mary Ann Lutz, City of Monrovia 
14 at-grade street crossings, 15 of the 24 bridge “Construction of the Gold Line has gone very 
structures, and 70% of the utility work along the well in Arcadia, since the project broke ground 

11.5-mile Alignment. Additionally, more than at Newcastle Park in June 2010. The Gold Line 

half of the foundations are now in place for the Bridge over the eastbound I-210 Freeway has 
future Overhead Catenary System that will power won awards for its’ unique design and engineer-
the light rail system through this area. ing, and the three other rail bridges in the city 

are also quite impressive. The Construction Au

thority and their contractor have done an excellent 
job making sure that the light rail project fits 
aesthetically into our city so well that I believe it 
is going to feel like the train never left Arcadia.” -
Mayor Mickey Segal, City of Arcadia 
“The 50% completion of the Gold Line to Duarte 
marks a triumphant shift in transit options 
for Duarte residents. We look forward to 100% 
completion when we can ride the Gold Line into 
Pasadena and LA. The canopy structures are already 
installed at our beautiful station, and light 
rail track is being laid just a few hundred feet to 
the east. I look forward to celebrating the completion 
of the Duarte/City of Hope station just a 
few short months from now.” - Mayor Liz Reilly, 
City of Duarte 
Aerial view of the recently completed Santa Anita Ave Bridge in Arcadia 

Here is what the project’s corridor mayors are 
saying about the 50% project milestone: 

“I am extremely impressed as I watch the Gold 
Line being built in Azusa. Crews are nearly complete 
with the enormous undertaking of moving 
miles of freight track into its new position; while 
also building or rebuilding nine rail bridges and 
completing new street crossings across the city. 
Work has recently begun on our two future stations, 
and soundwalls are now under construction 
along the length of the rail corridor. I am 
confident that the project is more than halfway 
complete in our city, and I applaud the Construction 
Authority and their contractor for a remarkably 
smooth job so far. Keep up the good work.” 

- Mayor Joseph Rocha, City of Azusa 
Arcadia Police Blotter 

For the period of Sunday, February 2nd, through Both suspects were transported to the Arcadia City
Saturday, February 8th, the Police DepartmentJail for booking.
responded to 1,080 calls for service of which 142
required formal investigations. The following is a Wednesday, February 5:
summary report of the major incidents handled by6. Around 7:50 a.m., an officer was dispatched
the Department during this period. to Bank of America, 1234 South Baldwin Avenue, 

regarding a robbery that just occurred. As the victimSunday, February 2:walked up to the ATM, a male subject approached

1. Just before 1:41 a.m., an officer madeher from the side, pointed a gun, and demandedconsensual contact with a subject and discoveredshe give him money or else he would shoot her. Thehe had a suspended license. Shortly after, the officervictim handed over all of the money she had in hernoticed the same subject driving a vehicle andwallet and the suspect fled in a white truck.
conducted a traffic stop in the area of Clark Street and Shortly after, a traffic officer located a vehicleKardashian Avenue. The 44-year-old White malematching the suspect vehicle and conducted anwas arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailenforcement stop in the area of Las Flores Avenuefor booking.and First Avenue. An investigation revealed the
2. At about 9:47 p.m., officers working Supersuspect was in possession of $400 cash and anBowl DUI Saturation Patrol observed a stalled vehicle empty airsoft pistol gun case. The victim confirmedon eastbound Live Oak Avenue at Second Avenue his identification and assisting officers located thewith no headlights on. An investigation revealed thematching airsoft gun along First Avenue, south ofdriver was under the influence of alcohol and collided Duarte Road. The 47-year-old Hispanic male had awith a tree. The 46-year-old Black male was arrestedsuspended license and an outstanding misdemeanorand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. warrant. He was arrested and transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Monday, February 3:7. Thursday, February 6:

3. Around 3:00 p.m., an officer was dispatched 8. Just after 00:28 a.m., an officer conducted 
to a residence in the 1800 block of South Third a traffic stop on a vehicle for a broken tail light in 
Avenue regarding a theft report. The victim observed the area of Live Oak Avenue and Second Avenue. 
a female subject walking away from his front porch The officer discovered the subject had a suspended 
carrying a package, which contained a car seat that license and was on probation. A search of his 
he recently ordered on Amazon. The suspect fled in vehicle revealed he was in possession of stolen 
a white newer model SUV. She is described as White mail, including someone’s new license plates and 
or Hispanic, 20 to 30-years-old, 5’8” tall, 155 lbs., registration tabs. The 32-year-old Hispanic male 
wearing casual type clothing. was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City 
4. At approximately 5:17 p.m., an officer Jail for booking. 
observed a vehicle speeding in the area of Old 9. At approximately 8:20 p.m., an officer 
Ranch Road and Huntington Drive. The vehicle conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for lane 
failed to stop at the stop sign and then ran a red light swerving in the 900 block of West Huntington 
at the intersection of Huntington Drive and Sunset Drive. An investigation revealed the 53-year-old 
Boulevard. The officer attempted a traffic stop; Hispanic male driver and 41-year-old Hispanic male 
however, the vehicle fled and a pursuit continued passenger were in possession of methamphetamine. 
until the vehicle crashed into a house in the 300 block Both suspects were arrested and transported to the 
of California Boulevard in Pasadena. The suspect Arcadia City Jail for booking.
was detained on the front lawn and provided with 10. 
immediate medical aid for lacerations to his face. Friday, February 7:
Pasadena Fire arrived on scene and transported the 11. At approximately 7:00 a.m., an officer 
suspect to Huntington Memorial Hospital. The case responded to a multi-family residence in the 500 
is being reviewed for criminal charges. block of East Longden Avenue regarding a battery 
report. An investigation revealed the property 
Tuesday, February 4:owner was punched in the face by her tenant when 

5. At approximately 3:31 p.m., officers wereshe attempted to serve her with a 30-day eviction 
dispatched to a residence in the 400 block of Sharonnotice. The 32-year-old Hispanic female suspect 
Road regarding an attempted residential burglary.fled the location prior to the officer’s arrival. The 
The victims were watching TV in their den when theyvictim was desirous of prosecution. 
observed two suspects tampering with their window12. Just before 9:20 p.m., officers conducted 
Highlighted Activity for the Weekdays of February 10-12, 2014

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 358 service events,
resulting in 66 investigations. To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to for crime mapping. For Police
Department news and information, visit our website and follow us on Twitter for police

Grand Theft Auto / Vehicle RecoveredFebruary 10 at 9:23 a.m., a parking control officer noticed a vehicle parked in a no parking zone in the 
100 block of West Central Avenue. The officer determined the registered owner lived at an address 
nearby and the owner was contacted. The owner said they last saw their vehicle in their driveway. It 
was determined that the vehicle had been stolen and left a few blocks away. A police officer responded 
to take a report. The investigation is continuing. 

Wanted Person / Assault with a Deadly Weapon – Suspect ArrestedFebruary 10 at 10:47 p.m., an officer was on patrol in the 200 block of North Grand Avenue when he 
saw a male subject who he recognized from a wanted persons flyer. He detained the suspect and confirmed 
it was the person from the flyer. The suspect was wanted for assault with a deadly weapon, a 
crime that occurred on February 7 in the 300 block of South Myrtle Avenue. The suspect was arrested 
and taken into custody. 

Vehicle BurglaryFebruary 11 at 6:03 a.m., police responded to the report of a vehicle burglary. A resident in the 500 
block of West Duarte parked her vehicle in the carport area of her apartment complex in the evening. 
At approximately 4:40 a.m., she heard her car alarm activate. She looked out her window and saw a 
tan Honda Accord parked next to her vehicle that drove away with its lights blacked out. The victim 
saw three male Hispanics in the vehicle. The loss consisted of two jackets, the vehicle manual and 
service records. The investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft Auto / Vehicle RecoveredFebruary 11 at 7:06 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 700 block of South Myrtle. The resident 
parked his vehicle in front of his residence in the evening and at 7:00 a.m. noticed it was missing. 
The vehicle was entered into the stolen vehicle system and the LoJack system was activated. Officers 
received a hit and located the vehicle in the 200 block of Stedman. There appeared to be no loss from 
the vehicle and there was no sign of forced entry. It was discovered during the investigation that thevictim had left the valet key in the vehicle. The investigation is continuing. 


Walk This Way! Taking Steps for Pedestrian Safety 

This Information is Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

Take steps to be safe when walking on roadways. This includes exercising caution at intersections and crosswalks 
and increasing your visibility at night by wearing retro-reflective clothing and carrying flashlights. 

Walking is good for your health, and it’s good for the environment too. But before you head out on foot for 
a stroll, power walk, or errand, there are important safety tips to remember. 

What’s the problem?
Pedestrians—people who travel by foot, wheelchair, stroller, or similar means—are among the most vulnerable 
users of the road. 

In the next 24 hours, on average, more than 460 people will be treated in an emergency department for 
traffic-related pedestrian injuries. In the next 2 hours, on average, one pedestrian will die from injuries in 
a traffic crash. 

Take Steps for Safety = It’s especially important to watch out for children’s safety when they’re walking near 

traffic. For more information on Pedestrian Safety visit the website for Centers for Disease Control and 

Prevention Whenever you’re walking, keep these tips in mind:

Cross the street at a designated crosswalk.

Be careful at intersections where drivers may fail to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians while 

turning onto another street.

Increase your visibility at night by carrying a flashlight and wearing retro-reflective clothing.

It’s safest to walk on a sidewalk, but if you must walk in the street, walk facing traffic. 

As pedestrians, children are at even greater risk of injury or death from traffic crashes due to their small 
size, inability to judge distances and speeds, and lack of experience with traffic rules. Nearly one in four 
traffic deaths among children ages 14 and under are pedestrian deaths. 

We’d like to hear from you! 
What’s on YOUR Mind? 
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mountainviewsnews AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews 
Monrovia Police Blotter 
in attempt to get inside. Officers arrived on scene andestablished a perimeter of the area as both suspectsfled on foot. 
One suspect, a 24-year-old Black male, was locatedand arrested in a backyard in the 400 block of WestLemon Avenue. The second suspect, a 21-yearold 
Black male, was located inside a residence inthe 500 block of Sharon Road where he was hidingunderneath a bed. 
a traffic stop on a vehicle for failing to stop at a 
stop sign at the intersection of Second Avenue and 
Joyce Avenue. The officer discovered the driver had 
expired registration, an outstanding misdemeanor 
warrant, and was in possession of a narcotic drug. 
The 35-year-old Hispanic female was arrested and 
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
FOOTHILL EXTENSION UPDATE: Pasadena to Azusa Surpasses 50%