Mountain Views News Saturday, February 15, 2014
11HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Mountain Views News Saturday, February 15, 2014
For Valentine’s this year - I thought I would just say it again:
For most of us, loving ourselves seems to be the hardest. We love our
children, spouses and our dogs and...
But what if we did a better job of loving ourselves? What would that even
look like?
Here are a few points to help you get started:
Love where you have been in your life.
Love how you think.
Love how very powerful you are.
Love all your dreams.
Love all of your feelings.
Love your yoga practice (I had to throw that in).
Love all of your emotions.
And then go out and love others.
And love the planet.
The practice of yoga helps us see our own beauty. It helps us see the beauty in others. Just by doing
the practice we get stronger and more aware of our bodies movement. We love our accomplishments
and forgive our imperfections. Really, the practice of love starts at home, with us, inside. Then we
have lots of love to give freely to everyone else.
See you in class.
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutri-
tionist at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
Who out there does not get excited about the smell of fresh baked cookies?
Candies, pies, and cakes are often the reward for something great. We
use sugar filled baked goods to celebrate everything from milestones like
birthdays to graduations and retirements. Special events do not happen
every day, but what about that everyday sugar we consume? If you eat
any processed foods, you are probably taking in some sort of processed
sugar. Breakfast cereals, yogurts, sodas, salad dressings and pasta sauces
often contain added sugar. Sugar is highly addictive and totally legal.
The more we consume the more we want. Yet this sugar addiction kills.
Most recently, sugar has now been shown to play a role in cardiovascular
When you think of diseases caused or affected by sugar most people
think of diabetes, very few think of heart disease. A new study published
in JAMA Internal Medicine is the first national study examining how
added sugars affect rates of death from cardiovascular disease. The study
found that people who consumed the highest amounts of sugar were
more than twice as likely to die from cardiovascular disease. Unlike the
natural sugars existing in fruits and some vegetables, added sugars are
added to foods during their processing and preparation. What products are the biggest sources
of added sugar? Sweetened beverages like soda are the leading source of added sugar followed by
flour-based desserts, like cookies and cakes. Even small amounts of sugar can add up to be far too
much for many individuals.
When we eat highly processed foods, including sugar, it stimulates dopamine secretion in the brain.
Dopamine is a chemical in our body most closely associated with pleasure. The more concentrated
the sugar the more dopamine secreted so the better the food tastes. Can you see how these foods
become addictive? At the same time, these so-called foods contain little to no nutritional value for
the body.
The most effective way to eliminate the risk of disease from processed sugar is to eliminate it from
your diet. This includes processed foods. So start reducing the processed foods and start adding
fresh fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, potatoes, yams, whole grains ( but NOT flour
products), and beans to your diet. These foods will give you naturally occurring sugar accompanied
by fiber and lots of nutrition.
THIS ECONOMY by Dennis R. Buckley, D.C.
The number one cause of bankruptcy in the US is injury or illness that
drains the financial resources of an individual or family. This is true for
people with insurance.
Illness and injury rob you of your health, vitality, time and money. The good news is that it is estimated
that 70% of the problems people go to doctors for are preventable. It is estimated that genetics plays a
role in 10 to 30% of problems but lifestyle plays the biggest part.
In this economy with uncertainty of the economy, employment, insurance and the government, you
must take matters into your own hands. The fact is that you might live a lot longer than you ever
planned and this is creating a host of problems that people never imagined.
It is estimated by 2045 that there will be a 746% increase in people living to be centenarians (100 years
old) and children born after 2000, it is estimated that 50% of them will live to be 100!
Are you prepared physically, financially, emotionally and mentally to live that long? Now would be a
good time to start as a serious illness or injury or a long developing illness such as Alzheimers could
ruin you financially not to mention physically and emotionally.
With the new government health plan I would recommend that putting your faith in that plan may
prove to be very disappointing. The only “health plan” that you can count on is your own.
Adjust your lifestyle to include regular physical exercise including endurance exercises, strengthening
exercises, stretching and proper structure. Fuel that system with good nutrition and get rest and have
a reason to get up in the morning. This “Plan” will pay far higher dividends than an “illness or injury
plan” (The majority of insurance),
You or your family cannot bear the cost of an illness or injury plan so start today and put in place a
“health plan” that you control and enjoy.
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