After you've taken step one to decide to sell your home, step two is usually setting your asking price,
striving for a balance between generating offers and receiving top dollar.
Your chosen representative will perform a Competitive Market Analysis (CMA) to produce an estimate
of your home's "fair market value," or that price that educated buyers will pay based on listings
and sales of homes similar to yours. The agent will not establish the price, but only provide the information
you need to make that decision yourself.
In a hot market, you have the advantage, but would still want to avoid overpricing, which is always
unproductive. However, in a neutral or buyers market, you'll have to be particularly cautious in your
approach to setting a price.
In soft markets, price reductions become more common, as well as fewer offers and longer listing
periods. You have to first establish your priority: is it more important for you to sell quickly or to
get the most money possible? Like it or not, one option simply must be more critical than the other.
Have a third party, like your agent, help you see your home as a commodity, with positive and negative
selling points. Price your home objectively and competitively, be prepared to negotiate to reach
an agreement with buyers, and exercise patience as you prepare your move.
HOMES & PROPERTY Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 15, 2014
PASADENA, Calif. Pasadena Showcase House for the
Arts is proud to announce Mary Ann Clayton as its 50th
Benefit Chair for 2013-14. As Benefit Chair, Clayton is
responsible for overseeing the entire Annual Benefit, the
Pasadena Showcase House of Design, known to the public
as Showcase House, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary
this year with a spectacular 1915 English Country Estate
designed by Stiles O. Clements. This year’s Showcase House
will be featured, along with the 49 past Showcase Houses
in a commemorative book, 50 Years of Pasadena Showcase
Design Houses.
Clayton shares her thoughts about this milestone event,
“this year, I have the amazing honor of guiding our
organization through the process of putting together a
Showcase House for the fiftieth time. This is the Golden
Anniversary of the Pasadena Showcase House of Design.
I have been very fortunate in getting to know most of
the strong, creative women who have gone before me in
heading up this project. They are, indeed, a dynamic group.”
In 2001, Clayton became a member of PSHA when she was
invited to join the organization by a good friend. During
the intervening years, she has held many prominent
positions on the Benefit Committee, including: Interior Co-chair, Exterior Co- chair, Tickets Co-
chair, Restaurant Co-chair, Shops at Showcase Co-chair, Special Evenings Co-chair, Shops at Showcase
Treasurer and Tickets Marketing Chair. She has served on the Board as Provisional Chair, Secretary,
Benefit Treasurer, Season Tickets Chair and Instrumental Competition Chair. She has also served on
the Policies and Procedures, Gifts and Grants, and Membership and Finance committees. All of this
has helped prepare her for facilitating the most widely recognized and successful Showcase House in
the country.
Speaking about the gratification of being Benefit Chair and part of PSHA, Clayton says “no one is
looking forward to opening day 2014 more than I. The designers have presented wonderfully creative
ideas for the interior and exterior spaces. We are all excited to see these designs come to life, and
then to share the finished estate with the public. For me, the best part is getting to know the other
wonderful members of this group of very focused, hard-working people. Each year we undertake a
seemingly impossible project to earn money in order to fund our music programs and support arts
throughout our community.”
Clayton’s own musical background endears her to PSHA’s award winning Pasadena Showcase House
Music Mobile™ Program, the Pasadena Showcase House Annual Youth Concert, and Pasadena
Showcase House Annual Instrumental Competition. “I identify with PSHA’s mission statement,
having studied music since the age of 5, starting with piano, then trumpet, French horn and flute. I
have fond memories of participating in the annual instrumental competitions in Northern Ohio in
grades 9 through 12, and working to earn a coveted ‘excellent’ rating as a solo contestant, or as part
of a duet or trio.”
Clayton lives in Altadena with her husband, Rob, and their amazing tri-color Cocker Spaniel, Roxie,
while their two grown children reside in New York City. Clayton holds a PhD in Geophysics and has
worked for the United States Geological Survey, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and a small oil exploration
company. In her free time, Clayton enjoys sewing, quilting, hand weaving and skiing. She is also a
member of the San Marino League and Altadena Guild of Huntington Memorial Hospital where she
has served as Benefit Chair and President.
ABOUT PASADENA SHOWCASE HOUSE FOR THE ARTS: This is a milestone year for PSHA as it celebrates
65 years of volunteerism, the 50th Anniversary of the Pasadena Showcase House of Design and, since 1948, the
generous awarding of over $19 million in gifts and grants in support of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Walt Disney
Concert Hall, numerous non-profit organizations and local symphonic, cultural and educational musically-oriented
programs for youth and young adults.
An all-volunteer organization, Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts (PSHA) is a non-profit California
Corporation whose members donate their time and talents to produce the annual Pasadena Showcase House of
Design. Founded in 1948, and formerly known as The Pasadena Junior Philharmonic Committee, PSHA adopted
the Pasadena Showcase House of Design as its annual benefit in 1965. It is one of the oldest, largest and most
successful house and garden tours in the nation. PSHA volunteers are united by their belief in the power and beauty
of music. Their collective desire is to fund programs that nurture the study and appreciation of music, utilize music
as a vehicle towards health and healing, and ensure that music is available to a broad range of audiences.
The 2014 Pasadena Showcase House of Design will be open to the public Sunday, April 13 through Sunday, May 11.
For more information about PSHA, the Pasadena Showcase House of Design, or to pre-order 50 Years of Pasadena
Showcase Design Houses, please visit
Peanuts, anyone? It turns out
there’s a big one in the sky—a
strange peanut-shaped asteroid
named 25143 Itokawa, about
one-third of a mile long and
roughly half that wide.
By making exquisitely
precise measurements using
the European Southern
Observatory’s New Technology
Telescope (NTT) in Chile,
astronomers have found that
different parts of this asteroid
have different densities. This is
the first evidence that asteroids
can have a highly varied internal
As well as revealing secrets about
the asteroid’s formation, finding
out what lies below the surface
of asteroids may also shed light
on what happens when bodies
collide in the solar system, and
provide clues about how planets
Using very precise ground-
based observations, Stephen
Lowry (University of Kent, UK)
and colleagues have measured the speed at which the near-Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa (http:// spins and how that spin rate is changing over time. They have
combined these delicate observations with new theoretical work on how asteroids radiate heat.
This small asteroid is an intriguing subject as it has a strange peanut shape, as revealed by the Japanese
spacecraft Hayabusa ( in 2005. To probe its
internal structure, Lowry’s team used images gathered from 2001 to 2013, by ESO’s New Technology
Telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile among others, to measure its brightness variation as
it rotates. This timing data was then used to deduce the asteroid’s spin period very accurately and
determine how it is changing over time. When combined with knowledge of the asteroid’s shape this
allowed them to explore its interior—revealing the complexity within its core for the first time. The
density of the interior was found to vary from 1.75 to 2.85 grams per cubic centimeter (the two densities
refer to Itokawa’s two distinct parts).
“This is the first time we have ever been able to determine what it is like inside an asteroid,” explains
Lowry. “We can see that Itokawa has a highly varied structure—this finding is a significant step forward
in our understanding of rocky bodies in the solar system.”
The spin of an asteroid and other small bodies in space can be affected by sunlight. This phenomenon,
known as the Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect, occurs when absorbed light
from the Sun is re-emitted from the surface of the object in the form of heat. When the shape of the
asteroid is very irregular the heat is not radiated evenly and this creates a tiny, but continuous, torque
on the body and changes its spin rate.
Schematic view of asteroid (25143) Itokawa Photo courtesy European Southern Observatory
As a simple and rough analogy for the YORP effect, if one were to shine an intense enough light beam
on a propeller it would slowly start spinning due to a similar effect.
Lowry’s team measured that the YORP effect was slowly accelerating the rate at which Itokawa spins.
The change in rotation period is tiny—a mere 0.045 second per year. But this was very different from
what was expected, and can only be explained if the two parts of the asteroid’s peanut shape have
different densities.
This is the first time that astronomers have found evidence for the highly varied internal structure
of asteroids. Up until now, the properties of asteroid interiors could only be inferred using rough
overall density measurements. This rare glimpse into the diverse innards of Itokawa has led to much
speculation regarding its formation. One possibility is that it formed from the two components of a
double asteroid after they bumped together and merged.
Other images at:
You can contact Bob Eklund at: