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PASADENA EDITION October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Page B1

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Pasadena Edition

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Inside this Week:

Community Calendar:
Local City Meetings

Pasadena – Altadena:
Pet of the Week

South Pasadena / San Marino:

Sierra Madre:
Walking SM … The Social Side
Sierra Madre Public Blotter

Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte:
Arcadia Police Blotter
Monrovia Police Blotter

Education & Youth:

Food, Drink & More:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two
Julie's Favorite Family Recipes
The Joy of Yoga

The Good Life:
Senior Happenings

The World Around Us:
Looking Up
Christopher Nyerges
Out to Pastor

Just for Best Friends:
Happy Tails
SGV Humane Society
Katnip News!

F. Y. I. :

Section B:

Arts & Entertainment:
Jeff's Book Pics
All Things
Sean's Shameless Reviews
On the Marquee

Business News & More:
Family Matters

Opinion … Left/Right:
Rich Johnson
John L. Micek
Michael Shannon
The Funnies

Legal Notices (1):

Legal Notices (2):

Legal Notices (3):

F. Y. I. :

Jeff Brown
Deanne Davis
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Marc Garlett
Rich Johnson
Sean Kayden
Chris Leclerc
Christopher Nyerges
Rev. James Snyder
Keely Totten

Recent Issues:
Issue 41
Issue 40
Issue 39
Issue 38
Issue 37
Issue 36
Issue 35
Issue 34
Issue 33
Issue 32
Issue 31

MVNews Archive:  Page 1

MVNews this week:  Page 1


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Page B1


VOLUME 10 NO. 42

Local Area 
News Briefs

One City, One Story 
Selection to Be Revealed

Former Art 
Center Vice 
Is New 
Media ED

Pasadena Public Library’s 
15th One City, One Story 
selection will be announced 
on Friday, at 6 p.m. in 
Pasadena’s Central Library’s 
Great Hall, 285 E. Walnut 
St. The event will kick-
off the library’s ArtNight 

 During the presentation, 
Mayor Terry Tornek and 
Robert Karatsu, interim 
director of the Pasadena 
Public Library system, will 
announce the book selection 
and unveil a poster size 
version of the book cover.

 A 12-member community 
committee chose the novel. 
Last year’s selection was 
the novel “Orphan Train” 
by author Christina Baker 

 Pasadena’s annual 
community reading 
celebration is designed 
to broaden and deepen 
an appreciation of 
reading and literature in 
the community, engage 
participants in dialogue and 
bring Pasadenans together 
by promoting greater 
understanding of differing 
points of view.

Thousands of people read the 
same book and participate 
in related events including a 
conversation with the author, 
film series, book discussion 
groups, exhibitions, lectures 
and other activities.

 One City, One Story events 
will be scheduled throughout 
March 2017 and feature a 
community dialog with the 
author on Thursday, March 
2nd. The full calendar will 
be announced in the near 

 For more information visit

Claim filed, names 
of officers released, 
involving man killed 

with Taser

 Attorney Caree Harper filed 
a claim of damages last week 
on behalf of the family of 
Reginald Thomas who died 
last month when a Taser was 
used by Pasadena police after 
they said he did not comply 
with orders to put down a 
knife and fire extinguisher he 
was carrying. 

 Police, this week also released 
the names of the officers who 
responded to the 911 domestic 
disturbance call early morning 
Sept. 30. According to police 
Michael Orosco, Philip Poirier, 
Raphael Santiago, Aaron 
Villacana, Thomas Butler and 
Robert Griffith were involved.

 The family claims negligence, 
that physical force was used, 
against Thomas by officers and 

 The Investigation is being led 
by the Los Angeles County 
Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau

By Dean Lee

 The city’s public cable access 
television station, last week, 
hired former Art Center 
Senior Vice President for Real 
Estate and Operations, George 
Falardeau, as the new Executive 
Director /CEO of Pasadena 
Media. The move ends a 10 
month nationwide search to fill 
the position.

 Falardeau had also served as 
the station’s board president 
from July 2014 to July 2015.

 “As former chair of Pasadena 
Media, I got a flavor of how 
exciting this place really was,” 
he said. “If you look at my 
background, I’ve always been 
heavily involved with the 
community… It’s a job some 
people might think I’m over 
qualified for but I’m uniquely 
qualified at this time for this 
job, leading this organization 
into the future.”

 Falardeau said, before Art 
Center, he worked 25 years at 
NBC, “When I was there I was 
an award winning cameraman, 
technical operations manager, 
I was director of planning 
and studios, when I left I was 
Vice President of West Coast 

 He officially signed an 
employment agreement with 
Pasadena Media, during the 
Pasadena Community Access 
Corporation board meeting 
Oct 4, for just over $102,000 a 
year. Falardeau started the job 
without delay.

Although the PCAC board 
had concern about the salary, 
including current employee 
layoffs, they voted in favor of 
the contract.

 “From my understanding there 
were well over 100 applicants…” 
Falardeau said. “They got down 
to two or three candidates and 
finally picked me, there were 
really qualified people, this job 
is about that amount of money, 
whoever they hired they were 
going to be in that ballpark.” 

 As director of Pasadena 
Media he will oversee all staff, 
operations and training at the 
station. With an annual budget 
of just over $1 million the station 
oversees four local television 
channels: KPAS, Government 
Access; The Arroyo Channel, 
Community Access; KLRN, 
Pasadena Unified’s Educational 
Access and PCCTV, Pasadena 
City College’s Educational 

 Falardeau replaced former 
Executive Director Keri 
Stokstad who left, last year, for 
a position as TV manager with 
the City of Santa Monica. 

Mayor Terry Tornek

George Falardeau photo D. Lee/MVNews

Forum on 
with Bears, 

and Bobcats

 Man shot by South 
Pasadena police during 

Innovate Pasadena to Hold 
Annual Connect Week

 A mother and daughter 
escaped to safety Sunday 
morning, after finding a 
prowler in their home, a 
situation that led to a standoff 
and ended with intruder being 
shot by officers.

 According to police, they 
were called to a home 1300 
block of Huntington Drive 
Sunday shortly before 4:20 
a.m. Police found the two 
women locked in an upstairs 
bathroom and the suspect 
ransacking the lower level of 
the home. Police shot the man 
after being confronted. He 
then barricaded himself in a 
bedroom and police helped 
the woman escape out the 
bathroom window. 

The suspect was later taken 
into custody. He was shot in 
the shoulder.

Join Assemblymember 
Chris Holden in 
partnership with the 
California Department 
of Fish and Wildlife 
Councilmember Victor 
Gordo, Vice Mayor 
Gene Masuda and 
Councilmember Margaret 
McAustin for “Living 
with Urban Wildlife” 
Community Meeting. 
Dealing with Coyotes, 
Bobcats and Bears in your 

 Be Aware-Fish and 
Wildlife experts encourage 
neighbors to work together 
to live safely with our 
wildlife. Find out how in 
this free public forum.

The City of Pasadena 
Humane Society, City of 
Pasadena Department of 
Public Works and City 
of Pasadena Police will 
be available to answer 

Tuesday October 18th, 
6:30pm at Longfellow 
Elementary School 
Auditorium. Located at 
1065 East Washington 
Blvd. Pasadena.

 Event Series Gives 
Startups, Local 
Innovators and Residents 
Meaningful Opportunities 
to Collaborate, Learn 
and Grow in the Areas 
of Science, Technology, 
Design, Entrepreneurship 
and Astronomy

 Innovate Pasadena, a 
community organization 
dedicated to advancing 
greater Pasadena as 
a hub of technology 
and design innovation, 
presents its third annual 
Connect Week, a series of 
independently organized 
seminars, workshops and 
social events taking place 
across the city throughout 
the week starting Sunday. 
Attendees will enhance 
their innovation and tech 
savviness by learning more 
about the latest in design 
trends, checking out local 
startups, engaging with top 
industry professionals and 
more during #Connect16.

Pasadena, a rich center for 
tech and design, is powered 
by a range of thriving 
industries, including 
engineering and more. 
Since its inception in 2014, 
Connect Week has aimed 
to shine a spotlight on the 
energy and excitement 
of tech advancements in 
Pasadena’s talent base by 
giving the community a 
chance to collaborate and 
share knowledge, showcase 
visionary products and 
discuss new ideas that 
will further Pasadena’s 
reputation as an innovative 

 “Pasadena has played 
and continues to play an 
important role in shaping 
the future of our world when 
it comes to technology and 
new discoveries. From talent 
of the past like Einstein 
who studied at Caltech, to 
top companies shaping our 
future like Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, X1 Technologies 
and more, we take pride 
in the great roster of talent 
our city has to offer,” said 
Mike Giardello, president 
of Innovate Pasadena. “And 
that’s what Connect Week is 
all about -- helping Pasadena 
stand out as SoCal’s premier 
tech and innovation hub 
all while strengthening 
our local collaborative 

 Connect Week 
programming is organized 
into four tracks: design, 
science, entrepreneurship 
and technology. This year, 
Innovate Pasadena will 
add a fifth track in honor 
of “Astronomy Week” to 
celebrate Pasadena’s position 
as a world leader for 
telescopic celestial discovery 
and robotic space science. 
(cont. page3)

Chamber to Hold Business 
and Economic Summit

 The Pasadena 
Chamber of 
Commerce invites 
leaders of business 
and industry to a 
forum on the local 
economy, local 
industries and the 
future of business 
in Pasadena at the 
fourth Pasadena 
Business and 
Economic Summit 
on Tuesday, October 
25, at 11:30am at The 
University Club at 
175 North Oakland 
Avenue in Pasadena. 

Tracy Hernandez, 
Founding President 
of the Los Angeles 
County Business 
Federation (BizFed) 
will give an economic 
overview, with 
particular attention 
the San Gabriel 
Valley and Pasadena. 
She will also present 
findings of a recent 
industry issues 
survey and discuss 
upcoming issues 
facing businesses in 
the region.

 The summit will focus on 
innovation and the future, 
with panelists discussing 
the evolving workplace, the 
transportation future of Los 
Angeles County and what the 
future workforce may look like.

 This year, the format will include 
a moderated panel discussion 
among the participants. Karl 
Bird, Acquisition Department 
Manager at Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory and chair of 
the Chamber’s Economic 
and Business Development 
Committee will facilitate. 
Taking part as featured 
panelists are Brittany Dodd, 
senior associate for Advisory 
and Transaction Services and 
Workplace Strategy at CBRE, 
Kim Sidders, People Operations 
Coordinator with Bolton & 
Company and Pauletta Tonilas, 
Chief Communications Officer 
with Los Angeles County 

 Pasadena Mayor Terry 
Tornek will provide a 
welcome and update on City 
priorities. Pasadena Economic 
Development Manager Eric 
Duyshart will give an update 
on economic development 
initiatives in the city.

Cost to attend the Pasadena 
Business and Economic 
Summit is $50 and includes the 
program and lunch. Parking is 
included in the ticket price.

 Additional information, 
including the opportunity to 
sign up and pay online, can be 
found at the Pasadena Chamber 
website at www.pasadena- (follow the link 
to Events and the Business 
and Economic Summit). For 
information call (626) 795-

 Panel Discussion will 
focus on future 
of workplace, 
workforce and 
planning, featured 
speaker to discuss 
local economy 
and issues facing 
businesses in the 



 Pg. 3


Pg. 4




Salt Waste 
Facility Wins 
Safety Award


Pg. 7


 The Salt Waste Processing 
Facility (SWPF) project in 
Aiken, SC, has been named 
the winner of Engineering 
News-Record Southeast’s 
(ENR SE’s) 2016 Excellence 
in Safety Award. This award 
recognizes excellence in safety 
among construction projects 
in the Southeast (Florida, 
Georgia, and North and South 
Carolina). SWPF is a $2.3 
billion Department of Energy 
(DOE) facility designed to 
process the radioactive waste 
stored in 51 underground 
tanks at the Savannah River 
Site. Construction of the 
facility was completed in 
April after nearly 9 years and 
approximately 12.5 million 
manhours--with a recordable 
incident rate of 0.96 and a 
lost-time accident rate of 
0.24. Parsons is the prime 
contractor on the project. 
(cont. page 3)



 Pg. 10









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