A WONDERFUL LIFE (continued from page 1)
heralded a vast volume of laughter from the congregants. As the laughter slowly abated from the room,
Phil smiled in his next utterance of speech, “But knowing the character of my wife, I was certain we
would be in agreement.”
As Dr. Carlson addressed his family that evening, his daughter added to the magic of the moment by
bestowing this final thought on her father:
“If only for this act alone, your hours of medical school were worth it.”
I have to wonder how many young ladies of the world know a man like Dr. Carlson. How many have
the opportunity to confide in such a beautiful pillar of character, and share the secrets of their hearts,
when the weight of the world and that formidable mountain of decision stands squarely before them?
In that perilous moment of crisis, I should hope that my mother, sister or daughter would know such
a heavenly hope as Dr. Philip Carlson.
As I settle upon my seat this Easter Sunday, I shall be thinking about that great rock that was rolled
away from a young lady’s heart, and I shall give thanks for the life of a child who is alive today and
happily gathering Easter eggs somewhere out there in the world -- all because, one marvelous man
portrayed such wonderful character that a desperate young girl considered him worthy of trust.
You just don’t come across many George Baileys in the world, and from my experience, the Phil Carlsons
are equally as scarce. Any philosophy worthy of obedience should teach its followers that if they
do not exert an effort to support and recognize good people, then the world will develop less of them.
That is one of the glorious lessons that Frank Capra conveys in the story of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The
great people of integrity, and those George Baileys of the world, are the ones who sacrifice themselves
for the interests of others. If we dare to believe that we are noble and decent, then we best not forget
them in their hour of need.
I know the ending of my favorite Christmas classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and I relish that splendid
moment of necessity where George Bailey’s financial desperation compels the people to rush to his
Who among the world can quantify the value of one decent person of action? What you and I are able
to measure in part, God weighs in full.
The child that the Carlsons agreed to adopt was welcomed by another home, but in the passing of Dr.
Phil Carlson, a great financial need was left upon his family, as a child of theirs will continue to require
medical attention. In anticipation of those ongoing medical requirements, an account has been established
to assist the Carlson family –
Or, if you wish to contribute, you may do so by going directly to Google and typing in: Dr. Phil Carlson,
where the website will appear at the top of your search page. The “Days Left” in this fundraiser
will show “0,” but you can still contribute to their fund – the account remains active.
The family has raised less than what it needed, and I hate to think that Phil’s child would not obtain
the best medical attention in existence due to the constraints of money.
I hope the story of the Carlson family continues in the heroic fashion of love, but the power to write
the ending of this story is beyond my control. It has been given to each of you. The optimistic prayer
of my heart is that the decent people of the world will rush to their rescue, fully confident that we can
give them the miracle of our love. May God fill your hearts with the glory of Heaven.
Craig Hakola - CraigHakola@gmail.com
Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 26, 2016
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
Easter is tomorrow! A time of celebration that has
a lot to do with bunnies; chocolate ones – yes, we
all eat the ears first, and occasionally real live ones.
There are exhaustive hunts in various parks for
tie-dyed eggs and, if you’re lucky and get invited
somewhere good for lunch, honey-baked ham.
It might have something to do with new outfits,
but extensive biblical research has not proven
that, one way or the other. What Easter is really
about is the fact that the stone was rolled away
and there was an empty tomb. As the angel said,
“He is not here, He is risen!” An amazing concept
upon which many of us base our lives. It really is
more exciting than chocolate bunnies and Easter
eggs….unless, of course, they were dyed for you
by your favorite four year old.
Before Dawn….. Easter Sunday
The sky was gray,
The world was hushed,
Before dawn… Sunday.
The women walked
Toward a tomb,
Jars of spices in their hands,
To tend the One,
The One Who died,
Crucified that Friday.
The women walked,
Toward the tomb,
Mary Magdalene and another.
They walked, and wondered,
Wondered who would roll away the stone.
The sky was gray,
The world was hushed,
Before dawn, Sunday.
They stopped to rest,
Await the day,
Sad eyes filled with tears,
Sorrow for the One,
Who died,
Crucified that Friday.
Another dawn,
Another day,
What did it matter, anyway?
The One who loved her as she was,
Who changed her life, was gone.
She raised her eyes to see the sky,
Streaks of pink and gold.
And then they saw,
The guards were gone,
The stone was rolled away!
The grief she’d felt since Friday,
Like the stone, was rolled away!
She grabbed that jar of spices,
And running like a child,
Climbed the hill,
To tend her Lord before dawn, Sunday.
They looked inside that borrowed tomb,
Petrified with fright,
An angel sat there on the stone,
Clothed in brilliant white.
“I know the one you seek,” he said,
“Jesus, crucified.”
“He is not here, he’s risen!
He’s risen, as he said
He’s risen! He’s risen!
He’s risen, as he said!”
“Now go! And tell the others,
He’s risen, as he said!
Look not for the living,
Here among the dead!
He is not here, he’s risen!
He’s risen, as he said!”
And joy broke free...
Before dawn,
That first Easter Sunday.
Check out my book page on Amazon.com:
You might like my blog, too: www.
The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library announce that
the April Best Used Book Sale will be held on Friday,
April 1 (3-7 p.m.) and Saturday, April 2 (10 a.m. – 2
p.m.) The sale is held at the back of the library, 440
W. Sierra Madre Blvd. in the parking lot and in the
Featured at this sale will be COOKBOOKS. We
have a large collection of cookbooks on our shelves;
all will be half price at the sale. Newer cookbook
collections on the Table in the Basement will be offered
at our usual low prices, $2.50 - $6.00. In addition,
the Bargain Book boxes on the parking lot will have
cookbooks of many kinds for only $1.00!
We also will be featuring a group of Local History
volumes recently released from the library’s collection.
Included are books on California history and
geography, some signed.
In addition, there is a wonderful like-new set of
the Harvard Classics Collector’s Edition with many
classic literature titles. Our Collectible shelves are full
of books signed by authors, some first editions, and
interesting vintage titles.
Together with our contemporary thrillers, mysteries
and newer fiction, the shelves are full of non-fiction
books of every type. Looking for a Home Repair book
or a book of quotations? One on Tudor queens or a
political biography? Come to the Best Book Sale, meet
and share with other book lovers, and take advantage
of our low prices on high-quality books!
All proceeds from the sale will be used to support
programs, services and acquisitions of the Sierra
Madre Library. The Friends of the Sierra Madre
Library is a non-profit organization and all proceeds
benefit the Sierra Madre Library. For more
information visit us on Facebook, at our website www.
sierramadrelibraryfriends.org, or call the library at 626
See you at the Book Sale!
“The Kindness of Strangers” feature encourages readers
to share their stories. I can assure you, they will be
uplifting especially in contrast to all the the challenges
and issues we have to deal with daily. So, if you have
something you would like to share, please submit it to:
editor@mtnviewsnews.com. It doesn’t matter where you
were or when it happened. Share your good expeiences in hope that it might bring a little joy and/
or inspire someone.
-Susan Henderson, Editor/Publisher MVNews
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com