Mountain Views News Saturday, March 26, 2016
Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 12, 2016
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
One evening this past week, I was sitting on
the back porch with my dog “Molly” when we
heard a sudden outburst of coyotes yelping and
howling nearby. It just so happened that the
moon was hanging brilliantly in the sky above
us, and I thought how appropriately the sound of
the coyotes fit the scenario of the near-full moon
lighting up the sky. Of course it goes without
saying that my Molly felt the need to join in with
the pack, adding her own low baritone grumble
to the “looney tune” being sung by our local
Most of us have heard the word “lunatic” often
used to describe one who acts in an eccentric,
reckless or insane manner. The term itself was
first recorded as part of the vernacular in the
13th century AD, defined: “affected with periodic
insanity, dependant on the changes of the
moon.“ Do the phases of the moon really have
an affect on our behavior, or is this nothing more
than just a myth made up to explain otherwise
unexplainable occasional abnormal behavior?
Many people do believe that animals (and
humans) are indeed affected by the position of the
moon, but other more skeptical thinkers would
beg to differ. Me? Well, I tend to go by apparent
changes I have experienced within myself and
those I have observed in my pets, and based on
my own experiences and observations, I believe
we are affected by the various lunar positions that
occur throughout the calendar year.
If you ask Astrologer Dana Haynes about her
opinion on the subject, she’ll tell you that lunar
phases most definitely affect the way we and our
pets feel and behave, without a doubt. Haynes has
studied animal behavior as it is impacted by the
moon‘s positions for many years, and she came
up with a very specific list of the ways each lunar
phase affects animals both domestic and wild, as
well as how they affect humans. Here is what she
has to say about this rather controversial issue:
(Source - Article by Dana Haynes, How Does the
Moon Affect Your Pet: Lunar Phases & Animals,
www.petplace.com). I find it very interesting, and
I hope you do to.
FULL MOON - The Full Moon influences the
psyche of animals with noticeable intensity. It has
been said to increase chaos and even
cause the Earth to shake. Veterinary
staff and Animal Control keep very busy
during this phase. When an animal is
upset during the full moon, they tend
to be restless. Dogs and wolves are
known to howl during the Full Moon
phase, while birds become agitated and
disoriented. Cats hide. The Full Moon
tends to rattle both humans’ and our
pets’ emotions.
NEW MOON - For a sensitive
animal, the New Moon, not unlike the
Full Moon, supports intention and
therefore it is a time to change old habits which
block awareness. It is a time to tune into nature’s
vibrations-which many cats, dogs, other domestic
animals and wild animals may do. Animals seem
to naturally tune into the New Moon phase,
understanding it is a time to chill even though
this can be a challenge. The animal’s senses are
heightened and sensitivity will be seen in each
New Moon phase.
SUPER MOON - Unlike a Full Moon or New
Moon, this phase is when an alignment of the
Sun, Moon and the Earth called perigee-sizing
occurs when the Moon is at it’s closest to Earth
(perigree). Animals tend to be ultra sensitive
during this time of a very big full moon. Like
humans, the power of the electromagnetic fields
during a Full Moon phase interacts with our own
magnetic field increasing the ability to sense of
feel the stress around us. Animals tend to notice
the interaction quicker, as it is part of their
survival instincts to stay away from danger or
snuggle with a caregiver.
WANING MOON - Waning Moon is a time
when sensitive animals will tune into their sixth
sense and know it is time to hunt, gather food, and
build their homes in order to protect their family
and be prepared for the future. The Waning
Moon, unlike Full, New and Super Moons acts
like a brake. For an animal, domestic or wild, it
is a time to put natural instincts and the nesting
mode into action for self preservation.
BLUE MOON - The Blue Moon occurs when
there are two Full Moons in one months. In
other words, the lunar phase is much like the Full
Moon and repeats its patterns. The difference
between the two Full Moons comes from the
astrological sign the moon is passing through,
therefore the intensity of one Full Moon would
affect an animal’s psyche in one area of life and
the second one in another area of life. It is like
our companion animals and wild animals get
a double dose of the Full Moon and its intense
vibrations on Earth. But note, emotions are no
more on edge than at any other Full Moon.
By David Finstrom from HUTdogs
We work with many different businesses and non-
profits. Each is unique, yet they all have something
in common. Every business needs to stay in touch
with their customers, supporters, influencers, fans
as well as the curious.
It is surprising how often that simple task – staying
in touch – can become overwhelming, over-
thought and under delivered. As business people
we need to make it routine. So let’s simplify it and
take action.
Here are 5 things you can do today to reach
your audience:
- Share a post on Facebook from one of your
customers. Note, this implies that you are actively
listening to your audience.
- Send an email campaign to your customers
and simply thank them.
- Plan an event and invite your customers and
ask them to invite a friend or two. It could be
as simple as meet me for coffee or come to our
- Reward your customers with a special discount
or exclusive access. Let them know about it
by sending them an email and posting on social
- Share an interesting article or blog post about
your industry, your community or your business.
- So take a note from Adele and say, “Hello, it’s
me” and see what happens.
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own
HUTdogs, a creative services and digital marketing
business. “Like” them on Facebook at www.
facebook.com/hutdogs. Sign up for their upcoming
workshops at: www.hutdogs.com/workshops/
By Sean Kayden
“10 Cloverfield Lane” could be deemed a pseudo
spin-off/part of the same universe as 2008 hit film,
“Cloverfield.” However, it’s never been publicly stated
that it is despite sharing the title in its own name. This
film, which was directed by the fresh new talent, Dan
Trachtenberg, is about a young woman that gets into
a horrific car accident and awakens in a shelter with
two men, one of which claims the outside world is
affected by a widespread chemical attack. Think of last
year’s “Room” with more thriller/mystery elements.
Now the original spec script that sold was called “The
Cellar” and it had a very different ending (the last 10-
15 minutes). J.J. Abrams bought the script and hired
Damien Chazelle (“Whiplash”) to rewrite the ending
in more of a J.J. Abrams type of film. For better or
worse, the ending has seemed to have people become
indecisive about it. Personally, I thought the film was
really strong until they altered the ending. Instead
the audience is left with the same old tired, common
ending we’ve seen hundreds of times before. Does it
work? Sure. Is it great? Not even close.
We are first introduced to Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s
character Michelle as she is abandons her new home
and leaves behind her engagement ring behind. She is
on the road unsure to where she is headed. No dialogue
has been used until her fiancé Ben calls pleading with
her to come back. After she hangs up on him, he calls
again. Reluctant to answer the phone, she is sideswiped,
tumbling violently off the side of the road. She awakens
chained to a wall inside a small windowless bunker.
Confused and terrified, she soon meets Howard (John
Goodman). At first, he seems like someone that saved
her life, but he isn’t willingly to let her leave. His reason is
because there was an attack, an airborne attack of some
sort. It might not be safe to go outside for a year or two.
With no one knowing where she is and her cellphone
having no service, Michelle is stuck at the mercy of
Howard. Soon later, it is revealed another man is inside
this underground backhouse. We are introduced to a
local named Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.) that Howard
took in as well. Emmett believes Howard’s theory about
what is going on outside yet Michelle is very skeptical as
she tries to escape a few hours later. It’s interesting that
Howard would want another man inside the shelter just
in case he proves to be a threat. At the same token, it
leads you to believe maybe Howard is right about what
is going outside as he wants no one to leave or entering
his fortress of sorts.
Directed By: Dan Trachtenberg
Written By: Josh Campbell & Matthew Stuecken
and Damien Chazelle
Rated: Rated PG-13 for thematic material
including frightening sequences of threat with
some violence, and brief language
Release Date: March 11th, 2016
When Michelle fails to escape and realizes something
is certainly awry outside, she ends up making the best
of her time with Howard and Emmett despite the dire
circumstances. She even strikes up a friendship with
the two, especially with Emmett and that seems to
cause some hostility with Howard. When we find out
more about Howard, the audience can sympathize
with him, but still be a bit weary of his intentions.
With that being said, there’s a menacing side to him
as well when he’s under the impression something is
not right. The best surprises of the film come with the
unpredictable behavior of Howard. John Goodman
is terrific here. He’s absolutely a true highpoint of this
small time, contained thriller. Like I mentioned before,
three-fourths of the film will truly hold your interest
and many people will still like the ending—fanboys of
the genre and supernatural enthusiasts come to mind.
Nonetheless, from what I’ve read online, I much rather
would have seen the seemingly better, more grounded
original ending (that still had a twist/surprise to it). But
we didn’t get that film. Instead we were given a good
and what could have been truly inventive film until it
underwent a last minute procedure changing it to the
most unoriginal, uninspired, and cliché ending as they
come by.
Grade: 3.5 out of 5
Munchies is a
darling 10 year old
American Staffordshire
mix with lively brown
eyes and a black and
white coat resembling
a delicious mocha
cream treat! Although
considered a senior dog,
Munchies has plenty
of pep to her step and
lots of puppy energy to
chase tennis balls and
go for jogs around the
park. Though not big
in height, this lovely girl
is a strapping ball of 60
pounds of love, wet kisses,
and doggie hugs. She just
loves to love her people!
Munchies enjoys hanging out with her human
friends and playing with squeaky toys. She
especially likes toys with stuffing in them because
she is an expert toy-destuffer! She is a great
example of a dog’s ability to learn new tricks at any
age as she has learned her sit command and how
to catch treats while sitting.
This lovely girl came to the shelter when she
was surrendered by her previous owners because
they moved to a place where dogs are not allowed.
Despite losing her home at10 years of age,
Munchies hopes to find
her forever home with a
loving family who she can
share her golden years
with. If you’re that special
family please stop by and
meet Munchies!
Her adoption fee is
$145 and includes spay
surgery, vaccinations,
microchip and a
free wellness exam
at a participating
veterinarian. Feel free to
call us at (626) 286-1159
for more information on
Munchies. She currently
resides at the San Gabriel
Valley Humane Society
located at 851 E. Grand
Avenue in San Gabriel. We are located off San
Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las
Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ with
Munchies, please stop by any time from 10:30am
to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. Website:
www.sgvhumane.org We are always looking for
hard working, dedicated animal lovers to join our
team to fulfill our goal of ‘Putting People and Pets
Together’. If you have what it takes to succeed in
our life-saving work, we want to meet you! Check
out our employment opportunities at http://
Roxie is a sweet and
deserving little soul in
need of a new home!
Roxie (A4927576) is
a two-year-old white
female Tibetan Spaniel
and Chihuahua mix who
was surrendered by her
owner to the Baldwin
Park Animal Care Center
on March 12th along
with her companion Baci
(A4927579). Roxie is a
compact 15 pounds and
appears to have a very
even keeled demeanor.
She walks well on leash
and likes other dogs.
Both Roxie and Baci are
bonded to each other and we would love to see
them adopted together (but they can also be
adopted separately). Roxie has adorable ears,
one ear that sticks straight up and another that
is folded over. She is overwhelmed in the shelter
environment, but once she was out of her kennel
and in the arms of her handler she was polite
and very sweet. Roxie is confused on why she
in is the shelter, but we believe once she is in
a loving, calm home she will make an awesome
family member. To watch a video of Roxie,
please visit the following
link: https://youtu.be/
To meet Roxie in
person, please see her
at the Baldwin Park
Shelter, located at 4275
N. Elton, Baldwin Park,
CA 91706 (Phone:
626-962-3577). She is
currently available now.
For any inquiries about
Roxie, please reference
her animal ID number:
A4927576. The shelter is
open seven days a week,
12 pm-7 pm Monday-
Thursday and 10am-
5pm Friday-Sunday.
This is a high-intake shelter with a great need for
adoptions. For more information about Roxie
or the adoption process, contact United Hope
for Animals Volunteer Adoption Coordinator
Samantha at Samantha@hope4animals.org. To
learn more about United Hope for Animals’
partnership with the Baldwin Park Shelter, as
well as the many dogs of all breeds, ages, and
sizes available for adoption in local shelters, visit
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com