The brilliant flash of an exploding star’s
shockwave—what astronomers call the “shock
breakout”—has been captured for the first time in
the optical wavelength or visible light by NASA’s
planet-hunter, the Kepler space telescope.
An international science team led by Peter
Garnavich, an astrophysics professor at the
University of Notre Dame in Indiana, analyzed
light captured by Kepler every 30 minutes over
a three-year period from 500 distant galaxies,
searching some 50 trillion stars. They were hunting
for signs of massive stellar death explosions known
as supernovae.
In 2011, two of these massive stars, called red
supergiants, exploded while in Kepler’s view. The
first behemoth, KSN 2011a, is nearly 300 times the
size of our Sun and a mere 700 million light-years
from Earth. The second, KSN 2011d, is roughly 500
times the size of our Sun and around 1.2 billion
light-years away.
“To put their size into perspective, Earth’s orbit
about our Sun would fit comfortably within these
colossal stars,” said Garnavich.
Whether it’s a plane crash, car wreck or supernova,
capturing images of sudden, catastrophic events
is extremely difficult but tremendously helpful
in understanding root cause. Just as widespread
deployment of mobile cameras has made forensic
videos more common, the steady gaze of Kepler
allowed astronomers to see, at last, a supernova
shockwave as it reached the surface of a star. The
shock breakout itself lasts only about 20 minutes,
so catching the flash of energy is an investigative
milestone for astronomers.
“In order to see something that happens on
timescales of minutes, like a shock breakout, you
want to have a camera continuously monitoring
the sky,” said Garnavich. “You don’t know when a
supernova is going to go off, and Kepler’s vigilance
allowed us to be a witness as the explosion began.”
Supernovae like these—known as Type II—
begin when the internal furnace of a star runs out
of nuclear fuel causing its core to collapse as gravity
takes over.
The two supernovae matched up well with
mathematical models of Type II explosions
reinforcing existing theories. But they also revealed
what could turn out to be an unexpected variety in
the individual details of these cataclysmic stellar
While both explosions delivered a similar
energetic punch, no shock breakout was seen in the
smaller of the supergiants. Scientists think that is
likely due to the smaller star being surrounded by
gas, perhaps enough to mask the shockwave when
it reached the star’s surface.
“That is the puzzle of these results,” said
Garnavich. “You look at two supernovae and see
two different things. That’s maximum diversity.”
Understanding the physics of these violent
events allows scientists to better understand how
the seeds of chemical complexity and life itself have
been scattered in space and time in our Milky Way
“All heavy elements in the universe come from
supernova explosions. For example, all the silver,
nickel, and copper in the Earth and even in our
bodies came from the explosive death throes of
stars,” said Steve Howell, project scientist for
NASA’s Kepler and K2 missions at NASA’s Ames
Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley. “Life
exists because of supernovae.”
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
[Nyerges is the author
of “How to Survive
Anywhere,” “Extreme
Simplicity,” “Foraging
California,” and other books. He can be reached
at www.SchoolofSelf-Reliance.com, or Box 41834,
Eagle Rock, CA 90041.]
I grew up with the basic theme of the savior
and his death and resurrection, defying the odds
of a materialistic society. Jesus is the most widely-
written about topic of all time: What are the facts,
what do they mean, what does it mean to me, what
does it mean to the future.
I felt very much in a seeking mode this Good
Friday, and decided to sit in a church where I
would sit in my childhood during the 3 hours
of the passion of the Christ. To my chagrin, the
churches I visited had no services, so I spent quiet
time in my own inner church.
To me, the true essence of religion consists
of ways of living, survival tools, if you will, that
would help us survive if we’d only follow those
After my “How To Survive Anywhere” book was
published, a few acquaintances criticized me for
the inclusion of what they perceived to be “non-
survival” issues in the last chapter, which I called
“What is Survival?” For example, I included USC
basketball coach Wooden’s famous pyramid of
success, including such “old fashioned” principles
as the Ten Commandments.
My perspective is that we can all master Boy
Scout skills, and we should. In addition, we
should all strive to become better human beings,
and become an asset to our family, community
and nation. This requires discipline, patience, and
I am not a pessimist. It has long seemed that
our society has lost its grounding, lost its ability
to think, and sinks deeper and deeper into
sectarianism, greed, and lust. On the other hand,
there are countless guidelines and reference points
that show the way to anyone awake enough who
desires a way through the fog that our society has
The Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments,
for example. These are excellent practical survival
guidelines that, if followed, provide us with
emotional and spiritual stability and a sense of
what to do and not to do.
So my perspective is that the higher ideals that
we should learn, and live, are in fact, real “survival
tools.” Let me know what you think.
There are other guidelines as well, coming from
all corners of the globe.
For example, I recently obtained a copy of
Miyamoto Musashi’s A Book of Five Rings.
Musashi was perhaps the most renowned of all
Japanese Samurai. An undefeated warrior, as well
as a poet and artist, he wrote his book in 1645
while living in a cave during the last year of his
He divides his lessons into the Ground book,
the Water book, the Fire book, the Wind book,
and the Book of the Void. The Way of which
Musashi writes is the Way of Strategy, and all of
his books are chiefly concerned with Timing. In
the Ground book, provides 9 guidelines, adding
“This is the Way for men who want to learn my
1. Do not think dishonestly.
2. The Way is in training.
3. Become acquainted with every art.
4. Know the Ways of all professions.
5. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly
6. Develop intuitive judgement and understanding
for everything.
7. Perceive those things which cannot be seen.
8. Pay attention even to trifles.
9. Do nothing which is of no use.
These are excellent guidelines to study and to
apply to any profession. And because my state of
mind was very much into seeing beyond dogma
and division, I saw Musashi’s 9 guidelines as a very
meaningful Good Friday message. Yes, we are
nailed to the cross of our bodies and our culture,
and only by following the spirit of such guidelines
as the Golden Rule, the 10 Commandments, and
Musashi’s 9 guidelines, are we to resurrect from
our own morass of animality and materialism.
Let me know what you think.
For those who follow the church calendar Good
Friday is a special day, one of the high religious
days among many Christians. Personally, I think
it is a good one to remember and celebrate.
Overall, apart from a few exceptions, I do not
like special days. As far as I’m concerned, every
day I get up and take nourishment is a special day
for me.
Everybody seems to have their own special
day and I find it rather difficult to keep up on all
of these “special days.” If a person would honor
and celebrate every “special day” posted on the
calendar there would be no days to get any work
done whatsoever. And, as luck would have it on
my side, I would miss a very special “special day.”
I am in favor of setting aside one day a month as
the official “special day” of the month in which
everything that anybody wants to celebrate
during that month could be included. That way
we could get the celebrating of special days done
and then we can get back to business as usual.
One of the most frightening phrases a husband
can hear is, “Do you know what anniversary it is
Every husband has been backed into a corner
like this sometime during his marital career. I
for one say it is not fair. Because everyone knows
special is as special remembers, which puts
husbands at a great disadvantage.
It is not that men cannot remember, a
man’s memory is limited and so he must be
very selective. And to be honest about this,
anniversaries are simply not on any man’s radar.
I learned this very early in my relationship
with the young woman who graciously accepted
my invitation of matrimony.
We had been dating for around a month and
one night when I picked her up to go out, she said
something that confused me. “You know this is
our first anniversary?”
My confusion lay in the fact that an anniversary
had to do with something yearly. I had only
known her for several months at the time. I know
time gets away with a person, but this was rather
ridiculous. In the short time we had known
each other, it was impossible for us to have an
anniversary of anything.
It was at this point I did something, although
innocent enough at the time, that I have regretted
the rest of my life. I looked at her and laughed.
That was when I was introduced to the
marvelously mysterious world of women-lore.
With a woman, anniversaries are not something
to laugh about, at least in their presence. An
anniversary is something to celebrate whether it
makes sense or not.
When I realized how serious the situation was,
I wiped that silly grin off my face and inquired as
to what anniversary she was referring to.
“Why, don’t you know,” she said as seriously
as I have ever seen her up to that point. “This
is the first month anniversary of our going out
Now, what do you do on the first month
anniversary of going out as a couple? However,
the thing that really frightened me was, do we
celebrate this every month?
What is the protocol for these monthly
anniversaries? How do I keep track of all of this?
What gift is appropriate? I was afraid that I would
go broke before we got around to getting married.
I would come to discover that these “monthly
anniversaries” were to continue until they were
superseded by a more important anniversary.
Of course, her responsibility was to select the
anniversary that would trump the monthly
My responsibility? To remember the latest
How is a husband to keep track of all of
these anniversaries? Once I mistakenly bought
a special gift for what I thought was our fifth
wedding anniversary. It turned out to be our
seventh. Where those two years went, only my
wife remembers.
I cannot remember all those anniversaries
now, but they went something like this. The
anniversary of when we first met. The anniversary
of getting her the first Valentines box of candy.
The anniversary of sharing our first hot fudge
sundae together. The anniversary of giving her
an engagement ring.
Looking back over all those years I have a list
of my own anniversaries I can never remember
For example. The anniversary of when she
slammed the car door on my finger. Ha, she
probably forgot that one. (I wonder if Hallmark
has a card for this?) I still have the gruesome scar
on my finger reminding me of that anniversary.
How about the anniversary of the day the
diamond fell out of the first engagement ring I
gave her? Fortunately, someone had a microscope
and we were able, after diligent search, to find the
Then, there is the anniversary of the day she
backed into my parked car. Enough said.
As we celebrate Good Friday, a very special
day, remember that its goodness comes from the
following Sunday when Jesus rose victoriously
over sin and the grave.
“For I delivered unto you first of all that
which I also received, how that Christ died for
our sins according to the scriptures; And that he
was buried, and that he rose again the third day
according to the scriptures:” (1 Corinthians 15:3-
4 KJV).
It is Good Friday, but Resurrection Sunday’s a
The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family
of God Fellowship in Silver Springs Shores. Call
him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@att.
net. The church web site is www.whatafellowship.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com