Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 26, 2016
Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown
American Girls: Social Media and the
Secret Lives of Teenagers by Nancy Jo Sales
A must read for parents with teens including those
with boys.Instagram. Whisper. Yik Yak. Vine.
YouTube. Kik. Ask.fm. Tinder. The dominant
force in the lives of girls coming of age in America
today is social media. What it is doing to an entire
generation of young women is the subject of
award-winning Vanity Fair writer Nancy Jo Sales’s
riveting and explosive
American Girls.With
extraordinary intimacy and
precision, Sales captures
what it feels like to be a girl
in America today. From
Montclair to Manhattan
and Los Angeles, from
Florida and Arizona to
Texas and Kentucky, Sales
crisscrossed the country,
speaking to more than
two hundred girls, ages
thirteen to nineteen, and
documenting a massive
change in the way girls are
growing up, a phenomenon
that transcends race,
geography, and household
income. The book provides
a disturbing portrait of
the end of childhood as
we know it and of the
inexorable and ubiquitous
experience of a new kind
of adolescence—one
dominated by new social and sexual norms, where
a girl’s first crushes and experiences of longing
and romance occur in an accelerated electronic
environment; where issues of identity and self-
esteem are magnified and transformed by social
platforms that provide instantaneous judgment.
What does it mean to be a girl in America in 2016?
It means coming of age online in a hypersexualized
culture that has normalized extreme behavior,
from pornography to the casual exchange of
nude photographs; a culture rife with a virulent
new strain of sexism and a sometimes self-
undermining notion of feminist empowerment; a
culture in which teenagers are spending so much
time on technology and social media that they are
not developing basic communication skills. From
beauty gurus to slut-shaming to a disconcerting
trend of exhibitionism, Nancy Jo Sales provides
a shocking window into the troubling world of
today’s teenage girls.Provocative and urgent,
American Girls is destined to ignite a much-needed
conversation about how we can help our daughters
and sons negotiate unprecedented new challenges.
The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover
How Life Works and Why It Matters
by Sean B. Carroll
How does life work? How
does nature produce the
right numbers of zebras
and lions on the African
savanna, or fish in the
ocean? How do our bodies
produce the right numbers
of cells in our organs
and bloodstream? In The
Serengeti Rules, award-
winning biologist and
author Sean Carroll tells
the stories of the pioneering
scientists who sought the
answers to such simple
yet profoundly important
questions, and shows how
their discoveries matter for
our health and the health
of the planet we depend
upon.One of the most
important revelations about
the natural world is that
everything is regulated—
there are rules that regulate
the amount of every molecule in our bodies and
rules that govern the numbers of every animal
and plant in the wild. And the most surprising
revelation about the rules that regulate life at
such different scales is that they are remarkably
similar—there is a common underlying logic of
life. Carroll recounts how our deep knowledge of
the rules and logic of the human body has spurred
the advent of revolutionary life-saving medicines,
and makes the compelling case that it is now
time to use the Serengeti Rules to heal our ailing
planet.A bold and inspiring synthesis by one
of our most accomplished biologists and gifted
storytellers, The Serengeti Rules is the first book to
illuminate how life works at vastly different scales.
Read it and you will never look at the world the
same way again.
Jeff’s History Corner By Jeff Brown
CAIRO (AP) — Radar scans of King Tutankhamun’s
burial chamber have revealed two hidden rooms, a
tantalizing discovery that could resolve a mystery
as old as the pyramids: What was the fate of Egypt’s
beautiful Queen Nefertiti?But he said the unexplored
chambers could hold some kind of organic or metal
objects.Most experts say that while the scans might
reveal another tomb behind the false walls, it’s
unlikely to be crammed with solid gold and a royal
mummy like Nefertiti, whose 3,300-year-old bust on
display in Berlin is one of the most famous symbols
of ancient Egypt and classical beauty.”Quite often,
people have done these sorts of scans, and when
actually investigated, things have turned out to be
nothing like predicted,” said Aidan Dodson, an
archaeologist at the University of Bristol in England.
“If they are chambers, most likely they’d be filled
with more funeral objects of Tutankhamun, possibly
including some gilded statuettes of gods, or perhaps
even the mummy of a young child who predeceased
Tut.Still, the discovery has ignited massive interest,
and el-Damaty cast the discovery as potentially
huge. He said the radar scans of the chamber, taken
last year and analyzed in Japan, will be repeated
at the end of the month.The contents of the newly
found rooms could shine a light on one of ancient
Egypt’s most turbulent times, and one prominent
researcher has theorized that the remains of Nefertiti
could be inside.British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves
speculates that Tutankhamun, who died at age 19,
may have been rushed into an outer chamber of what
was originally Nefertiti’s tomb. The queen was one
of the wives of Tutankhamun’s father, the Pharaoh
Akhenaten.El-Damaty said it was too early to tell
what the metal and organic matter could be, saying
only that he thinks the chambers could contain
the tomb of a member of Tutankhamun’s family,
possibly a woman.
Luxor, in southern Egypt, served as the
Pharaonic capital and is home to sprawling temples
and several highly decorated ancient tombs in
the Valley of the Kings.Reeves reached his theory
after high-resolution images discovered what
he said were straight lines in Tut’s tomb. These
lines, previously hidden by the color and texture
of the stones, indicate the presence of a sealed
chamber, he said. The images were broadcast live
on national television in September.At the Cairo
news conference, el-Damaty showed the results of
radar scans that revealed anomalies in the walls of
the tomb, indicating a possible hidden door and
rooms behind false walls that were covered up and
painted over with hieroglyphics.El-Damaty believes
that if anyone is buried in the new antechambers
it is likely Kia, believed by some to be the mother
of Tutankhamun.Tut, Nefertiti and Akhenaten’s
family ruled Egypt during one of its most turbulent
times, which ended with a military takeover by
Egypt’s top general, Horemheb. The family’s names
were later erased from official records.
On the Marquee: Notes from the Sierra Madre Playhouse
By Artistic Director, Christian Lebano
After many false starts and blind alleys, I’m so
excited to announce that our summer musical will
be The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
with a book by Rachel Sheinkin, music & lyrics by
William Finn, and conceived by Rebecca Feldman.
This is a wonderfully funny and surprisingly
moving show that had a really long run on
Broadway where it won several Tony Awards. It
all centers on a regional Spelling Bee and the kids
(played by adults) who are competing – in the
conceit of the show, a few audience members will
participate, as well!
I am so pleased that Robert Marra who directed
Always…Patsy Cline and Sean Paxton who music
directed it will return to the Playhouse to bring this
show to life. Jeffrey Schoenberg who did Patsy’s
costumes and Cricket Myers who sound designed
will also come back. I can’t wait to see what this
wonderfully creative team will dream up with this
The road to choosing Spelling Bee was long and
fraught – there was another show we were really
hoping to bring to the Playhouse as the follow-up
to Patsy, but we couldn’t get the rights to do it (I’ll
try again next year) and so we turned to another
idea. Again we were stymied by being denied the
rights to the show. That’s when Robert and I went
back to the drawing board and came up with a few
more shows that we wanted to do. We got down
to Spelling Bee and one other. We went with the
other one and tried to make it work. It just became
too expensive a proposition for us to move forward
with – disappointing but a reality when you work
with budgets as tight as ours are. So we came back
to Spelling Bee.
I think audiences will love this show which is
suitable for the entire family. The Bee (I have to
find a good short title to use for it!) will begin its
competition on July 8 and run through August 21.
I do hope you’ll come!
* * *
We’ve had a week of rehearsals for Glass
Menagerie now. This is a terrific cast and it is
already taking shape. There are a lot of moving
parts to this production – projections, a lot of music,
some choreography and we are moving forward on
all fronts at the same time. As I’ve said before, I’ve
long wanted to direct this show and I’m so pleased
to start seeing my ideas take life on-stage. Tickets
are now available. I do hope you’ll plan to see this
* * *
Charlotte’s Web continues to delight kids
and adults alike. Tickets are selling well for our
weekend shows (with a few already sold-out!) –
hope to see you there with (or without!) your kids
and grandkids. Please visit our website at or call
Mary at 626.355.4318 to purchase tickets.
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Exp: March 31, 2016
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com