Mountain Views-News Sunday, July 2, 2016
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side
by Deanne Davis
“Those who won our independence valuedliberty as an end and as a means. They believedLiberty to be the secret of happiness, and courageto be the secret of Liberty.” Louis D. Brandeis
“Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions,
the spirit of men (and women) and so it must bedaily earned and refreshed else like a flower cutfrom its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower
“It will be celebrated with pomp and parade...
bonfires and illuminations from one end of this
continent to the other.” John Adams (1735-1826)
on July 4th Celebrations
We’re sure you all know that American Patriots,
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died
on the same day, July 4, 1826. They wouldboth have loved seeing the flags flying all overtown. So many houses have been decoratedwith red, white and blue bunting, which lookssuper. We’re certainly doing our part, us SierraMadreans, to celebrate with pomp and parade,
and our parade will be spectacular as usual.
But let’s skip the bonfires! We look forward toseeing our VFW guys and Grand Marshal, PeteSiberell. Mayor Pro Tem, Rachelle Arizmendi,
will be waving at the crowd, along with the restof the city council. Be looking for the family ofSierra Madre’s Older American of 2016, Ann
Tyler, who left us before she got to ride in theparade, but will surely be there in spirit.
Our parade favorite is always the Sierra MadreCity College float, but then there are all the Boyand Girl Scouts, the teams, bands, classic cars.
Our parade is always such a fun event. We won’tmiss it and hope you won’t either. The after-
parade community picnic and celebration startsat 11:00 right after the parade but we’ll be goingto the barbeque at our daughter, Patti’s, and son-
in-law, Dave’s, house. I’m bringing potato salad.
Potato salad has been in my culinary repertoirefor about fifty years and, fortunately, most of myfamily like my version.
There are many ways to wind up with a bigbowl of potato salad. I do the old fashionedhard boiled eggs, pickle relish, onions, potatoes,
celery salt and seed, pepper, dill, mustard,
mayonnaise, a dash of 1000 Island dressing andrefrigerate for a couple of days before the eventso everything gets a chance to get acquainted
and develop flavor. I’ve cut out dozens of potatosalad recipes from magazines and variousnewspaper cooking pages, but I’m afraid therewill be mutiny if I deviate from the old familiarsalad.
Several years ago, my live-in potato saladaficionado, John, and I went to Greece with
some friends and some other nice folks who had
chartered a yacht which came fully equippedwith a very handsome captain who came todinner each night wearing an impeccable whiteuniform with much gold braid. Dinner, by theway, was served on beautiful china with linentablecloth, napkins, and a daunting array ofsilverware. Our Captain was charming and
really knew his islands, many of which wevisited. There were crew members who ran the
boat, cleaned our cabin... and a chef. Oh, our
chef! His galley, in full view of everyone at alltimes, was the size of a computer workstation.
He created wonders in there, baked fresh yeastbread and cinnamon rolls every day and omeletsso light you had to hold them down. We wereserved fish so fresh it was still wiggling. Andpotato salad. He made potato salad that was sosimple, so easy, so delicious. Small red potatoes,
chopped scallions, chopped egg, capers, andGreek olive oil. He only used Greek olive oiland was openly contemptuous of anything fromItaly. His potato salad was served warm and Ihave never once had the courage to try it, feelingthat my weak attempt would be sort of liketrying to duplicate Michelangelo’s David withplay-doh.
Whatever you do this July 4th weekend, besure you have a great time with people you love,
people who enjoy food, laughter, each other,
and maybe you can sit out somewhere and seefireworks bursting in the sky. Put your feet inthe water, have another hot dog and delight inevery minute. Somewhere along the way, be sureto remember that freedom isn’t free. It has been
bought and paid for at great cost by people whogave all.
Happy 4th of July! God Bless America!
My book page: Deanne Davis
“Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter”
is available there…
An excellent graduation gift, by the way!
Sierra Madre, CA. – June 29, 2016 – Look for
treasure hidden around town in July as part ofSierra Madre Public Library’s One Book OneCity. Baseballs are hidden throughout SierraMadre, including with local merchants, in theparks, in Kersting Court. In fact, just aboutanywhere! Find a baseball and bring it to theLibrary, win treasures, and become eligible forthe drawing of an exciting final treasure at theend of July.
Plastic baseballs are numbered and concealed
at spots around Sierra Madre with a flyerexplaining the game. Baseballs go back intocirculation and you can enter as many timesas you want. Keep searching throughout Julyto increase your chances. Note that you canonly bring in a baseball with a given number
once. You can bring in as many baseballs as youfind, but they must all have different numbers.
Each time you return a ball to the Library,
you get a whiffle ball & bat or Friends BooksSale money and are registered for the GrandPrize drawing on July 25 at the talk by NickRoman from KPCC. Winners need not be
present to win. The Grand Prize includestickets to a professional sports event.
One Book One City (OBOC) the popularannual community reading program: The
Natural, by Pulitzer Prize-winning authorBernard Malamud, is the selected book. The
witty and biting novel is thought by many tobe the best baseball book ever written. OBOC
invites everyone to read and discuss the samebook during July. The goals are to build a senseof community, promote literacy, and have fun.
OBOC Activities are:
Baseball Treasure Hunt – JulyJuly 8, 8:00 pm—Movie in Memorial Park. TheNatural, complete with hot dog and ice creamfood trucks.
July 16, 9:00 am – Dodger Stadium Tour. Jointhe L. A. Dodger Stadium Tour and Box Lunchon July 16 sponsored by Library. The deadlineto reserve your spot is July 1. Board a bus
at 9:00 am in front of the Library for a shortride to Dodger Stadium, and take part in anexclusive hour-and-a-half-long tour behind thescenes, followed by a box lunch with Dodgerdogs. Participants will return to the Libraryaround 2:00 pm. Ticket prices are: $45 foradults, and $35 for seniors and youth under 18.
Reservation forms are available at the Libraryand online at
July 19, 7:00 pm —L. A. Dodgers Team HistorianMark Langill takes a look back at AnnouncerVin Scully’s 67 seasons with the team.
July 21, 11:00 am—Third Thursday Book Club.
Read and discuss The Natural.
July 25, 7:00 pm Nick Roman, of KPCC’s AllThings Considered, discusses the American
national pastime. This is the final OBOC
Read, Discover, Connect @ Sierra Madre Public
Library, 440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., SierraMadre, CA 91024, Phone 626-355-7186, Text
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