AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEYB4 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 2, 2016
AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEYB4 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 2, 2016
Thousands of pounds of illegal fireworks already confiscated
Sacramento – Today begins the sale of “Safe and Sane” fireworks in nearly 300 communities acrossCalifornia, which has CAL FIRE reminding everyone to do their part to prevent fires caused by fireworksthis Fourth of July. Over the past five years, more than 2,500 structure and wildfires have been sparkedby fireworks, burning thousands of acres, causing countless injuries and costing millions in propertyloss.
“Illegal fireworks, or even the unsafe use of ‘Sane and Sane’ fireworks, are a major problem every year,”
said Chief Tonya Hoover, California’s state fire marshal. “We have a zero tolerance towards the possession,
sale or use of illegal fireworks and our officers will be patrolling the streets and internet this week.”
Fire and law enforcement officers across the State are working together to confiscate illegal fireworksoff the streets. Earlier this month, CAL FIRE joined a multi-agency fireworks seizure operation in SanBernardino County. The operation resulted in the confiscation of 25,406 pounds of illegal fireworks,
51 misdemeanor citations were issued, as well as two felony arrests. In Placer County, a similar multi-
agency operation occurred at the agricultural inspection station in Truckee. More than 1,882 pounds offireworks were confiscated resulting in 20 misdemeanor citations and seven felony arrests.
“Wildfire activity has significantly increased during the last several weeks and California continuesto experience explosive fire conditions as a result of five years of drought,” said Chief Ken Pimott, CALFIRE director. “Everyone needs to understand the dangers associated with the use of illegal fireworks ormisuse of legal fireworks. Any person who starts a fire from fireworks – even accidentally – can be heldliable for the fire-fighting costs as well as property damage costs.”
The State Fire Marshal approved “Safe and Sane” fireworks are allowed for use in many communities;
however, they are not approved state-wide. Before purchasing these types of fireworks, be sure to checkyour local laws and follow the instructions to avoid accidents and injuries.
Here are a few tips to help you be safe this 4th of July:
• If fireworks are not legal where you live, do not use them.
• Buy only State Fire Marshal-approved (Safe and Sane) fireworks.
• Have a bucket of water and a hose handy.
• Always read directions and have an adult present.
• Use fireworks outdoors only.
• Parents are liable for any damage or injuries caused by their children using fireworks.
• Use common sense and keep a safe distance.
• Never attempt to re-light or “fix” fireworks.
Visit for tips on how to prevent a wildfire this Fourth of July.
Attention business owners, California is makingaccounts, call our EFT helpline: 1-916-327a
change that could affect your tax or fee account4229. For questions about Special Taxes andwhen you make electronic payments to the StateFees accounts, call 1-800-400-7115. Additional
Board of Equalization (BOE). As of July 1, 2016, theinformation is available at
bank that processes electronic fund transfer (EFT)Note: The audio PSA and script are available for
payments will change from Citibank to Unionyour use.
Bank. * * * * *
If you make Automated Clearing House (ACH)The five-member California State Board of
Debit payments through the EFT payment Equalization (BOE) is a publicly elected tax board.
processor, visit our new bank and paymentThe BOE collects $60.5 billion annually in taxesprocessor webpage for instructions.and fees, supporting state and local government
If you pay by ACH Credit, you must notify yourservices. It hears business tax appeals, acts as thefinancial institution of the new bank information appellate body for franchise and personal incometo ensure the correct bank is credited. ACH Credit tax appeals, and serves a significant role in thetransactions with a settlement date on or after assessment and administration of property taxes.
July 1, 2016, using incorrect banking informationFor more information on other taxes and fees in
will be returned and may be subject to penaltyCalifornia, visit
and interest charges. In addition, any paymentsNote: This news release may discuss complexto Union Bank prior to July 1, 2016, will also betax laws and concepts. It may not address everyreturned and may be subject to penalty and interestsituation, and is not considered written advice
charges.under Revenue and Taxation Code section 6596.
If you use the BOE’s online payment system toChanges in law or regulations may have occurredmake your payment, no change is required on your since the time this news release was written. If
part.there is a conflict between the text of this news
For more information on EFT payments, visitrelease and the law, decisions will be based uponthe BOE’s Frequently Asked Questions webpage.the law and not this news release. For specific help,
If you have questions about Sales and Use Tax please contact the BOE at 1-800-400-7115.
LOS ANGELES COUNTY — The Board of departments to assess project impacts on theirSupervisors unanimously approved a jointoperations.
motion by Supervisors Michael D. AntonovichShadow Hills Property Owners Association
and Sheila Kuehl to send a five-signature letter topresident David DePinto testified, “Above
the California High Speed Rail Authority Boardground structures are intolerable near residentialand the County’s elected state officials opposingcommunities and sensitive environmental areas…
the Refined E-2 High Speed Rail alignment, asit’s a terrible burden for us.”
currently proposed - due to serious impacts toIn 2013, Supervisor Antonovich requested that thehomes, quality of life and sensitive environmentalAuthority find alternatives to the SR-14 corridorareas in local communities including Shadowdue to its severe impacts on communities in theHills, Lakeview Terrace, Sunland-Tujunga, KagelNorth County, including the Santa Clarita Valley,
Canyon and Acton, and to the Big Tujunga Wash.Agua Dulce and Acton. “The resulting alternative
The letter will detail efforts to date by Supervisorsroutes still carry significant impacts,” said
Antonovich and Kuehl and call upon the AuthorityAntonovich. “Today’s decision was an importantto expedite scientific studies related to the highnext step in our ongoing effort to protect thesespeed rail project. The motion also directs County communities.”
Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced theself-sufficiency must begin as soon as a child entersunanimous approval by the Board of Supervisorsour system with a clear mission for the role theyfor a motion that he authored along with Supervisorplay in the life of that child.”
Shelia Kuehl to enhance the self-sufficiency ofLos Angeles County presently serves
emancipating foster youth.approximately 2,400 transition-aged foster
Today’s board motion directs further Countyyouth, nearly one third of the statewide fosteragency collaboration under the leadership of theyouth population. Over the years, the Boardnewly established Office of Child Protection, toof Supervisors has enacted a series of motionsimprove integrated service delivery, enhancedirecting the Chief Executive Officer and Countydepartmental goals to serve these youth, anddepartments to address various concerns related tocoordinate with the Center for Strategic Public-the needs of these youth.
Private Partnerships to identify additional “This initiative will demand accountability provide better futures for these young
“Upon emancipating from the system manypeople.” Antonovich added. “Through positivefoster youth find themselves unemployed, onaction, coordination and accountability, we canpublic assistance, homeless, or incarcerated,”successfully serve our foster youth and help themsaid Antonovich. “County departments cannot transition to become self-sufficient and productiveeffectively serve a child in isolation. The goal of adult members of society.”
By Joan SchmidtFor the past thirty-five years, while servingas Supervisor in the LA County’s Fifth District,
Mike Antonovich has been committed to Public
Safety. He has admonished Governor Brown forProposition 169 which sent 30,000 state prisoninmates to already overcrowded county jails whenthey could have been housed out of state at half thecost! (It is mind-boggling that people still don’t getthe terrible repercussions-but that’s another story!)
Mike has been the champion for small business,
foster kids, seniors, veterans, and even homeless
It is only fitting that his final Family MusicFestival, held in conjunction with LA CountyParks and Recreation and the Los Angeles CountyArboretum had to be something BEYONDspectacular and believe me, it was!
There were TWO GREAT GROUPS: The Oak
Ridge Boys and the Beach Boys. The Oaks are truly
low notes- even my hubby Bob was impressed!
Duane Allen sounded the same and afterwards,
they graciously posed for photos. I was busy takingpictures, but William Lee Golden stayed behindfor a minute to pose with me.
As interesting aside- after the Oaks’
performance, I saw Dave Vannatta, visiting fromMontana. He was Mike’s Planning Deputy MANYyears ago. Once I went to LA to drop off Christmascookies for Mike and his family. While waiting tosee Mike, Dave walked by and was so excited to tellme about special funding for Pamela Park. Peoplemay not realize the Park almost closed! SupervisorAntonovich and wonderful Parks Director, the
late Neema Torres were instrumental in keeping itopen. Now so many families continue to enjoy thepark!
The Beach Boys’ performance was outstandingand they did ALL their hits-much to the delightof 4000+ spectators. And their guitarist was John
one of my favorite groups. When you are overseasmilitary in the 70’s, there is ONE radio AmericanForces Network and “Oldies” and “Country Music”
were the rage. It continued while living in Virginiain the early 80’s. The Oaks performed EXACTLYlike they did back then, Joe Bonsall never stoppedsmiling on stage and Richard Sterban-hitting the
Stamos! People were singing along and dancing onthe lawn- a great time was had by all!
Thank you, Supervisor Antonovich, LA CountyParks and Recreation, The LA County ArboretumFoundation, all the MANY staff and volunteers,
Arcadia PD, LASD Posse, the caterers-all who
helped make this great day possible!
First and foremost we want to thank the wonderful City of Sierra Madre and surrounding
communities for your support and for welcoming our family into your community.
We look forward to embracing and becoming an integral part of the community.
Thank you again for the warm and sincere welcome.
Sierra Fusion
California Crazy Chef’s Catering
Slammin’ Sliders
120 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Hours of Operation:
Tues -Thurs 11AM -3PM / 5PM -9PM
Friday: 11AM -3PM / 5PM -10PM
Sat: 8AM -3PM / 5PM -10PM
Sun: 8AM -3PM
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