Mountain Views News Sunday, July 2, 2016
By Scott Hettrick /Arcadia’s Best
A proposed four-story mixed-use apartment/
commercial building in Downtown Arcadia at the
corner of First Avenue and Wheeler Street behind
24 Hour Fitness was unanimously approved
tonight (Tuesday, June 24, 2015) by the City of
Arcadia Planning Commission.
According to a staff report, the applicant, Alicia
Barclay on behalf of DPP Arcadia, LLC, requested
approval of the development that consists of three
stories of residential units (38 apartment units)
over 17,850 square feet of ground floor commercial
uses (maximum of 1,500 sf per commercial
space), and two levels of subterranean parking.
The second level of underground parking was the
result of objections by the Downtown Arcadia
Improvement Association and others when the
project was first proposed with only one level
of parking that would not accommodate all the
cars of the residential units and the workers
and customers of the commercial spaces, let
alone the displaced customers of 24 Hour
Fitness and other nearby business that use the
existing parking lot behind 24 Hour Fitness on
which the 4-story development will be built.
Another element was added that met the approval
of the Planning Commission and the Downtown
Association — a 2,730 square-foot public outdoor
plaza that will be located between the proposed
development and the 24-Hour Fitness building.
This is the first development designed to cater
to the anticipated Gold Line train and station a
few yards away from this building. The Gold Line
train station will be dedicated August 22 but
service will not begin until at least March of next
year or possibly later due to delays in the delivery
of extra rail passenger cars.
Developers say construction on the new building
could begin early next year — perhaps March
— with work thereafter expected to take about
15-months, putting the project on target for
completion in about two years. It will be the
first Mixed-Use project in Arcadia to be LEED
certified at a Silver Level, meaning it complies
with a high standard of evironmental-friendly
building recommendations.
The staff report says the project will provide more
than the required total of 340 parking spaces,
including 112 on-site: eight surface parking
spaces, 104 spaces below grade (47 spaces on
the first level and 57 spaces on the second level),
and 234 spaces in the existing parking structure.
The eight surface parking spaces would be
designated for customers of the commercial
uses. Within the two levels of the below-grade
parking spaces, 57 parking spaces would be
reserved for the residents of the Project, 19 spaces
would be reserved for guests of the residents,
and 28 spaces would be available to the public.
Additional parking for the proposed project
is to be available through a reciprocal parking
easement in the adjacent, existing, three-level,
234-space parking structure next to 24 Hour
Fitness on Santa Clara Avenue, which sits on
property owned by the same company. A total of
346 parking spaces are to be provided for the new
Project and 24-Hour Fitness, which exceeds the
required amount by six spaces.
The west half of the development will be only three
stories to provide more of a visual transition from
the east and allow more light in the courtyard
The Project also includes a curb extension at the
corner of Wheeler Avenue and First Avenue to
expand the sidewalk at that location to facilitate
additional on-street parking along First Avenue.
The residential component will occupy
the second, third, and fourth floors of the
proposed building, and will consist of 27 one-
bedroom units, and 11 two-bedroom units.
Five of the two-bedroom units will be two-story
units (Units 7–11). The apartments vary in size
from 880 square feet to 1,464 square feet. All
of the units will have a private deck or balcony
ranging in size from 50 square feet to 468 square
feet, and there will be a common courtyard
with landscaping and barbeque facilities for the
The exterior of the building will include brick
veneer and stucco walls, with projecting awnings
and painted metal panes and doorways to highlight
the ground floor commercial spaces. The Wheeler
Avenue frontage will feature a four-story high wall
area between the office and retail spaces that is to
incorporate public art (e.g., a painted mural). On
the west elevation, metal latticing on the exterior
wall will create visual interest and texturing of
the façade. The canopies, posts, and railings are
to be decorated with ornamental iron work. As
shown on the attached site and floor plans and
on the rendering below, the Project is designed to
activate the street frontage by orienting the retail
components towards First Avenue to access the
Gold Line station.
For the period of Sunday, June 19th, through Saturday, June25th, the Police Department responded to 998 calls for serviceof which 119 required formal investigations. The followingis a summary report of the major incidents handled by theDepartment during this period.
Sunday, June 19:
1. Around 2:03 a.m., an officer was dispatched to 7-Eleven,
1003 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding the report of atheft. An investigation revealed the suspect entered theconvenience store and asked the cashier for a pack ofcigarettes. As the cashier provided the suspect with thecigarettes, the suspect grabbed the cigarette pack and alighter then fled the location without paying. The 33-yearold
male from Port Hueneme was located with the stolen
items. He was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.
2. Just after 5:24 p.m., an officer responded to ArcadiaCounty Park, 405 South Santa Anita Avenue, regarding abattery that had just occurred. An investigation revealedthe victim was walking toward a park bench when thesuspect punched him in his chest. The 53-year-old malefrom Azusa was located, arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.
Monday, June 20:
3. At approximately 11:54 a.m., an officer was dispatchedto Westfield Santa Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue,
regarding a subject removing plants from a mall planterbox. Upon contacting the subject, the officer discoveredthe subject was in possession of a large unguarded razorblade in his shoe. The 22-year-old male from La Miradawas arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking.
4. Just after 5:08 p.m., an officer was dispatched to CottonOn, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a subjectlooking under dressing room stalls. An investigationrevealed the victim entered a dressing room stall to try onclothing when she noticed a man’s face peering at her fromunderneath. The suspect attempted to leave the store butwas apprehended by mall security. The 36-year-old malefrom Delano was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking.
Tuesday June 21:
5. At about 2:32 p.m., an officer was dispatched to 24 HourFitness, 125 North First Avenue, regarding the report ofa theft from vehicle. An investigation revealed the victimhad left her vehicle with the passenger side window down.
When she returned to her car, she discovered $1,000 and
her coat had been stolen. No suspects were seen and nowitnesses were located.
6. At approximately 4:57 p.m., an officer initiated a trafficstop on a vehicle in the area of Colorado Place and Gate6 of the Santa Anita Race Track for expired registration.
An investigation revealed the driver had been drivingwithout a driver’s license, without auto insurance and had
expired registration. The driver was also in possession ofmethamphetamine. The 51-year-old male from HighlandPark was cited and released at the scene. The vehicle was
released to the registered owner.
Wednesday, June 22:
7. Around 6:56 a.m., officers responded to the 400 blockof Joaquin Road regarding the report of a burglary. Aninvestigation revealed an unknown suspect(s) cut ahole in the chain link fence surrounding a house underconstruction. The suspect(s) stole $6,170 worth of tools.
The investigation is ongoing.
8. Just after 10:25 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop ona vehicle in the area of Huntington Drive and Michillinda
Avenue for equipment violations. An investigation revealedthe driver was driving with a suspended license, expiredregistration and no proof of insurance. The driver was citedand released at the scene. The vehicle was impounded for30 days.
Thursday, June 23:
9. At about 3:14 a.m., officers responded to the area of NorthSanta Anita Avenue and Santa Clara Street regarding thereport of a solo vehicle traffic collision. Upon contactingthe driver, the officer detected a strong odor of alcoholemitting from the driver. Through a series of tests, theofficer determined the 22-year-old female from Montrosewas driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage.
She was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailfor booking.
10. At approximately 7:04 a.m., officers responded to thearea of Holly Avenue and Lemon Avenue regarding anactivation of an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker.
Arcadia PD detectives had previously deployed decoypackages containing bait property and tracking devicesto combat the increase in package thefts from residentialareas. An investigation revealed a 19-year-old male fromEl Monte and a 40-year-old male from Rosemead hadthe stolen package, property, and tracking device in theirvehicle. They were also in possession of drug paraphernalia.
Both suspects were arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking.
11. At about 7:29 p.m., officers were dispatched to WestfieldSanta Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding thereport of two males fighting. An investigation revealedthe fight was between a theft suspect and a witness. Thesuspect had stolen a wallet and a purse from separatevictims inside the mall. The suspect then fled to theparking lot and began pressing the remote key foundinside the stolen purse in an attempt to steal the victim’scar. The suspect was confronted and apprehended by awitness and mall security. The 22-year-old male from ElMonte was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.
Friday, June 24:
12. At approximately 1:42 p.m., officers responded to the400 block of West Longden Avenue regarding an activationof an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. Aninvestigation revealed a 29-year-old male from Rosemeadhad the stolen package, property, and tracking device inhis vehicle. The suspect was also found to be in possessionof other stolen property, a fraudulent driver’s license, drugparaphernalia and various illegal fireworks. The suspectwas arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking.
Saturday, June 25:
13. At about 1:43 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 1500block of South Eighth Avenue regarding an activation of anArcadia Police Department GPS tracker. Officers followedthe tracker to a residence in Monrovia. Two males were
contacted at the residence and found to be in possessionof the stolen package, property, and tracking device. Bothsuspects also had outstanding warrants for their arrests.
The 51-year-old male from West Covina and the 31-yearold
male from Monrovia were arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking.
14. Around 2:28 p.m., an officer was dispatched toJC Penney, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding ashoplifting report. Loss prevention officers witnessedthe suspect conceal fragrance bottles inside a plasticshopping bag before exiting the store, failing to makepayment. The 23-year-old male from Pasadena wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking.
To accommodate the Patriotic Festival on Saturday,
July 2nd, First Avenue will be closed between SantaClara and Colorado Streets, 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Please use alternate routes.
Come on down to the Arcadia Transit Plaza and
enjoy the Festival!
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