Mountain Views-News Sunday, July 2, 2016
JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS & MORE! 13 Mountain Views-News Sunday, July 2, 2016
Love comes in all shapes and sizes! Meet AutumnTo meet August in person, please see her at(A4961699). Autumn is a precious 8-year-oldthe Baldwin Park Shelter, located at 4275 N.
brown-and-white female Dachshund and CorgiElton, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (Phone: 626
negative FELV/FIV unless otherwise indicated. Weknow our cats very well to find the right matchfor you, and when you adopt from Lifeline for Pets,
you know you are getting a healthy, much loved petwho will fit well into your family and have a lifelonghome. Convenient adoption application, morepictures, and videos on our excellent website, www.
lifelineforpets.pasadena, Email: info@lifelineforpets.
Griff is a handsome Jack Russell mix that found When we first met Griff, he was hand-shy andhimself at the shelter when his owner moved to a did not like being picked up. Now, after a few short
home where no pets were allowed. He has a wire-weeks, he is happy to sit on a lap, receive pets andhaired coat of tan and white, and the most beautiful belly rubs, and he has become quite affectionate.
brown eyes that almost match his
This sweet boy would love to findfur. He is about 5 years old and
a happy home with a yard whereweighs around 14 pounds.
he can play, and a family who willIn his first days at the shelter,
throw his toys for him and give himGriff was sad and confused how
some belly rubs. If Griff sounds like
he ended up losing his home only
the right dog for your family, cometo end up in a kennel at an animal
in to meet him soon. He deserves to
shelter. Gradually as he got to
live happily ever after. His adoptionknow the staff and volunteers, he
fee is $130 and includes neuter
relaxed and started to show his
surgery, vaccinations, microchiphappy personality. The first thing
and a free wellness exam at a
we noticed about Griff is that he
participating veterinarian. Feel freeloves to play with toys, especially
to call us at (626) 286-1159 for morechasing and fetching. He seems
information on Griff. He currentlyto never tire of playing as long
resides at the San Gabriel Valleyas someone is willing to throw
Humane Society located at 851 E.
toys for him to retrieve. Next, we
Grand Avenue in San Gabriel. We
discovered that Griff enjoys going
are located off San Gabriel Blvd,
for walks. He is easy to harness
north of Mission and south of Las
and walks well on the leash at a good pace, and willTunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ withrun if he has a willing partner. He seems to enjoyGriff, please stop by any time from 10:30am tothe company of all the dogs he has met, including4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. Website: www.
his kennel mate.
most everyone else looks and thinks like we do.
While we may feel more comfortable
in these arenas, we need to pushthe boundaries with our kids for their sake.
Regardless of our politics, visible Americanculture is changing. We cannot expectvoluntary segregation of our society—by race,
socioeconomic status, or any other factor—tocontinue.
So how can we help our kids be open to
cultural and familial differences and to
embrace the complexities therein? Children arebest prepared through modeling and practice.
This is the true inheritance we leave behind.
Be cognizant of the cultural norms you
promote without saying a word, throughyour choice of neighborhoods, entertainment,
institutions, and even the company you keep.
It is critical that American children remain
open to differences and complexities, to enablethem to work and play with those who may
LIFE IS MULTIFACETED: be different from them as our society movesforward to keep in step with the ever evolvingTEACH CHILDREN TO nature of our world.
Ultimately, estate planning isn’t just aboutBE OPEN TO ALL OF ITS passing on your money. It’s about passing onyour whole family wealth, which includes yourCOMPLEXITIES values, insights, stories and experience, most of
which is passed on without awareness. WhenWhen you picture a “normal” family, what doyou can bring awareness to estate planning,
you see? Is it the traditional notion of one malehowever, beyond simply the financial pieces, youparent and one female parent, two kids, and aare giving your children a true gift that doesn’tfamily pet? Or do you see something different?last just a lifetime, but for many generations to
Or perhaps you reject the notion of a “normal”come.
family altogether?Dedicated to your family’s health, wealth,
Recent court and legislative activity haveand happiness,
opened the institution of marriage to same-
gender couples. Regardless of your politicalposition or whether you think this is a wisemove, it is happening. Today 1 in 4 childrenunder the age of 18 are being raised by singlemothers without a father anywhere in the
picture. And nearly 30% of all families todayare single parent families. On top of that, 5%
of children aren’t living with a “traditional”A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is
parent at all, but with grandparents or otheron a mission to help parents protect what theyfamily most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin
Simply put, mainstream society is changingAve., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule
in our country. It’s important to keep that inan appointment to sit down and talk about
mind because sometimes (particularly withensuring a legacy of love and financial securityaffluence) we may not always be aware of changesfor your family by calling 626.587.3058 or visittaking place outside our personal norms. for more information.
not? Well, we often attend institutions – like
churches and schools, for example—where
Anyone who’s viewed headline news trendsthis past week is likely to have come acrossa pretty cool story about a guy by the nameof Duke Riley, a New York City artist-slashhoming
pigeon lover and handler. Riley has adeep compassion for the species and spendsa lot of time working with his loyal flock of1000 feathered friends from atop the high-
rise where he lives.
To him, the distinctive smells, sounds
and other peculiarities inherent to hangingout with a bunch of birds is nothing lessthan comforting. He sees each pigeon as anindividual and has formed special bondswith them. With the pigeons, he enjoys arelationship of trust that is not so easy tofind in the city and this is part of what droveDuke Riley to become a ‘pigeon reputation-
redemption advocate‘.
The homing pigeon has certainly had itshey day in America. Indeed, at one point thebird was so highly revered, it was consideredto be in a rank comparative to that of theeagle. That began to change, as did manythings in the US, following mid-centurymorphs mainly brought on by a post-warthriving economy and increased influx of
immigrants to the land of opportunity.
Now, with the exception of a random wordof endearment uttered by an occasionaltourist or lonesome park dweller, the poorpigeon seems to have been un-friended bythe mass majority. This, only to becomethe brunt of irritable, uppity New Yorkerswho’ve grown tired of wiping poop off thewind-shields of their new BMWs, merchants
who’ve come to loath the presence of theprolific peckers making a mess of thesidewalks affronting their shops, and
pedestrians weary of weaving in and outof their congregations as they navigate thepaved paths they take to the office and backhome each day.
Regardless of why, the pigeon has
inadvertently earned the derogatorymoniker, ’winged rat’ for simply beingthemselves and doing what they were createdto do. On the other hand, there seems to be
an underlying ’sub-culture’ of serious pigeonlovers who do what they can to promote theiracceptance and well-being as cohabitersin the clustered urban sprawl they landedin many decades ago. These bird lovers areintent on educating the public about theirbeloved ‘homers’ and seek out opportunitiesto display their amazing skills in an effortto help close the gap between them and ushumans.
I find it humorous how easyit is to trick humans into reestablishing
a relationshipwith a not-so-popular animalspecies. For example, let’s
say a particular animal hassomehow done something thehuman didn’t like, The human
then starts a negative rumor,
which, in turn results in a bad
rap for the unwitting animal.
The animal can‘t quite putits paw or claw on it, but itknows for some reason it’s not
getting the kind of respect it
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
deserves. Then one day someone puts theanimal’s image on a ball cap, calls it a mascotand suddenly the shunned animal becomes ahero overnight! Humorous, right?
In the case of Duke Riley and his wingedteam of would-be outcasts, the target of focuswas the artistic appeal that apparently playsa huge role in keeping ‘big apple culture’ intact. When Riley wasn’t relaxing with hisfeathered friends in their roof-top coop, hewas brain-storming for an amazing way tore-introduce his pigeon pals to his fellow citydwellers such that, perhaps they might seethem in a new light.
Being an artist himself, Riley understandsthe demand for something fresh and
innovative when it comes to capturing anysort of significant attention from anyone ofsignificant status in the city’s deep-seated,
richly-rooted art community. So when hecame up with the idea of creating a living,
breathing, moving art exhibit featuring hisamazing aves, a renewed sense of hope fortheir future prosperity began to grow in him.
If only the birds could be seen in lightedflight, they were sure to be a hit.
So he gathered up the troops (the pigeons,
that is) each to which he affixed a tiny light.
Then when the sun fell to the west allowingdusk to lull the day into the dark of night, thesky became an artist’s clean slate and withhis whistle, Riley set the stage. He directedthe beautiful, dutiful birds to fly in thefluttering formation he’d taught them; thisway and that, in and out, over and under,
swooping dramatically above the BrooklynNavy Yard.
A flash lights up the sky and catches theeye of countless pedestrians meanderingthrough the city below. They first slow, thenstop to look up and see a glowing, flowinglight show going on above them. Exactlywhat it is has them somewhat mystified,
but they know for sure it is something quiteamazing.
It appears to be part alive and part harddrive, part bio and part mechanical. It isactually quite indescribable. They’ve nothingto compare it to, but they wish to continuewatching as long as it is there to be watched.
Eventually, a pigeon parts from the broodand comes to rest on the rooftop near thenest. One by one the awed on-lookers beginto realize the light show they are watching isa flying flock of pigeons and they are in love!
Well done, Duke Riley.
mix who came to the Baldwin Park Animal Care
Center as a stray from Baldwin Park on June 15th.
Weighing 18 lbs, Autumnis a perfect size-- largeenough to be sturdy withchildren, but small enoughto fit in anywhere. She’s asweet girl with kisses foreveryone she meets. Sheshows signs of neglectby her former owners-including
fly damage to herears--but it has not affected
her loving, trusting natureone bit. Autumn shows
signs of housebreakingand gets along great withother dogs. She has apleasant, medium energylevel and walks well on leash. This sweetie pieis ready for a home where she is cherished andenjoyed. And with her good nature, she will be aperfect pet for any family or individual. To watch
a video of Autumn, please visit the following link:
962-3577). She is currently available now. For
any inquiries about Autumn, please referenceher animal ID number:
A4961699. The shelter is
open seven days a week,
12 pm-7 pm Monday-
Thursday and 10am5pm
This is a high-intakeshelter with a great needfor adoptions. For
more information about
Autumn or the adoptionprocess, contact UnitedHope for Animals
Volunteer Adoption
Coordinator Samantha
at Samantha@ To
learn more about United Hope for Animals’partnership with the Baldwin Park Shelter, aswell as the many dogs of all breeds, ages, andsizes available for adoption in local shelters,
Meet BUB,
sleek &
h a nd s o me
male, born
2015. He is the
purr- fect kittyyou’ve alwayswa n t e d—
healthy, sweet,
loving, gentle,
easily held,
loves pettingand neck rubs,
and gets alongvery well withother cats! Help us change the fact that black cats arelast to be adopted, if ever, and make this soft, furryboy part of your family today! Lifeline for Pets is asmall no-kill rescue organization. BUB is in foster, soplease call 626-676-9505 to arrange a “Meet & Greet.”
We show some of our cats most Sunday afternoonsat Petsmart, 3347 E. Foothill Blvd. in Pasadena,
12:30-3:30. Adoption fee is $100, which includesspay/neuter, microchip, & vaccines. Our cats are
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: