Mountain Views-News Sunday, July 2, 2016
In October 2014, Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 1826Currently, the City has 31 trash receptacles located nextinto law, which mandated the implementation of an organicto bus stops that City staff picks up three times / week.
waste diversion program in 2016. Organic waste refersAs part of our contract discussions, we have negotiatedto food waste, green waste, landscape / pruning waste,a provisions in the Exclusive Agreement whereby Athensnonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper wastewould be responsible for collecting the trash at each of thethat is mixed in with food waste. It is important to note thatbus stop locations in Monrovia.
AB 1826 phases in the mandatory recycling of commercialorganics over time, and eventually, it is anticipatedCitywide Bulky Item Pick-Up Servicesthat nearly everyone – including both residential andOne of the consistent complaints that the Citycommercial customers – will be required to comply withreceives regarding solid waste services are bulky-itemsstringent organic waste diversion directives.and debris that are illegally dumped at visible locations
The mandatory recycling of organic waste as outlinedthroughout town. As part of our contract discussions, wein AB 1826 is being driven by the directives of AB 32, thehave negotiated a provision in the Exclusive AgreementCalifornia Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. In thatwhereby Athens would provide the City with unlimitedlegislation, it was identified that reducing the amountbulky-item pick-ups at no cost.
of organic materials sent to landfills, and increasing theproduction of compost and mulch, were requirementsStreet Sweeping Cost Containmentfor California businesses and residents. In fact, accordingIn addition to approval of the new franchise agreementto the AB 32 Scoping Plan, organic waste such as greenwith Athens, the City also approved an amendment to ourmaterials and food materials were identified as recyclableexisting Street Sweeping Agreement with Athens, whichitems through composting and mulching, and greenhousehad been set to expire in December 2016. The approvedgas (GHG) emissions resulting from the decomposition ofagreement offers the City direct cost containment controlorganic wastes in landfills were identified as a significantover street sweeping costs, as our contract stipulatessource of emissions contributing to global climate changethat for street sweeping purposes, “Rate adjustments arethat needed to be adjusted.within the sole discretion of the City Council.”
During the past several months, as the City has engagedin discussions with Athens Services regarding the organicsImplementation of AB 1826 Compliant Organics
program, staff has also had simultaneous conversationsRecycling Program Available to all Customerswith Consolidated Disposal regarding the City’s overallPursuant to AB 1826, the agreement with Athensapproach to managing solid waste disposal services.includes a provision that the State mandated organics
Currently, Athens Services has an exclusive franchiserecycling program be made available to all customers into provide residential and Old Town customers with solidMonrovia.
waste disposal services, and a non-exclusive franchiseBased on the provisions of AB 1826, the City isagreement to provide commercial customers with solidmandated to reduce organic waste by 50% from 2014waste disposal services. Those existing agreements runlevels by 2020. Our agreement with Athens puts in placethrough June 30, 2034.a robust program that will allow us to comply with the
In addition, Consolidated Disposal currently has a non-requirements, and makes the organics recycling programexclusive franchise agreement to provide commercialavailable to all applicable customers.
customers with solid waste disposals services, and thatBased on provisions contained in the updatedparticular contract is set to expire on June 30, 2016.agreements with Athens, solid waste service rates will
Given the pending expiration of the agreement withbe adjusted on July 1, 2016. The cost increases are brokenConsolidated Disposal, and given the organics recyclingdown into two separate parts, including a base level costprogram requirements of AB 1826, the City this past weekincrease to pay for CPI adjustment costs and the newapproved an exclusive franchise agreement with AthensCalifornia minimum wage costs. The second componentServices, along with a three-month contract extensionof the increase relates to the State of California AB 1826
with Consolidated Disposal through September 30, 2016Organics Recycling program costs. An overview of thoseto allow for a smoother transition of service providers.cost adjustments for the typical customer categories
The approved agreement with Athens Services includesoutlined below include:
several new services, along with a revised schedule ofCPI / CA Minimum Wage Cost Increaserates. An overview of the new services include: Residential – $1.54 / month
Multi-Family – $6.99 / monthResidential Mulch / Compost Give-Away ServicesCommercial – $8.40 / month
As part of the proposed Exclusive Agreement withAB 1826 Organics Recycling Program Cost IncreaseAthens, we have negotiated a provision whereby all residentsResidential – $3.85 / monthof Monrovia would have access to free mulch / compostMulti-family – $21.54 / monthmaterial on a bi-annual basis to be provided by Athens. Commercial – $23.20 / month
Total Solid Waste Service Cost Increase Effective July 1,
Residential Hillside Brush Clearance Service 2016
As part of the proposed Exclusive Agreement withResidential – $4.99 / monthAthens, we have negotiated a provisions where allMulti-family – $28.53 / monthresidents who live in the hillside fire hazard zone (northCommercial – $31.60 / monthof Hillcrest Avenue) would have access annually to brushDuring the next few weeks, Athens will be sending outand debris removal services between May 1 and June 30additional information regarding these cost adjustments(so as to coincide with the City’s required annual brushand new service levels, and in the interim, if you shouldclearance inspection process), at no cost to the resident.have any questions, please feel free to contact our PublicCommercial Bus Stop Trash Pick-Up Services Works Department at (626) 932-5575.
DUARTE, CA, June 29, 2016 – The City of Duarte types of fireworks are legally sold in Duarte at five
will be enforcing restrictions on fireworks usage different locations starting June 30th. Remember,
for the Fourth of July, 2016 holiday. Fireworks are discharging fireworks north of Royal Oaks Drive
only allowed to be discharged on the day of July is prohibited, with the exception of Royal Oaks
4th between the hours of noon and 11 p.m.Park.
They are no longer allowed on the days leading Violators of the City’s new fireworks restriction
up to the holiday. Additionally, Los Angeles maybe be prosecuted and receive up to a $1000
County Fire and Sheriff’s Departments will be fine and/or six months in jail. The California
deploying up to two additional engines and eight State Fire Marshall has decreed a zero tolerance
deputies to patrol areas within the City on the 4th against illegal fireworks due to the severe drought
of July.conditions. For additional information, contact
The only type of fireworks allowed to be discharged Duarte Public Safety by calling (626) 357-7938 orin Duarte are those marked Safe & Sane and those to report a fireworks violation in action, please
that have been purchased in California. These contact LASD Temple Station at 626 285-7171.
The Reservoir and Fish Fires began on June 20th asthe fire. Los Angeles County Fire Department heldseparate incidents. The cause of the Reservoir Firea community meeting in Duarte at Northviewwas due to a vehicle crash with a fatality while theIntermediate School on June 22nd to answer questionscause of the Fish Fire is still under investigation. Theand assure residents of the commitment of staff to this
fires were burning in fuel that was 7-10 years oldcommunity.
with a 6-8 foot chaparral and large grass crop. TheHighway 39 remains closed at old San Gabriel RoadReservoir Fire grew the first day to 1200 acres. Thedue to ongoing fire activity, hazards remaining on theFish Fire grew to 3700 acres and threatened homes.road including falling debris and crews performing
Initial concerns were that the two fires would mergemop up and patrol operations. All evacuations
into one fire. Fire crews established and provided forfor the San Gabriel Complex have been lifted.
structure defense. No homes or structures have been The American Red Cross center has been closed.
damaged.For additional information, please contact the City
At the height of the fire, 1376 homes wereof Duarte at 626 357-7931 or visit www.accessduarte.
evacuated. The American Red Cross established an com. Follow the City of Duarte on Facebook
Evacuation Center at Duarte Community Center,at; Twitter @
1600 Huntington Drive, and 1460 staff from multipleCityofDuarte; Instagram @city_of_duarte and
local, state and federal agencies worked to protectLinkedIn.
property and suppress the fire. Road closures wereFire Incident update website information:
in place and law enforcement patrolled for security
while firefighters worked through the night to contain
In response to concerns about street cleanlinessOlive, the south boundary at Central Ave. and theand litter, the Duarte City Council voted ateasterly boundary consisting of Las Lomas Rd. toits May 10thmeeting to launch a pilot streetRoyal Oaks and Fernley Drives.
sweeping program effective July 1, 2016. TheThe northern portion of the Quadrant 2 will beprogram involves a designated area of the Cityswept during the period of 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
which will have signs posted to reflect mandatoryand the southern portion will be swept from 7:00parking restrictions which will be enforced byam to 11:00 am. Street signs indicating parkingcitation. restrictions with days and times will be posted in
The pilot program will launch on July 1, 2016the pilot area during the month of June prior to thefor a period of six months. The program involvesbeginning of the program.
the mandatory removal of vehicles on both sidesThe program also features a thirty-day graceof the street on street sweeping days to facilitateperiod where written warning notices will beunobstructed access to curb and gutter by theleft on windshields in order to both educate and
sweeper. Street sweeping will occur on the secondfamiliarize affected residents with the program.
and fourth Wednesdays of every month. TheActual parking enforcement will commence
area involved in the pilot program is defined asAugust 1st. Citations will cost approximatelyQuadrant No. 2 which will be divided into north $45.00. Prior to the introduction of the program,
and south sections. The northern section of the staff will be involved in extensive public outreach.
quadrant includes the Duarte Mesa, every streetStaff will return to council in January of 2017 withabove Freeborn St. with the outer boundarypilot program findings.
of Woodbluff Ave. The southern section of the For additional information on the proposedquadrant is defined as Freeborn Street and allstreet sweeping program, contact Duarte Publicstreets south of it, with the west boundary at Mt. Safety at 626-357-7938.
DUARTE, CA, June 28, 2016 – Both the Fish and on the half.
Canyon Falls Trail and the Duarte Transit SaturdayThe City of Duarte and San Gabriel Mountains
Shuttle to the Falls are closed until further notice Forever recently came together on Saturday,
due to damage the trail sustained during the recentMay 21st at 8:30 a.m. and held a press conference
San Gabriel Complex fire as determined by the Loshighlighting Duarte’s free shuttle service.
Angeles County Fire Department.However, with the recent fire, the shuttle service is
In the coming weeks after the San Gabrielnow closed and the City anticipates reopening theComplex fire is fully contained, a geologist andservice in the fall, once the trail is determined to be
County Fire experts will be on site at the Fishsafe and open to the public.
Canyon Falls Trails area to assess the extent of theFor additional information on the Fish Canyondamage to the trail and determine what repairs areFalls Trail Shuttle or the Duarte Transit, pleaseneeded. Collectively, the Los Angeles County Firecontact the City of Duarte at 626-357-7931.
Department and the Angeles National Forest willteams will deem when the trail is safe for public About the City of Duarteuse. The City of Duarte was incorporated on August
The City of Duarte first implemented the free22, 1957. With integrity and transparency, the Cityshuttle service on April 9, 2016 and was set toprovides exemplary public services in a caring andrun the service through July. The vans ranfiscally responsible manner with a commitmentbetween the Fish Canyon Falls Trailhead, 3901to our community’s future. For more informationFish Canyon Road, and the Duarte/City of Hopevisit or call (626) 357-7931.
Gold Line station, located along Duarte Road,Follow the City of Duarte on Facebook at facebook.
just west of Highland Avenue every Saturdaycom/duartecommunity; Twitter @CityofDuarte;
from 7 a.m.- 6 p.m., with pick ups on the hour Instagram @city_of_duarte and LinkedIn.
During the last seven-day period, the Police Departmenthandled 458 service events, resulting in 72 investigations. Tosee a complete listing of crimes reported, go to http://www. for crime mapping.
For Police Department news and information, visit ourwebsite and follow us on Twitter.
Grand Theft Auto June 20 at 8:19 a.m., an officer was
dispatched to a residence in the 700 block of S. Myrtleregarding the report of a stolen vehicle. The victim statedhis motorcycle was stolen from the apartment parking
structure. The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft Auto Recovery June 20 at 4:58 p.m., a residentcalled police to report a vehicle had been abandoned alonga red curb in the 1800 block of S. Mayflower for two days.
Officers responded and the investigation revealed thevehicle had been reported stolen out of Downey PoliceDepartment.
Theft From a Vehicle June 21 at 9:22 a.m., the victim of
a vehicle burglary called police to report a theft from hisvehicle in the 100 block of N. Encinitas. The victim parkedhis vehicle and left his golf clubs inside. The vehicle was leftunlocked. When he returned to his vehicle the next day, hefound the back passenger door open and noticed his golfclubs were missing. The investigation is continuing.
Theft From a Vehicle June 21 at 9:50 a.m., a vehicle
burglary was reported in the 100 block of N. Mountain.
The victim left his vehicle unlocked and when he returned,
he discovered his center console had been ransacked. The
investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary June 21 at 12:18 p.m., a residentialburglary was reported in the 1300 block of S. Mayflower.
The caller reported he found his garage open and severalitems were missing. The investigation is continuing.
Medical Assistance June 21 at 10:37 p.m., a motorist calledto report a possible DUI driver on Scenic and Canyon. Thedriver was driving wrong way in opposing lanes of traffic.
An officer responded and located the driver and vehicle.
The driver was found to be diabetic and in need of medical
help. Paramedics responded and treated the driver.
Vehicle Burglary June 23 at 6:29 a.m., a vehicle burglarywas reported in the 900 block of W. Hillcrest. The victimparked and locked his truck in front of his home in theevening. When he returned to the vehicle in the morning,
he found someone had broken into the vehicle. The driver’s
door lock was punched and his tools had been stolen. Theinvestigation is continuing.
Traffic Collision June 23 at 12:53 p.m., an officer respondedto a traffic collision at the intersection of Myrtle andHuntington. A large dump truck was following too closeand collided into a passenger vehicle. The dump truck driverwas driving without the appropriate license certificationand was issued a citation. The driver of the second vehicle
complained of neck and back pain, but refused medical
Traffic Collision June 23 at 1:33 p.m., a traffic collision wasreported in the 500 block of E. Foothill. Two vehicles wereinvolved in the collision. One of the drivers fell asleep atthe wheel and collided into the other vehicle, which was
making a parking maneuver.
Bear Incident June 23 at 2:00 p.m., a bear was sighted inthe 400 block of N. Canyon. The resident called to reporta bear in his front yard that was aggressive. The residentcame in contact with the animal as he exited his home. The
resident reported that the bear was agitated. It growled atthe resident, but then left the area back into the foothills.
The Department of Fish and Wildlife was notified.
Indecent Exposure June 23 at 7:16 p.m., two adult femaleswere walking east on Hillcrest, approaching HeatherHeights, when they walked by a grey pickup truck that wasparked with the passenger window open. Both femaleslooked inside the truck and saw a white, adult male, mid to
late 20s, sitting in the driver’s seat, exposing himself. Theyattempted to get a photograph of him with their phone, buthe quickly drove away, heading south on Heather Heights.
However, since Heather Heights is a dead-end street, hewas required to drive by them again as he drove back ontoHillcrest. The male driver looked at the females, waved at
them, then drove away out of sight. The investigation iscontinuing.
Residential Burglary June 23 at 10:05 p.m., an officerresponded to the report of a residential burglary in the700 block of E. Foothill. The residents had left the home
locked and secured to go out to dinner at 6:30 p.m. When
they returned at 10:05 p.m., they discovered their househad been burglarized. The suspects broke into the homethrough a bathroom window. The suspects ransackedthe entire house, then fled prior to the family returning.
It is unknown what exactly was taken. The victims willconduct an inventory of their personal possessions. Theinvestigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary June 23 at 11:53 p.m., a residentialburglary was reported in the 400 block of Wildrose. Theresident left her house to go out with friends. At 11:00 p.m.,
she returned home and discovered the house had been
ransacked. There was no one inside the home. The backdoor
was open and she realized she had left it unlocked. The lossis unknown and the investigation in ongoing.
Petty Theft June 24 at 6:50 a.m., a resident in the 1200 block
of S. Mayflower Avenue called police to report a theft. Theresident parked his vehicle in his detached garage in theevening and left both the garage and his vehicle unlocked.
He returned to his vehicle in the morning and found hisbriefcase had been stolen. The investigation is continuing.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – SuspectArrested June 24 at 10:36 a.m., a resident in the 200 block
of Norumbega reported a suspicious person in the area.
Officers arrived and contacted the subject, who wasdetermined to be under the influence of narcotics. The
subject was arrested, taken into custody and held for asobering period.
Counterfeit Currency June 24 at 6:43 p.m., a male adultsuspect entered a business in the 400 block of W. Foothilland attempted to purchase merchandise with a fraudulent$50.00 bill. The employee checked the authenticity of thebill and determined it was fraudulent. The employee calledpolice, but the suspect left the business prior to police arrivaland was not located. The investigation is continuing.
Bear Sighting June 24 at 8:06 p.m., the homeowners ofa house in the 300 block of N. Encinitas called police toreport a bear in their backyard. Officers arrived and flushedthe bear off the property and back into the foothills.
Hit and Run Traffic Collision June 25 at 11:03 a.m., an
officer was dispatched to a hit and run traffic collisionthat occurred in the 200 block of E. Colorado. The victim
parked her vehicle in front of her home and went insidefor the night. She went out to her vehicle in the morningand found the front of her vehicle had been damaged. The
investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary June 25 at 11:58 a.m., a residential
burglary was reported in the 200 block of E. CherryAvenue. The residents were leaving for the weekend. Theylocked the front door, but left a bedroom window open. Thecaretaker later arrived to check on the home and found the
front door ajar and a bedroom ransacked. The loss couldnot be determined until the owners can take inventory. Theinvestigation is continuing.
Injury Traffic Collision June 25 at 3:33 p.m., an officerresponded to the report of an injury traffic collision in the200 block of E. Foothill. A vehicle traveling on Foothillslowed to make a left turn and was rear ended by a secondvehicle. Three passengers complained of pain and weretaken to a hospital for treatment.
Domestic Violence June 26 at 1:25 a.m., an officer was
dispatched to a hospital, where a female adult had checkedherself in for injuries she had just sustained at her house.
She told the officer that she was home with her child when
the father of the child arrived to visit. They began to argue,
and the male suspect hit the female victim in the headwith his fist, causing a visible injury. The suspect then leftthe house. A want for domestic violence was issued for the
Domestic Violence June 26 at 6:45 p.m., police receiveda report of a disturbance at a location in the 1800 blockof S. Peck. Officers arrived and separated a male andfemale who have been in a relationship for over 10 years.
The female sustained a visible injury to the top of herhead during the altercation. The male was arrested fordomestic violence.
Square per Assessor: 3,245 | 4 Beds & 3.5 Baths
Lot Size: 50,019 | Year Built: 1987
OWNED AND OPERATED BY NRT | Pasadena South Lake Office
©2016 Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Owned and Operated by NRT, Incorporated. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size, or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the
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Exclusive Listing Agent
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Cell: 626 233 2938
CalBRE# 01173415
1450 Rutherford Drive, Pasadena