Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 18, 2017

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Mountain View News Saturday, March 18, 2017 

Free Events Roundup at the 
Pasadena Senior Center

Study Suggests El Niño 
May Return Later this Year

Slam Dunk for the Animals at 
Pasadena Humane Society


 There is something for 
everyone in February at the 
Pasadena Senior Center, 85 
E. Holly St. You do not have 
to be a member to attend. 
Some events require advance 

 Tax Time – Wednesdays 
and Fridays through April 
14, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. 
Representatives from the 
AARP Foundation’s Tax-
Aide program will assist 
low- to middle-income 
seniors ages 50 and older 
in preparing their federal 
income tax returns. 
Appointments are required: 
626-795-4331. Please note 
there is no age limit for this 

 Citizenship Classes – 
Wednesdays through May 
17, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. 
Make your dreams come true 
by attending these sessions 
to become a U.S. citizen! The 
first classes cover some of the 
American history and U.S. 
government questions on 
the citizenship exam along 
with discussions about the 
rights and responsibilities 
of citizenship. The four 
remaining classes cover 
more questions on the exam 
as well as strategies for 
completing the application 
for citizenship and having a 
successful interview.

 LA Opera Talk: “The 
Tales of Hoffmann” – 
Monday, March 20, at 
1 p.m. An LA Opera 
community educator will 
take participants through 
Jacques Offenbach’s “Les 
Contes d’Hoffmann” (The 
Tales of Hoffmann). Driven 
by drink and self-delusion, 
the poet Hoffmann his 
affairs with three women 
who represent three aspects 
of love: the mechanical doll 
Olympia, the consumptive 
singer Antonia and the 
courtesan Giulietta. All the 
while, four villains who 
try to ruin him represent 
four characteristics of 

Macular Degeneration 
and Other Eye Conditions 
– Thursday, March 23, at 
10 a.m. Learn about free 
services and solutions to 
help you cope with vision 
loss. Presented by the Dale 
McIntosh Center.

A Pain in the Neck! – 
Thursday, March 30, at 10 
a.m. Do you have neck pain? 
Learn easy and comfortable 
exercises to reduce cervical 
pain and make your neck 
feel better. Presented by 
Vincent Physical Therapy.

For more information 
visit pasadenaseniorcenter.
org or call (626) 795-4331. 

 The Pasadena Senior 
Center is a nonprofit 
organization for people 50 
and older in a welcoming 

 Some climate models are 
suggesting that El Niño may 
return later this year, but for 
now, the Pacific Ocean lingers 
in a neutral “La Nada” state, 
according to climatologist 
Bill Patzert of NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California. The latest 
map of sea level height data 
from the U.S./European Jason-3 
satellite mission shows most of 
the ocean at neutral heights 
(green), except for a bulge of 
high sea level (red) centered 
along 20 degrees north latitude 
in the central and eastern 
Northern Hemisphere tropics, 
around Hawaii. This high sea 
level is caused by warm water.

 Whether or not El Niño 
returns will be determined 
by a number of factors, one 
of which is the larger stage 
on which El Niño and La 
Niña play, the Pacific Decadal 
Oscillation (PDO). The PDO is 
a large-scale, long-term pattern 
of ocean temperature and other 
changes in the Pacific Ocean. It 
alternates between two phases, 
warm (called positive) and cool 
(negative), at irregular intervals 
of 5 to 20 years.

 The phases of the PDO are 
known to affect the size and 
frequency of the shorter-term 
El Niño and La Niña events. 
In its positive phase, the PDO 
encourages and intensifies El 
Niños. In its negative phase, 
it does the same for La Niñas. 
The last PDO phase shift was in 
2014, when it turned strongly 
positive and has remained that 
way for 37 months.

 Patzert says a look back over 
the three years since the PDO’s 
2014 phase shift provides some 
clues about why the 2015-16 
El Niño was so large and long-
lasting, and why the 2016 La 
Niña was so small.

 In 2014, Patzert says, the trade 
winds (the prevailing winds 
that blow from east to west over 
Earth's tropical oceans) in the 
Pacific Ocean weakened, and 
a modest El Niño waxed and 
waned throughout the year. It 
never fully developed, but it left 
the equatorial Pacific warmer 
than normal. In 2015, the trade 
winds dramatically weakened, 
triggering a big El Niño with 
major worldwide impacts. 
With a large pool of warm 
equatorial water to draw on, it 
formed early and strengthened 
for more than a year, reaching 
full strength in late January 
2016 -- unusually late for an El 
Niño event.

 Besides being long-lived, 
the 2015-16 El Niño was also 
unusually large in area, with 
high sea levels and warm 
water spreading as far north as 
Hawaii. As the main region of 
the El Niño waned, this warm 
bulge north of the equator 

 During the summer of 2016, 
a La Niña was thought to be 
imminent, but it never truly 
took hold. By November 2016, 
the equatorial Pacific Ocean 
was in the neutral condition 
it remains in now. The high 
sea level visible as a red area 
around Hawaii in the new 
image is caused by warmth left 
over from the last El Niño.

 Patzert postulates that the 
leftover warm-water bulge was 
responsible for the lackluster 
La Niña. “Did the warm bulge 
suppress the trade winds in 
the eastern and central Pacific, 
muting the conditions required 
for a full-blown La Niña to 
form?” he asks. “As all El Niño 
researchers know, no two El 
Niño or La Niña episodes are 
exactly the same.”

 Patzert and other researchers 
have additional questions about 
the PDO’s influence. What role 
did the 2014 PDO phase shift 
play in the events of the last 
three years? Does the ongoing 
ocean warmth signal that the 
current positive PDO phase 
will be long lasting -- perhaps 
decadal -- or will it be a shorter-
term blip? NASA scientists will 
continue to monitor the Pacific 
to see what’s in store next for 
the world’s climate.

 Either way, Patzert notes, the 
PDO will be a factor in future 
climate patterns. “A warmer 
or cooler Pacific Ocean will 
certainly play a big role in 
future El Niño and La Niña 
events. That’s important, 
because these events modulate 
drought and deluge patterns 
in the American West, as well 
as the rate of climbing global 
temperatures,” he says.

 To learn more about NASA’s 
satellite altimetry programs:

 As UCLA and USC fight 
to secure their place in 
the 2017 NCAA March 
Madness Tournament, the 
Pasadena Humane Society 
& SPCA is busy preparing 
a bracket of its own. Dogs, 
cats and other adoptable 
critters will vie for a spot in 
the Final Four during a fee-
sponsored March Madness 
Adoption Tournament. The 
Tournament tip off Tuesday 
and will conclude when 
the last pet participant is 

 Sixty-eight dogs, cats and 
other critters will don the 
name of a participating 
school in the March Madness 
competition. As the pets 
get adopted, the remaining 
teams will progress in the 
tournament bracket until the 
last pet standing is crowned 
the winner. The winning 
pet’s new family will receive 
a $50 gift certificate to the 
Pasadena Humane Society 
good at the Shelter Shop or 
for training classes, as well as 
a special prize basket filled 
with goodies.

 While dribbling across the 
Pasadena Humane Society 
court to visit the Neely 
Cat Center, Critter House 
and dog kennels, visitors 
can view the giant bracket 
complete with photos of 
adoptable pets, MVP (most 
valuable pet) displays, 
and the opportunity to 
snap and share selfies with 
#PHSMarchMadness at 
a photo booth for a free 
giveaway in our Shelter 

 The Pasadena Humane 
Society is asking members 
of the public to help sponsor 
adoptions for the event. 
The $150 sponsorship 
fee subsidizes the pet’s 
adoption fee, spay/neuter 
surgery, microchip and 
vaccines. Sponsorship 
opportunities can be found 

 “Get ready to cheer on 
your favorite team and show 
support for the animals 
at the Pasadena Humane 
Society,” says Julie Bank, 
President/CEO. “Whether 
you choose to adopt a pet or 
sponsor one, you are helping 
to make a difference in the 
life of an animal in need.” 

 The Pasadena Humane 
Society will be open during 
normal adoption hours, 
Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; and, 
Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 
p.m. Regular adoption 
policies apply.

 The Pasadena Humane 
Society & SPCA is located 
at 361 S. Raymond Avenue 
in Pasadena, California. 
To expedite the adoption 
process, download and print 
an adoption application in 
advance on our website. 
View all animals at the 
shelter at pasadenahumane.

A Noise Within: see King Lear/
La Mancha on the same Day

Pets of the Week

 A Noise Within (ANW), the 
acclaimed classical repertory 
theatre, celebrating its 
25th Anniversary Season, 
presents Man of La Mancha 
by Dale Wasserman, music 
by Mitch Leigh and lyrics 
by Joe Darion, and based 
on Cervantes’ Don Quixote, 
and Shakespeare’s King Lear. 
ANW Artistic Director 
Julia Rodriguez-Elliott 
directs both productions. 
La Mancha performs March 
26-May 21; Lear is now 
performing through May 6. 

 “Though many often 
associate Man of La Mancha 
with elaborate set pieces 
and fanciful costumes,” 
says Rodriguez-Elliott, “Its 
earliest stagings were sparse, 
encompassing the spirit of 
a rag-tag band of prisoners 
putting on a play with found 
objects. The play celebrates 
the power of make believe, 
and I want to go back to 
those roots. This production 
is fueled by an almost 
childlike sense of ‘play’ – 
where an ordinary object 
can seamlessly become a 
horse simply because we 
endow it as such.” 

 “My goal is to evoke that 
magical, improvisational 
quality we have as children 
but is often lost as adults. 
The modern-day setting – 
a bleak, destitute ‘holding 
tank’ for prisoners – is 
intentional. Reminiscent 
of third-world prisons 
and military detention 
centers, and populated with 
empathetic characters, I 
want this La Mancha to feel 
personal to our audiences. 
The stakes are real, and I 
want the transformation 
from hardened criminals to 
true believers to be palatable 
to our audiences.”

 “This is a real-world 
fairy tale: despite the dire 
circumstances, through the 
power of art, these prisoners 
have the ability to transform 
their claustrophobic 
existence into the vastness of 
Cervantes’ vision.” 

Julia Rodriguez-Elliott 
references this quote by 
Pablo Picasso: “We artists 
are indestructible; even in a 
prison, or in a concentration 
camp, I would be almighty 
in my own world of art, even 
if I had to paint my pictures 
with my wet tongue on the 
dusty floor of my cell.” 

 Artistic Director Geoff 
Elliott takes on the challenge 
of playing both Lear and 
Cervantes/Don Quixote in 
repertory; In addition to the 
director and actor, King Lear 
and La Mancha share some 
cast and Artistic Design 
Team members – Fred 
Kinney (Scenic), Angela 
Balogh Calin (Costume), 
and Ken Booth (Lighting). 

 On two Saturdays (April 
22 and May 6) audience 
members have a unique 
opportunity to see both 
shows on the same day. 
Called The Great Escape, 
audience members are able 
to dine with the casts and 
artistic team between the 
performances. Elliott said, 
“It’s a unique opportunity to 
gain insight on our design 
and conceptual process.” 
Tickets to The Great Escape 
are $50 per person and 
include food and drinks 
(show tickets are purchased 

Special march madness adoption tournament, 
68 animals, including both UCLA and USC, are 
completely free to adopt thanks to generous donors.


Sunday, March 5th

8:20 AM – A, 62 years old 
man from Pasadena was 
arrested in the 1000 block 
of E. Mariposa Street for 
residential burglary. 

6:00 PM – A grand theft 
from a vehicle occurred in 
the 800 block of New York 
Drive. Stolen: black golf 
club bag containing (4) 
golf clubs and orange Tom’s 

9:00 PM – A vehicle burglary 
occurred in the 2100 block of 
Lincoln Avenue. Suspect(s) 
entered the vehicle by 
shattering the window. 
Stolen: white Coach purse, 
brown Coach backpack, blue 
leather coat, black jacket, 
silver MacBook, and Gucci 

Monday, March 6th

8:30 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
2000 block of Mendocino 
Lane. Suspect(s) entered the 
residence by shattering the 
window. Stolen: unknown. 

Tuesday, March 7th

4:00 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
2300 block of Mar Vista 
Avenue. Suspects attempted 
to enter the residence by 
cutting the window screen. 
Suspects described as three 
male Hispanic juveniles. No 
entry was made. 

4:20 PM – A 23 years old man 
from Altadena was arrested 
in the area of Figueroa Drive 
and Glenrose Avenue for 
possession of a controlled 

Wednesday, March 8th

7:30 AM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
200 block of Marathon 
Road. Suspect(s) entered 
the residence by shattering 
the window. Stolen:various 
jewelry items. 

1:00 PM – A vehicle 
burglary occurred in the 
2100 block of Lincoln 
Avenue. Suspect(s) entered 
the vehicle by shattering the 
window. Stolen: black Marc 
Jacobs purse, white Lenovo 
laptop and credit cards. 

Thursday, March 9th

5:20 AM – a 31 years old 
from Pasadena was arrested 
in the 2700 block of Casitas 
Avenue for possession of a 
controlled substance. 

11:30 AM – A vehicle 
burglary occurred in the 2200 
block of PinecrestAvenue. 
Suspect(s) entered the 
vehicle by shattering the 
window. Stolen: tan 
rainbow American Apparel 
purse and credit cards. 

2:30 PM – A vehicle burglary 
occurred in the 2100 
block of Lincoln Avenue. 
Suspect entered the vehicle 
by shattering the window. 
Stolen: Coach purse, clear 
polkadot purse and credit 

3:10 PM – A vehicle burglary 
occurred in the 2100 
block of Lincoln Avenue. 
Suspect entered the vehicle 
by shattering the window. 
Stolen: silver Dell laptop and 
school books. 

4:12 PM – A vehicle was 
reported stolen from the 
2100 block of Lincoln 
Avenue. Vehicle described 
as a white 1999 Acura 
Integra 2 door. 

7:12 PM – a 28 years old 
from Pasadena was arrested 
in the 2300 block of El 
Sereno Avenue for domestic 

8:00 PM – A petty theft 
occurred in the 300 block of 
E. Altadena Drive. Stolen: 
(3) Invicta watches. 

Friday, March 10th

6:40 PM – A vehicle was 
reported stolen from the 
2100 block of Lincoln 
Avenue. Vehicle described 
as a green 1996 Honda 
Accord 4 door.

5:00 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
2100 block of Windsor 
Avenue. Suspect(s) entered 
the location and pried open 
laundry coin machine. 
Stolen: currency. 

 USC (A413913) is a 
6-month-old, female, blonde 
Chihuahua with a ton of 
puppy energy! Whether 
she’s chasing after a tennis 
ball or playing tug-of-war 
with a rope toy, USC can’t 
get enough playtime. USC 
is also very affectionate. 
Ever since she was turned 
in because her owners were 
moving, USC has been 
making Pasadena Humane 
Society staff fall in love with 
her loving personality. 

 The adoption fee for dogs 
is $125, but as part of our 
March Madness Adoption 
Tournament, USC’s adoption 
is free thanks to generous 
donors! All dogs are spayed 
or neutered, microchipped, 
and vaccinated before being 

 UCLA (A412948) is a 
2-month-old, female, calico 
kitten who loves to play! This 
curious cat enjoys batting 
small toys with her paws, 
chasing them all around 
the room to keep herself 
entertained. She also likes 
to explore, sniffing out every 
nook and cranny in a new 
room to make it her own. 
UCLA is very affectionate 
and always makes time for 
snuggling and head rubs.

 The normal adoption fee 
for cats is $70, but as part 
of our March Madness 
Adoption Tournament, 
UCLA’s adoption is free 
thanks to generous donors! 
All cats are spayed or 
neutered, microchipped, 
and vaccinated before being 

New adopters will receive a complimentary health-and-
wellness exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as well as a 
goody bag filled with information about how to care for 
your pet.

 Call the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA at (626) 792-
7151 to ask about A412948, or visit at 361 S. Raymond 
Ave. in Pasadena. Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Sunday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; and 9 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

 Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held 
for potential adopters by phone calls or email. Directions 
and photos of all pets can be found at pasadenahumane.

Registration Is Open For 2017 
Pasadena Senior Games

 Excitement is building for the 2017 Pasadena Senior 
Games/California Senior Games Championships, a series 
of competitive sporting events for athletes ages 50 and older 
from May 6 to June 25. 

Registration is now open for the nearly 25 athletic 
competitions from archery to volleyball. 

 “There is no limit to what today’s mature athletes can 
accomplish,” said Nancy Adams, coordinator of the 
Pasadena Senior Games. “From their 50s to their 90s, these 
remarkable competitors achieve their personal best and 
prove that physical activity is the key to a long, happy and 
healthy life.”

 Competitive events include archery, basketball shooting, 
men’s 3x3 basketball tournament, billiards tournament, 
bowling tournament, cycling time trials and road races, 
disc golf, 5K fun walk, horseshoe pitching, pickleball, 
power lifting competition, power walking, pushups, race 
walking, racquetball tournament, road race, road walk, 
shuffleboard, women’s softball tournament, strength 
challenge, swimming, table tennis, tennis, track and field 
and volleyball.

 To register visit or call 626-685-
6754. Volunteers are needed as well.

Popular E-Waste Recycling 
Event to be held Today

 Residents and businesses 
can safely dispose of 
electronic waste and have 
personal and business 
documents shredded at the 
City’s popular free e-waste 
event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 
2017. The event will be held 
in Parking Lot I outside the 
Rose Bowl Stadium near 
Brookside Park, 360 N. 
Arroyo Blvd. 

 Shredding trucks and 
e-waste collection sites will 
be arranged at different 
stations in Parking Lot I. 
Look for signs directing 
you to the event. Motorists 
and bicyclists are advised to 
use caution while traveling 
through the area.

 E-waste items include 
computers, keyboards, 
printers, monitors, laptops, 
docking stations, scanners, 
shredders, fax machines, 
computer mice, telephones, 
televisions, flat screens, 
VCRs, DVD players, PDAs, 
cassette players, tape drives, 
stereos and household 
batteries. Many of these 
products have parts that can 
be recycled.

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