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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 18, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
THE WORLD AROUND US 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 18, 2017 GIGANTIC JUPITER-TYPE PLANET SHOWS HOW WORLDS EVOLVE An enormous young planet approximately 300 light-years from Earth has given astrophysicists a rare glimpse into planetary evolution. The planet, known as HD 106906b, was discovered in 2014 by a team of scientists from the U.S., the Netherlands and Italy. It is 11 times the mass of Jupiter and is extremely young by celestial standards—not more than 13 million years old, compared with our own solar system’s age of 4.6 billion years. “This is such a young star; we have a snapshot of a baby star that just formed its planetary system—a rare peek at the final stage of planet formation,” said Smadar Naoz, a UCLA assistant professor of physics and astronomy, and a co-author of the study. Another of the planet’s unusual characteristics is its great distance from its star. Astronomers believe that the vast majority of planets outside of our solar system exist inside a dusty disk of debris relatively close to the center of the star’s planetary system. But HD 106906b is far beyond its planetary system’s dusty disk—so far away that it takes 1,500 years for the planet to orbit its star. HD 106906b is at least 650 times as far from its star as the Earth is from our Sun. The study’s lead author is Erika Nesvold, a postdoctoral fellow at the Carnegie Institution for Science, whom Naoz mentors. She wrote software called Superparticle-Method Algorithm for Collisions in Kuiper belts and debris disks, or SMACK, that allowed the researchers to create a model of the planet’s orbital path—a critical step because HD 106906b orbits so slowly that the researchers can barely see it move. The research, published online in the Astrophysical Journal Letters (http://iopscience., suggests that the planet formed outside the disk, where it is visible today, as opposed to having been formed inside the debris disk and then thrust far beyond it. Naoz said that conclusion helps explain the shape of the debris disk. “It works perfectly,” she said. The planet’s orbit is elliptical; it gets much closer to the star on one side of its orbit than on the other. And its gravity produces an elliptical shape in the star’s debris disk as well. One side of the disk is closer to the star than the other side, and the dust on that side is warmer and glows brighter as a result. The debris disk was photographed in 2016 by American and European astronomers. According to Naoz, the disk is an analog to our solar system’s Kuiper belt—an enormous cluster of small bodies like comets and minor planets located beyond Neptune. The researchers don’t know if there are additional planets inside the disk, but using Nesvold’s software—which is also being used to study other debris disks in the universe—they were able to re- create the shape of the disk without adding another planet into the model, as some astronomers had thought would be required. Naoz’s research was funded by a research fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Nesvold’s was supported by a Carnegie Department of Terrestrial Magnetism postdoctoral fellowship. You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges IN SEARCH OF THE REAL SAINT PATRICK WOULD YOU LIKE A BURP WITH THAT HICCUP? Looking at the alarm clock by my bedside, it clearly read 2:37 a.m. The loud buzzing sound was not in my head after all. Who in the world could be calling me at this hour of the night? I grumbled to myself, sat straight up in bed and gasped. An emergency! Someone’s in the hospital! Someone has died! All kinds of such thoughts danced through my sluggish brain as I reached for the telephone. Pastors are on call 24/7 and never know when an emergency will summon to duty. It may be in the middle of the day, or in this case, in the middle of the night. Many telephone calls I’m not so anxious to get. Mr. Alexander Graham Bell has a lot of answering to do for this contraption of his. Among telephone calls I’m not too thrilled about are those infernal automatic political calls advising me to vote for some candidate – them in particular. Like most politicians, these calls never give me an opportunity to answer them. They unleash their spiel and then hang up, probably to go to the next phone number. What I want to know is, why don’t these aspiring politicians ever call me when they’re not running for some office? Why don’t they call me on my birthday and sing happy birthday to me? Why don’t they give me their home phone number so I can call them and give them a piece of my mind? I would like to get my hands on the person who taught these politicians how to dial phone numbers. Another category of phone calls I am not too enthralled with are telemarketers. I have a difficult time hanging up on people. As long as they want to talk I can’t, or I don’t have the heart to hang up on them. I know they are just people doing their job. I know much of what is sold via the telephone is excellent and useful, but I do not like anyone telling me what I should be buying, especially when I have just put on the feedbag. The only thing I have been able to do is take the conversation in hand from the very beginning. As soon as the person on the other end of the phone begins talking, I start engaging them in chitchat. I ask about their family, about the kind of day they are having and what they plan to do on the weekend. I ask for their home phone number so I can call them back. It has become a sport for me and I am anxious for the next phone call to come so I can tell them about my day and my plans for the weekend. After all, they called me, it is my turf. This telephone call at 2:37 a.m. was not from a politician or a telemarketer. When I answered the telephone, I heard a raspy voice on the other end say, “Is the reverend home? I need to ask him a question ‘bout the Bible.” By this time, every fiber of my being stood at attention, ready to serve. Someone needed me, which was all I had to know to fly full-speed into action. “Yes, this is the reverend” I responded, “how may I help you?” “I have a biblical question for ‘ya, and I need to know right away. It’s something that has been a-bothering me and I was a-wondering if you could help me?” “Sure,” I said, trying to figure out what the emergency could possibly be at 2:37 in the morning. What could be so important that a person could not wait a few more hours to call? “Well,” the man stammered and hiccupped. I began to be a little suspicious of the whole matter, “I just can’t believe that Jonah and the whale story. Do ‘ya really think it’s possible for a fish to swallow a man? And, how come that fish didn’t chew Jonah up before swallowing?” The whole picture became clear at that moment. His problem was not with the whale swallowing Jonah, but with him swallowing a tank full of libations. His pick- me-up at 2:37 in the morning got me down, if you know what I mean. I suppose that if you want to drink alcoholic beverages, I can’t stop you. Personally, I think it is the scourge of our country and has done more damage to our society than any other single thing. However, that is your decision, bad though it may be. I do not mind if you telephone me at 2:37 in the morning. I do not mind answering biblical questions. The truth is, I enjoy such employment whenever I can find it and I work rather cheap. What I do mind is, when you drink and then phone me at 2:37 in the morning from a local bar. I do not discuss biblical enquiries with someone tanked, regardless of the time of night or day. Call me crazy, call me quirky but please, do not call me drunk. Some people ask questions, not because they want information. They just want to waste someone’s time. As a Christian, I have an obligation to give answers. The Bible says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” (1 Peter 3:15 KJV) For the sincere inquirer there are answers. More importantly, there is hope – in Jesus Christ. Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352- 687-4240 or e-mail The church web site is [Christopher Nyerges is author of several books, such as Extreme Simplicity: Homesteading in the City (co-author), and How to Survive Anywhere. He has led wilderness expeditions since 1974. He can be reached at Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041 or via] On the 17th of this month, we celebrate “Saint Patrick’s Day,” that day when people pinch each other if they’re not wearing green, when the local grocer starts selling little potted shamrocks, and where the local bars sell green beer. But what’s this really all about? First, a little wake-up call about “Saint Patrick.” Patrick was not Irish, had nothing to do with leprechauns, almost certainly was not a drunkard, and didn’t drive all the snakes out of Ireland. In fact, there were believed to be no native snakes in Ireland, though this story is generally regarded as an analogy for driving out the so-called “pagans,” or, at least, the pagan religions. Patrick was one of the “greats” of history who nearly single-handedly preserved the best of Western culture when much of Europe was devolving into chaos and ruin. He deserves far better than remembering him in the silly ways we do today, such as wearing green, pinching each other, and getting drunk. Rather, he deserves an accurate memory, and our emulation. Unfortunately, like all true Saviors of history, they are either killed off, or relegated to the closet of ridicule. So who exactly was Saint Patrick? Will the real Saint Patrick please stand up? His real name was Maewyn Succat, born around 385 A.D., somewhere in Scotland, or possibly somewhere else, as there is conflicting historical data on his exact date and place of birth. His baptismal name was Patricius. Around age 16, he was sold into slavery in Ireland and worked for the next 6 years as a shepherd. Keep in mind that human slavery, as well as human sacrifice, was considered “normal” for those times. After his six years in slavery, he believed that an angel came to him in a dream, prompting him to escape and seek out his homeland. He actually walked about 200 miles to the coast, where his dream indicated a ship would also be waiting for him. He successfully escaped, found the ship he dreamed about, and spent the next twenty years of his life as a monk in Marmoutier Abbey. There he again received a celestial visitation, this time calling him to return to the land where he’d been enslaved, though now with a mission as a priest and converter. Patrick was called to Rome in 432, where Pope Celestine made Patrick a Bishop, and sent him off on his mission. Patrick returned to Ireland with 24 supporters and followers. They arrived in the winter of 432. In the spring, Patrick decided to confront the high King of Tara, the most powerful King in Ireland. Patrick knew that if he had the King’s support, he would be free to take his Christian message to the people of Ireland. Patrick and his followers were invited to Tara by the King of Laoghaire. It was there that he was said to have plucked a shamrock from the ground as he tried to explain to the Druids and the King that the shamrock had three leaves just like the idea of God’s three aspects, the Trinity: The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. Of course, triads and trinities were a common concept among the Druids. In fact, one could argue that the trinity (a term not found in the Bible) was a concept given to Christianity by the Druids, rather than the other way around. Nevertheless, whatever momentousness Patrick conveyed, King Laoghaire was very impressed with Patrick, and chose to accept Christianity. He also gave Patrick the freedom to spread Christianity throughout Ireland. When Patrick returned to Ireland, he treated the “pagans” with the respect implicit in his dream. Part of this respect was attempting to communicate with the Druids on their terms, which is why he used the shamrock as a teaching tool. He also blended the Christian cross with the circle to create what is now known as the Celtic cross. He used bonfires to celebrate Easter, a Holy Day that Christianity supplanted with the already-existing spring equinox commemoration. In fact, he incorporated many of the existing “old religion” symbols and beliefs into his Christian teachings. He spent his last 30 years in Ireland, baptizing the non- Christian Irish, ordaining priests, and founding churches and monasteries. His persuasive powers must have been astounding, since Ireland fully converted to Christianity within 200 years and was the only country in Europe to Christianize peacefully. Patrick’s Christian conversion ended slavery, human sacrifice, and most intertribal warfare in Ireland. Patrick was also unique in that he equally valued the role of women in an age when the church ignored them. He always sided with the downtrodden and the excluded, whether they were slaves or the “pagan” Irish. According to Thomas Cahill, author of How the Irish Saved Civilization, Patrick’s influence extended far beyond his adopted land. Cahill’s book, which could just as well be titled How St. Patrick Saved Civilization, contends that Patrick’s conversion of Ireland allowed Western learning to survive the Dark Ages. Ireland pacified and churchified as the rest of Europe crumbled. Patrick’s monasteries copied and preserved classical texts. Later, Irish monks returned this knowledge to Europe by establishing monasteries in England, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy. When the lights went out all over Europe, a candle still burned in Ireland. That candle was lit by Patrick. Veneration of Patrick gradually assumed the status of a local cult. He was not simply remembered in Saul and Downpatrick, he was worshipped! Indeed, homage to Patrick as Ireland’s saint was apparent in the eight century AD. At this time Patrick’s status as a national apostle was made independently of Rome. He was claimed locally as a saint before the practice of canonization was introduced by the Vatican. The high regard in which the Irish have held St Patrick is evidenced by the salutation, still common today, of “May God, Mary, and Patrick bless you”. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||