Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, July 8, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, July 8, 2017 CITY OF ARCADIA – SUMMER CONCERT SERIES! Mark your calendar! The City of Arcadia’s FREE summer concert series is approaching fast, so make sure you don’t miss out on the fun in the sun! The summer concerts are held on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8pm on the lawn between City Hall and the Police Department (240 West Huntington Drive). Bring the kids out to participate in the FREE fun zone, featuring games, crafts, and activities each week. In addition, the City is pleased to announce The Rolling Burger Barn Truck at all of the 2017 Summer Concert Series! Their mission is simple – make some darn good, knee slapping, hooting and hollering burgers! A portion of the proceeds will be given to the Recreation and Community Services Department! For more information, please call 626.574.5113. Listed below is the line-up for this summer. Tommy Tassi & The Authentics (Oldies from the 50s, 60s & 70s) – July 13, 2017 Tommy Tassi and the Authentics have been entertaining southern California audiences since 1978. They specialize in the pop hits of the 50s, 60s & 70s. The group’s main feature is its front man and lead vocalist, Tommy Tassi, who has an uncanny ability to sound like many of the legendary artists. From the tender ballads to the bellowing rockers, he truly delivers sound-a-like renditions of the classic hits. As a showman, he brings much enthusiasm to the stage, working the audience with his spirited personality and creating an atmosphere of clapping, singing along and dancing. Kulayd (50s, 60s Rock “n” Roll, Harmony & Doo Wop) – July 20, 2017 This versatile quartet’s repertoire covers everything from 50’s doo-wop and 60’s Motown to 70’s disco and 90’s harmony groups like Boyz to Men. Kulayd performs all over Orange and LA Counties and as far away as Las Vegas and Arizona. Kulayd is not background music. They will sing to you and dance with you. Audience participation is a must and a fun time is guaranteed! Raymond Michaels Tribute to Elvis (Nostalgic Rock ‘n’ Roll) – July 27, 2017 Long recognized as one of the best Elvis tribute acts around, Michael continues to perform in a variety of venues – from local, city concerts to national television. Raymond Michael plans to continue to keep the memory of Elvis alive by doing his upbeat, classy and entertaining Tribute to the King of Rock & Roll for years to come. National Night Out – Swing Cats Big Band (Swing and Top 40) – August 3, 2017 National Night Out & Arcadia’s 114th Birthday! National Night Out promotes crime prevention and awareness through police-community partnerships. Arcadia’s Police and Fire Department will be joining us for this very special occasion. Free fingerprinting for the kids, crime prevention materials and other information will be available. Stop by and show your support to Arcadia’s finest. But wait…that is not it! Help Arcadia celebrate our 114th birthday by enjoying some birthday cake (while supplies last). The Swing Cats Big Band with the Swing Kittens is Southern California’s freshest and most dynamic swing band around. Composed of top musicians dedicated to the performance and preservation of big band music, The Swing Cats will take you back to the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s with their high-quality, authentic sound. Come dance with a jump tune, foxtrot, jitterbug, ballad, mambo, or waltz – this band has a towering repertoire of music to suit your dancing needs! The band is led by trumpeter, Dan Methe, who has been an active member of the SCSBOA and CAJ for many years. With a love of swing music and a desire to pay homage to it, Dan Methe has paved the way for the band to play in Disney, Hotel del Coronado, aboard the S.S. Lane Victory and Queen Mary, and numerous joints, dives, and fine establishments throughout Southern California. Cold Duck (70s top 40) – August 10, 2017 Back by popular demand! Join us once again for this special celebration… Since its inception over two decades ago, Cold Duck’s philosophy has been directly responsible for their continued success: “Give the people what they want to hear and have a good time delivering it!” With this solid experienced musicianship, it should come as no surprise that Cold Duck is renowned for being one of the most versatile bands in existence. Cold Duck continues its tradition of excellent musicianship and groovin’ rhythms. So let’s have a good time dancing the night away! STAFF ASSESSING INTERIM OLD TOWN PARKING ADJUSTMENTS, PROPOSED PARKING TIME LIMIT ENHANCEMENTS SET FOR MOTAB CONSIDERATION ON JULY 11, 2017 ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER For the period of Sunday, June 25th, through Saturday, July1st, the Police Department responded to 1,082 calls for service, of which 122 required formal investigations. The followingis a summary report of the major incidents handled by theDepartment during this period. Sunday, June 25: Shortly before 12:56 p.m., an officer responded to Zumiezat the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regardinga theft report. A store employee witnessed the suspect conceala sweatshirt and exit the store, failing to make payment. The16-year-old male from Pasadena admitted to stealing themerchandise. He was cited and released in the field. At about 3:54 p.m., an officer responded to Embassy Suites, 211 East Huntington Drive, regarding a subject causing adisturbance and refusing to leave. The officer located thesubject and noticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Theofficer determined the 26-year-old male from Pasadena wasunable to care for himself and he was arrested and transportedto the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Monday, June 26: At approximately 10:39 a.m., an officer responded to theArcadia Police Department front counter regarding a burglaryreport. An investigation revealed an unknown suspect stole apaint pump from a residence under construction in the 1000block of Singing Wood Drive sometime during the previousweekend. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. Just after 12:01 p.m., an officer responded to an apartmentin the 1000 block of Arcadia Avenue regarding a package theftreport. The victim’s package went missing and suspects theitem was stolen since neighbors also reported recent packagethefts. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. Tuesday, June 27: Around 1:56 p.m., officer responded to a residence in the600 block of Windsor Road regarding a domestic violencereport. Officers determined an altercation occurred betweena male suspect and his ex-wife resulting in the suspect bitingand scratching the victim. The ex-wife’s roommate waspunched and scratched as well. The 48-year-old male fromCorona was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail. He also had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. Just before 3:06 p.m., an officer responded to CARSRecovery, 5449 Peck Road, regarding a report of counterfeitmoney. The officer discovered a repossession companyrecovered a vehicle and upon inspecting the interior, locatednumerous blank credit cards, a credit card skimmingmachine, and 22 counterfeit $100 bills. The registered owner of the vehicle is a 27-year-old femalefrom Los Angeles. The investigation is ongoing. Wednesday, June 28: Shortly after 5:45 a.m., officers responded to MitryPharmacy, 145 East Duarte Road, regarding the activationof an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. Arcadia PDdetectives had previously deployed decoy medication bottlescontaining tracking devices to combat the increase in theftsfrom pharmacies. Officers determined unknown suspect(s) broke the front glass window and fled with bait medicationcontaining the tracking device. The tracking device was foundnearby; however, officers were unable to locate the suspects. The investigation is ongoing. At about 11:41 a.m., an officer responded to DeltaDistribution, 111 South First Avenue, regarding a vandalismreport. Surveillance footage revealed two suspects were seenapproaching the area that had been vandalized. The suspects are described as a medium to thinly builtmale, wearing light colored pants, white T-shirt, and a hat. The second suspect is described as a male, thin build, wearinga white T-shirt, baseball hat, dark shorts, and a backpack. Theinvestigation is ongoing. Thursday, June 29: At approximately 9:03 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 00 block of West Palm Drive, regarding a burglary report. The officer discovered an unknown suspect took light fixtures, two faucets, and cabinet handles sometime during the previous evening. The investigation is ongoing. Around 7:38 p.m., an officer initiated a traffic stop ona vehicle in the area of Santa Clara Street and HuntingtonDrive for failing to have both license plates displayed. Uponcontacting the driver, the 28-year-old female from RowlandHeights stated she did not have a license. A records checkof the driver revealed she had an outstanding misdemeanorwarrant. The officer noticed two small children in the rear of the vehicle not seated in car seats. During a search of thevehicle, the officer located illegal fireworks. The driver wascited and released in the field. The vehicle was held for 30 days. Friday, June 30: At about 12:57 a.m., an officer responded to the area ofWest Huntington Drive and Michillinda Avenue regardinga subject check. The officer located the subject who wastrying to flag down a citizen because he was having troublewalking. Upon contacting the subject, the 20-year-old malefrom Arcadia admitted to being in possession of a controlledsubstance. He was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. Just before 1:00 p.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 100 block of West La Sierra Drive regarding a burglaryreport. Surveillance footage revealed three suspects smasheda rear window, ransacked the bedrooms, and attempted tosteal a safe before fleeing on foot. The suspects are three Hispanic males, all 18 to 30-yearsold, wearing hooded sweatshirts and pants. The investigationis ongoing. Saturday, July 1: Shortly after 11:05 a.m., an officer responded to the Arcadia Police Department front counter regarding a fraud report. The victim stated the unknown suspect used her professional personal information and certifications to provide medical services. The victim does not know how the suspect obtained her information. The investigation is ongoing. Around 1:32 p.m., an officer responded to Sephora, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report. Lossprevention specialists witnessed the suspect conceal $215.00worth of merchandise inside a bag before exiting the store, failing to make payment. The 20-year-old female fromDuarte was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailfor booking. PUBLIC ART UPDATE – EAST HUNTINGTON DRIVE MONUMENT ENTRANCE SIGNAGE SET FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE During the past few months, staff has been (between Ivy Avenue and Myrtle Avenue) from 90 assessing a variety of different parking adjustments minutes to 3 hours. in Old Town to respond to merchant inquiries Begin merchant education program regarding possible ways to improve the overall encouraging merchants and employees to park parking situation. As part of our assessment, there in the Paragon and Colorado Commons parking are several short-term, medium-term, and long-structures. term projects that have been identified, and on These proposed interim Old Town parking July 11, 2017, several of the short-term Old Town adjustments are relatively simple changes that parking adjustments will be presented for review. can be made in short order pending review and Those adjustments include: consideration by MOTAB. Concurrently, the City Begin offering valet parking in Old Townis continuing to develop other proposed parking Make adjustments to inconsistent red curb improvements, which includes identification of markings on Lime Avenue, just east of Myrtle private parking lots that could be jointly used for Avenue public parking and making capital upgrades in Old Increase on-street parking time for spaces Town. We will continue to work on developing located on Lime Avenue and Lemon Avenue these concepts! JIM KIRCHNER TO RETIRE FROM DUARTE CHAMBER AFTER LEADING THE DUARTE CHAMBER FOR OVER 9 YEARS Jim Kirchner, CEO, has decided 2012 to retire. Under Jim’s leadership, • Annual Clinical Health Fair the Chamber has continued many in conjunction with Methodistsuccessful partnerships, including Hospitalthose with the City of Duarte and • Monthly Ladies NetworkingDuarte Unified School District. Lunch A few of these successes include: • Annual Principal for a Day • Ongoing Business Visits, ProgramIn partnership with the City of • Annual Women’s Business Duarte and the San Gabriel Valley Expo Economic Partnership, resulting in • Annual Taste of Duarte various improvements (i.e.) mid- Jim and his lovely wife, Kathy, block cross walk on Mountain will continue to reside in Duarte Avenue – and Jim will be a part of the • Quarterly Business Seminars transition plan as the Chamber • Monthly Networking moves forward. Be sure to look Breakfasts for the announcement of his • Duarte named most Business Friendly City in upcoming retirement party. MONROVIA POLICE BLOTTER Spurred on in part by the improvements at StationSquare (and the “Monrovia” entryway monumentsign located just south of I-210 Freeway off ofMyrtle Avenue), staff has been working to develop a coordinated design concept for entryway monument signs throughout the City. To that end, given the median landscape improvements thatwere recently completed on Huntington Drive, wehave been developing signage concepts for both theeast end and west end of the main east-west arterial corridor in Monrovia. Given the progress that has been made to date, we wanted to share that the Art in Public Places Committee will soon be considering recommendedentryway monument art for the east end ofHuntington Drive. As a surprise sneak-peak, wewanted to share a few of the preliminary monumentsignage concepts that have been developed forreview, which include the following proposals: The Art in Public Places Committee will be reviewing these concepts at one of their upcomingmeetings, and based on feedback received from that group, a formal recommendation will be forwardedto the City Council for consideration in the verynear future. It is also important to note that the City is workingon an entry monument sign for the west end ofHuntington Drive, which is being coordinatedin concert with a larger capital improvementinitiative that involves new signals and someroadway realignment work at Huntington Drive/ 5th Avenue. That project should be ready forconsideration toward the latter part of the calendar year. Finally, as the Huntington Drive entrymonument sign project moves forward, the City issimultaneously developing a coordinated entryway monument signage program for the entire community. We are assessing other entry-pointlocations into Monrovia where signage would beappropriate, and the overall plan will be developedwith a consistent design theme. We are excited about these pending art in publicplaces projects! During the last seven-day period, the Police inside the luggage was missing. The investigation isJuly 5 at 1:41 a.m., a vandalism incident was reporteda business in the 1600 block of S. Mountain called Department handled 469 service events, resulting incontinuing. in the 100 block of Stedman Place. A vehicle that police to report they had a male suspect detained for69 investigations. To see a complete listing of crimeswas parked in a carport area had a window shatteredpetty theft. The suspect had concealed merchandisereported, go to Traffic Collisionon it, but nothing was taken. The investigation ison his person and then left the store without paying. ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For Police DepartmentJuly 5 at 12:28 a.m., officers responded to the reportcontinuing. The suspect was arrested and received a citation tonews and information, visit our website and follow us of an injury traffic collision in the 400 block of W.appear in court on the charges. on Twitter. Duarte Road. Two vehicles were traveling west onVehicle Burglary Duarte, when one attempted to make a left turnJuly 5 at 5:34 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reportedTheft of PackageGrand Theft from the number two lane and collided with the in the 200 block of W. Lemon. A utility truck wasJuly 5 3:45 p.m., a package was reported stolenJuly 3 at 8:02 a.m., an officer responded to a hotelvehicle that was traveling in the number one lane.broken into sometime over the previous two days,from a residence in the 300 block of N. Alta Vista. in the 700 block of W. Huntington regarding a theftSubjects from both vehicles sustained injuries andtools were taken from the truck. The investigation isA male, Hispanic, adult suspect was seen exiting aof money from luggage. The victim is visiting fromwere taken to local hospitals. The investigation iscontinuing. gold-colored Honda Accord and walking up to theout of town and mistakenly left their luggage outsidecontinuing. residence. The suspect took a package that had beentheir hotel room door when they arrived. The luggagePetty Theftdelivered and fled in the vehicle. The investigation iswas still there in the morning, but money that was Vandalism July 5 at 2:57 p.m., loss prevention personnel from continuing. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||