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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, July 8, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 8, 2017 8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 8, 2017 8 CLASSICAL FOR THE CANINE They say that music can play a major part in alteringthe mood of the human being and I am convincedthis is true from my own experience. If I am feelinglow on the energy level and need a boost, I play aselection from one of my favorite classic rock orbluegrass albums and before I know it I am up andabout, dancing in my living room. On the otherhand, if I’m feeling kind of edgy, I can select one ofmy favorite Chopin nocturns and in short order I findmyself calming down and relaxing. Music inspires us humans in so many ways butwhat, if anything, does it do for a dog? Numerousresearch studies have been conducted to determine how sounds might effect the mood and behaviorof the canine. Among the more scientificallyimportant studies is one performed by Belfast-basedpsychologist and animal behaviorist Dr. DeborahWells in 2002. Dr. Wells undertook a research program to determine the influence of five types of auditorystimulation on the dog: human conversation, classicalmusic, heavy metal music, pop music, and a silentcontrol (no music at all). The results of Dr. Wells’ study clearly indicated thatclassical music had a marked soothing effect on dogsin animal shelters when compared to the other typesof auditory stimulation. In the discussion section of her publishedresearch Dr. Wells states, “Classical music resulted in dogs spending more of their time resting thanany of the other experimental conditions of auditorystimulation. This type of music also resulted in asignificantly lower level of barking. Research suggeststhat calming music may have a beneficial effect onhumans, resulting in diminished agitation, improvedmood and lower levels of stress. Although the specificeffect of classical music on dogs remains unknown, the findings from this study suggests that it may, as inhumans, have a calming influence.” Wells also observed that heavy metal music tendedto agitate the dogs, which was mainly manifestedby increased frequencies of standing, fretting andbarking. Upon completion of the project, Dr. Wellsstated, “Further work is still required to unravel thespecific acoustic elements that dogs respond to.” Wells’ research inspired a small group of American scientists & musicians to embark on a subsequentstudy of their own. Their mission was to take bioacoustics research to a higherlevel. In 2005, neurologist SusanWagner initiated and directed the Bioacoustics Research & Development (BARD) project. Working closely with her associatesJoshua Leeds (sound researcher) and Lisa Spector (concert pianist), Wagner came up with some veryinteresting and enlightening resultswhich she and Spector later includedin a book titled Through a Dog’s Ear. Sound is a complex phenomenonconsisting of energy waves, the speed Happy Tails by Chris Leclerc of which are measured in units called hertz (Hz). Asingle Hz unit equals one wave cycle per second. Thenormal range of sound heard by the average healthy, hearing human is about 20-20,000 Hz. Although audible frequencies vary from onespecies to another, most animals have a much higherrange of perception than that of the human, and dogscan receive up to at least 50,000 Hz. Volume or loudness of sound is measured in decibels (dB). A whisper is measured at a rangeof about 30 dB’s and a normal conversation occurs somewhere in the range of 50 dB’s, while the averagerock concert measures in at around the 130 dB range although this particular measurement wouldvary considerably with today’s advanced soundtechnology. Perception of sound is what we call hearing. Dr. Wagner refers to the hearing side of sound asthe science of psychoacoustics, which involves anindividual’s psychological and physical orientingresponse to incoming Hz frequencies. In layterms, it is the way one perceives what one hears, both biologically and mentally (and perhaps evenspiritually). Although I typically prefer to refrain from usingtechnical terminology in this light-reading column, Idescribe these terms to help explain the overall pointI wish to emphasize, which is the positive impact thatclassical music can have on animals - particularly ondogs. Interestingly, although perhaps not unpredictably, the final outcome of Dr. Wagner’s 2005 study on howsounds affect the behavior of the dog re-confirmedthe findings of Dr. Wells’ research project back in2002. In short, because of physical sound receptorsand ability to interpret what is heard, a dog’s responseto sound is much like that of a human, althoughperhaps more intense. Therefore, because of the way a dog hears andresponds to sound, it is safe to assume that classicalmusic is an excellent choice to bring relaxation andrest to our canine companions. Not that it tooka scientific study to prove that to me. I’ve seen theresults in my home when my Molly goes from barkingat the leaf blower to laying quietly on her bed, justbecause I turned on the Chopin. So when it comes tocalming the canine in my home, classical is definitelyour music of choice. VANILLA & SKYE, BEAUTIFUL SISTERS! Just gorgeous! Sister Siamese mixes, born 12/2016. Vanilla is white with dark points, perhaps a lilac point or a blue point/ tortie, while Skye is a dilute calico. They are very bonded and will be adoptedtogether. It’s a better idea to adopt 2 rather than just one. THEY will always have a pal or two to play with when you’re gone, and YOU will have the benefit of being therecipient of double love licks & kisses! Use our TWOFUR OFFER, $100, which includes spay, microchip, exam & vaccines. A great savings! Our cats are negative FELV/ FIV unless otherwise indicated. See more pictures, videos, adoption info & application on our website, Call 909 561-7700 for a Meet & Greet. Can’t adopt? Visit our website for our easy Sponsor A Kitty campaign. HOW ABOUT A NEW BEST FRIEND? Rudy is a handsome Chihuahua social life and training to help mix boy, about 6 years old, him channel his energy and weighing 14 pounds. Rudy become the great dog he has was surrendered to the shelter the potential to be. Come and by an owner who was moving meet this sweet boy – he just and couldn’t take Rudy along. might charm his way into your Rudy enjoys his walks with our heart. Her adoption fee is $130 volunteers who report that he which includes neuter surgery, is easy to harness and seems a microchip, first vaccinations to have some experience with and a free wellness check-up walking on leash. He has high at a participating veterinarian. energy, is very excited and eager Feel free to call us at (626) 286with lots of energy to spend. He 1159 for more information on likes to run and keep moving. Rudy. ID#27576. He currently Rudy likes to play with other resides at the San Gabriel Valley dogs, and will also happily fetch Humane Society located at 851 toys that are thrown for him. He E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel seems to love people – he has a which is located off San Gabriel very affectionate side and enjoys Blvd, north of Mission and getting petted. Rudy is very south of Las Tunas Drive. To alert, curious, focused and smart. He is an active arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ please stop by any time dog who needs an active owner. Rudy is looking from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. for a family who will give him lots of exercise, a THE JOY OF YOGA HEALTHY LIFESTYLES YOGI COOL DOWN Inspired by the recenthigh temperatures, I thought I’d give afew of my favoritetechniques for an effective yogi cool down. Begin with a cooling asana practice and stay out ofhot yoga, at least for the summer. There are practicesthat can be satisfying from a cardiovascular point ofview and still cool the body while calming the mind. Gravitate toward a gentler, less rigorous practice thatmay hold poses longer. Second, add a cooling pranayama, or breath practice, toyour day. Sitali (rolling the tongue lengthwise) and Sitkari(inhaling through the teeth) are excellent for transformingyour inhalations into an air conditioner for you! Sitkari ispracticed by inhaling through the teeth, closing the mouth, then exhaling through the nose. With Sitali, the tongue is rolled lengthwise and saliva is gathered in the center. Then inhale, bringing in the cool air and saliva down the throat. Close the mouth and exhale out the nose. Repeat severaltimes. Both can aid in soothing excess heat and hot emotion. Lastly, try giving as much attention to what you are puttinginto your body with food and drink as you would yourphysical asana practice. My favorite summer foods include: watermelon, cucumber, cilantro, and coconut. I also use spices such as cardamom and turmeric for their calming andanti-inflammatory properties. Are you feeling overloaded? Think of cooling excess heatby balancing your schedule too. Strive to lessen the burden in some way to steer clear of overheating, exhaustion, andirritation. Stay cool, friends, and I will see you in class at Yoga Madre. Check the schedule at Namaste, Keely Totten, E-RYT 500 Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||