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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, July 8, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 8, 2017 11THE WORLD AROUND US NASA’S JUNO SPACECRAFT TO FLY OVER JUPITER’S GREAT RED SPOT JULY 10 Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 8, 2017 11THE WORLD AROUND US NASA’S JUNO SPACECRAFT TO FLY OVER JUPITER’S GREAT RED SPOT JULY 10 Just days after celebrating its first anniversary in Jupiter orbit, NASA’s Juno spacecraft will fly directly over Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, the gas giant’s iconic, 10,000-mile-wide storm. This will be humanity’s first up-close and personal viewof the gigantic feature—a storm monitored since 1830 and possibly existing formore than 350 years. “Jupiter’s mysterious Great Red Spot is probably the best-known feature ofJupiter,” said Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno from the SouthwestResearch Institute in San Antonio. “This monumental storm has raged on the solarsystem’s biggest planet for centuries. Now, Juno and her cloud-penetrating scienceinstruments will dive in to see how deep the roots of this storm go, and help usunderstand how this giant storm works and what makes it so special.” The data collection of the Great Red Spot is part of Juno’s sixth science flybyover Jupiter’s mysterious cloud tops. Perijove (the point at which an orbit comesclosest to Jupiter’s center) will be on Monday, July 10, at 6:55 p.m. PDT. At the timeof perijove, Juno will be about 2,200 miles above the planet’s cloud tops. Elevenminutes and 33 seconds later, Juno will have covered another 24,713 miles and will be directly above the coiling crimson cloud tops of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. Thespacecraft will pass about 5,600 miles above the Giant Red Spot clouds. All eightof the spacecraft’s instruments as well as its imager, JunoCam, will be turned onduring the flyby. As of July 4 Juno had logged exactly one year in Jupiter orbit. At the time, thespacecraft had chalked up about 71 million miles in orbit around the giant planet. “The success of science collection at Jupiter is a testament to the dedication, creativity and technical abilities of the NASA-Juno team,” said Rick Nybakken, project manager for Juno from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. “Each new orbit brings us closer to the heart of Jupiter’s radiation belt, but so far the spacecraft has weathered the storm of electrons surrounding Jupiterbetter than we could have ever imagined.” Juno launched on Aug. 5, 2011, from Cape Canaveral, Florida. During itsmission of exploration, Juno soars low over the planet’s cloud tops—as close as2,100 miles. During these flybys, Juno is probing beneath the obscuring cloudcover of Jupiter and studying its auroras to learn more about the planet’s origins, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere. Early science results from NASA’s Juno mission portray the largest planet in oursolar system as a turbulent world, with an intriguingly complex interior structure, energetic polar aurora, and huge polar cyclones. The Great Red Spot’s first sighting is often credited to Robert Hooke, whodescribed a spot on the planet in May 1664; however, it is likely that Hooke’s spotwas in the wrong belt altogether (the North Equatorial Belt, versus the current GreatRed Spot’s location in the South Equatorial Belt). More convincing is GiovanniCassini’s description of a “permanent spot” the following year, 1665. The spot hasbeen monitored almost continuously since 1830. JPL manages the Juno mission (, http://missionjuno. org) for the principal investigator, Scott Bolton, of Southwest Research Institute. TheJuno mission is part of the New Frontiers Program managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the Science Mission Directorate. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, built the spacecraft. JPL is a division ofCaltech in Pasadena. You can contact Bob Eklund at: CHRISTOPHER Nyerges “WILD QUINOA” GROWS IN EVERYONE’S YARD Learn to recognize and use this valuable plant [Nyerges is the author of “Foraging California,” “Nutsand Berries of California” and other books on self- reliance. He has led foraging walks since 1974. He is also the manager at the Tuesday Highland ParkFarmer’s Market. Questions can be sent to this paper, or he can be reached at www.SchoolofSelf-Reliance. com.] NOTE: I HAVE MANY MORE PICTURES These days, everyone wants to eat the hip “new” nutritional foods, especially if the foods are servedby the latest hot chef ’s restaurant where all thebeautiful people go. You know, plants like kale, collards, chia, quinoa, and many others. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is a seed that has been used for centuries in Mexico and S. America, and it’s a great food that is being rediscovered by chefs and ordinary people who wantto eat healthier food. In the past, quinoa seeds andleaves were used in countless recipes, and the plantwas highly revered. But did you know that there is a close relativeto quinoa that grows wild just about everywhere inSierra Madre, and Southern California? In fact, it grows pretty much everywhere in the world thesedays, and is more often regarded as a weed to bepulled and discarded. LAMB’S QUARTER I’m speaking of lamb’s quarter (Chenopodiumthe top before serving. The tender stems can be album), a European native that is today found allsteamed, and served as you’d serve asparagus or over the world. Though this spinach relative is anstring beans. extremely common cosmopolitan plant, it rarelyLamb’s quarter is a late spring and summergets the respect it deserves. In fact, it is typicallyweed around here, and so I use all that I can duringregarded as an agricultural pest and an urban weed.the season. I also dry a lot which I then can storeGardeners pull it up and poison it and throw itand reconstitute later. I also like to freeze as much into the trash can. This is another example of ouras I can, which I then add to soups and stewsculture’s chosen ignorance because lamb’s quarterthroughout the year when the plant has died back. is possibly the most nutritious green plant you canAs lamb’s quarter goes to seed and dies back, youeat! can easily collect the seeds. I generally rub my We have this mistaken notion that anythinghand along the stem and collect the seeds into areally good must come from China or Tibet or alarge salad bowl. When all the seeds are dry, I rubBrazilian rain forest. Since lamb’s quarter is inthem all between my hands, and blow off the chaffeveryone’s backyard, we hardly notice it -- unlessuntil I am left with only the black seed. These seeds we’re without money or starving. are then added to bread batter, pancake and biscuit batter, and soups. NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS This is such a common urban plant world wide According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture,that no hobo or homeless person should ever go100 grams of lamb’s quarter leaf contains 4.2hungry where lamb’s quarter is found. It growsgrams of protein, 309 mg. of calcium, 72 mg. ofall over the Sierra Madre area and nearby areas in phosphorus, 80 mg. of vitamin C, and a remarkableparks, in back yards, in fields, in vacant lots, along11,600 International Units of vitamin A. The small railroad lines, and often in the wilderness areas black seeds are also an excellent protein source,along trails. When I harvest lamb’s quarter, I justused just as you’d use quinoa seeds.pinch off the tips and never uproot the plant. This Even if you’re not concerned about the vitaminway, it lives longer and I have an extended supply ofand mineral content, you’ll find that lamb’s quarterthe greens. is a delicious, hearty plant that can be used in manydishes. IDENTIFICATION Generally, you use lamb’s quarter in any wayLamb’s quarter is easily recognized by its roughlythat you’d use spinach. Lamb’s quarter leaves cantoothed leaves that are somewhat triangular inbe picked and added to green salads. The flavor is shape. The leaves are covered with a fine white similar to spinach. The leaves can also be steamedmealiness which causes water to bead up on the leafas you’d steam spinach, and then seasoned withsurface. The older stems often have red stripes andbutter or herbs. Most of your guests won’t detectred in the axils. that they’re not eating spinach.If you’re not sure of the identity of a wild plantL amb’s quarter leaves can be added to soups,you intend to eat, don’t eat it! Take the time to send stews, omelettes, bread batter, and even quiche.someone a picture of the plant, or take the plant toThe leaves can be steamed, and cheese grated over a specialist. OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder I WAS JUST THINKING Thinking is not my strong“cash.” She has the idea that if you buy somethingsuit by any stretch of thewith a credit card, no cash is involved. imagination. Every time IThe last place on earth I want to go to is thestart thinking, I either get ashopping mall. I must confess that I have a little bit headache or get into trouble. I’m not sure which isof a drug problem here. When I go to the mall withworse, the headache or the trouble. my wife, I am drug from one store to another store In my normal pursuit of life, thinking sits into another store until I have completely lost anythe backseat. If there is an emergency, thinkingsense of reality. may come forward and help out. However, in theI am not sure if there is a solution to this kind meantime, thinking is not something I like to do onof a drug problem. If there is, I would like to knowa regular basis.about it. That is my side. On the other side, the Gracious“Well,” I said as hesitatingly as possible, “weMistress of the Parsonage is always thinking. Mostmight not have enough time to go this afternoon toof the time, she is thinking about jobs I should bethe shopping mall.” doing. I don’t know how she does it, but she can“I was just thinking,” she responded, “that wecome up with a list of “honey-do’s” that will occupycould go to the shopping mall this afternoon andall my time. Of course, I must confess, while I amthen stop by a restaurant and have supper outdoing these “honey-do’s” I am thinking, but nottogether. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? What do youthoughts I would like to come out into the public think?” arena. If I had just the energy to think through this I do not really have to think that much becausekind of thing, I would have guessed that she had anmy wife thinks for me. How she does it is beyondulterior motive in going to the shopping mall. me, but she knows what I am thinking three days“If we go out for supper tonight,” she explained, before that thought enters my head. At least, that’s“we will have plenty of time to go to the mall thiswhat she tells me and she would not lie to me. afternoon.” With that, she smiled one of those I have learned through the years that there arecontagious smiles that I have not yet been able toseveral questions that I should never ask my wife.resist. One is, “Honey, what are you doing?”Driving to the mall that afternoon I had a You would think after decades of interaction variety of thoughts jingling through my mind. Onewith her I would know what to say and what not topredominant thought was, “How much is this goingsay. Because I don’t give much to thinking, I usuallyto cost?” speak without thinking, which always gets me intoAlthough my wife thinks a lot, this is one areatrouble. If I could think through something, I justwhere her thinking never penetrates. I supposemight escape the trouble that I get into.that is my responsibility to think about the money Just the other day I came home from working ataspect of everything. The problem is, the more Ithe office and my wife was sitting in the chair and Ithink about it, the less I really like it. asked “the” question. “Honey, what are you doing?”As we were coming home after supper at theMy wife knows how to ask questions and is veryrestaurant my wife said, “I was just thinking whatskillful at asking the right question. The othera wonderful afternoon this was. I’m glad you cameside is that she knows how to answer questions toup with this idea.” such a degree that gets me into difficulty. How sheI pondered about that for a while and could notmanages this is beyond my wildest imagination.remember when I came up with this idea. I thoughtOf course, if I would think about it, maybe I couldit would be better for me just to go along with hercome up with an answer, but who has time to thinkthought, which would make everybody in the carthese days?happy. Without any delay, she responded to my inquiryAs we were driving home, I happened to think ofby saying, “I was just thinking…” a passage in the Old Testament. “For my thoughts As soon as she said that, I knew I was in trouble. are not your thoughts, neither are your ways myWhy don’t I keep my questions to myself? Whyways, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8). must I always fall into that trap she lays for me?I may not be big on thinking, but I take comfort “I was just thinking,” she said without givingin the fact that God thinks about me all the time. me any opportunity to respond, “that we ought toDr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of Godgo to the mall this afternoon and do a little bit ofFellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. Heshopping.” lives with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Call him Her “little bit of shopping” has nothing to doat 352-687-4240 or e-mail with the word “little,” but a lot to do with the word, The church web site is WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU! WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? Contact us at: or AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||