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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, July 8, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2017 SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2017 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY PROUD OF MY COUNTRY By Joan Schmidt Clayton As I put up Fourth of July decorations, I thought about our great country. Why am I proud to be an American? My mom toldme her mother-in-law, returned to Italy for visits, butwas thrilled to come home to the USA. Grandma came as a preteen, met Grandpa; they married and raisedfive children. Grandpa and his brothers founded asuccessful statue business. My grandparents lived in a3 story Victorian row house and had a bungalow atNorth Wildwood, N.J. They loved the USA! My Dad stayed back in First Grade; he couldn’t speak English. But he was so smart, he skipped 2nd grade! He went to the University of Pennsylvania on a scholarship, and worked as a chemical engineer; he had 14 patents! Only in America! Land of Opportunity! My favorite story is Uncle Pete Carolfi. He was anItalian Prisoner of War at Fort Dix. My dad’s sister, Natalie, grew up saying, “I’ll never marry an Italian”, but followed Pete back to Italy and married himthere. Pete left ALL his family behind in Italy, butbecame a successful sculptor. He and his sons werecommissioned by the City of Philadelphia to do astatue of George Clymer, a Signer of the Declarationof Independence in front of Independence Hall. Hiswork is also at Caesar’s Palace, Atlantic City, and N.J.’s Cherry Hill Mall. Only in America. Truly land ofopportunity! Why do I love this great land? I lived fiveyears abroad as a military wife. Two years, 1978-1980were in Taegu, Korea. We were fortunate; My husbandRichard’s assignment necessitated us living on CampWalker. Most did not. One American family wasrobbed twice, then moved into a small apartment forsafety reasons. First off post ,“NO HOME CAN EVER BE WITHOUT A PERSON INSIDE.” Once my Korean students were explaining, “Chusok”, their Thanksgiving. All families meet at the eldest son’shouse. Mira, my student was staying home. Onlyher parents and brothers were going to attend. She had to “Housesit”. Usually families in the city hired ayoung woman from the countryside. The girl was alive-in maid/babysitter. These country girls welcomed an opportunity to live in a nice home in the city andexperience city life. Mira’s family was kind and wantedtheir girl to spend her holiday in the country withher own family. So Mira remained at home while herparents and brothers went to the Uncle’s House forChusok. Besides someone having to PHSICALLY be in thehouse 24/7, all houses, rich or poor had 6 feet concretewalls around them. No pretty lawns! It reminded meof prison! Then, there was the curfew. In 1978-80, while there, the curfew was from midnight -6am, and NO ONEwent on the streets or you would be arrested! Clubsclosed at 11pm; movies ended 11pm: Everyone had tobe home by midnight! My friend had a miscarriage. Itwas awful. The ambulance took her, but her husband couldn’t go. There was no room in the ambulance, plusthere was no way for him to get home. The worst experiences were during President Pak’sassassination. The Girl Scouts’ field trip had to becanceled-we were afraid to leave the post. Becauseof his position, my husband Richard had a militaryvehicle at home and once drove to Kimpo Airport; the Secretary of Defense gave him an importantcommunication. I had no idea of what Richard was dealing with. With Pak’s assassination came the threat of evacuation. We were terrified. Army wives had theirdocuments and their children’s papers, plus all our“doggy” tags. We had to be ready to leave quickly. Ourneighbors, the Military Chaplain and wife had theresponsibility of a Military Police couple’s baby. Allmilitary personnel remained behind no matter what. So this couple had made these arrangements for theirbaby daughter. Then our beloved Pets! My neighbor and I agonizedover them. They could not be taken home. What would we do with them? The last worst solution was the Army Vet would have to put them down. ThankGod it never reached that point. For all of the above reasons, I am proud to be anAmerican. It is a land of Opportunity! I have seenwhat my immigrant relatives accomplished. I am trulygrateful to have a front lawn and for the whole familyto take a trip together! God Bless America! NAPOLITANO WELCOMES $300,000 WATER GRANT FOR SAN GABRIEL RIVER PROJECT (AZUSA, CA) Today, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte) congratulated the San Gabriel River Water Committee on being awarded a $300,000 Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Drought Resiliency Project Grant it received for the construction of a new river gate inlet structure near the existing Azusa-Duarte Tunnel Inlet on the San Gabriel River. Napolitano requested in a February 2017 letter that the Bureau of Reclamation support the Committee’s grant application. Her full letter can be viewed here. “Congratulations to the San Gabriel River Water Committee on being awarded new federal funds to improve water delivery to residents of Azusa, Duarte, and other San Gabriel Valley cities,” Napolitano said. “We are thrilled this project’s grant request was fulfilled, and we welcome new federal dollars to help address our San Gabriel Valley’s water needs. The new gate will provide better water management practices, which are especially vital during ongoing drought conditions, while enhancing safety and systems operations along the San Gabriel River.” The San Gabriel River Inlet Replacement Infrastructure Project will replace the existing river gate, which was constructed in the 1880s and is insufficient and unsafe to operate, with a motorized weir gate. The project also includes the installation of remote operating technology to operate the ditch gate structure in real-time, to more efficiently manage water deliveries. The grant covers $300,000 of the total project cost of $689,093; the remaining money will be local funding. Napolitano is a long-time promoter of conservation, water recycling, desalination, and groundwater management as solutions to Southern California’s water needs. She is a current member and the former top Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources’ Water, Power, and Oceans Subcommittee, which oversees the Bureau of Reclamation. DIANE HATFIELD 2015 & 2016 TOP PRODUCING AGENT! 626.833.3171 3 BEDROOMS/2.5 BATHS | 1,517 SF | ATTACHED 2-CAR GARAGE Private Townhome with numerous upgrades, including crown moulding, recessed lighting, custom cabinetry throughout and a private patio. Low HOA fees. 329 E. DUARTE ROAD | UNIT E | ARCADIA OFFERED AT: $685,000 MORE INFO: 30 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre CalBRE #01418407 OPEN THIS SUNDAY 2PM - 5PM STARTING A NEW BUSINESS ? FILE YOUR DBA HERE Doing Business As, Fictitious Business Name Filing 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre 626-836-6675 Obtain Street Address - Business Stationary - Flyers Rubber Stamps -Business Cards - Mailing Service When it's time to BUY OR SELL a home, I can help you make the right decision at the right price! | 626.975.4033 | 30 N. Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre 91024 Real Estate byJAN GRETEMAN CalBRE #01943630 REALTOR®, SRES, GREEN Inside This Section: ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT OPINION BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS LEGAL NOTICES Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||