Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 28, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, October 28, 2017 


Proceeds to Help Pay for Nighttime Lighting at Arcadia Veteran’s Memorial 


Arcadia- CA On Saturday, November 4th, theArcadia Women’s Club is hosting a FundraisingDinner and Musical Military Tribute in theirhistoric clubhouse to help raise needed funds forthe installation of attractive lighting to illuminatethe Arcadia Vietnam War Monument duringevening hours in the Arcadia County Park. TheirSocial Hour and Silent Auction begins at 6:00 pm.
Dinner will be served at 7:00 followed by musicalentertainment. Drawings for valuable gifts will beconducted throughout the evening. Cost of the 
dinner which includes beverage and dessert is$50.00 per person and is fully tax deductible. Please 
make checks payable to: Arcadia Woman’s Cluband send to Joyce Platt, 2607 El Capitan Avenue,
Arcadia CA 91006 Joyce can be contacted at: (626)
574-1303. Cheryl Alberg can be contacted at: (626)

When recently asked about anticipated headcount, Arcadia Women’s Club President CherylAlberg, said, “We presently have about 70 
confirmed reservations but we’re hoping that morepeople will hear about this very good cause and joinus in honoring our veterans and loved ones whosenames are inscribed on the Arcadia Monument.” 
The historic women’s club building was built in1931 and boasts a beautiful courtyard and Ballroomthat can accommodate functions up to 150 people.
According to Gene Glasco, Founder of theveteran’s memorial, six low energy LED lights 

will be permanently recessed into the cement 
apron surrounding the Monument. Optimistiche can raise the required funding for his lightingproject, Glasco says, “On Veterans Day, MemorialDay and other observances, we’ll be able to adjustthe lighting to bathe the Monument in patrioticred, white and blue colors, which will really bespectacular.” Members of the community andveteran service organizations agree, and many havesaid that putting lights on the Monument at nightwill not only be beautiful and aesthetically pleasingbut should also provide a deterrent to any potentialcrime and/or vagrancy.

The Arcadia veterans’ monument was dedicated 
on May 28, 2016 in tribute to fourteen Arcadiaservicemen that lost their lives in Vietnam between 
1966 and 1972. The Arcadia monument honors 
all the men and women that served veterans and 
contains a listing of donors that contributed to itsmanufacture along with the names of men andwomen that served in the United States militaryduring eras of WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, andAfghanistan.

Etched on the Monument’s granite panel is theinscription:

“At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them.” Laurence Binyon

If you would like more information 
about this topic, please email him at gene@ 

For the period of Sunday, October 15th, through Saturday, 
October 21st, the Police Department responded to 960 calls 
for service, of which 135 required formal investigations. The 
following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by 
the Department during this period. 

Sunday, October 15: 

Shortly before 1:35 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 700 block of Arcadia Avenue regarding an assault report.
An investigation revealed an argument occurred between ahusband and a wife resulting in the husband kicking the wifein the leg and injuring her. The 38-year-old male from Arcadiais outstanding at the time of this report. The investigation isongoing.

At approximately 8:14 p.m., an officer responded to the100 block of California Street regarding a theft from vehiclereport. The officer discovered an unknown suspect enteredthe unlocked vehicle sometime during the previous night andfled undetected with a baby bag. No suspects were seen andno witnesses were located. 

Monday, October 16: 

Just after 6:36 a.m., an officer responded to the horse trail inthe 600 block of East Live Oak Avenue regarding an assaultreport. The officer determined a physical altercation ensuedbetween two males resulting in the suspect hitting thevictim in the face with a wooden fence stake. The victim was 
transported to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for treatment. Thesuspect, a 60-year-old male from Temple City, was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Arecords check revealed the suspect also had an outstandingmisdemeanor warrant. 

At approximately 8:48 a.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 1000 block of Arcadia Avenue regardinga burglary report. An investigation revealed unknownsuspect(s) cut the lock to a carport sometime during theprevious night and fled with various tools. The investigationis ongoing. 

Tuesday, October 17: 

Around 11:22 a.m., an officer responded to the Santa AnitaRace Track, 285 West Huntington Drive, regarding a batteryreport. The officer discovered a physical altercation occurredbetween a boyfriend and girlfriend resulting in the suspect, a39-year-old male from South El Monte, grabbing the victimby the arm and neck. The suspect was located, arrested, andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

Just before 3:05 p.m., an officer responded to the ArcadiaPolice Department front counter regarding a fraud report.
The victim stated an unknown suspect obtained his creditcard information and charged more than $16,000 infraudulent purchases. The victim does not know how thesuspect obtained his personal information or the identity ofthe suspect. The investigation is ongoing.

Shortly after 12:10 a.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 1100 block of Catalpa Road regarding a burglary inprogress. Via surveillance footage, the victim witnessed thesuspect, a 39-year-old male transient, in her backyard. Aninvestigation revealed he had entered the residence and adetached garage. Responding officers located the suspect,
arrested him, and transported him to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. 

Wednesday, October 18 

At about 7:20 a.m., an officer responded to the Santa 

Anita Race Track, 285 West Huntington Drive, regardingan intoxicated subject. The officer determined the suspect,
a 38-year-old male from Monrovia, was unable to care forhimself and was subsequently arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. 

Thursday, October 19: 

Before 2:51 a.m., an officer responded to a traffic collisionbetween two vehicles near the intersection of Las Tunas Drive 
and Gilpin Way. Upon contacting the drivers, the officerdiscovered one of them, a 23-year-old male from El Monte,
had been driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage.
Through a series of tests, the officer determined the suspecthad a blood alcohol content of 0.19%. He was arrested and 
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

Around 11:16 a.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 00 block of Bishop Court regarding a burglary report. Aninvestigation revealed the residence was burglarized two daysprior and, on October 19th, unknown suspects forced openthe boarded up windows and ransacked the residence. The lossis unknown at the time of this report and it is unknown if thesame suspects committed both burglaries. The investigation isongoing. 

Friday, October 20: 

At about 12:06 p.m., officers were alerted by the AutomatedLicense Plate Reader system of a stolen vehicle in the area ofSanta Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. A traffic stop wasinitiated and the subjects were arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking. A records check revealedthe driver, a 55-year-old male from Lake Elsinore had anoutstanding misdemeanor warrant. During the bookingprocess, the officer discovered the passenger, a 67-yearold 
male from La Puente, was in possession of a controlledsubstance. 

Just before 8:18 p.m., an officer responded to the Santa AnitaMall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a battery report.
An investigation revealed an altercation occurred between amale victim and a male suspect known to the victim resultingin the suspect punching and kicking the victim multipletimes. The suspect was gone by the time officers arrived. Theinvestigation is ongoing. 

Saturday, October 21: 

Shortly after 4:38 a.m., an officer responded to theintersection of Huntington Drive and Centennial Wayregarding a non-injury collision. Upon contacting thedriver of the solo vehicle, the officer detected a strongodor of alcohol emitting from the driver’s breath. Theofficer determined the suspect was under the influence ofan alcoholic beverage and the 35-year-old male from LosAngeles was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.

At approximately 10:46 a.m., an officer respondedto the 500 block of West Longden Avenue regarding anactivation of an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker.
Arcadia PD detectives had previously deployed decoypackages containing bait property and tracking devicesto combat the increase in package thefts from residentialareas. An investigation revealed a 31-year-old femalefrom Montebello and a 29-year-old male from La Puentehad the stolen package, property, and tracking device inhis vehicle. Officers also located stolen mail, check books, 
and stolen California ID cards. The suspect was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 


Currently, the City holds its municipal elections in April ofelections), there are two options that the City can consider,
every odd numbered year, which is considered by the Stateincluding consolidating our elections in November, or 
to be a stand-alone election. Recently, the State of Californiaconsolidating our elections in March. An overview of eachapproved Senate Bill (SB) 415, and given the provisions ofoption is outlined below. 
that measure, the City will have to transition our stand-aloneelection to one that is consolidated with a statewide election. November Consolidation 
Under the provisions of SB 415, all municipalities who have “aIf the City opts for a November election plan, it couldsignificant decrease in voter turnout” for municipal electionsreschedule elections from March of odd numbered years tomust consolidate their municipal elections with a statewideNovember of even numbered years.
election (which is defined as “an election held throughout the Under this option, the next City elections could bestate.”).rescheduled to occur in November 2018, and then again in

The provisions of SB 415 articulate that Monrovia falls intoNovember 2020. 
the category of having “a significant decrease in voter turnout”
for our municipal elections. Based on the definition providedMarch Consolidation 
in SB 415, Monrovia must have a turnout rate of at least 46.62% The City could alternatively choose to consolidate(defined as the average rate of voter turnout during the past 4municipal elections with statewide primaries held in March ofstatewide elections, less 25%) in order avoid consolidating oureven-numbered years.
elections with a statewide election. Under this option, the next City elections could be

Monrovia’s voter turnout for our most recent April 2017rescheduled to occur in March of 2020, and then March 2022. 
election was 13.4%, and additionally, our voter turnout forAt our most recent City Council Study Session on Tuesday,
the April 2015 election was 23.15%. Both of those turnoutOctober 17, 2017, the options available to the City wererates are below the minimum 46.62% turnout rate requiredreviewed, and the City Council identified their preferenceto maintain a non-consolidated, stand-alone municipalfor staff’s recommendation that Monrovia consolidate our 
election. municipal elections in March of even numbered years.

Of particular note, it must also be pointed out that nearlyThere are multiple reasons that staff made this particularevery jurisdiction in California that currently holds a stand-recommendation, and chief among them is a desire to try andalone election will be required to consolidate elections with thekeep local municipal elections as non-partisan as possible.
State schedule, given the provisions of SB 415.Many local government jurisdictions have aligned their

Given these factors, Monrovia will have to consolidate municipal elections as stand-alone elections to avoid partisanits municipal election with an election held throughout theconflict in community-based issues, and when looking atState in order to comply with SB 415. Given the vagaries ofthe options available to the City, a March election wouldState law as it relates to terms of office (per the State Electionscertainly be less partisan than a November election. MovingCode, no term of office may be increased or decreased byforward, we plan on discussing this issue in greater detail at themore than 12 months as a result of an ordinance consolidating November 7, 2017, meeting! 


City staff has continued to assess the issues surroundingUpper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (Upperour regional water supply over the past several months, alongDistrict) are levying to address the water supply shortage inwith the anticipated associated costs that will be impactingthe Main San Gabriel Basin. As you may know, the decade-
Monrovians in the coming months and years. As a result, long drought that we have experienced in our region has hadstaff will be seeking the City Council’s authorization to begina devastating impact on the groundwater levels in Main Santhe Proposition 218 Protest Hearing process on November 7,Gabriel Basin aquifer, where Monrovia and many other water2017, to adjust our current water rate to absorb the enormousagencies draw their groundwater from.
added costs being passed down to water agencies in ourLast May, the Watermaster (which is the agency thatregion.regulates who gets to draw water from the Main San Gabriel

Please note that we are still working to finalize the levels ofBasin aquifer and how much they can pump) instituted a newadjustment needed for the different types of water customersfee on all water producers in the San Gabriel Valley, includingand various meter sizes. However, the majority of customersthe City of Monrovia. This new fee was implemented soin Monrovia are single family residences with a 1-inch waterthat they could make a large purchase of water – 40.7 billionmeter or smaller. Based on our preliminary rate modeling,gallons at a cost of over $100 million. This purchase was madeour updated rates will likely recommend a water cost structureafter careful consideration and an examination of all available 
where residential customers see an increase of between $17 /options to restore the health of the Basin after it reachedmonth on their monthly bill beginning in 2018. In addition,historically low levels.
at build out in FY 2021/22, the new cost for water is expectedA video explaining the drought related issues that haveto increase by around $37 / month more than what the typicaldriven the need for this particular rate increase can be foundresidential customer pays today. Also, it is important toonline at the City’s dedicated water conservation website.
emphasize that all of these new costs are pass-through costsAs the video outlines, the cost of purchasing and importingwhich will be paid to the San Gabriel Basin Watermaster andthis water will be split between all of the communities andthe Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District for theagencies that use this water, including us here in Monrovia,
purpose of importing water into our region.which means that water will become more expensive for all

Ultimately, the proposed water rate adjustment is beingof us in the San Gabriel Valley moving forward. However, the 
coordinated because of new water supply costs that theimportation of water will also ensure that when we turn theMain San Gabriel Basin Watermaster (Watermaster) and the faucet on, we’ll still have running water available. 

Warrant – Suspect Arrested 

October 19 at 7:38 a.m., an employee from a business in the800 block of E. Huntington reported a disturbing subjectwalking in and out of the business. Officers arrived andcontacted the subject. A computer check of the subjectrevealed he had a warrant for his arrest. The subject wasarrested for the warrant. 

Trespassing / Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect 
Arrested October 19 at 8:20 a.m., an officer was dispatched to abusiness in the 900 block of S. Fifth Avenue regarding a subjectcausing a disturbance. The subject had a no-trespassing ordersigned against him and was not supposed to be at the location.
Officers arrived and located the subject. He was arrested fortrespassing and was also found to be in possession of narcotics,
which was added to his charges. 

Grand Theft Auto 

October 19 at 9:37 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the400 block of Pearl Avenue. The vehicle is a white BMW and it 
was taken sometime during the night. All keys are accountedfor and the investigation is continuing. 

Shoplifting / Grand Theft Auto – Suspects Arrested 

October 19 at 8:25 p.m., loss prevention at a business in the500 block of W. Huntington called police to report two femalesubjects that had just stolen items and left the business withoutpaying. Officers arrived and detained the two subjects in theparking lot. The vehicle they were in was reported stolen out ofLinwood. One of the subjects was arrested for shoplifting andthe other was arrested for grand theft auto. 

Hit & Run Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – 
Suspects Arrested 

October 19 at 9:37 p.m., a hit and run traffic collision wasreported at California and Walnut. A vehicle struck two parkedcars and continued driving away from the scene. A secondcaller reported that the suspect had stopped in the roadwaynear Shamrock and Central and was now walking north onShamrock. Officers arrived and located the suspect and thesuspect vehicle. The suspect was not injured and no otheroccupants were inside the vehicle. Through investigation,
the driver was determined to be intoxicated. The suspect wasarrested for driving under the influence, held for a soberingperiod and later released on a citation to appear in court onthe charges. 

Injury Traffic Collision 

October 20 at 1:58 a.m., a solo vehicle, roll-over traffic collision 
in the 900 block of W. Olive was reported to police. Officersarrived and saw the driver standing outside of the vehicle. Thedriver had a minor cut on his wrist and refused to be taken to 
a hospital. The driver said he lost control of the vehicle as he 
turned the corner. The driver was released at the scene with a 


October 20 at 1:07 p.m., loss prevention at a business in the500 block of W. Huntington called police to report a theft. Twofemale suspects were seen concealing items inside bags in thestore. They exited the store without attempting to pay for theitems. The suspects fled the area in a vehicle before officersarrived. An area search was conducted, but the suspects werenot located. The investigation is continuing. 

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested 

October 20 at 7:41 p.m., a female subject was reported lyingon the sidewalk at Alta Vista and Duarte with her feet hangingoff the curb into the street. The caller was concerned for the 
subject’s welfare. An officer responded and located the subjectsleeping on the sidewalk. The officer determined the female 


Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events. To see was too intoxicated to care for herself. She was arrested for 
a complete listing of crimes reported, go to the City of Monrovia public intoxication and taken into custody. She was held forwebsite and click on the crime mapping link. Sign up to follow a sobering period and then released on a citation to appearus on Twitter for police notifications. in court. 

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested 

October 21 at 2:30 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop for avehicle code violation and contacted the driver, who displayedsigns of intoxication. A DUI investigation was completedand the subject was arrested, booked, and held for a soberingperiod. The suspect was later released with a citation to appearin court on the charges. 

Grand Theft Auto Recovered 

October 21 at 10:34 a.m., a caller reported a vehicle that wasparked on the street in a no parking zone in the 800 block of

E. Lime. An officer was dispatched and through a computercheck, discovered the vehicle was reported stolen. The officerrecovered the vehicle and removed the vehicle from the stolen 
vehicle system. 
Grand Theft Auto 

October 21 at 7:45 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen fromthe 1600 block of S. Mountain. The victim reported her whiteHonda Civic was taken while she was at work. All keys are 
accounted for and the investigation is continuing. 

Theft – Suspect Arrested 

October 23 at 2:46 p.m., a theft was reported at a business inthe 1600 block of S. Mountain. Officers were dispatched to thelocation regarding a suspect who put items into his backpackand a shopping cart, and then left the store without payingfor the merchandise. He was detained by store security. Thesuspect was arrested for the theft. 

Traffic Collision – Vehicle vs. Pedestrian 

October 23 at 5:48 p.m., officers responded to a traffic collisionon Mayflower, south of Huntington, regarding a vehicle vs.
pedestrian. The pedestrian, a 60-year-old male, was crossingthe street midblock. A vehicle exited a driveway was travelingin the center median, merging into the number one lane, whenthe vehicle struck the pedestrian. The victim sustained brokenbones and a head injury. He was transported to a hospital for 

Hit and Run Traffic Collision 

October 23 at 7:25 p.m., a traffic accident was reported atthe intersection of Mountain and Huntington. One of thedrivers involved was complaining of pain and was taken to ahospital for treatment. The other driver caused the collisionand fled the scene. A witness was able to obtain a plate and theinvestigation is ongoing. 

Indecent Exposure 

October 23 at 10:48 p.m., a female employee at business in the700 block of E. Huntington called police to report an indecentexposure incident. A male customer exposed himself in frontof her while in the drive-thru at the location. The suspect thenfled the location in a silver Toyota Prius. The investigation iscontinuing. 

Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested 

October 24 at 10:10 a.m., an officer responded to the 700block of S. Fifth Avenue regarding a female subject loiteringon private property. During the investigation, the subject wasfound to be in possession of methamphetamine and a drugpipe. The suspect was arrested for possession of drugs andtaken into custody. 

Hit and Run Traffic Collision 

October 25 at 3:25 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the areaof Genoa and Mayflower when he located an unoccupiedvehicle in the middle of the road. The vehicle had collided into 
an electrical pole and was now abandoned. Officers were notable to locate the owner, so the vehicle was impounded. Theinvestigation is continuing. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: