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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 28, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2017 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2017 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TEMPLE STATION DEPUTIES MACIAS AND MORALES RECEIVE LASD MEDAL OF VALOR By Joan Schmidtand also to non-Department members who save or Last Tuesday I attended Sheriff Jim Mc Donnell’sattempt to save the life or prevent the serious injury2017 Valor Awards; over sixty brave and selfless menof a Department member. and women were honored. Temple Station retired Deputy Orlando Macias The Program was wonderful and inspirational.and Deputy Jacqueline Morales received the MedalColor guard included several bagpipe players,of Valor. On October 15, 2016, Deputies Macias andChannel 7’s Jovana Lara was Mistress of Ceremonies, Morales were reaching the end of their shift, drivingLASD band performed twice, back to Temple Station when theyInspirational Speaker was Jami noticed smoke rising nearby. TheyMarseilles, (Visit for drove towards it, and it was comingher amazing story) and the true from a residence. The deputies exitedHeroes were all the honorees. their vehicle and knocked on the There are eight categories of door. After two minutes, an elderlyawards and I will just give a Very man came to the door, but didn’t want Brief explanation: MEDAL OF to leave and there was a languageVALOR, highest honor, awarded to barrier. The deputies entered thepersons who distinguish themselves residence and escorted the man out. by displaying great courage, above Deputy Macias went back in andand beyond call of duty in the face of crawled on his hands and knees to immediate, life-threatening peril and see if anyone else was inside, but waswith full knowledge of risk involved; forced to leave because of the heavyMERITORIOUS CONDUCT smoke. A neighbor arrived and saidGOLD, second highest, awarded the man’s wife was still inside. The to persons who place themselves Deputies again entered to searchin immediate peril and perform an for her but were unsuccessful and act of heroism and/or save the life forced out again. After pausing theyof another person; MERITORIOUS reentered and located her at the back CONDUCT SILVER, third highest of the house with a walker, unable awarded to person who, when to walk. Deputy Macias carried herconfronted by circumstances beyond outside and the deputies enteredthe normal course of their duties, one final time to check for any otherplace themselves in potential peril persons. The two deputies and couplewhile performing an act of heroism were transported to the hospital andor while saving or attempting to save treated for smoke inhalation. the life of another; PURPLE HEART Arcadia resident 81-year oldMEDAL-Awarded to Department Jerry Brascia came across a violentmembers who sustain a traumatic struggle between Deputy Joshua physical injury as a result of a violentLambert and a felony suspect. Jerryencounter with the criminal element, parked his car, exited it, approacheda high-risk law enforcement function,Deputy Lambert and the suspect, or an accident, and continue to perform their job;and grabbed the suspect by the neck and told him toLIFESAVING MEDAL-Awarded to members whose relax. Deputy Lambert then handcuffed the suspect. actions result in the saving or preservation of a humanJovana Lara explained each award and why it waslife that otherwise would have expired without thegiven. She then said, “Hear the Deputy/Sergeant’sDepartment member’s direct involvement; LINE OFrecount of what happened. One Deputy was in aDUTY MEDAL-Awarded to Department memberspursuit. The suspect crashed his car and it caught fire. who sustain serious or career debilitating injuriesNot concerned with his own safety, the deputy brokeduring the performance of job related functionsthe window, opened the door and pulled the suspect and HUMANTARIAN AWARD-Awarded to out. Department members who selflessly perform acts ofIt was a truly Inspirational Day and I thank thepersonal commitment and sacrifices to help others, LASD for including the public. Jacqueline Morales Orlando Macias ASSEMBLYMEMBER CHRIS HOLDEN HOSTS TRANSPORTATION HEARING: “Advancing Sustainability in Regional Transportation Projects” As chair of the Assembly Select Committee latest transportation funding package, Senate Bill 1. on Regional Transportation Solutions, · Chris Holden, Assemblymember, 41st AssemblyAssemblymember Chris Holden will host a localDistrict hearing, “Advancing Sustainability in Regional· Eloise Gomez Reyes, Assemblymember, 47thTransportation Projects “ to discuss and addressAssembly District timely transportation issues for the region and state.· Ed Chau, Assemblymember, 49th Assembly Participating panelists will discuss how to District advance sustainability goals in current and future· Freddie Rodriguez, Assemblymember, 52ndtransportation projects — from creating sustainableAssembly District communities to fixing our roads and highways —· Todd Gloria, Assemblymember, 78th Assemblywhile advancing the economy and creating jobs.District Topics for the first panel, Sustainable Communities, will include complete streets, active transportation,Thursday, November 2and the 710 North Corridor. Topics for the second10:00 AM – 1:00 PM panel, Jobs/Economic Benefits, will include fiscalimpacts of transit oriented development, tradeRichard Chambers U.S. Court of Appealscorridor enhancement program, and jobs creation125 South Grand Ave. and infrastructure improvements. The third panelPasadena, CA 91105 will discuss projects receiving funding from the LIVE STREAM AVAILABLE HERE MARIA FAGLIONE: Apprentice Jockey and Veteran Actress! By Joan Schmidt A few weeks ago, Bob and I attended the races. AsI looked down the program, I saw “Maria Faglione”. “Oh my goodness…Do we have an Italian jockey?” (That really caught my eye!) After the race, I rushed downstairs and stoppedMaria on her way to the Jockey Room. Yes, Faglioneis an Italian name, but she was born in the US, and yes, she’d like to do an interview. A week later, Maria and I met at Clocker’s Corners after morning workouts. Maria explained she wasborn in Lexington, North Carolina, but raised inNebraska. I asked when her interest in riding began, and she explained that she’d been riding horses herentire life-was on a horse before she learned how to walk! Her grandfather had a cattle ranch inNebraska. She rode there and on hunter-jumperclass horses before coming to California to pursuean acting career. Maria’s acting career included “Indie films, TVNapravak, and Julie Krone”. shows, commercials and the lead in both the New Maria’s first thoroughbred mount was at DelYork and Las Vegas productions of the off-BroadwayMar on Tee Em Eye, a 4-year old California-bredplay, Tony and Tina’s Wedding” in which she playedfilly, daughter of Cyclotron and trained by Mikethe bride. Maria quipped, “I got married six timesMachowsky. Maria guided her in a sweeping movea week for 2. years and had 75 wedding dresses!”turning into the stretch in a 5 . furlong $16,000WOW! claiming race and won by 3 . lengths. With The next shock was her age of 38-older than mostgreat enthusiasm, Maria called it her GREATESTapprentices-but fortunately, she is able to keep herACHIEVEMENT winning her first race at Delweight down. I am not surprised after learning ofMar and being a female jockey! She said it was her stint on stage and her riding habits.“The coolest thing I have ever one in my entire life. Three years ago Maria came to Santa Anita. HerThe filly was really good to me; she just carried megoal was to race thoroughbred horses. Many jockeysaround there. She was a good girl. I made a fewbegin their careers by “galloping” horses. The day wemistakes, got in a little trouble out of the gate andmet Maria had already ridden 12 horses-20 minuteswent a little wider than I wanted but it all worked each! She gets up at 3:30am, as workouts beginout.” (VERY SPECIAL THANKS to BENOIT4:45am. It is no wonder she eats dinner at 5pm andPHOTOGRAPHY for the awesome photo!) is ready for bed by 8 or 9 pm. Many jockeys alsoCurrently Maria is riding for Mike Machowsky. spend time at the gym and I commented to Maria“We train and exercise the horses every morning- about their lifestyle and she agreed it’s much easierit’s beneficial to know the horses and develop afor jockeys to have relationships with people in therelationship with them…also takes horses off theracing profession who understand the gruelingtrack that don’t make it for races and retrain them.” schedule Maria has put acting aside and is ready for thisWhen I asked Maria which jockeys she admired,next chapter in her life. I hope she has manyshe replied, Mike Smith, Kent Desormeaux, Rosie opportunities to race and gets many wins. RETIRED TEACHERS WEEK TO BE CELEBRATED NOVEMBER 5-11, 2017 Retired Teachers Never Stop Caring about Students and Education The California Retired Teachers Association like other public employees, give back to their(CalRTA) has good reason to celebrate Retiredcommunities and to the state economically throughTeachers pension spending. This spending results in moreWeek, November 5-11. This organization has beenthan 375,000 jobs and $10.9 billion in federal, state, going strong since its beginnings in 1929 when it wasand local tax revenues. founded (CRTA then) through the efforts of LauraFinally, Retired Teachers make direct contributions Settle, a retired Pasadena educator, with five or six to their communities through classroom teacher people. Now the state organization numbers moregrants and scholarships to future teachers. This than 41,000 members! year, the CalRTA #71 (SGV) presented classroom Although retired, these retirees make an impactgrants to classroom teachers in Arcadia, Temple City, on their local communities through their incredibleRosemead, and other area schools to enable them to contributions. Volunteering is a major contributionpurchase additional materials and equipment. CalRTA retirees make. The October issue of CalRTA’s Membership in CalRTA is open to all retired“Contact” publication states that in 2016 memberseducators, as well as to any others interested incontributed over two million hours of volunteer joining this active group. Local CalRTA #71 (SGV) services, which translates to more than $55 million. meets at the Senior Center in Arcadia Park (countyThe dollar value is computed using values from thepark). For more information, please call MariettaIndependent Sector website.Watkins at (323) 258-9615 or Patricia Dietrich at Of equal importance is that CalRTA members, (626) 446-8437. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||