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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 18, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, November 18, 2017 3 Mountain View News Saturday, November 18, 2017 3 Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side by Deanne Davis Walking Sierra Madre this time of year is a delight, pureand simple. There are still pumpkins on lots of folks’porches, which will last for months, till the squirrelsfind a weak spot. Those easterners who say we don’thave Autumn color haven’t seen OUR leaves and it will probably never feel like Fall, but the weather reports fromTexas, where I will be celebrating Thanksgiving haveincluded cold and rain. With any kind of luck, that willend before I get there. We’ll be celebrating granddaughter, Jessie’s 10th birthday, too, and I’m looking forward tobeing there. I expect we’re all doing something about Thanksgiving. Brining our turkey (best thing ever for a moist and tenderFestive Bird!) latest brining I read about was a sugar andsalt rub inside and out of the aforementioned Festive Bird. You might be in charge of pie making and mashedsweet potatoes mixed with sautéed apple chunks, butter, cinnamon and a little salt are fabulous. Best of all, is inviting family and friends to share the feast and all thefamiliar family stories. Like this one, but I know none ofyou folks have ever had the following experience... The Ghost of Thanksgivings Past The Festive Bird is in the stove, And time now for a nap. I laid me down, closed my eyes, And at the window heard a tap. It’s far too soon for guests to come, I need a little peace! The stuffing’s ready, cranberries chillin’, Pies overflow with pumpkin fillin’. The tap just keeps on at my window, But I’m not gonna look! There’s nothing more for me to do, This is one tired and sleepy cook. So I snuggled deep down in my afghan, Turned my head the other way. I don’t care who’s at that window, They can tap all day. Off I went to slumberland and dreamed a lovely dream, A kitchen, clean and washed and spotless, everything just right. But then I dreamt a dreadful dream, That made me shriek with fright! The tapping at my window, More insistent grew. And what was out there tapping, I’ll now describe to you. The Ghost of my Thanksgivings Past, Preparations are underway to decorate KerstingCourt for the Winter holidays! Join in theholiday spirit. Purchase an ornament for the Sierra Madre Community tree and help raise funds for civicimprovements. It’s easy just visit Leonora Moss (9 Kersting Court) or the Bottle Shop (58 W Sierra Madre Blvd) and fill out a postcard and leave your donation. Checks should be payable to Sierra Madre Community Foundation. Volunteers will be decorating Kersting Court in mid-November for the holidays and in preparation of the Support Small Business HELP TRIM THE SIERRA MADRE CHRISTMAS TREE! CLASSIFIED OFFICE SPACES FOR RENT IN SIERRA MADRE Near Baldwin on Sierra Madre Blvd. Please email your type of business and space requirements to: FRIENDS IN DEED -Art of The Women’s Room opens with a free reception Nov. 18, 2-5 p.m., atthe Armory Center for the Arts, 145 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena. The exhibit will run through Dec. 3. The Women’s Room (TWR) is a daytime refugefor women who are alone and homeless or at risk of homelessness. Art is a way that guests of TWR express A turkey that was huge! Tapped an enormous beak at my window, And gobbled…. “J’ accuse!” “Forty Thanksgivings, and more,” he said, “Since you walked down the aisle. Forty turkeys you’ve served up, With sweet potatoes and a smile.” “Forty turkeys come and gone, And still your gravy’s awful! And the year the turkey hit the floor, Should be declared… unlawful!!” “Most of them were nicely done, I’ll give you that,” he said. “But some were cooked so badly, You should have ordered Chinese instead!” What an awful dream, I thought, as I cowered in my bed. The Ghostly Turkey wasn’t finished, With his accusations many. And I, offering excuses, Discovered I hadn’t any! But then he smiled and said to me, “Your crimes are all forgiven. For those who’ve gathered at your table, Have rejoiced and laughed for hours.” “We turkeys relish meals like these, They are sweet as summer flowers! Enjoy today, with friends and family, Gathered ‘round your table, Give thanks for health and joy and peace… Then share this Thanksgiving fable.” And with a last gobble…gobble, the Ghost of Thanksgivings Past, Flew up, up, and away… And I heard him exclaim, ere he flew out of sight… “Happy Thanksgiving to all… And for heaven’s sake, learn to make better gravy!” Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Hope it’s the best one ever! My book page: Deanne Davis Blog: “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” isavailable there… As are all the Emma Gainsworth Fall PumpkinAdventures Follow me on Twitter, too! playwrightdd Saturday and Sierra Madre’s Holiday Winter Events. Program Sponsored by the Sierra Madre Community Foundation and Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce Sierra Madre Community Foundation is a charity singularly devoted to Sierra Madre. SMCF solicits donations to enhance our community by making direct grants, both large and small, to worthy people and organizations that might otherwise be overlooked and also assists other community groups in collecting and distributing funds for programs themselves to sustain self-respect and a spirit thatkeeps them going. Paintings and other art pieces willbe available for purchase as a donation. Proceeds willbenefit The Women’s Room. Further information is available on the Friends In Deed website Although the receptionis free, a favor of a reply is requested and can be made onthe website or calling 626-797-2402. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||