Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 18, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 18, 2017 9FOOD AND DRINK & MORE Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 18, 2017 9FOOD AND DRINK & MORE 

Thanksgiving is upon us and it is my swornduty to come up with a handful of wines thatwill go with a traditional oven baked turkey/smoked turkey, even the duck substitutionwill go well with my list. First, sorry inadvance for all my chardonnay lovingreaders (see blow for my apology) A high-
acid, low-tannin Pinot, with bright cherryand cranberry flavors over rich spices, cando right by almost all the exuberant sidedishes any turkey might require. San Simeonmakes a marvelous Pinot Noir under $20 it 
is a winner. 

My second choice, though, isn’t a surprise,
at least if you love bubbles like I do. Two 
California Sparklers that I enjoy , Domaine

Carneros Brut ($30) from the house of 
Tattinger, I have said that this wine from Californiacomes as close to a ‘real” champagne that I’ve had,
I picked up a bottle recently at Pavilions and it willalso go great with Prime Rib. Newsweek Magazineselected the Roederer Estate their value for the New 
millennium and I agree, when I am shopping forthat $20 wine it is my go to choice.

How about a Rose, my friend Jason Valenzuela,
wine steward par excellence recommends theVirage Rose it hails from Napa Valley and if youcan find it for less than $20 buy it !!

Last but not least do consider a Cabernet, a 
favorite side kick of Prime Rib for years, our ownMaddalena has an outstanding one and the price of$15 is perfect for the holidays, who does Prime Rib 

on Thanksgiving? I must admit the Dills householdhas been doing it for years.

My Chardonnay apology, all that sauce, butter,
gravy will absolutely kill any hope of your favoritebuttery Oaky Chardonnay, though I defend yourright to drink what you like to drink at any holidayparty!
San Simeon Pinot Noir 
Maddelena Cabernet 
Domaine Carneros Brut 
Virage RoseRoederer Estate 

Join me every Saturday 4 PM for Dining with 
Dills on KRLA AM 870 Radio. Plus on TV Charter 
188 5 PM, follow me on twitter thekingofcuisine 

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