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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 18, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 18, 2017 8 THANKFUL GIVING HELPS KEEP THEM LIVING Thanksgiving is once again upon us, reminding us of themany blessings we have to be grateful for. It is the seasonto share special times around the table with family andfriends, and it is also a time to share with others who are less fortunate than ourselves. There are numerous non-profit programs that one canparticipate in to help facilitate the thankful giving process, not the least of which are those focused on helpinganimals. With countless precious pets locked up in sheltershoping to be given a second chance at life and certain fewlucky ones who’ve temporarily escaped that fateful destinythrough the kindness of rescues and foster families, thereis no shortage of ways we can give to help animals live. Here is a list of non-profit organizations that offerunique and easy ways of spreading the wealth to helpanimals in need. These are groups with which I am personally familiar and have had positive experiences. It isactually the short list, as there are far too many to includein this short column. Animazonia Wildlife Foundation - Located in Perris, CA, Animazonia provides a permanentsanctuary for big cats and other exotic animals rescuedfrom threatening conditions in captivity or displaced fromthe wild. Their 2015 fall fundraising is officially launched ~ You can shop and support them at two upcoming events: Talbots - Pasadena , Wed. Dec. 2, 5-8 PM, 497 South Lake Ave. Pasadena, 10% of purchases go to Animazonia. And: Strands of Harmony Jewelry Sale at Pasadena Senior Center, Dec.12, 1-4PM, 485 Holly St., Pasadena. Visit theirwebsite to learn more about the wonderful work they doand to make a donation, and Like them on Facebook for updates on their activities throughout the year. Basset Hound Rescue So. Cal. (BHRSC) - www. - BHRSC’s mission is to offer sanctuary, healing and forever families to distressed, abandoned, injured or homeless hounds. With a dedicated team of good-hearted hound lovers, they succeed in placing hundreds of otherwise homeless, hopeless hounds in permanent caring homes each year. Like them on Facebook and visit their website for details on fostering, volunteering and donating to this awesome, pawsome cause. Companion Animal Rescue Effort (CARE) -www. - CARE is a “no-kill” rescue group whosemission is to find forever loving homes for owner- relinquished, abandoned, abused or otherwise neglectedpuppies & dogs. Visit their website for heart-warmingstories of successful adoptions they’ve facilitated anddetailed information on how you can help throughvolunteerism or an instant cash donation. Gentle Barn -Saving neglected, abused or retired barnyard animals while making anenormous impact on special needs children, this organization has facilities in various statesincluding California (just 40 miles north of LA). Donating to this group is guaranteed to reapa win-win benefit for both barn animals and needy kids alike! Visit their website for moreinformation and details on how you can help. National Disaster Search Dog Foundation - - With a motto of, “From Rescued to Rescuer”, this group iscommitted to saving the lives of would-be shelterand otherwise euthanized dogs, and trainingthem to save the lives of humans through their by Chris Leclerc Happy Tails Canine Disaster Search Team program. What better timethen now, to join them in their mission to strengthendisaster response in American? Their website provides allthe details you need to get involved or make a donation. Also, be sure to Like them on Facebook. Ojai Raptor Center (ORC) -ORC’s core goals are to rescue, rehabilitate and releasebirds of prey and other wildlife. They are equally dedicatedto educating the public about local raptor species and howhuman intervention affects them. The important workthey do is definitely worthy of our support. Visit theirwebsite and Like them on Facebook to learn more about how you can take part in helping keep our bird of preypopulation in a healthy balance with nature. Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue - With a network of rescue professionals stretching fromcoast to coast, PVDR provides rescue and rehabilitationservices to thousands of donkeys suffering from abuse, neglect and abandonment throughout the United States. You’ll find informative videos, photos & text contenton their website where you‘ll find it very easy to makea donation, and stay informed by following them onFacebook. One look at the faces of the darling donkeysthey’ve saved and you will definitely want to get on boardwith supporting their worthy efforts. Recycled Love Dog Rescue -www.recycledlovedogrescue. org - An all breed dog rescue dedicated to the belief thathumans are morally responsible to assist in and/or rescuehomeless, abused, neglected and abandoned animals, to bea voice for the voiceless. They rescue dogs from high-killshelters and those about to be surrendered to the shelter system from all over the US. They take in sick, broken, elder, terrified, mom and babies. They are all examinedby their contracted veterinarian, treated and rehabilitateduntil they are ready for the new chapter of their life. San Gabriel Valley Humane Society - www.sgvhumane. org -Committed to providing a compassionateenvironment for the well being of animals, SGVHS isfocused on the care and placement of family pets. Theyoffer a plethora of practical programs for animal loversto take part in, including Fall is for Felines, Race for theRescues, Strut Your Mutt Dog Walking Event, and theirHelp Hoppy Holiday Fund Drive. Like them on Facebookand see their website for details on creative ways you canhelp save thousands of kitties and canines! I hope you will join me in giving with a gratefulheart this holiday season, knowing that yourcontribution, great or small, will make a difference. Love and let live! A HOME BY THANKSGIVING? Pure Cuteness! Meet DUSTY, a most fetchinglittle girl! Dustyis a prettytortoiseshell, born 7/2017. Sheis very social andplayful. Dustycan be adoptedalone, or with another kitten. Her video: continue=17&v=akHwVjXjzRoAdoption fee is $100, which includes spay, microchip, exam & vaccines. A great savings! Our cats are negative FELV/FIV unless otherwise indicated. See more pictures, videos, adoption info & BEST FRIEND Duplaix is a sweet 10-year-oldpoodle mix that was found livingon the streets. He is a medium sized boy, weighing close to 20pounds. Duplaix is friendly, likes people and enjoys gettingattention. He also has huge earsthat have a big wingspan, givinghim a great sense of hearing. This smart boy knows howto sit on command for treats. Duplaix is also quite a talker andalmost seems able to verbalize words if we could only speakhis language. He is also quiteaffectionate and in spite of hissize, he loves to be on someone’s lap sharing the love. He seemsnew to socializing with otherdogs, but he is very eager tomeet them and is still learninghow to play. Duplaix does likeplaying with toys, fetching them and chewing onthem. He is excited to go for walks and has a mediumenergy level. Duplaix is a happy dog, just full of application on our website, atthe “Young Cats” page. Call 626-676-9505 for a Meet& Greet. Can’t adopt? Visit our website for our easy ways to support our rescue. personality and he deserves aloving home. He would love tohave a conversation with you. Why don’t you come in to meethim soon? November is Adopta Senior Pet month! His specialadoption fee this month is $39, which includes spay surgery, a microchip, first vaccinationsand a free wellness check-upat a participating veterinarian. Duplaix also qualifies for our“Senior for Senior” discount program. ID#30925. Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159for more information. He currently resides at the SanGabriel Valley Humane Societylocated at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel which is located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop byany time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through THE JOY OF YOGA HEALTHY LIFESTYLES UNLOCK ABUNDANCE Besides resisting negativity and building inner power, what else is going to ignite the spark of optimism? You guessed it — gratitude! The welcomed annualNovember reminder to take stock of our lives is uponus. When gratitude is in present-moment awareness, we experience satisfaction and comfort. The search forthe next best thing is subdued. It’s the ideal place to be. Gratitude is one of my favorite topics to write about. Thevery fabric of my being operates on it. I have learned to be grateful for every thing that has happened in my lifeto this point, including every decision, circumstance, and experience. Past and present, each day has mademe who I am today. In fact, some of those not-so-greatexperiences are my greatest assets and have been thegreatest opportunity makers for growth. In this way of thinking, I stay teachable and willingto learn. Although I don’t always feel successful, I putgreat effort into letting go of what isn’t, what wasn’t, and what will never be. This is acceptance and, with acceptance, I can then turn my attention to what I DOhave and what IS possible. This creates momentumand positivity in every area of my life. There is ALWAYSat least one thing to be grateful for like clean runningwater, food, shelter, friends, family, yoga, meditation, and the list goes on and on! The next step is putting gratitude into action. Takingspecial care of my body through yoga, meditation, diet, exercise and adequate rest is key. Nurturing my mindand spirit through education, service, and spendingtime with loved ones is important. If I do these things, I can move into each day with my best foot forward. Yoga builds awareness; it wakes us up. If I’m awake, conscious, and engaged, I am looking for gratitudeand miracles in my life. They become recognizablebecause I see clearly. What are you grateful for? What are the ways inwhich you can cultivate a daily practice of gratitude? Namaste and Love, Keely Totten, E-RYT 500, Teacher Trainer at YogaMadre, Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||