Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 18, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, November 18, 2017 ARCADIA NAMED MOST BUSINESS FRIENDLY ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER CITY BY LOS ANGELES COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The City of Arcadia was announced as the 2017 Eddyour community will go above and beyond yourAward winner for the Most Business-Friendly Cityexpectations.” by the Los Angeles County Economic DevelopmentOver the past several years, the City has takenCorporation (LAEDC) for cities with a populationgreat strides to cut red tape, streamline processes, under 68,000 at its annual awards gala on Thursday,and enhance customer service through a businessNovember 9, 2017. This is the first time that the Cityassistance program, and a new pro-businessof Arcadia has won this prestigious award.Development Code. The Award is recognition that Finalists for the Eddy Award are selected by athe City of Arcadia is without peer in our effortsblue ribbon panel that evaluates and recognizesto foster economic development in Los AngelesLos Angeles County cities that are doing the mostCounty. to encourage job creation and facilitate the ease ofThe Eddy Awards began in 1996 to support thedoing business within their communities. “Thisfulfillment of the LAEDC’s mission to recognizeis a tremendous honor for the City of Arcadia,” excellence by celebrating individuals, organizations, said Mayor Peter Amundson. “Let it be knownand cities that demonstrate exceptionalfar and wide that Arcadia is open for business.contributions to economic development in theOur city is home to some of the finest businessesregion. For more information, please visit theand entrepreneurs in Los Angeles County, and LAEDC website at For the period of Sunday, November 5th, through Saturday, November 11th, the Police Department responded to 928calls for service, of which 112 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidentshandled by the Department during this period. Sunday, November 5: Shortly before 8:10 a.m., an officer responded to BeardPapa Sweet Café, 860 South Baldwin Avenue, regardinga burglary report. An investigation revealed unknownsuspect(s) smashed a side glass door, stole a laptop andbag of change, and fled on foot leaving the property at therear of the location. The investigation is ongoing. At approximately 8:10 a.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 1000 block of Arcadia Avenue regardinga burglary report. The officer discovered an unknownsuspect entered the occupied residence through anunlocked window, stole the victim’s cellphone and twosets of car keys, and fled in the victim’s vehicle. The GPSlocation of the phone led officers to the intersection ofRosemead Boulevard and Mission Drive in the City ofRosemead. The vehicle was unoccupied but recovered. The investigation is ongoing. Monday, November 6: Just after 7:55 a.m., an officer responded to the 600 blockof Fairview Avenue regarding a theft from vehicle report. The officer determined an unknown suspect entered theunlocked vehicle and stole the victim’s backpack and twolaptops sometime during the previous night. No suspectswere seen and no witnesses were located. At approximately 7:54 p.m., an officer responded toa residence in the 600 block of West Norman Avenue regarding a burglary report. An investigation revealedan unknown suspect smashed a rear window, ransackedthe home, and fled with an unknown amount of property. The investigation is ongoing. Tuesday, November 7: Around 3:48 p.m., an officer responded to Nordstrom, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a petty theftreport. The victim stated her red leather purse was stolensometime between 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. from theshoe department within Nordstrom. The investigation isongoing. Just before 7:10 p.m., an officer responded to a trafficcollision between two vehicles in the area of Lower Azusa Road and Quarry Drive. Upon contacting the driver, theofficer detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting from hisbreath. Through a series of tests, the officer determinedthe suspect was driving with a blood alcohol content of0.208%. The 70-year-old male from Covina was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Wednesday, November 8: Shortly after 2:39 p.m., an officer responded to Adidas, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report. Surveillance footage revealed three female suspectsentered the store and while one of the suspects distractedthe employee, the other two concealed $555.00 worth ofmerchandise in their purses. All three fled the locationwithout making payment. The suspects are described as three heavy-set blackfemales. The investigation is ongoing. At about 5:51 p.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 600 block of Sharon Road regarding a burglary report. The officer discovered unknown suspects broke arear window, ransacked the home, and fled with jewelry. The investigation is ongoing. Thursday, November 9: Before 1:24 p.m., an officer responded to Wells FargoBank, 211 East Foothill Boulevard, regarding a fraudreport. An investigation revealed the suspect attemptedto pass a fraudulent check. When the teller called to verifythe check, the suspect fled leaving behind his ID, check, and debit card. The suspect is described as a black male, 32 to36-years-old, approximately 5’9”, and had an address inthe City of Sebring, Florida. The investigation is ongoing. Around 9:23 p.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 100 block of Las Tunas Drive regarding a burglaryreport. The officer determined unknown suspects kickedin the front door, rummaged through the bedrooms, andfled with an unknown amount of property. No suspectswere seen and no witnesses were located. Friday, November 10: At about 12:40 p.m., an officer responded to CVS, 9952Las Tunas Drive, regarding a grand theft report. Aninvestigation revealed the suspect selected more than$1,300.00 worth of makeup and medication before exitingthe store, failing to make payment. As he was fleeing thelocation, the officer located the 42-year-old male fromLake Elsinore. He was identified as the suspect, arrested, and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Just before 12:57 p.m., an officer responded to the1100 block of East Camino Real Avenue regarding a theftfrom vehicle report. The officer discovered an unknownsuspect cut the lock and stole a Milwaukee coring tool thatwas stored in the victim’s truck bed sometime between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on today’s date. No suspects wereseen and no witnesses were located. Saturday, November 11: Shortly after 3:07 p.m., an officer responded to acondominium complex in the 900 block of West Huntington Drive regarding a mail theft report. Theofficer determined an unidentified suspect forced theirway into the complex’s mail box and stole an unknownamount of mail. No suspects were seen and no witnesseswere located. At approximately 6:29 p.m., an officer respondedto Macy’s, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding ashoplifting report. Loss prevention specialists witnessedthe suspect exit the store with a $145.00 sweatshirt, failing to make payment. The 27-year-old male fromRowland Heights was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. An investigation revealedthe suspect lied about his identity and, during a recordscheck of his correct name; the officer discovered he had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. He also attemptedto bring illegal narcotics into the jail. The offenses wereadded to his list of charges. DUARTE H. S. CHORISTERS TO ENTERTAIN AT RETIRED TEACHERS’ HOLIDAY MEETING VETERANS DAY 2017: DUARTE HONORS ALL WHO SERVED AND A VERY SPECIAL SPEAKER By Joan Schmidttarget ground attack aircraft designed in 1945, with Each year, Duarte honors Veterans with a speciala maiden flight in 1949) program at Thorsen Park. On Saturday, MayorThe most exciting part of Lopez’ account was thePro Tem John Fasana welcomed us; Invocation, Battle of Bulge. He explained the ground troops’American Legion Post 44’s Michael Haubner; lineup and how the Battle received its name. Therecolors posted, APU ROTC; a moving rendition was a terrible dense fog but they were told to “takeof the National Anthem , Raven Fierro; and Flagoff at all costs”. They couldn’t taxi themselves toSalute, Boy Scout Troup # 66.the runway, but were taxied out. They set the gyro Guest Speaker retired US Army Corps Lieutenantcompass at 0, couldn’t see outside and had to takeEdward J. Lopez’ remarkable account blew us away!off, one at a time. One by one, they assembled inThis 94 year old began by telling us of Pearl Harbor’sflight formation and radar conducted them to aattack in 1941, his enlistment in 1942 and trainingground attack! as a bomber pilot. Lopez’ stories of World War IIHe spoke of the Sherman Tank and his and the Korea War were firsthand. How I wished a harrowing experience-just getting out of it. “It was US history class could hear his participation in thereliable, cheap, available in great number, but a Battle of the Bulge!death trap.” Lopez also spoke of being needed in Lopez was a “Hell Hawk”, member of the 365th Korea in 1949. He flew a B36 (10 engines). During Fighter Group activated in 1943 and assigned to flythe Cold War, these planes were kept in the air at P-47 Thunderbolts. In December, 1943, they sailedall times. on the Queen Elizabeth with 15,000 troops, arrivedAt the end, Lopez wondered about his survivalin England, followed by two months of combat airand his volunteering for often deadly missions. Hetraining. They were instrumental in determiningfelt “when we are young, we think we are invincible”. the maximum P-47 bomb loads (two 1000-poundSenator Anthony Portantino and Assemblywomanbombs and external fuel tank in the belly rack), andBlanc Rubio also attended and presentedwere the first group to fly a dive-bombing missionResolutions. The names of Duarte veterans were with that load. read. Raven Fierro sang, “God Bless America”, Lopez went on to tell us “Originally planes wereMayor Pro Tem Fasana thanked all our Veterans andescort bombers, P-47 Thunderbolts-most powerfulNick Bruno played, “Taps”. It was such a wonderful fighter in World War II, didn’t hold enough fuel totribute to Veterans. On line, go to: FLIGHT OFescort planes all the way to Germany. We needed aA HELL HAWK: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF lightweight lighter plane, B-51, that was able to holdEDWARD J. LOPEZ, WORLD WAR II FIGHTING fuel longer.” (The Martin XB 51 was an American PILOT to learn more. Festive music for the holidays is on the programplace at the Senior Center Building in Arcadia Parkat the luncheon meeting of the California Retired(county park), 405 West Santa Anita Ave., ArcadiaTeachers’ Association #71 (CalRTA—SGV) on(next to the Lawn Bowling Greens). Guests are Friday, December 8, at 11:30 a.m. Under the welcome to come enjoy the luncheon and to heardirection of Claire Hsu, the Duarte H. S. Cantabile the lovely voices of Duarte High School’s CantabileShow Choir will perform such merry songs asShow Choir. The cost of the luncheon for members “Hark How the Bells” and “Ding Dong Merrily onand guests is $12. For reservations, please call JohnHigh.” This hard-working group has had a busyGera at (626) 286-0714 by December 1. The cost ofyear of performing. Choir Director the luncheon for those who pay at the door without Hsu states that in the recent past the choirreservations is $13. has won six First Place titles and two High Members of CalRTA #71 are looking forwardMusicianship awards in competitions. Now the to hearing from the Duarte H. S. singers beforeShow Choir is taking it up a notch by accepting anthey embark on their New York tour. Accordingopportunity to participate in a five-day Broadwayto Director Hsu, the choir is “currently seekingResidency in Manhattan which will culminatefinancial sponsors to help with tuition.” Those in their performing at Carnegie Hall in Februaryinterested in making donations may call Director2018! Claire Hsu at (626) 599-5700 (school office) for The Retired Teachers’ luncheon meeting will take more information. MONROVIA POLICE BLOTTER During the last seven-day period, the PoliceDepartment handled 376 service events, resulting in64 investigations. To see a complete listing of crimesreported, go to map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For PoliceDepartment news and information, visit our websiteand follow us on Twitter. Hit & Run Traffic Collision / Driving Under theInfluence – Suspect Arrested November 13 at 8:32 a.m., officers responded to the400 block of W. Huntington regarding the report ofa traffic collision. A driver was traveling westboundon Huntington when she was sideswiped by anothervehicle that continued westbound and never stopped. The driver of the hit and run vehicle wasreportedly swerving all over the roadway, strikingthe center divider several times. The suspect driverwas eventually located in Arcadia. He was arrestedfor driving under the influence of drugs and the hit and run traffic collision. Burglary / Theft From a Vehicle – Suspect Arrested November 13 at 9:00 a.m., an officer was dispatchedto an apartment complex in the 700 block of W. Foothill regarding the report a burglary. Anunknown suspect stole items from an unlockedstorage space located in the carport of the complex. Items were also stolen from the bed of a truck, which was parked in the carport. The investigationis continuing. Residential Burglary November 13 at 10:25 a.m., officers responded to aresidence in the 200 block of Los Angeles regardingan alarm activation. Upon arrival, officers sawthe two doors on the west side of the residence were kicked open. The master bedroom had beenransacked, but it is unknown what was taken. The investigation is continuing. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||