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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 18, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA B2 Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 18, 2017 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Jeff’s Book PicsBy Jeff Brown FAMILY MATTERS By Marc Garlett Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: Prime Minister.“He was speaking Endurance: A Year in Space, A to the nation, the world, and indeed Lifetime of Discovery by Scott to history...” May, 1940. Britain is A stunning, personal memoir Kelly at war. The horrors of blitzkriegfrom the astronaut and modern-day have seen one western Europeanhero who spent a record-breaking democracy after another fall in rapidyear aboard the International succession to Nazi boot and shell. Space Station—a message of hope Invasion seems mere hours away.Justfor the future that will inspire for days after becoming Prime Minister, generations to come.The veteran of Churchill must deal with this four spaceflights and the American horror—as well as a skeptical King, record holder for consecutive days a party plotting against him, andspent in space, Scott Kelly has an unprepared public. Pen in handexperienced things very few have. and typist-secretary at the ready, Now, he takes us inside a sphere how could he change the moodutterly hostile to human life. He and shore up the will of a nervousdescribes navigating the extreme people?In this gripping day-by-day, challenge of long-term spaceflight, often hour-by-hour account of howboth life-threatening and mundane: an often uncertain Churchill turned the devastating effects on the body; Britain around, the celebrated writer the isolation from everyone he McCarten exposes sides of the greatloves and the comforts of Earth; man never seen before. He reveals the catastrophic risks of colliding how he practiced and re-wrote hiswith space junk; and the still more key speeches, from ‘Blood, toil, haunting threat of being unable tears and sweat’ to ‘We shall fightto help should tragedy strike at on the beaches’; his consideration of home--an agonizing situation Kelly a peace treaty with Nazi Germany, faced when, on a previous mission, and his underappreciated role in thehis twin brother’s wife, American Dunkirk evacuation; and, above all, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, how 25 days helped make one manwas shot while he still had two an icon.Using new archive material, months in space.Kelly’s humanity, McCarten reveals the crucial behind- compassion, humor, and determination resonatethe-scenes moments that changed the course of throughout, as he recalls his rough-and-history. It’s a scarier—and more human—story tumble New Jersey childhood and the youthful than has ever been told. inspiration that sparked his astounding career, and as he makes clear his belief that Mars will Already Awake: Dialogues with Nathan be the next, ultimately challenging, step in Gill by Nathan Gill spaceflight. In Endurance, we see the triumph Nathan Gill is a rare voice in contemporary of the human imagination, the strength of the spirituality. Speaking with consistent clarity, he points human will, and the infinite wonder of the galaxy. out that all prescriptions for escape from the drama of separation instead serve as its reinforcement. Darkest Hour: How Churchill Brought Compiled from transcripts of one-to-one dialogues England Back from the Brink by Anthony and group meetings, the talks featured in Already McCarten Awake present the essential message of non-duality From the acclaimed novelist and screenwriter in a profound yet straightforward way. Also included comes a revelatory look at the period immediatelyby way of an introduction to the main text, is a revised following Winston Churchill’s ascendancy to version of Nathan’s first book, Clarity. All Things By Jeff Brown RUPERT SPIRA QUOTE Your Self, Aware Presence, knows no resistance to thus love itself; and like water that is not affected byany appearance and, as such, is happiness itself; likethe shape of a wave, it is pure freedom. Causeless joy, the empty space of a room it cannot be disturbedimperturbable peace, love that knows no oppositeand is, therefore, peace itself; like this page, it isand freedom at the heart of all experience....this isintimately one with whatever appears on it and is your ever-present nature under all circumstances. LOCAL AUTHORS TO SIGN/SELL ATWINTER SOLSTICE CRAFT FAIR Several local authors will sign and sell their booksgunfighters including A Fraternity of Gunslingers: at the Third Annual Winter Solstice Craft Fair True Stories of Wild West Gunmen vols1& 2 and and Flea Market on December 9, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.The Last Deputy; Bradbury romance novelist at the Statue Plaza and Grace Fellowship Church,Marisela Adams, author of the trilogy Faith 1551 Huntington Drive. The event is sponsoredBetrayed, will present her new novel spy thriller by the Duarte Historical Society & Museum andnovel KissZZZzzz. Claudia and Alan Heller will co-sponsored by the City of Duarte. The fair will be selling their books: Life on Route 66; Duarte feature vintage items, antiques, food booths andChronicles; and Curiosities of the California entertainment. Desert. Authors will include Richard Singer and hisSpecial guest will be Larry Walls and his recently newly released The Renaissance Years: the History released book: Hurdles: Struggles of a Blackman of Monrovia; Elizabeth Pomeroy and her manyin the Land of Milk and Honey, an autobiography. books on local history including Pasadena: aWalls is a Duarte High School graduate and his Natural History and her popular books Lostbook details his life of turmoil growing up in and Found I and II; Abe Hoffman and his newlyDuarte’s Rock Town, his college days of football released California’s Deadliest Earthquakes:and track, and his career with the County District A History; Randy King’s various books on Attorney’s Office. FIRE SAFETY TIPS - AVOID COOKING FIRES THIS THANKSGIVING By Jenee’ Child, CEO SOS Solutionsare the number one cause of home fires and home I suffered 3rd degree burns at 9 years old when Iinjuries. The leading cause of fires in the kitchen iscooked breakfast for the first time as a surprise forunattended cooking.” The NFPA also reports “theremy mother. I wasn’t strong enough to lift the castare nearly 4 times the amount of cooking fires oniron skillet I cooked the bacon in and needed to Thanksgiving than are any other typical day of theempty the bacon grease from the pan before cookingyear.” scrambled eggs. I held the measuring cup while myWith the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, manysister poured the grease from the pan into the cup.people plan to deep fry a turkey and for some, it willAt that age, I was unaware that the heat from thebe their first time. However, the NFPA discouragesgrease would cause the metal measuring cup that Iagainst deep frying because “deep-fryer fires arewas holding to instantaneously become hot.responsible for 5 deaths, 60 injuries, destruction of I intended to pour the grease down the sink drain.900 homes and $15 million in property damage perInstead, in an instinctive reaction to holding onto ayear”. The amount of cooking oil required to fully- scorching object, I immediately flung the metal cupimmerse a turkey, combined with the oil’s highinto the air. Sizzling hot bacon grease poured downcooking temperature, pose a significant danger. my face and the front of my chest, scalding my skin.The oil can quickly catch fire and the oil splatter, I can’t imagine how horrific it must have beenheat and flames often result in severe burns, other for my mother to awaken to the piercing sound ofinjuries and destruction of property. my high-pitched screams. I vaguely recall, in herPlease take extra safety precautions while cookingpanicked state, being thrown into a bathtub filledthis Thanksgiving! with cold water and her impaling me with ice cubes. Thanks to the healing properties of Vitamin E Oil,Jenee’ Child, is CEO of SOS Solutions. For more I barely have any scars. Luckily, nothing worsefire safety cooking tips and to download an outlinehappened, like a stove or kitchen fire.of age appropriate cooking tasks for children, go to According to statistics gathered by the federal SOS Solutions’ website at www.TrustSOS.Solutions/ government, over 2,000 fires occur every Fire-Safety-Tips. Thanksgiving Day. More than 2/3 are a result ofSOS Solutions provides free help to homeownersfood catching on fire. According to the Nationalin scheduling and managing water, fire and smokeFire Protection Association (NFPA), “cooking fires restoration cleanup contractors. benefit from the liability protection of the businessentity. Additionally, when meshing your rentalproperty ownership with your estate plan, youmust consider who can manage your assets ifyou’re unable to do so, our next consideration. Who Is Managing Your Assets: Another factorto consider is the trustee who manages theliving trust. A trustee bears the responsibility ofmanaging the property owned by a trust for thebenefit of the trust beneficiaries. The exact duties of a trustee may vary depending on what assetsare owned by the trust and the trust’s terms. While income from the rental property made youfinancially successful, many institutional trustees- or someone outside of your circle of family andfriends - will often liquidate assets and invest thefunds. This result may or may not be what you wantdone with your assets. For this reason, using anDO YOU OWN RENTAL LLC to organize your rental property holdings andhave the trustee simply collect the net income fromPROPERTY? the overall operation can be a way to ensure yourwealth remains invested in the rental properties HOW PROACTIVE, that made you successful. Tax Advantages Through 1031: While manyCOMPREHENSIVE ESTATE think of estate planning and LLCs as strategiesto save on death taxes and provide for heirs, aPLANNING CAN HELP good attorney can help with much more. A 1031exchange is a vehicle to defer taxes from the sale ofA comprehensive estate plan should address all ofrental property. The rules to qualify are complex, your assets. For most people, an estate plan mustbut can save enormous amounts of income tax, include three common categories: (1) your home;depending on your situation. Your attorney should (2) financial accounts, like your checking andensure your trust, powers of attorney, and LLCsavings account; and (3) personal property. Otherallow your family to take advantage of this tax- types of assets - such as life insurance, retirementsaving law if you are incapacitated and unable tofunds, and annuities - should also be considered as manage your own affairs. part of your estate plan. If you own rental property, however, your estateBottom Line plan will be more complicated because there areYou’ve likely worked hard over the years to acquire, some unique considerations. build and manage your rental property portfolio, along with your other assets. Call us now for anRental Property & Estate Plansestate plan review to make you’re your estate plan It is no surprise that one of the risks of being atakes all of this into account so that you and yourlandlord of commercial or residential property isfamily receive the highest level of benefits andthe threat of lawsuits. An injured guest or tenant,protection. a claim under the landlord-tenant act, or a lease dispute can all end up in the courtroom. However, a well thought out rental property plan within yourestate plan can hedge against this risk. Protecting Your Assets: A prudent landlordpurchases adequate insurance coverage as the firstline of defense. Sometimes, however, the insurance A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a policy’s limit is not sufficient to cover damagemission to help parents protect what they love most. awarded by a court. When this happens, the nextHis office is located at 55 Auburn Avenue, Sierra place the prevailing party looks to for satisfactionMadre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to of judgment is the property owner’s personal assets,sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love which leads us to the next layer of protection. and financial security for your family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit for Using a Business Entity as Protection: Owningmore information. property through a business entity, like a limitedliability company (LLC), can help protect personalHis office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., assets against seizure. That being said, merelySte. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an filing paperwork to create an LLC isn’t enough.appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring The LLC must be treated as a true business entitya legacy of love and financial security for your and all reports, filings, bank accounts, and otherfamily by calling 626.587.3058 or visit www. formalities must be met at all times in order to for more information. BUSINESS TODAY The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques COUNTDOWN TO SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY Get ready, set and geared up to take part in thisyour business’s participation in Small Businessyear’s Small Business on Saturday, NovemberSaturday via social media. One example is a set of25th, 2017. Promoted by the U.S. Small Businesseducational materials from Twitter to assist with Administration (SBA), this annual day is awriting Tweets designed to get your messages tocelebration and show of support of the smallstand out and generate interest in your business. businesses that do so much in their communities. You can also join Small Business Saturday® on The SBA website offers easy-to-use resourcesFacebook and include links to your website andthat can help business owners to make the most ofother social media outlets. this day, including marketing tips and a webcastwith ideas on how entrepreneurs can use thisThe SBA webpage below also includes a link to anationally-recognized day to launch the beginning“Shop Small” website maintained by Americanof increased sales and profits throughout theExpress, which provides an opportunity forholiday season. In addition to seven short articles entrepreneurs to be placed in the online listthat include topics like “7 Holiday Marketing Tipsof businesses participating in Small Businesson a Limited Budget” and “How to Market YourSaturday. This feature allows shoppers acrossBusiness with an Event”, “33 Creative Ideas for the country to type in a zipcode to locate smallSmall Business Holiday Marketing,” the SBA webusinesses in the areas where they either live, orsite offers other free resources specific to Smallplan to shop. Business Saturday.For additional info and resources regarding A free online marketing kit at the site includesSmall Business Saturday, visit the SBA website: sample posters and press releases. The SBA also provides tips and resources to help promote small-business-saturday | ||||||||||||||||||||