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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 21, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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7 JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 21, 2018 THE MYTHICAL, MYSTICAL, MAGICAL OWL HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Happy Tails I so enjoy observing the wildlife that resides in and around Sierra Madre, and I adore hearing the musical sounds of birds echoing through the air. I especially love hearing the audacious calls that come from the enormous birds of prey living among us. In fact, when I hear the unique, low-tone hooting of an owl, I feel a sense of inner warmth that is hard to describe. Just knowing that owls nest in the trees close to where I live brings comfort to me. We are truly blessed with nature’s goodness in our hillside village! I once read an article entitled Homeless Owls Need Homes, Too, about a project that provides alternative habitation for owls rendered homeless due to development in the San Gabriel Valley. I contacted the author, Steve Scauzillo to ask him a few questions about our local owls, and he was quick to admit that he is not an owl expert. His column covers a variety of issues and concerns regarding the environment, and this particular article happened to be about owls. He suggested that I call Kimball Garrett at the LA Museum of Natural History, who really is an expert on owls, so I reached out to Kimball. Kimball Garrett was more than willing to share what he knows about the owls that inhabit our foothills. Apparently there are a few types that might be seen nesting in the local forest and in our village, but the ones we typically hear exuding resonant hooting back and forth to one another are Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus pacificus). He explained that this particular owl is more prominent in our parts because they are adaptable to changes in the environment, so they are able to find alternative nesting spots when preferred locations are no longer available. Great Horned Owls prefer nesting in very tall trees, but when the tall trees go missing - which seems to be more of a trend now than ever in our town - the Great Horned Owl is wise enough to take up residence in lower lying canopies. Some will even nest in man- made boxes built on stilts where they are protected from predators, high winds and hard rains. Thus the importance of the alternative owl habitation project Steve Scauzillo wrote about. Like all living things, owls play a very important part in keeping nature in balance. With this in mind, the next time you are tempted to complain about having too many rats running around on your property, let it be a reminder of how important the elder trees are. Big, tall trees provide a place where owls and other birds of prey can stay and help keep that rat population in check. That’s why we should make it a priority to keep the trees on our property healthy and well-watered. I had a remarkable experience with a couple of owls on the morning my dad passed away. I slept in a little later than usual that Saturday morning, so I was still lying in bed around 8am when I heard two owls calling out in unison, one slightly higher pitched than the other. They were so loud that the huge picture window on the north wall of the room seemed to vibrate. My husband was there to witness the experience, so I can rely on his confirmation when I share this story. We both sat still, listening and amazed at how loud those owls were. They had to be very close, perhaps perched in the avocado tree in our yard. To me, having owls visit my property is a blessing, like nature’s reward for being a good steward on behalf of the earth. I’m not a saint, but I do try my best to treat our planet with kindness by recycling, re-using, cleaning up trash and abstaining from the use of toxic chemicals. I also allow fallen leaves to remain where they lie, so they can return to the soil and nourish the trees and fauna they fell from. And when I am out walking, I tell the trees how much I appreciate them because I believe that respect toward every living thing is my duty as a human being. When I heard those owls hooting so loudly near my window, I thought is sounded like some sort of heavenly choir singing a sacred hymn. About an hour passed and I was having coffee with my husband when we got the call from my family, telling us that my father had passed away earlier that morning. When I hung up, I sat for a while crying, trying to take it in. With such shocking news, the owls had left my thoughts until later that day when it dawned on me; my dad died at the same time I was lying in bed listening to the amazing sound of two owls hooting by my window, louder than I’d ever heard before. There are many mysterious myths associated with the owl, passed down through the traditions of ancient peoples. One says that the owl is an omen of death soon-to-come. Another regards the owl as the bearer of the deceased soul as it passes from this world into the next. I’d never subscribed to mythical theories about animals before, but I must say that the experience I had on the morning my dad passed away made me think twice about whether those ancient legends might hold some truth. One thing I know for sure is that I love the amazing birds of prey. I love them because of their beauty and elegance, their tenacity and their symbiotic relationship with nature. And I love the fact that they provide an excellent example to us humans through their loyal, familial way of living. They work very hard to overcome life’s hurdles, just to survive in today‘s world where fast-paced development is so quickly stealing away the places where they used to stay. I thank God every day for this beautiful earth and all the creatures he placed on it, particularly the mythical, mystical, magical owl. CONSCIOUS BREATHING One of the most impactful yogic practices by far is pranayama. Yogi Master, TKV Desikachar remarked “if you can breathe, you can do yoga”. The breath not only sustains life, but it shapes energy and is responsible for the mind-body connection. There is no asana (yoga poses) needed to consciously breathe. The very first pranayama to learn is called sama vritti, or equal wave breath. This means making inhale and exhale even, smooth and equal length. While this sounds simple enough, this can be challenging because people establish patterns in their breathing, favoring one over the other. The highly motivated, driven person typically has a stronger inhale. Healers, teachers and meditators find exhale to be easier. In this pure breathing (sama vritti) technique, it allows the scales to balance and both sides of the breath are addressed. The inhale brings power and vitality, while exhale facilitates a calming, restful, releasing response. Further tuning into the subtleties, refining the rate of respiration and eliminating unconscious pauses is key. The breath is deepened, lengthened and smoothed out. This application is what changes vital life force energy (Prana). Present moment awareness is established and the mind is calmed and nourished. The impact of the breath is not just physiological, it is psychological. We are changing underlying patterns and creating a new, positive response to stress. I caution though, it is advised, to begin a breath practice under the guidance of a qualified teacher. As you progress, help and guidance are necessary to maintain stability. How often do you find yourself holding your breath in a moment of fear or stress? Think of this occurring during the course of a day. How would life change with conscious, smooth and even breath? Asana poses will help you breathe better and gain access, but the power of pranayama is where it’s at. Contact me to learn more about yogic breath techniques, the practice will change your life! Namaste, and Love, Keely Totten, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Consciously Breathing One Day at a Time BEST FRIEND Munchies is a darling 12- year-old American Staffordshire mix with lively brown eyes and a black and white coat resembling a delicious mocha cream treat! Although considered a senior dog, Munchies has plenty of pep to her step and lots of puppy energy to chase tennis balls and go for jogs around the park. Though not big in height, this lovely girl is a strapping ball of 54 pounds of love, wet kisses, and doggie hugs. She just loves to love her people! Munchies enjoys hanging out with her human friends and playing with squeaky toys. She especially likes toys with stuffing in them because she is an expert toy-destuffer! She is a great example of a dog’s ability to learn new tricks at any age as she has learned her sit command and how to catch treats while sitting. This lovely girl came to the shelter when she was surrendered by her previous owners because they moved to a place where dogs are not allowed. Her adoption fee is $145 and includes spay surgery, vaccinations, microchip and a free wellness exam at a participating veterinarian. Munchies also qualifies for the “Senior for Senior” discount program. Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159 for more information. She currently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel. We are located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. Website: YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND ARF, ARF! Meet BAXTER! Cute Baxter is a 15 pound neutered male, Miniature Pinscher mix, age about 7. He’s a little shy a first, but is a very loving, happy dog who loves to give kisses and cuddles. He loves to go for walks and is learning to use his inside voice when seeing other dogs and people. He’s a quick learner and has improved greatly since he’s lived with his foster mom. Baxter would love a home with a fur sister or brother, but because he can be a bit shy, he would do better in a home with older children. To learn more contact (818) 398-6951 or See his post and video at http://www.lifelineforpets. org/pooch-place.html. Good news: Kitten Thomas is adopted! Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||