The Good Life | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 21, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE GOOD LIFE 10 Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 21, 2018 SENIOR HAPPENINGS IS YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE TOO HIGH? Dear Savvy Senior, What numbers constitute high blood pressure? I use to be pre-hypertensive, but they keep changing the guidelines, so I’m not sure where I fit in now. Approaching 60 Dear Approaching, If you’re unsure what your blood pressure levels should be, you’re not alone. Recent changes in the hypertension guidelines made by the American Heart Association and the American College Cardiology mean that roughly 30 million more Americans than previously thought are now considered to have high blood pressure (hypertension). According to the new guidelines, anyone with a blood pressure reading above 130/80 is considered to have high blood pressure. Previously, those with a blood pressure reading between 120/80 and 139/89 would have been put in the prehypertension category and wouldn’t have been considered hypertensive until they got to 140/90. But the new guidelines eliminate the prehypertension category, putting everyone with systolic pressure readings (top number) between 120 and 129 and a diastolic reading (bottom number) below 80 in a new “elevated” category. And those with a reading of 130/80 or higher fall in some stage of hypertension. Here’s a complete rundown of the new five category blood pressure ranges: • Normal: A top number less than 120 and a bottom number less than 80. • Elevated: A top number between 120 and 129, and a bottom number less than 80. • Stage 1: A top number between 130 and 139, or a bottom number between 80 and 89. • Stage 2: A top number of 140 or higher, or a bottom number of 90 or higher. • Hypertensive crisis: A top number over 180 or a bottom number over 120. Get Checked Millions of Americans with high blood pressure don’t know they have it because it usually has no outward signs or symptoms. But high blood pressure, over time, can damage your arteries and increase your risk for heart disease, stroke, kidney damage and even dementia. To guard against this, everyone over the age of 40, as well as those younger with risk factors for hypertension should get their blood pressure checked at least once a year. If you find that your blood pressure numbers fall in the “elevated” category, you should take steps now to get it under control. Lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet, losing weight, exercising, watching your salt intake, quitting smoking, and cutting back on alcohol is often all you need to get it back to normal. Even if your blood pressure numbers are in the “stage 1” category, lifestyle changes are recommended first, unless you’ve had a heart attack or stroke, or you’re at high risk for cardiovascular problems because you smoke, have high cholesterol or type 2 diabetes. Then medications may be prescribed. But if your blood pressure falls in the “stage 2” or higher category, the new guidelines suggest medication, regardless of age, plus lifestyle changes. There are several different kinds of drugs used to lower blood pressure. It usually makes sense to start with the oldest, safest, and least expensive drug: diuretics, or water pills, such as chlorthalidone or hydrochlorothiazide. But these meds can drive up blood sugar levels, so if you have type 2 diabetes or are at risk of it, your doctor may prescribe another drug, such as an ACE inhibitor, ARB or calcium channel blocker. You should also be aware that blood pressure drugs could cause side effects including dizziness, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue and headaches. They can also cause a decline in kidney function so make sure your doctor periodically monitors your potassium levels. For more information, see the American Heart Association comprehensive Web page on high blood pressure at Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …APRIL Birthdays* Howard Rubin, Anita Hardy, Hattie Harris, Mary Harley, Bette White, Dorothy White, Doris Behrens, Freda Bernard, Beth Copti, Terri Cummings, Marilyn Diaz, Virginia Elliott, Elma Flores, Betty Jo Gregg, Barbara Lampman, Betty Mackie, Elizabeth Rassmusen, Maria Reyes, Marian DeMars, Anne Schryver, Chrisine Bachwansky, Colleen McKernan, Sandy Swanson, Hank Landsberg, Ken Anhalt, Shannon Vandevelde * To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre Hawaiian & Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday morning from 10a.m. to 11a.m. Join the class with Instructor Barbara Dempsey as she leads you in the art of Hula. Bingo Time: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00p.m. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to join. Activity may be canceled if less than five people. Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesdays of the month from 11a.m. to 12p.m. No appt. is necessary. Brain Games: Join us on Thursday, April 19th at 10:30a.m. to 11:30a.m for Scattergories, a creative thinking game by naming objects within a set of categories; or Jenga, a block-building challenge that keeps you stacking and balancing your tower. Everyone is welcome, and no experience is needed. What a great way to strengthen your brain and make new friends. Games facilitated by Senior Volunteers. Free Legal Consultation: Wednesday, April 18th from 10:30am to Noon. Attorney Lem Makupson is available for legal consultation. Specializing in Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates, and Injury. Please call Hart Park House for an appointment, 626-355-7394. Senior Club: Meets every Saturday at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Brown Bag Lunch at 11:30a.m. Chair Yoga: Mondays & Wednesdays from 11:00a.m. to 11:45a.m. with Paul Hagen. Classes include Yoga and balance exercises. All ability levels are encouraged and welcomed! * A voluntary donation of $5.00 per week is suggested but not required. Birthday Celebrations: Every 2nd Thursday monthly at the Hart Park House, share some free birthday cake provided by the Sierra Madre Civic Club! Free Strength Training Class: Fridays from 12:45p.m. to 1:30p.m. with Lisa Brandley. This energetic class utilizes light weights, low impact resistance training and body conditioning. Class equipment is provided. Tax Assistance: Every Wednesday beginning on February 7th through April 11th from 1:00p.m. to 2:00p.m ...Don Brunner is available for income tax consultation... **Appointments are required by calling the Hart Park House Office 626-355-7394** ** Call Community Services Department for details about the “Ear to Ear Program” returning in 2018** 626 - 355 - 5278 TINY BUBBLES This is an article that I wrote several years ago, before we were thrust into the brave new world of Common Core and computerized “smart” tests. I hope you enjoy this quaint look at what standardized state testing used to be like. Spring is here ! Blossoms perfume the air as I walk through our beautiful town. While this season is a time for celebrating nature’s rebirth, it comes with the ominous raincloud of Standardized Testing! I feel sorry for high school students facing this academic adversary; it seems like the competition grows fiercer every year. When I was in high school I had a healthy concern about the test, but I didn’t give myself an ulcer signing up for tutoring or pouring over SAT study guides (okay, I bought one, but I didn’t pour over it). What did strike fear in my heart was the dreaded GRE (Graduate Record Examination) which I had to pass in order to enter grad school. If you haven’t had the pleasure, the GRE is sort of like the SAT on steroids. I’ve tried to repress memories of this daunting experience, but I still recall the practice CD Rom with its algebraic equations and writing prompts such as “defend or refute the use of trade embargoes.” I frantically typed while watching a red time clock tick down (because a test is always scarier if it’s timed!). I wondered what any of this had to do with my future in Health and Human Services. All’s well that ends well, I think that CD eventually found its way into a celebratory bonfire. If you have elementary school kids you’ve probably received newsletters alerting you to the upcoming crucial week(s) of standardized state testing. Make sure they’re well rested, fed, and at school on time! When I was a student my teachers always stressed having a good breakfast on testing days, but I never felt any smarter for it. The truth is, however, that it’s the teachers who are really stressed out over these fateful booklets (Ha! Booklets! How 20th century!). One careless kid can swing the school’s whole API (Academic Performance Index), which in turn can taint the district’s AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) report. Next thing you know, home values drop because the neighboring city’s kids did better on this one test, taken one week, targeting what is sometimes a very narrow range of skills. Since this test is of supreme importance, it used to require teachers to sign a statement testifying that they’d been trained in the handling of test booklets. Every day after school, the booklets were collected and locked in bins in a secure location (I kid you not!). Of course these days it’s all online, so schools don’t need to reinvent Fort Knox on their campuses. Children’s work was stowed away with the same level of protection given to documents of national security. Considering the magnitude of this exam, it is understandable that teachers were tempted to become irate when students casually flipped over reading sections, filled in random bubbles, and turned in a seven-page exam after three minutes. While we all hope our kiddos will put their best effort into this ordeal, you can’t help but understand why some kids burn out after hours of math, science, writing, and reading about gripping topics such as mural artists and memoirs of a childhood in England during the Industrial Revolution. One of my Mom’s teacher friends is fond of telling about one of her students (nearing middle age by now) who spent a considerable amount of time on his test before turning in an answer sheet with all the “B’s” bubbled in except the last item, which was blank. When she asked why he didn’t fill in that one he said, “I didn’t know the answer.” Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up! Moral of the story: sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and color in a variety of letters (or, these days, click on a variety of answers). Daily Health Reminders, Meal Planning & PreparationAmbulation, Dressing & Bathing Assistance626.584.8130Alzheimer's, Stroke Recovery & Hospice SupportAll caregivers are highly screened, trained andinsured to meet your quality standards. filled business servingthe San Gabriel ValleyBlessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy - Matthew 5:7Safety Supervision & Transportation Read us online at: Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||