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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 21, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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OPINION B3 Mountain Views News Saturday, April 21, 2018 TOM PURCELL Mountain Views News PUBLISHER/ EDITOR Susan Henderson PASADENA CITY EDITOR Dean Lee EAST VALLEY EDITOR Joan Schmidt BUSINESS EDITOR LaQuetta Shamblee PRODUCTION Richard Garcia SALES Patricia Colonello 626-355-2737 626-818-2698 WEBMASTER John Aveny DISTRIBUTION Kevin Barry CONTRIBUTORS Chris Leclerc Bob Eklund Howard Hays Paul Carpenter Kim Clymer-Kelley Christopher Nyerges Peter Dills Rich Johnson Merri Jill Finstrom Rev. James Snyder Dr. Tina Paul Katie Hopkins Deanne Davis Despina Arouzman Renee Quenell Marc Garlett Keely Toten Dan Golden TAX-TIME Q&A The tax season is upon us. I’m no CPA, but let me offer advice and consolation to my fellow taxpayers. Q. Dear Tom: My CPA told me that a tax bracket is a heavy, metal object that the government uses to hit you over the head every time you succeed in pushing your income up. Can you elaborate? - Annoyed in Minnesota A. Dear Annoyed: Your CPA is correct! There is one silver lining, however. The recent tax-reform bill includes six brackets that run between 10 percent and 37 percent, but there is no tax on the first $9,525 in income, and the standard deduction almost doubles, from $6,350 to $12,000 for single filers, and from $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples who file jointly. If you have a middle-class income, you’ve likely seen a nice little bump in take-home pay. But taxes are still high, as the next question will reveal! Q. Dear Tom: Like you, I contracted my writing services to a big technology firm last year. Well, I received my first 1099 and the taxes I owe are way more than I planned for. Why are my taxes so high? - Desperate in Des Moines A. Dear Desperate: The short answer is FICA, the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. It requires you to make contributions to Social Security and Medicare. The 7.65-percent contribution rate combines the rates for Social Security (6.2 percent) and Medicare (1.45 percent). When you were an employee, your employer paid half of your FICA bill. As a self-employed person, you must pay both halves on your first $127,000 in income - a whopping 15.3 percent, which is nearly $20,000! Q. Dear Tom: Despite the considerable taxes we pay, why the heck does the federal government spend billions more than it takes in? - Concerned in Connecticut A. Dear Concerned: Regrettably, there continues to be a lack of seriousness about budget deficits. According to usdebtclock.org , we have $21 trillion in debt right now. We are poised to resume trillion-dollar deficits in a few years. That’s partly due to reckless spending, as demonstrated by the budget Republicans just pushed through. But as the Hoover Institution argued in a recent Washington Post op-ed, it also has to do with entitlement spending. As baby boomers retire, Medicare and Social Security are poised to explode. Hoover says we must reform and restrain the growth of entitlement spending. Q. Dear Tom: I thought it was Republican tax cuts that are causing the deficit to worsen? - Tax the Rich A. Dear Tax: Some argue that point. Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen and four other economists penned a Washington Post op-ed in response to the Hoover Institution op-ed. They say tax cuts and unfunded wars, not entitlement spending, are the biggest culprits in our budget woes. However, the Congressional Budget Office says the tax cuts will boost economic growth and create 1.1 million jobs over the next decade, which will generate increased tax receipts. It’s a complicated matter. Q. Dear Tom: Let me get this right. After Republicans cut taxes and increased spending, now they are trying to push through a balanced-budget amendment? - Incredulous in Indiana A. Dear Incredulous: As of this writing, House Republicans planned to vote on a balanced-budget amendment. The Washington Post said it has no chance of passing because it would require Democratic support in the Senate, followed by ratification by three-fourths of the states within seven years. Q. Dear Tom: All this talk about taxes, debts and deficits is making my head hurt. Can we change the subject to something less complex? - Hurting in Houston A. Dear Houston: Absolutely. I will now accept questions about the many conflicts in the Middle East. Tom Purcell, author of “Misadventures of a 1970’s Childhood,” a humorous memoir available at amazon.com, is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist and is nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc. For info on using this column in your publication or website, contact Sales@cagle.com or call (805) 969-2829. Send comments to Tom at Tom@TomPurcell.com. Mountain Views News has been adjudicated as a newspaper of General Circulation for the County of Los Angeles in Court Case number GS004724: for the City of Sierra Madre; in Court Case GS005940 and for the City of Monrovia in Court Case No. GS006989 and is published every Saturday at 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., No. 327, Sierra Madre, California, 91024. All contents are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. All submissions to this newspaper become the property of the Mountain Views News and may be published in part or whole. Opinions and views expressed by the writers printed in this paper do not necessarily express the views and opinions of the publisher or staff of the Mountain Views News. Mountain Views News is wholly owned by Grace Lorraine Publications, and reserves the right to refuse publication of advertisements and other materials submitted for publication. Letters to the editor and correspondence should be sent to: Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Bl. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Phone: 626-355-2737 Fax: 626-609-3285 email: mtnviewsnews@aol.com LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN MAKING SENSE by MICHAEL REAGAN JOHN L. MICEK THE SAD STATE OF MY CALIFORNIA NO, I DON’T HATE CONSERVATIVES. I DISAGREE WITH THEM You don’t want to live in my state. Sure, it’s beautiful. The weather is great. And most people who live here are nice, good, successful, talented, smart - except when it comes to politics and voting. That’s when a majority of Californians fall somewhere between crazy and suicidal. For several decades the liberal Democrats that my fellow Californians keep electing to state and local offices have done their best to turn our paradise into Hell for conservatives. Everyone knows about our criminally high taxes, idiotic environmental regulations, fiscal irresponsibility, unsolvable homeless problem and our Welcome Wagon policy toward illegal immigrants. Lately we’ve created sanctuary cities and become a sanctuary state. You’d think it couldn’t get worse out here on the Left Coast. But the stupidity of our liberal politicians is infinite, as the supervisors of Los Angeles County proved earlier this month when they approved a $550,000 pilot program to deal with the local homeless crisis. Proposing a solution that could only have been dreamed up in La-La Land, the county wants to pay homeowners like me to let homeless people live in our backyards. Not in colorful tents and sleeping bags. In cozy new tiny houses or refurbished garden sheds and converted garages. I think I’ll pass on the idea, without trying to make a NIMBY joke. But I’m sure all of my goodhearted, Hillary- loving, BMW-driving neighbors will be signing up to make the county’s pilot program a big success. Keeping a homeless person in your backyard like a pet is the kind of solution you get from government when you live in a one-party state run by Democrats. Unfortunately, because of a dumb constitutional amendment approved by 53.7 percent of our voters in 2010, the future of Republicans and conservatives out here looks grim. Most people east of the Hollywood Sign have never heard of California Proposition 14, a.k.a. the Top-Two Primaries Amendment, and have no idea how much damage it did to our state’s political system. Prop 14 was an amendment that established a type of primary election in which all of the candidates for a specific statewide office like governor or the U.S. Senate - whether they are Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Communists, etc. -- are listed together on the same primary ballot. The top two vote-getters - even if both are Democrats or Communists - are the only candidates that advance to the general election in the fall. Though Prop 14 sounds like it was imported from Venezuela or Cuba, it was supported by the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and big liberal newspapers like the LA Times. But the major political parties, the ACLU and anyone with half a political brain saw the phony reform for the disaster it has become. Opponents charged that Prop 14 was designed to limit voter choice, which it was. They knew it would often result in two candidates from the same party facing off in general elections, which it has. Given the Democrat Party’s large plurality in California, in the fall that we usually have two Democrats running for U.S. Senator, two Democrats running for governor and two Democrats running for many U.S. House seats or state legislative offices. The politics of my beautiful state today are rigged and Republicans have become an endangered species. A Republican’s vote no longer counts. The state GOP doesn’t really exist. And a conservative candidate for dog catcher has to be a billionaire because she’ll get no money from the Republican National Committee or anyone else. California’s only hope for a better future is that things will get so bad there’s a huge backlash that produces a political miracle in 2020 like the one that put Donald Trump in the White House. It’s a long shot, but crazy things can happen in California. Not too long ago, an anonymous commenter on one of my columns concluded that I took my stance on a particular issue because I “hate conservatives.” A couple of days later, a progressive friend who wanted to warn me about a hateful tweet aimed at a Muslim lobbying day at the Pennsylvania Capitol, jokingly observed that she tried to keep her feed “a happy bubble of the like-minded” but this one had slipped through. These two incidents speak volumes about where we are as a country these days. We’re deeply entrenched in our own worldviews, taking comfort among those who agree with us, and peering cautiously over the battlements at those who believe differently from ourselves. The schism is years in the making. But it feels more pronounced now in a time where bias confirmation is king, and whole communities of the like-minded (on the left and right) are no further than a click away. An October 2017 Pew poll found fewer Americans, in the time of peak Trump, harbor a mix of conservative and liberal viewpoints than they did during the Bush era in 2004. Overall, not quite a third of Americans (32 percent) now take a roughly equal number of conservative and liberal positions, that’s down from 38 percent in 2015, and off the cliff from the 49 percent who did in 1994 and 2004, Pew pollsters found. “Reflecting growing partisan gaps across most of the individual questions in the scale - even those where both parties have shifted in the same direction,” Pew pollsters concluded. “Republicans and Democrats are now further apart ideologically than at any point in more than two decades.” I’ve written at length about the breakdown in our culture when it comes to agreement on the basic facts that underlie our political debates, and the corrosive effect that social media has on our shared dialogue. And now that we know that foreign agents were actively working to inject misinformation into the 2016 campaign, maybe that breakdown is more easily explained. Though it’s no less unsettling. Still, in the five-plus years since I made the jump from being a political beat reporter to an opinion columnist and editorial writer, I’ve been struck by this notion, harbored by some (on the left and right alike) that it’s no longer enough to merely disagree with someone, you have to “hate” them as well. The premise that I hate conservatives is laughable on its face. And though It feels ridiculous to even have to say it loud, I’ll say it anyway: “No, I don’t hate conservatives, I disagree with them.” That’s because hating someone requires you to actually know them. And I have too many friends from across the spectrum for that ever to be the case. Yes, my conservative friends and I disagree on matters of policy. And, yes, we debate those policy points vigorously. But we’re just as likely to kick back on our bar stools and talk about shared interests in film, music, books, baseball and, oh yeah, our children and families. One of the great perks of my job as an opinion page editor is that I get to read - and publish - some of the best opinion journalism from all across the political spectrum. Sometimes, the stances taken by the writers I publish drive me absolutely batty. Sometimes, they make smile or move me. But I always come away having learned something new, my horizons expanded. Yet, here we are, with some of us claiming that we “hate” people we’ve never met simply because we disagree on politics, which, as has been observed time and again, isn’t for the faint of heart. Disagreements about politics have been with us since Pericles. Still, they can be healthy because the right kind of disagreement results in the kind of compromise that makes for good policy and law. The my-way or the highway that colors our politics right now isn’t the way forward. The encouraging thing is that potential solution - actual knowledge - lies no further away than the newsstand, your public library, laptop or your mobile phone. All you have to do is reach out for it and make an honest effort to engage in ideas different from your own. It’s no further away than an earnest conversation with someone who disagrees with you. It requires you to actually listen, but the hard work is worth it. It’s always worth it. Mountain Views News Mission Statement The traditions of community news- papers and the concerns of our readers are this newspaper’s top priorities. We support a prosperous community of well- informed citizens. We hold in high regard the values of the exceptional quality of life in our community, including the magnificence of our natural resources. Integrity will be our guide. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | ||||||||||||||||||||