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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 17, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday,March 17, 2018 ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER 44TH ANNUAL CITY OF ARCADIA MAYOR’S COMMUNITY BREAKFAST FEATURING THE STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS Friday, April 6, 2018 at 7:30 a.m., Arcadia Community Center This year the City of Arcadia is partnering with the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce to host the 2018 Mayor’s Community Breakfast featuring the State of the City Address. This new take on the City’s featured event gives Arcadians a fresh opportunity to come together as a community and share in the spirit of our hometown. “We are excited to be partnering with the City of Arcadia to host the Mayor’s Community Breakfast,” said Arcadia Chamber CEO Karen Mac Nair. “Bringing the State of the City Address to this signature event in Arcadia is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the City’s profile, and the Chamber and Foothill Credit Union are proud to be sponsors.” “The theme for this year’s breakfast is about Legacy,” said Mayor Peter M. Amundson. “Arcadia is great because of the devotion and dedication of those who came before us. As Arcadians, we each play a role in shaping the future of our community. I encourage everyone to do their part to keep Arcadia great.” Mayor Amundson will speak further on the subject of “Leaving a Legacy” in his State of the City Address. This year’s keynote speaker is former Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich who served Arcadia in the Fifth Supervisorial District from 1980 to 2016. His 36 years as a County Supervisor were characterized by his commitment to public safety, effective and responsive representation, support for small business, and addressing the needs of our County’s foster children, seniors, and veterans. Mr. Antonovich will share some of his views on the virtues of service and legacy. Tickets to the event are $20 per person, with a breakfast buffet included. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Foothill Unity Center. Reservations required by March 28. For additional information please contact the Mayor’s Office at 626-574-5403, or email For the period of Sunday, March 4th, through Saturday, March 10th, the Police Department responded to 955 callsfor service, of which 115 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidentshandled by the Department during this period. Sunday, March 4: Just after 12:00 p.m., an officer conducted a trafficstop on a bicyclist for failing to stop at the intersectionof South Second Avenue and East Camino Real Avenue. A consensual search of his backpack revealed he was inpossession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. The 48-year-old male from Monrovia was issued acitation. Just before midnight, an officer conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle in the area of North Baldwin Avenue and Duarte Road for having expired registration and multipleoutstanding parking tickets. An investigation revealedthe occupants were in possession of stolen checks, connecting them to two burglaries. The driver also hadan outstanding warrant for her arrest. The 23-year-oldfemale from Temple City and the 26-year-old male fromPasadena were arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. Monday, March 5: Just before 9:00 p.m., officers responded to a residencein the 200 block of San Luis Rey Road regarding a fire. Officers discovered the cause of the fire was a live wire that was down and actively arching. Further investigationled to the discovery that the house involved was beingused to grow marijuana and the electrical meter box hadbeen bypassed. A 47-year-old female was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Tuesday, March 6: Just after 2:00 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle in the area of Naomi Avenue and Baldwin Avenue for an equipment violation. Upon contactingthe driver, the officer discovered the driver was drivingwith a suspended license and his vehicle was required tohave an ignition interlock device, which it did not have. The 35-year-old male from Temple City was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Just before 9:00 a.m., an officer responded to aresidential construction site in the 300 block of Santa Cruz Road regarding a burglary. An investigationrevealed unknown suspect(s) entered the constructionsite by cutting the wire ties on the gate. The suspect(s) stole numerous tools and fled the scene in an unknown direction. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. Wednesday, March 7: Just after 1:00 a.m., an officer was dispatched to aresidence in the 2000 block of South Baldwin Avenue regarding a domestic violence call. The suspect punchedhis wife on the side of her head and under her chin. He then took her cellphones and fled the scene. The suspect the Arcadia City Jail for booking. At approximately 8:00 p.m., an officer responded toSephora, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a suspectbeing detained by loss prevention officers for shoplifting. The suspect concealed several items in her purse beforepaying for one item and exiting the store. The stolen itemswere recovered and the 20-year-old female from SanRafael was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking. Thursday, March 8: Just before 11:30 a.m., an officer was dispatched toDollar Tree, 131 East Foothill Boulevard, regarding a maleseen hitting a female inside a vehicle. An investigationrevealed the suspect punched his girlfriend in her facebecause he felt she took too long shopping inside thestore. The 63-year-old male from Monrovia was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Just after 12:00 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle in the area of West Foothill Boulevard and Rancho Road for having expired registration. The officercontacted the driver and discovered she was drivingwithout a license and was in possession of stolen mail, stolen driver’s licenses and stolen checks. The 22-year-oldfemale from Whittier was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. Friday, March 9: At approximately 3:30 a.m., an officer conducted atraffic stop on a vehicle in the parking lot of 300 WestHuntington Drive for a hit on an outstanding warrant. The officer contacted the driver and discovered he had three outstanding warrants for his arrest. The 48-year-oldmale from Pico Rivera was arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking. Just before 10:00 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the400 block of East Live Oak Avenue regarding the reportof a stolen vehicle. The victim stated he last saw his vehicle the prior evening when he parked his car on the streetand secured it with a steering wheel locking device. Hereturned in the morning to find it missing. No suspectswere seen and no witnesses were located. At approximately 10:40 p.m., an officer respondedto a residence in the 1400 block of Carmelita placeregarding a burglary. Unknown suspect(s) entered thehome by smashing a window to the master bedroom. Thesuspect(s) ransacked the residence and fled the scene inan unknown direction. The investigation is ongoing. Saturday, March 10: At around 1:30 a.m., officers responded to a residencein the 1400 block of Carmelita place regarding a burglary. Unknown suspect(s) entered the home by smashing awindow to the master bedroom. The suspect(s) ransackedthe residence, stole checks and a large amount of cash, before fleeing the scene through a sliding glass door. Theinvestigation is ongoing. Just after 11:00 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the200 block of East Santa Clara Street regarding a suspicious Get all the info on the Wistaria Festical in Section Cwas located in San Gabriel by deputies of the TempleCity Sheriff ’s Department. The victim’s cellphones werelocated in his vehicle along with a handgun. The 40-year- old male from Arcadia was arrested and transported to vehicle. The officer contacted two subjects near thevehicle and discovered one subject was in possession ofdrug paraphernalia. The 41-year-old male from Glendorawas issued a citation. CITY OF MONROVIA SET TO LAUNCH A NEW MODEL FOR SUBURBAN MOBILITY THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS WITH LYFT AND LIMEBIKE The GoMonrovia transportation program is setto launch on March 17, 2018, and will provide thepublic $0.50 Lyft rides and access to LimeBike’sdockless bike share program. Monrovia, Calif. – In response to the evolving transportation needs of suburban communities, the City of Monrovia, in partnership with Lyft and LimeBike, will belaunching the GoMonrovia program on Saturday, March 17, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. at Monrovia’s Library Park (321 South Myrtle Avenue). Through the GoMonroviaprogram, the publicwill be able to access a Lyft ride anywhere inthe GoMonrovia service area for just $0.50. In addition, LimeBike will be deploying more than200 bikes throughout Monrovia, each of whichcan be accessed by the public for $1.00 for a30-minute ride. This unique and innovative public-privatepartnership was designed to provide the community with enhanced and affordable public transportation options that leverage thestrengths of Lyft and LimeBike. “As the Southern California population continues to grow, suburban communities are becoming denser andmore congested,” said City Manager Oliver Chi. “Through the GoMonrovia program, we haveworked to develop a new transportation programthat will provide greatly improved mobilityoptions for the suburban user.” Unlike urban environments, residents living insuburban communities rely primarily on privateautomobile use for their transportation needs, even though most trips are under five miles. While this paradigm exists for a multitude of reasons, one contributing factor is that suburbantransportation programs have been, by and large, slow and inconvenient. “The City of Monrovia, like most suburban communities, has historicallyrelied on a dial-a-ride shuttle bus programas our primary method of providing publictransportation,” said Mr. Chi. “Unfortunately, theprogram serves only a very narrow range of publictransportation users, is inconvenient for generaleveryday use, and is an incredibly costly way tomove people around. In fact, each ride on our dial-a-ride system costs the City around $19.70 per person. We kept thinking, there has to be abetter way,” Mr. Chi continued. More recently, in response to local housinggrowth, an expanding job base, and regionalpopulation trends, the City of Monrovia started torethink its role as it relates to the provision of publictransportation. “The challenge we were trying tosolve in developing the GoMonrovia initiative was to see if we could create an affordable transportation program that was so easy to use thatthe broader community might seriously considerpublic transit in Monrovia as a real option,” saidMr. Chi. Given the extensive public use of ride sharing services, the City worked to identify possibleprivate sector transportation program partners. “As we assessed the situation, we realized early onthat widely adopted technology platforms couldfacilitate a new public transportation model forour suburban community,” said Mr. Chi. “Private sector firms such as Lyft and LimeBike havecreated tremendous technologies that enablethem to provide a personalized and on-demandtransportation service. We knew that from a user perspective, existing public transit options justcan’t compete with the speed and convenienceoffered by these new tech platforms. And so instead of fighting, we looked to see how we couldleverage what these companies do best in order forus to better serve the community.” “In addition, Lyft and LimeBike immediatelystood out as our preferred transportation partners,” said Mr. Chi. “The team at Lyft operateswith the civic-minded ethos that their ride- sharing platform should exist to complementexisting public transportation services, not replacethem. And the LimeBike team has not only beena tremendously valued partner, they were alsothe only legitimate private dockless bikesharingcompany we could identify that maintains all of itsdata securely in the US.” “We are excited to be part of GoMonrovia’scommunity mobility program,” said Paul Davis, Lyft’s Transit Partnership Manager. “The City ofMonrovia is launching a bold program that is acreative and thoughtful approach to rethinkingsuburban mobility. Lyft is excited to be part ofthis initiative, which could serve as a blueprintfor how to decouple suburban mobility from autoownership.” “LimeBike applauds the City of Monrovia fortaking a forward-thinking and thoughtful approachin solving the first and last mile transportationchallenge,” said Jack Song, spokesperson forLimeBike. “As the largest dockfree smart mobilitysolution provider in the US, LimeBike is excitedabout giving the Monrovia community access toa new transportation option that is affordable, accessible, and green for the environment.” As part of the March 17, 2018, GoMonrovia launch event, representativesfrom Lyft and LimeBike will be on hand as the newmobility program is kicked-off with a communitybike ride. Once the program goes live, in additionto being able to access Lyft rides anywhere inthe GoMonrovia service area for just $0.50 / ride, LimeBike will be deploying bikes throughout thecommunity, including at new bike rack stationslocated at the Community Center, Library Park, Old Town Monrovia, and Station Square. For more information on the GoMonrovia program, including instructionon how to use the Lyft and LimeBike apps, andadditional information on the launch event, pleasevisit We’d like to hear from you! What’s on YOUR Mind? Contact us at: editor@mtnviewsnews. com or mountainviewsnews AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews THE BRITISH HOME IN CALIFORNIA, LTD. 647 Manzanita Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 (626) 355-7240 June Faire Saturday, June 9, 2018 10:00 a.m. -2:30 p.m. Victorian Tea Room ~ Arts & Crafts ~ Book Sale ~ Boutiques Home Baked Goods ~ Entertainment ~ Traditional British Fare Ploughman’s Lunch ~Strawberries & Ice Cream and Much More! $1,000 Grand Pri ze Raffl e! 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