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SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2022 VOLUME 16 NO. 31VOLUME 16 NO. 31 webbmartingroup.comreal estatex beds | x baths | x,xxx sqft. Jan Greteman 626.975.4033lic #01943630Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273lic #00541631Katie Orth 626.688.0418lic #00942500We continue to be so appreciative of all our clients whom we have been able to support. Despite everything, we are NEVER too busy to support you. Feel free to reach out to any of us with questions about the market and/or if you are interested in moving forward with selling or buying a home. Listed at $1,785,0001091 East Elizabeth Street | 1091Elizabeth.com4 Beds | 2 Baths | 2,144 sqft | 10,103 sqft LotJUST SOLD SINGLE-FAMILY HOMESCONDOMINIUMSAREA MARKET REPORTAPRIL-JUNE 2022 SIERRA MADREThe data indicates now is the time to sell….reach out to any of us to assist you in that process. If your home is priced right, we have consistently been able to get well over asking for our very happy sellers. $1,676,547$1,832,942$764$1,194,954 $1,271,259$724$942,500$989,500$574LIST PRICESOLD PRICEPRICE SFLIST PRICESOLD PRICEPRICE SFApril-June 202243 2,49910,896April-June 2021321,8329,532April-June 2022331,736SFR AVERAGESBRBASFLOTSFR AVERAGESBRBASF RESIDENTS AND ALVERNO CONTINUE BATTLE OVER CLOSING TIME AND NOISE By Kevin McGuire Aloha. Before heading out on their August vacation break, City Council met for one last meeting in their best Hawaiian apparel and flowered lays to tackle a few previous action items before the lava flows flow. One of those items was a very familiar—filming in Sierra Madre. The city's wonderful charm, as many know, draws the interest of both amateur and professional photographers and filmmakers. Locations often include the Kersting Court area and the 12 acres of Alverno Heights Academy. Over the years, residents have raised concerns regarding noise, bright lights, and extra traffic in the area. Events and filming are supposed to wrap up by 10 p.m. Still, there have been complaints from residents near Alverno that noise from filming and photo events extends past 10 p.m. Alverno attributes that to clean-up from vendors of glassware, trash, linens, and other items left over at the events, which must be attended to after the functions have ended. There are currently 11 listed insurance requirements for filming in Sierra Madre. Number 11 states that any variance of the other ten requirements “may be approved in writing by at least 75% of occupants within a 250-foot radius of the property for film and photography activities.” Earlier this year, Sierra Madre Police opened up an investigation into resident allegations of fraudulent signatures on a filming permit application when crews showed up “unannounced” to shoot an upcoming ministries series. (See related story below). Amending the Ordinance Before the Council on Tuesday night on July 26, before a pretty empty room, was the consideration of Ordinance 1459 Amending Chapter 5.36 (Commercial Photography and Motion Picture Filming) of Title 5 (Business Licenses and Regulations) of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code. Amendments for approval have been bounced around for over three months since the initial set of amendments was sent to the Planning Commission in April. The Community Services Commission then worked through revisions until June 20, when they voted for approval and sent it off to City Council. City Council made several amendments during their June 28 and July 12 meetings. At its June 28th meeting, the City Council made the following amendments: • A clarification that this ordinance applies to “film or photography activity”; • An exemption for institutionally designated properties with a master plan or conditional use permit that regulates filming; • That notice of filming must be provided seven days before the film or photography activity commences; •That notice shall be provided to tenants “and” owners; •An appeal may be heard by the city manager or their designee; and •The appellant’s fee will be refunded if the appeal is successful. At its July 12th meeting, the City Council made the following amendments: •The definition of film or photography activity was amended to include base camp, preparation, filming, and strike days; •The exemption for institutionally designated properties does not include those properties that do not have a master plan or conditional use permit; •All references to “tenants and owners” were changed to “occupant”; •The maximum number of film or photography activities per year in the residential area was reduced from 60 days to 30 days; and •A clarification regarding the signature requirement for film or photography activity in the non-residential area. Despite these amendments, staff suggests that more needs to be added and subtracted. For example, the existing Commercial Photography and Motion Picture Filming ordinance does not adequately consider the differences that exist and the potential adverse impacts associated with commercial photography and filming activities in residential versus non-residential areas of the city, according to the staff report. A handful of residents came to express their thoughts before the Council; the first was the President of Alverno, Ken Farfsing, who felt the Temporary Use Permit (TUP) they’ve had in place for 11 years works just fine. “I think this raises a more fundamental question. In your TUP ordinance, you have the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for institutional use, and we are grateful for that. But it raises the question of what type of facts and customization can occur within that CUP?” Farfsing inquired. Farsing stated that closing the events at Alverno at 10 p.m. works fine and that all the clean-up is done inside. He noted that having to be done entirely by ten won’t work because that would mean that events such as weddings would have to be completed by 9. Leesa Puleo was one of the residents who claimed her signature was forged on a filming permit application. “The TUP that Mr. Farfsing is referring to is from 10 years ago, and their behavior has changed quite a bit since then,” Puleo said. “Partygoers continue staying there well after 10. We were hoping we had a hard close at 10’clock so we can make sure people are leaving,” she said. Resident Kristin Stephens also claimed her signature was forged and stated on ABC 7 that all the signatures were in the same handwriting. “We haven’t made formal complaints about the violations of the TUP because it’s very time-consuming,” Stephens stated. Stephen also felt that the events are loud and should end at 10. “They now have dancing outside; I don’t know how that happened…dancing on the patio?” Julia Fanara, Head of School at Alverno, claims they have been following the rules as far as closing but said they need from 10 -11 p.m. for the vendors to leave. The Cutting Room Floor City Council asked staff for revisions to the ordinance to reflect a variance of 75% if certain standards are not met for events, mirroring the filming ordinance. That’s a wrap. A sequel to come. The Sierra Madre Police Department, after months of investigation, has filed for an arrest warrant to apprehend at least one person who may have been involved in forging signatures of local residents in order to ascertain a filming permit from the City of Sierra Madre. As previously reported in the Mountian Views News in March, both the City of Sierra Madre and residents who live within 250 feet of Alverno Heights Academy, were believed to be victims of "unscrupulous signature gatherers"(http://mtnviewsnews.com/ v16/htm/n11/index.htm). At that time, former SMPD Chief Rodrick Armalin and then Captain HenryAmos made a visit to the home of one of the residents and determined that further investigation was warranted. SMPD Sgt. Charles Kamachamnian headed the effort and subsequently filed a complaint with the district attorney's office requesting a warrant for the arrest of one suspect. According to Kamachamnian, Paramount Studios, who was requesting the permit to film episodes of the mini-series "The Offer", about the making of "The Godfather". contracted with Stanley Production Services to gather the signatures/permission of 51% of the residents who live within the designated proximity of the school. Upon further investigation SMPD learned that Stanley Production subcontracted the signature gathering out and it is an individual connected to that companyr that is being charged with Misdemeanor Forgery. S.Henderson/MVNews ARREST WARRANT SOUGHT IN FILMING PERMIT SIGNATURE SCAM IS SIERRA MADRE HISTORY REPEATING? By Scott Hood Development Controversies Over The Years Back in 2006 and 2007 Sierra Madre was faced by large developers seeking to profit from the quaintness and fruits of Sierra Madre’s historical battle for preservation. Ironically, and sadly, it is the homegrown efforts of our residents to preserve the town that becomes their greatest enemy. Every year we achieve some level of preservation, causing property values to increase at higher rates, thus making the spoils of Sierra Madre’s destruction that much more lucrative for excessive development. But back to the mid 2000’s. The town insiders, despite the usual pre- and post-election proclamations of being “for preservation”, felt they knew best about how preservation should be defined. As residents began to recognize this conflict, they banded together to create Measure V, an initiative that put the power of exceeding our decades old building standards in our downtown back into the hands of our residents, by way of a majority vote on a project requesting to exceed our standards. The city council at the time asked for an independent evaluation of the initiative. In this case, they hired an outside law firm. Imagine their dismay when the report from McDonough Holland & Allen (February 22, 2007) came back supportive of the measure. Of course, a law firm will not “support”, but they found that the initiative did not conflict with the general plan or create inconsistencies and could be expected to perform as advertised and more. This sent the council of the time and others into a frenzy. Instead of supporting the initiative which this legal analysis would allow them to do, they set about trying to destroy it by either essentially lying about what was in the independent legal findings or simply making things up. It is usually a safe assumption that busy residents will not take the time to track down, read, and analyze a 13-page legal document. Fortunately, opponents were wrong about that. There can come a time when citizens lose faith in their representatives to act in the interests of the citizens. The Meadows Project (cont. on page 3) InSIDE THIS WEEK CONVERSATIONS The Meadows at Bailey Canyon Letters To The Editor Page 3 Sierra Madre News Pages 1,4,5 Remebrance ...................Page 2 Pasadena/Altadena Page 6 So. Pas./San Marino Arcadia/Monrovia/ Duarte News Page 7 Education & Youth Page 10 Best Friends Page 10 The Good Life Page 12 OPINION Page 13 Legal Notices Page 14 SPORTS: Sierra Madre Girls Softball...........Page15 PUBLIC SAFETY Local Cities Police Blotters Safety Tips For The Elderly Page 8 Happy Birthday PETER DILLS Page 4 Christopher Nyerges Page 11 | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |