Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, December 30, 2023

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Mountain View News Saturday, December 30, 2023 


The List that you’ve been waiting for

1. I resolve to drink more water when I drink.- Translation – add more ice to my drinks

2. I resolve to send back cold food, even if I’m starving. Translation – No Mr. Nice Guy

3 I resolve to ask to be moved if there are screaming kids next to me. Translation – “Two 
things I can’t stand crying women and crying babies.”

4. I resolve to send back my meat if its not cooked to my liking. Translation – I want more 
perfection in 2024

5. I resolve to order a Grande at Starbucks instead of a Venti to save money. Translation – 
Watch out Starbucks a big dip in the stock in 2024

6. I resolve to smoke more cigars this year. Translation – I always smoke with my friends.

7. I resolve to ask the dumb question, is it really a Champagne Brunch or a Sparkling Wine 
Brunch? Translation – It is always a Sparkling Wine Brunch

8. I resolve to ask, is it really World Famous? Translation – Never World Famous, often 
people in the neighborhood don’t know the place.

9. I resolve to tip 10% if the service warrants it. Translation - Yeah right - I know I am a 
coward when it comes to stiffing these waiters, even when they deserve it.

10. I resolve to cook one meal a week at home. Translation – One more than I am now!

Bonus When ordering to-go food I will have my order ready before getting on the phone!


Happy Holidays! 
Dr. Isabella Daher, PAX PHARMACY 
29 N. Baldwin Avenue Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 
(626) 355 3456Hours: Monday through Friday: 9 am-6pm 
Saturday: 9 am-1 pm.
Closed Sunday 
ALL THINGS By Jeff Brown


Here are some popular and beneficial resolutions:

Prioritize Health: Whether it's eating healthier, starting a new workout routine, or getting more 
sleep, focusing on your well-being can make a big difference.

Learn Something New: Expand your horizons by learning a new skill or hobby. It could be anything 
from a language, musical instrument, coding, painting, or cooking.

Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your daily routine. It can help reduce 
stress and improve mental clarity.Study Non-duality

Volunteer or Give Back: Dedicate time to helping others, whether through volunteering, donations, or 
simply being more kind and compassionate in your daily interactions.

Read More: Set a goal to read a certain number of books or explore different genres. Reading 
can be both entertaining and educational.

Set Financial Goals: Establish a budget, save more, invest wisely, or work towards paying off debts. 
Financial stability can offer peace of mind.

Improve Relationships: Focus on nurturing relationships with family and friends. Make an effort to 
spend quality time with loved ones and communicate more effectively.

Reduce Stress: Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as yoga, journaling, or taking regular 
breaks to relax and recharge.

Travel and Explore: Make plans to visit new places or experience different cultures. Traveling can 
be a source of inspiration and personal growth.

Practice Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude by keeping a journal or simply taking a moment each day to 
appreciate the things you're thankful for.

Remember, the key to successful resolutions is to make them specific, achievable, and to approach them 
with patience and consistency.

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