Mountain View News Saturday, December 30, 2023
Do you like History? Do you enjoy learning about the people who
played a prominent role in developing the area of Sierra Madre and
the San Gabriel Valley? Then you may truly enjoy the experience
of being a member of our Historical Society!
What we do:
We encourage and develop programs and projects that raise the
awareness of our local history.
We gather and catalogue current history for future generations.
We collect, preserve, and display documents, artifacts, and oral
histories pertaining to the founding and subsequent development
of Sierra Madre.
We showcase and maintain our 2 museums: Lizzie’s Trail Inn and
The Richardson House.
We support our Landmark homeowners to preserve our historic
We educate our children and community on the importance of the
history of Sierra Madre and the surrounding communities.
Through our history talks and programs, museums tours, city
tours, home tours, and booths at our city’s events we can share
so many important stories about our town. These events are
fundraisers to help support our archival collections at the Sierra
Madre Library and in our museums.
Our on-going Oral History Project documents the stories of our
We train you to feel comfortable in becoming a docent at our
museums and special event tours.
How can you help and participate?
You can become a member, be a docent at our events or at the
museums, help on various committees like oral history, newsletter,
social media, and fundraising.
This is a way to give back to your community that can be fun and
educational for all involved. Sharing the history of our town while
meeting new people along the way can be very fulfilling.
We encourage you to contact Leslie Ziff at 626-321-7735 for further
Support our community – Get involved!
The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association is a
non-profit organization that creates the beautiful
floats representing the City of Sierra Madre for the
annual Rose Parade ® presented by Honda.
Volunteering at SMRFA is a rewarding experience
for individuals who are passionate about
community and creativity. It allows individuals
to contribute to a long-standing tradition and be
a part of a world-renowned event that attracts
millions of viewers from around the globe and gives
volunteers a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Volunteering provides an opportunity to develop
and enhance various skills.
From constructing and decorating the floats to
organizing events and fundraising, volunteers can
gain valuable experience in project management,
teamwork, and problem-solving. Volunteering
at the Sierra Madre Rose Float Association also
fosters a sense of community and camaraderie.
Community service hours are available for
students. The friendships and connections formed
during the volunteer experience can last a lifetime.
SMRFA General Meetings are held the third
Sunday of every month (except February, July and
August) at 5:00 pm at the Float Barn located at 587
E. Sierra Madre Blvd. We are open for volunteers
most Sundays from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Our
website is www.SierraMadreRoseFloat.org.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com