Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, October 16, 2010



 Mountain Views News Saturday, October 16, 2010 



Today’s Subject: 


Recipe of the Week:



1. Blood Orange Mimosa


1 bottle Prosecco 

1 1/2 cups fresh blood orange juice 

1 tablespoon super-fine granulated sugar 

2 tablespoons orange liqueur 

(recommended: Grand Marnier)


Chill bottle of Prosecco. Combine fresh blood orange 
juice with sugar and orange liqueur in a large measuring 
cup and stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until 
chilled. To serve, pour into the bottom of Champagne 
glasses and slowly top-off with ice-cold Prosecco. 

2. Pumpkin Waffles w/Trail Mix Topping


For the Waffles:

1 small sugar pie pumpkin (2 to 3 pounds) 

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 

1 teaspoon baking powder 

1/2 teaspoon baking soda 

1 teaspoon salt 

2 teaspoons pumpkin-pie spice 

1/2 cup packed light brown sugar 

2 large eggs, separated 

1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt 

1 cup whole milk 

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 

For the Topping:

1/4 cup slivered almonds 

1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds 

1 1/2 tablespoons pure maple syrup 

Coarse salt 

1/4 cup dried cherries or cranberries 

Whipped cream, for serving (optional) 


Prep the pumpkin: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 
Remove the stem and cut the pumpkin into quarters with 
a serrated knife. Scrape the seeds and pulp into a strainer; 
set aside.

Roast the pumpkin: Put the wedges on a baking sheet 
and cover tightly with foil; bake until the flesh is tender, 
about 1 hour, 30 minutes. Remove the foil and let cool.

Puree and strain: Scoop the pumpkin flesh into a food 
processor and puree until smooth. Transfer to a sieve set 
over a bowl to drain the excess liquid, about 1 hour.

Toast the seeds: 

3. Spiced Maple Sausage Patties


1 3/4 pounds ground pork (not lean) 

1 small onion, grated and squeezed dry 

4 cloves garlic, finely grated 

2 tablespoons minced fresh sage 

1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme 

3 tablespoons pure maple syrup 

1 tablespoon paprika 

1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 

1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 


Mix the pork, onion, garlic, sage, thyme, syrup, paprika, 
allspice, coriander, cayenne, 2 1/2 teaspoons salt and 1/2 
teaspoon black pepper with your hands. Form into 18 
patties, 2 inches wide and 1/2 inch thick; put on a foil-
lined baking sheet, cover and chill overnight. 

The next day, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Heat 1 
tablespoon olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. 
Cook half of the patties, turning once, until golden, 
about 5 minutes. Transfer to a baking sheet. Wipe out 
the skillet. Repeat with the remaining 1 tablespoon oil 
and patties, then transfer the patties to the oven to finish 
cooking, 5 to 10 minutes.


 Unless listed differently, all activities are at the 
Hart Memorial Park (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra 
Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre

Lunch Program: Monday- Friday at the 
Intervale Café -12:00 Noon-Call (626) 
355-0256 to make your daily reservation. 
Suggested donation $2.00 for seniors 
(60+) and $3.75 for visitors.



1:00 pm to 1:45 pm: Strength training 
with Lisa Brandley. FREE class of 
stretching with light hand weights while 
you sit.


2nd Tuesday of each month FREE blood 
pressure checks by Methodist Hospital; 
11 am to 12 noon 

3rd Tuesday of each month FREE 
financial consulting; 10 -12 noon call 
355-7394 for an appointment

1:30 pm to 3:30 pm: BINGO; cards are 
only 25 cents each so stop by & play 

5:30 pm to 7 pm: Yoga; $7.00 - 50 & over. 

call 355-5278 for more information


11 –11:45 am: Balance Class with Teryl. 
FREE class designed to improve balance 
& refresh the joints

2nd Wednesday of the month: FREE 
Legal Consultations: 10-11:30 am. 
Appointments call 355-7394

Wii Wednesday - 1:00 pm or call the 
senior desk at 355-7394 to arrange 
another time & day to learn how to play. 
No previous experience or skills required 
and it is great exercise.


1:00 to 3:30 pm: Game Day. Join us for 
UNO and Poker with Bridge on the 2nd 
& 4th Thursdays; so please call for more 

5:00 pm to 6:30 pm: Yoga; $7.00 - 50 
& over. Please call 355-5278 for more 


1:00 pm: Ping Pong


11:30 am: Senior Club brown bag lunch 
and BINGO at 12:30 pm

Most of us have suffered from acid 
indigestion at some point, but for those 
who have an ongoing battle with this 
condition, there may be some good news.


Although there can be underlying 
concerns with chronic indigestion (ulcers, 
esophagitis, etc.) and your doctor should 
be consulted, the place to start is with 
behavior patterns. For example, a weight 
loss of as little as five to ten pounds can 
make the difference between having 
discomfort and being in a symptom-free 

• A stroll after dinner has been 
shown to settle the digestive process 
down; avoid too strenuous a walk. 

• Smaller, simple meals are more 
easily digested. 

• Sip water with meals to avoid 
overly diluting digestive enzymes. 

• Avoid combining proteins and starches at the same meal; each has its own specific 
digestive requirements. 

• Smoking increases levels of stress hormones, thereby decreasing digestive efficiency. 

• Eat your last meal/snack at least three hours before bed. 

• Avoid foods that you know or suspect may be irritating. Spicy foods, coffee, and 
soft drinks are a few culprits that can easily cause upsets in many people. • Sleep on 
your left side. The greater curve of the stomach typically is on the left; by lying on that side, 
the contents are not tossed around as much. 

• Raising the head of the bed four to six inches is beneficial in some cases as it 
encourages the movement of food downward, rather than back up.

Finally, it is important to put worries aside before bed. A warm shower or bath with a few 
minutes of relaxation and breathing turns down the volume on our daily activities. You 
may even want to incorporate the practice of writing down your concerns and placing them 
in a small box where they will be safe and sound while you sleep.

To your good health! Dr. John

Dr. John Talevich, D.C. has practiced in Sierra Madre 
for thirty years. His clinic, LifeWorks! Chiropractic, 
offers patient-specific approaches to the alleviation 
of pain and individually tailored wellness programs. 

LifeWorks! Chiropractic Center

Individually Tailored Wellness Programs

31 S. Baldwin Avenue Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024



So many veterans feel confused about benefits and services they’ve earned. 
There’s so much to know...and so many changes from one year to the next. 
That’s why the nonprofit Disabled American Veterans (D-A-V) and the 
Harley-Davidson Foundation have teamed up to offer help. 

The DAV Mobile Service Office will be at the Laidlaw’s Harley-Davidson 
Sales, Inc., 1919 Puente Avenue, Baldwin, California, from 9:00 a.m. to 
5:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 23, 2010, to personally provide the best 
counseling and claim filing assistance available. This event is part of the 
nationwide Harley’s Heroes tour and is free to all veterans and members of their families.

Sponsor Bingo Prize

Pasadena Highlands, an 
independent and assisted living 
community, is proud to provide 
a special gift basket on the 
first Tuesday of each month. 
Accredited In-Home nursing 
care will provide a special prize 
on the 4th Tuesday of each 
month. Bingo takes place every 
Tuesday at 1:30 pm in the Hart 
Park House / Senior Center 
in Memorial Park. The game 
begins at 1:30 pm but those 
wishing to play must arrive 10 
minutes before to secure your 
Bingo cards. Join us on the 1st 
& 4th Tuesday of each month for 
your chance to win these special 


Tickets can now be 
purchased at:

Sierra Madre City Hall

Hart Park House / Senior 

Sierra Madre Library

October Birthdays

Pat Birdsall, Sole Krieg, Angela Stella, Mary 
Jane Baker, Barbara Cline, Dixie Coutant, 
Cathleen Cremins, Lillias Eubanks, Margit 
Johnson, Adelaide ‘Adie’ Marshall, Alma 
Mays, Eva Poet, Anne Tyler

Meals are delivered to 
home-bound seniors by volunteer 
drivers through the YWCA 
Intervale Lunch Program M-F (with 
frozen meals for the weekend.) Call 
the YWCA at (626) 214-9460 or 
Darlene Traxler at (626) 355-0256 
for more information.



Please contact Darlene Traxler at 
626.355.6220 or (626) 355-0256.

MVNews this week:  Page 13