Happy Father’s Day
Mountain Views News Saturday, June 18, 2011
When I was growing up one invariably heard the
taunt, “Don’t waste them, you only have so many
brain cells.” This juvenile joust afflicted my small
part of the world, so you may rightly conclude that
I wasn’t raised in the toughest of neighborhoods.
But these squares knew the science of the time. For
the persistent scientific belief of our age was that the
brain didn’t reproduce cells. Considering the mass
volume of brain matter I jettisoned during those formative
years, I felt a sense of relief and pardon when
science finally pronounced that new brain cells are
created in the mind. Today as I contemplate the
grandeurs and glories of this world and the universe
above, I have become persuaded that the most captivating
element of existence is a singular source here
on earth; that of a beautiful mind.
As science unravels the mechanics of the mind and
the mysteries of that gray world, intriguing discoveries
are being shed on the storage of memories. My
mother, who is a thoughtful observer and lacks the
trained skill of a scientist, insists that our memories
never perish, but instead, bundle in film like images.
Forming a warehousing for the prolific and for the
monotonous books we have scoured, as well as the
numerous half alert conversations we have unwillingly
partnered in. She believes that those deep and
shallow footprints of the mind are cast in permanent
molds and remain impervious to the hands of time
which entombs so many of these ancient images. For
her, the mind requires a mere whim, or creature of
a thoughtless day to introduce a classified code, one
that is only known to the deeper engines of the mind,
and once produced, hails the release of a long jailed
For much of my life I was certain she was mistaken.
I had lost scores of impressions to the passage
of time, and I had seldom re-mined them from the
graveyard of memories, but incredibly, I have come
to accept the veracity of her thinking. For I often find
myself reading a book and my mind drifts to a parallel
passage in another book. A book that I have been
unable to champion in a solitary thought for ages,
aside from the isolated acknowledgement of resignation,
the resignation that I was once inspired by this
magnificent book, but wholly incapable of grasping
the vehicle of that inspiration. Whether it is the tone
of the writing, the pattern of words, or the parallel
events of the story that resurrects the treasured
thought of this memory, I scarcely know. But I am
always struck by the impressive nature of this visiting
As I was considered Father’s Day this year my
mind heralded a place of memories and an impulse
to research the importance of a Father in one’s life.
The ladies of the world may find offense in my thinking,
and none is intended, but I believe it is harder to
be a good Father than it is a good Mother, and that
comes from a person who adores both his Father
and Mother. For starters, there are far more good
mothers in the world than exist good Fathers. The
incarnate act of good mothering appears as natural
to women as water to a fish and flight to eagles. Additionally,
there exist no equal of labeling for men
as there is for ladies. Women have fancy monikers:
“Motherly Instinct, Maternal Bond,” and they are
also gifted with “Intuition.” Men are harnessed with
a kryptonite called testosterone. A new father will
invariably discover that they are neither populated
nor strengthened with the necessary impulses that
must comprise a well-rounded father. Therefore,
they are forced to exist in the observation of their
own father’s deeds and the pure act of discovery. If
by chance a caring soul should one day determine to
rally to the cause of males and write a manual about
being a good father. It think it probable that it would
be penned by a well-meaning women of decorated
education, but men’s indigenous nature and hate for
seeking direction would prevent them from reading
The duplicitous act of being a good father is that
it makes an old man young and exhausts him with
the same witchcraft of activity. The saving grace for
men is that they are easily transformed to children,
and the advantage of the regression is that it allows
them to partake of a child’s game, such as baseball,
and deflects the natural contempt of society for this
recreation. The men that become the best Fathers are
those that become the best boys. To be a good father
it helps to be a skilled storyteller. I can’t tell you how
many times my Father told me about the snow he
torturously labored through for the pleasure of an
education. The route of his travels curiously discovered
to be uphill in both directions. Of course there
was the gum repair business that he presided over
to get him through college. The gum being the component
he used to repair the holes in the oil pans of
cars. He had me on that one for a while. For some
strange reason he thought he could conduct military
training ops on me, as he declared the “vice grip”
while simultaneously clamped his hand upon my leg
and watching it cripple. I have a suspicion that such
an action is highly chargeable in this politically correct
age. I can also recall with devastating brilliance
the day I was conducting air assaults with water balloons.
When I launched a particularly effective salvo
out into the street and discovered the serendipity of
the attack when my balloon struck a few feet in front
of my dad’s car as he turned into the driveway. I am
sure I was successful in wounding the leather on his
belt that day, and for some reason, I have not forgotten
him taking a knee bedside my bed and reciting a
prayer with me.
Now as I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
If should I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
I would like to believe that ever child shares some
memories of their father such as I have, but the truth
is, too many don’t. The statistics are extremely troubling
when you view children that don’t have a father
in their life:
90% of all homeless and runaway children are
from fatherless homes.
70% of juveniles in state operated institutions
come from fatherless homes [U.S. Dept. of Justice,
Special Report, Sept., 1988]
85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in a
fatherless home. [Fulton County Georgia Jail Populations
and Texas Dept. of Corrections, 1992]
The list of ravages upon a fatherless child curse the
thought of all decent souls. Too many children never
escape the pain of that existence. I have knowingly
idealized my own father and pronounced him fit in
many ways, but he is not perfect, and he would offer
no resistance in confirming that statement. But perfection
is not a requirement in a good or even great
Father. The ability to love, the determination to be
available, and the effort to leave memories for your
children are the essential ingredients of a good Father.
The world is measurably better because of your
Happy Father’s Day, Gentlemen!
Happy Father’s Day
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Sonora Dodd of Spokane, Washington, first proposed the idea of a father’s day
in 1909. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart, a widowed Civil War veteran who was raising
six children on a farm by himself. The first Father’s Day celebration occurred on June 19, 1910, because it was the month
of Smart’s birth.
In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation designating the third Sunday in June
as Father’s Day. President Richard M. Nixon signed the public law that made Father’s Day permanent in 1972.
Father’s Day has become a day to honor your father, but also a day to honor all men who act as father figures, including
uncles, stepfathers, brothers, and grandfathers.
TV’s Top Dads
This Father’s Day, America will celebrate its 64.3
million dads. While you’re busy appreciating your own
dear old dad, there are a few other pops you might want
to keep in mind, too: TV dads. They may not be real,
but these dads have wielded tremendous paternal influence
over generations of American families.
Here’s a look at TV’s top dads: From the 1950s cardigan-
wearing, “Father Knows Best” types to the 21st
century guys juggling dysfunctional families and questionable
careers. (in chronological order)
Played by Hugh Beaumont,
Ward Cleaver was the model of
fatherly patience on the hit sitcom
Leave It To Beaver (1957-
1963). No matter what calamity
son Beaver embroiled himself in
- and there were some doozies,
Ward was always ready with an
encouraging word and some life wisdom.
Ben Cartwright, played by
Lorne Greene, was the thrice-
widowed patriarch in the long-
running Western series, Bonanza
(1959-1971). A pillar of the community,
Ben was also a solid family
man, raising his three dissimilar
sons on the family’s 1000-acre
ranch, the Ponderosa. At the core of the show was
Ben’s commitment to helping his sons to face life with
strength and integrity.
Andy Taylor (played by Andy
Griffith) was one of TV’s first
single dads on The Andy Griffith
Show (1960-1968). The down-
home sheriff for the town of Mayberry,
North Carolina, Andy set
about raising his son Opie with a
bit of hokey humor and a heaping
of soliloquy-style discipline - and the help of the ever-
present Aunt Bee.
Archie Bunker (played by Carroll
O’Connor) was TV’s most
morally offensive character - long
before being morally offensive
was popular. A working class father
from Queens, Archie sat in
his striped armchair, dispensing
his always loud, usually bigoted
opinions about people and politics. Pivotal to the
show were Archie’s daily spars with son-in-law Michael
(AKA “Meathead”), whose liberal views and
perennial student status were fodder for Archie’s slurs.
TV’s first stepdad, Mike Brady
(played by Robert Reed) was the
widower patriarch whose new
blended family included three
sons (his) - and three daughters
(wife Carol’s). The Brady
Bunch (1969-1974) managed to
face their weekly dose of overly
dramatic family dilemmas with
some firm discipline from Mike (and fresh baked
cookies from Alice, the housekeeper). One of TV
land’s strictest dads, Mike was also the most even-
handed - not to mention the hippest (remember the
Ever-jolly Howard Cunningham (played by Tom
Bosley) was the Midwestern TV Dad on the 1950s-
style comedy Happy Days (1974-
1984). Howard earned his living
by running the hardware store,
but always managed to find time
to solve the woes of his teenage
kids. And he even played surrogate
dad to son Richie’s rather
wayward collection of friends.
One of TV’s first African
American fathers, Heathcliff
Huxtable also broke paternal
ground in The Cosby Show
(1984-1993) for his dual-income
earning family. The high-powered
couple (Cliff was an OB-
GYN, wife Clair a corporate attorney)
resonated with American viewers, who were
eager to see an image of their own family’s working
status - rather than TV land’s persistence in the passé
norm of the housewife mom. Together, the joke-
cracking Cliff and straight-laced Clair raised their five
kids, ranging in age from preschool to high school, in
their Brooklyn brownstone.
Steven Keaton (played by Michael
Gross) was the liberal, loving
dad to three in Family Ties
(1982-1989). Both Steven and
wife Elyse were former flower
children trying to reconcile their
now suburban lifestyle with a
soulful quest to “do good” in the
world. Steven found an outlet for his altruism in his
career - running the public TV station; but at home,
this former hippy was constantly foiled by eldest son
Alex “P.” Keaton, a hard-core Reagan Republican.
Dan Connor (played by John
Goodman) was the rotund, beer
swigging, blue-collar husband
and father on the comedy Roseanne
(1988-1997). Frequently
confounded by his three kids,
Dan also struggled to figure out
who really “wore the pants” in his
blue-collar family: himself or his wise-cracking wife
Speaking of less-than-perfect
dads, Homer Simpson has cornered
the market on underachieving.
As The Simpsons’s
(1989-present) animated patriarch,
Homer personifies bumbling
ineptitude in everything he
does - from his botched attempts
at raising his three kids to his rather ironic job as safety
inspector at the local nuclear plant. The longest run
show on TV, with characters that have never aged, The
Simpsons offers America a satirical, politically incorrect
family and one of the most enduring iconic cultural
Tim Taylor (played by Tim Allen)
was Home Improvement’s
(1991-1999) goofy handyman
and blundering father to three
sons. Fortunately for the Tool
Man - as Tim was called on his
successful cable DIY show - he
was able to count on his ever-
patient wife Jill and his sage-like
neighbor Wilson for guidance on everything from
parenthood to politics.
Ray Barone (played by comedian
Ray Romano) was the
Italian-American, sportswriter
dad to three on Everybody Loves
Raymond (1996-2005). Set in
Long Island, the show featured
the complicated (some might say:
dysfunctional) family dynamics
between the dopey but well-intentioned Ray; his
long-suffering wife Debra; his gruff but good-hearted
father Frank; and his meddling, passive aggressive
mother Marie. And many were the opportunities for
conflict between them, since Ray and Debra lived
right across the street from Frank and Marie.
Now here’s a killer dad! Anthony
“Tony” Soprano (played
by James Gandolfini) was no
Ward Cleaver, but he’s definitely
the most powerful dad on this
list. The ruthless Underboss of
a New Jersey crime family, Tony
seemed to genuinely love his wife
(if you can look past his rampant infidelity) and his
two teenage kids. But between his depression and
anxiety attacks (and borderline sociopath personality),
Tony struggled to find his footing in fatherhood
- or marriage and any other genuine relationship, for
that matter.
Like millions
of dads
across our
country, President
has said that
being a father
is the “most
important job
he has.” From
coaching basketball
to helping
with homework,
the President cherishes the time
he gets to spend with his two girls, even
when life gets busy.
This week at a screening of the movie
Cars 2 for military fathers and families,
President Obama is kicked off something
called the year of Strong Fathers,
Strong Families as part of his Fatherhood
and Mentoring Initiative. It’s an
effort with partners from around the
nation to create simple opportunities for
dads and kids to connect. Whether it’s
a free game of bowling, a Major League
Baseball or WNBA game, a visit to the
zoo or aquarium, or discounts for dads
and kids through partners like Groupon
and LivingSocial, and is excited to help
create small moments that can have a
big impact. You can sign up for updates
and find more in the coming days on