Mountain Views News Saturday, June 18, 2011
Asteroids May Have Brought Us Life’s Ingredients
Some asteroids may have been like “molecular
factories”, cranking out life’s ingredients and shipping
them to Earth via meteorite impacts, according
to scientists who’ve made discoveries of molecules
essential for life in material from certain
kinds of asteroids and comets.
In January 2000, a large meteoroid exploded in
the atmosphere over northern British Columbia,
Canada, and rained fragments across the frozen
surface of Tagish Lake. Because many people witnessed
the fireball, pieces were collected within
days and kept preserved in their frozen state. This
ensured that there was very little contamination
from terrestrial life.
“The Tagish Lake meteorite fell on a frozen lake
in the middle of winter and was collected in a
way to make it the best preserved meteorite in the
world,” said Dr. Christopher Herd of the University
of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, lead author of
a paper about the analysis of the meteorite fragments
published June 10 in the journal Science.
“The first Tagish Lake samples—the ones we
used in our study that were collected within days
of the fall—are the closest we have to an asteroid
sample return mission in terms of cleanliness,”
adds Dr. Michael Callahan of NASA’s Goddard
Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., a co-author
on the paper.
The Tagish Lake meteorites are rich in carbon
and, like other meteorites of this type, the team
discovered that the fragments contained an assortment
of organic matter including amino acids—
the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are
used by life to build structures like hair and nails,
and to speed up or regulate chemical reactions.
What’s new is that the team found different pieces
from the exploding meteoroid had greatly differing
amounts of amino acids.
“We see that some pieces have 10 to 100 times
the amount of specific amino acids than other
pieces,” said Dr. Daniel Glavin of NASA Goddard,
also a co-author on the Science paper. “We’ve
never seen this kind of variability from a single
parent asteroid before. Only one other meteorite
fall, called Almahata Sitta, matches Tagish Lake
in terms of diversity, but it came from an asteroid
that appears to be a mash-up of many different
By identifying the different minerals present in
each fragment, the team was able to see how much
each had been altered by water. They found that
various fragments had been exposed to different
amounts of water, and suggest that water alteration
may account for the diversity in amino acid
“Our research provides new insights into the
role that water plays in the modification of pre-
biotic molecules on asteroids,” said Herd. “Our
results provide perhaps the first clear evidence
that water percolating through the asteroid parent
body caused some molecules to be formed
and others destroyed. The Tagish Lake meteorite
provides a unique window into what was happening
to organic molecules on asteroids four-and-a-
half billion years ago, and the pre-biotic chemistry
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@MtnViewsNews.
A Tagish Lake meteorite fragment, refrigerated at
minus 10 degrees Celsius.
Ask jai……
Ask jai is a weekly column that will strive to honestly answer your job search questions relating to job searching
techniques, networking skills, resume writing and interviewing. The employment situation is getting better, however,
it is still a challenge finding were the jobs are located and how to get pass the “gate-keepers”. As an Executive
Recruiter I was privy to working directly with Corporate Recruiters and understanding their process in selecting
which candidates to interview and hire. I will candidly answer your questions, possibly bluntly answering your
questions, but I will be totally honest. My objective is to help you achieve your employment goal.
My daughter will graduate from college in two years with a Bachelor Degree in Marketing. My concern is that
she is going to have a hard time finding a marketing job. I keep encouraging her to find an internship or part-time
job while she is in college. She says that her Marketing Degree is all she will need to get a job after graduation. I
am afraid that is just what will happen she will get “a job”. I support my daughter financially and emotionally to
get a degree that will eventually lead to a rewarding career. I emphasize career not “a job”. How can I impress
on her how important it is to get work experience before she graduates from college? What type of advice would
you give her? Concerned Mother
Dear Concerned Mother
You and your daughter are putting in a lot of time, energy and money over a four year period for her to only eventually
just get “a job”. It appears to me that your daughter is not focusing on her future or career aspirations. This
is normal for students in their junior year of college. However, this is the right time for her to focus on her future
employment and develop a career plan. What is her long-term career path, objective and goal? Marketing Degrees
are very diverse in their areas of career focus and paths. I would suggest that you encourage your daughter to find
out (or decide) what area (or areas) of marketing she is interested in pursuing.
Student internships, summer and part-time jobs, and volunteer experience are very important in the hiring decision
making process today. Employers seek out college students and graduates who have career-related experience
as an intern, volunteer, summer or part-time employee that matches with their requirements and qualifications.
Express to your daughter that participating in career related activities or employment during college is an excellent
way to explore her chosen career path and passion. I suggest that your daughter visits her college career center
and make an appointment with a career advisor. The center will have information and job descriptions from employers
about internships, jobs and volunteer positions. The advisor will assist her in designing a career development
plan based on her course of study, area of interest, career goal and objective. The career center advisor will also assist
her in acquiring work-related experience that will eventually be vital to her in securing employment in her chosen
field of study.
Employers make their final decision about which student or graduate to hire based on the student’s commitment
to their career goals, and that could be reflected in the student’s experiences and skills acquired in their internships,
part-time jobs and volunteer activities. Pre-graduation work experience can separate those who get hired and those
who do not. Continue to encourage your daughter to include work experience either on-campus or off-campus to
her educational experience. Career driven knowledge, experience and focus will make it easier for her to find gratifying
employment before or after graduation.
A few months ago a serious case of malware infection managed to do what the
combined diplomatic efforts of the United Nations and several advanced militaries of
the world were collectively unable to do. It also managed to do what billions of dollars
in sanctions and being made a pariah in the eyes of the world wasn’t able to do either
and it managed to do what the threat of certain war could not do. It managed to shut
down (or at least slow down) the so-called Iranian Nuclear Program. No bombs were
dropped and no lives were lost during the mission, accomplished its goals and just
may have created a new model for future action. This new chapter in cyber warfare
should give anyone who’s thought about the implications that this will have on our
modern world real reason to pause.
The star of this particular show was the Stuxnet worm. First discovered sometime
last this year, this particular worm appears to have been written to target the functioning
of critical industrial infrastructure (i.e., power stations, electrical grids, manufacturing
machinery) and specifically the industrial machinery used in the uranium
enrichment process.
Early analysis shows that this worm appears to have been written with specific industrial
targets in mind. This worm contains code that spies on and re-programs
industrial systems and also is the first to include a logic module that can be programmed
to attack specific system models and affect the operation of crucial system
functions. Despite all of the worms’ technical sophistication it still needs a certain
amount of human help in order to accomplish its goals. Target systems are usually
infected via USB memory sticks and then mechanisms internal to the worm assist
with navigation around the compromised network. This is really scary stuff. In this
case the target just happened to be one highly unpopular with a certain segment of
the international community and the cause appears to be one that “everyone” wants
done. On the surface, there appear to be many reasons why what happened could be
considered a good thing but if we continue reading just a little further on this page
we eventually come to the point where we have to ask ourselves what happens if and
when “we” become the unpopular target of this new type of cyber-attack. The effect of
a major power outage days in length or a scrambling of our air traffic control systems
have the potential to bring our way of life to a screeching halt and even if the disruption
is short in duration, the loss of life or damage to critical infrastructure could
have consequences that last far beyond the point of contact. Analysts are certain that
this worm was created with nation-state support and was traded on the Internet for
months before the actual attack occurred that damaged the Iranian nuclear facilities.
Now that the next new thing in cyber warfare has made this spectacular debut it will
undoubtedly be looking to make an even bigger splash the next time around.
Summertime Fun, Naturally!
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc.
Canyon Canine Dog
Walking & Pet Sitting Services
I remember
as a kid
I used to
get so excited
I knew
school would soon be out for summer. Anticipating all
the fun activities I might have a chance to participate in,
and knowing I would not have to sit still in a classroom for
hours on end, five days a week was more than a little bit
of heaven in my mind. Back then (and, there’s no need to
mention how long ago that was, right?) there were some
pretty cool activities available for kids to get involved with
during the three month reprieve from the classroom, and
going off to summer camp was one of them. There were
also local day camps for kids to attend, and I always enjoyed
it when I got to participate in those. Going fishing
with my brother was another favorite summer vacation
pastime for me when he could get away, and spending
time at the barn with my pony was a given, but I don’t
remember there being anything quite as cool as what they
now call summer nature camp! Although, I must admit I
was fortunate enough to have had a home environment
that lent itself very much to teaching me about animals
and nature, so I guess I didn’t miss out on too much as a
One thing that was different back in my day, was the
fact that there was no such thing as playing video games
or chatting on the internet. We had a 14 inch television
with 3 or 4 channels, most of which broadcasted daytime
soap operas and silly talk shows, which was simply not
enough to keep me interested in sitting inside and being
lazy. Nowadays, with such advanced technology, it
seems to take a lot more to gain the interest of a young
mind, and there are so many things that can distract today’s
youth from wanting to be outdoors, enjoying nature.
However, above and beyond the draw of so many
tech toys at our kids’ fingertips, children who live in our
“neck of the woods” definitely have it “going on” as far
as outdoor summertime fun! We have some of the best
mountain trails in California, right here in our back yard,
along with several big parks and recreation centers fully
equipped with swimming pools & baseball fields, and
last but certainly not least, there are three nationally renowned
nature & garden reserves within only a few miles
from home, including The Huntington Library in Pasadena,
the Descanso Gardens in La Cañada Flintridge and
more locally, the L.A.County Arboretum and Botanic
Garden in Arcadia. Very few communities can boast such
a charming treasure trove of reserved open space and gorgeous
gardens, and what more wonderful way could there
be to introduce our youngsters to the bounties of nature
that surrounds us!
The L.A. Arboretum and Botanic Gardens offers a wide
variety of summertime activities for kids who want to
learn about animals and nature. Even if these are not on
the top of the list in terms of topics that interest your kids,
you might be surprised at how their level of interest will
be piqued simply by visiting the Arboretum and seeing
the outrageous birds, plants and water features located on
that prime piece of preserved property! The L.A. Arboretum
& Botanic Gardens has a wide variety of activities
and learning experiences available for families and kids of
all ages. For example, an adventure hike provides the perfect
opportunity to learn about the many wild creatures
who make The Arboretum their home. Among the many
other summer nature camp activities at the Arboretum
are planting seedlings, playing nature games and making
crafts and beautiful works of art. Summer nature camp
offers a full schedule of various activities that are bound to
inspire a child to appreciate nature and the wild animals
who inhabit nature’s open spaces. The nature camp schedule
at the Arboretum continues throughout the summer
months, with week long sessions as well as holiday and
weekend short term sessions. For more information
about Summer Nature Camp at the Arboretum, contact
youth activity coordinator Ted Tegart via e-mail at: ted.
tegart@arboretum.org, or call him at 626-821-5897, or to
register call 626-821-4623.
KATIE Tse..........This and That
I’ve been taking a few “professional development” online courses
for my job lately. While learning for learning’s sake is great and all,
I must admit my motivation is purely monetary. Now you might
expect that the courses I have to choose from would have something
remotely relating to my job description – but no. Some of the more
colorful choices are “Girl Gangs,” and “Textile Throughout History.”
So you’ll understand how I just couldn’t pass up something as promising
as “I AM The Center of the Universe! Unwrapping Narcissism.”
The books I read for my first few classes were somewhat interesting. I learned how
professionals use reverse psychology to negotiate bargains. If this actually works I’ll
let you know. However, this most recent text, addressing narcissism, has turned me
into a convert! You, too, can purchase “The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age
of Entitlement” by Jean M. Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, both Ph.D.’s, for $9.18 on
Amazon. Truly, it is worth every cent to read this refreshingly frank critique of the
rampant self-absorption in modern America.
Other highlights of the book include ways in
which modern parents foster narcissistic tendencies
in their children. Kids’ clothes spelling
things like “Princess” in rhinestones always
annoyed me, but now these wonderful authors
have given me validation. They also openly criticize
the trend toward weird - I mean “unique”-
names for children. Of course, celebrities have
perpetuated this by naming their offspring
things like Apple, Suri, and Sage Moonblood.
And if parents do give their child a traditional name, why must they mess around with
the spelling? I’ve always thought I had a pretty common name. So it kind of surprises
me when people ask how to spell it. I’ve received notes addressing me as Kayte, or
sometimes Kaity. I had no idea I was so exotic! Although the authors didn’t emphasize
it, I’d like to know why some parents give their kids extra surnames like Peyton and
Baxter. Are they planning to open a law firm together?
Another fun gripe in the book is against social networks such as Facebook. I’m sure
many people use these sites to responsibly share wholesome photos and messages with
a select group of friends, but many more make it a vehicle for projecting an inflated
version of themselves to the world. I ran into an old classmate a while ago who mentioned,
incredulously, that she had looked for me on Facebook, but didn’t find me! Yes,
that’s because I’m not on it. All the people who I would want to find me have already
found me, without the intervention of Facefook.
I haven’t finished the “The Narcissism Epidemic” yet (I’m savoring it), but the last
chapter I read was aimed at tweeters and bloggers. The authors stated that a number of
these people think their moment-by-moment thoughts and experiences are insightful
enough to be globally broadcasted. Hmm… I hope they don’t lump humble contributors
to local newspapers into this category. Just for the record, I am not an expert on
anything, and if you want to name your kid Plum Blossom and dress him in an ermine
robe that’s fine with me.
*I have so much to thank my parents for – the least of which being that they didn’t
name me Apple or Suri! So here’s a great, big shout out to the John Hopkins! Happy
Father’s Day, with all my love!
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