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 Mountain Views News Saturday, June 18, 2011



Publisher/ Editor

Susan Henderson

City Editor

Dean Lee 


Patricia Colonello




Richard Garcia


Lina Johnson

Chris Bertrand


Teresa Baxter

Pat Birdsall

Bob Eklund

Howard Hays

Paul Carpenter

Stuart Tolchin

Kim Clymer-Kelley

Christopher Nyerges

Peter Dills 

Hail Hamilton 

Rich Johnson

Chris Bertrand

Mary Carney

La Quetta Shamblee

Glenn Lambdin

Greg Wellborn

Ralph McKnight

Trish Collins

Pat Ostrye

Dorothy White


John Aveny 

STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE


For much of the last 
fifteen years my wife 
and I have travelled 
the world without ever 
leaving the immediate 
area. This mode 
of travel is, in relative 
terms, remarkably inexpensive 
and comfortable 
and convenient. 
What we do is 
go out to dinner almost every night. Yes, 
we are subjected to criticism by misunderstanding 
friends and relatives who feel 
we are being indulgent and extravagant in 
addition to being reckless about the food 
we place into our mouths. After all you 
never know how much salt is being used 
in the soup and those sauces may hide 
evils of which we are unaware.

These criticisms, although well-intended, 
miss the mark. For me a visit to a restaurant 
is a great opportunity for higher-
education. I absolutely love talking to the 
service personnel and learning about their 
hopes and dreams, their values, and their 
lives. Now the kind of restaurants we go to 
are pretty low-end and the service people 
are generally pretty young and engaged 
in other careers in addition to their work 
as servers and hostesses. At higher end 
restaurants the process fails because for 
some reason there is no access to the actual 
persons within the uniforms. Higher 
end restaurant personnel are generally 
shielded by charm, efficiency, professionalism, 
and often don’t take the time to talk 
to their customers because they are more 
focused on what they take to be their real 
job, which is earning a big tip, I guess.

Maybe the problem is not with the personnel 
but rather is with me. A couple of 
weeks ago my wife and I ate at Elements, 
a classy restaurant in the Pasadena Playhouse 
District. The waiter who served 
us was a wonderfully attractive person, 
as were all of the other employees in the 
restaurant. A short conversation with the 
waiter revealed that he had earned a PhD 
in Philosophy from an Ivy League College 
and had better things to do than to share 
his life-story with the likes of me. Perhaps 
I do not feel comfortable talking to someone 
who is undoubtedly more educated 
and more accomplished than I know 
myself to be. Yes I admit it; I am happier 
when the server is still engaged as a student, 
or has recently left the parent’s home 
and is in the process of building a new life. 
It feels like we are being of service when 
my wife and I can make suggestions as to 
particular Schools or classes that might be 
of assistance.

We love talking to servers who have 
recently immigrated to this country. Often 
these trips across the sea were taken 
at great personal risk in the hope of constructing 
a better life. Talking to service 
personnel has revealed to us the horrors 
of the wars and oppression existing 
around the world. Several times waiters 
and waitresses have broken down in tears 
as they described the Death Squads and 
the actual killings they observed in their 
Countries of origin. Really though, these 
kinds of stories are the exception. More 
typical is a conversation with a waiter like 
the one which occurred last night at the 
Delhi Palace on Colorado east of the density 
and expense of Old Town Pasadena.

My wife and I enjoy this restaurant for 
many reasons. It is never too crowded, 
it has been attractively reconfigured, the 
food is wonderful, and many of the employees 
have been there for a long time 
and recognize us. The employees come 
from all over the Indian Sub-Continent 
and represent many different classes. The 
manager is a Brahmin; the waiters are 
from Sri Lanka and India. Their religions 
differ,r as some of the staff is Hindu, some 
are Tamils, and some are Christians. I 
have learned the history of the migration 
patterns of the Peoples of India and have 
had the opportunity to discuss the experience 
of the tsunamis with people who 
were actually there.

Yesterday’s conversation was especially 
wonderful. Our young server was a wonderfully 
handsome young man who, in 
fact, does work as a model. His real passion 
though is scientific technology and 
he is in College studying to be an Engineer. 
He reviewed for us the success of 
different companies and described the 
operation of Hyundai Motor Company 
with great reverence. He described many 
different alternative vehicles utilizing fuel 
sources other than petroleum and I felt 
like I was really learning something. Did 
you know that in India vehicles are being 
developed which utilize compressed air as 
a fuel source? I did not.

Even more exciting than the scientific 
descriptions was the young man’s attitude 
toward his life and toward the future. He 
attends Cal State LA and explained that 
the engineering Department there was 
among the top fifty in the nation. He 
talked of his professors and glowed with 
pride when describing their achievements. 
He spoke of this present world as 
being in transition and therefore as a time 
of opportunity for anyone who is willing 
to work hard and learn. Really speaking 
to him was an exciting adventure and cost 
no more than the price of dinner and a 
generous tip.

So, this week’s message is to be positive, 
stay current on scientific advances, and 
above all allow yourself to enjoy other 
people. Maybe I ought to give Elements 
another try.

HAIL Hamilton My Turn

RICH Johnson

A Computer Alternative

Someone recently asked why I had not been 
spotted commenting on John Crawford’s blog. 
Fact is I do comment from time to time. My comments 
don’t often see the light of day as the editor 
apparently cannot handle dissent. 

My last submission supported the blog in that 
it provides another viewpoint on issues of interest 
to Sierra Madreans. Whether he is ever right or wrong is immaterial. If it 
gets you involved in the process of being a citizen it is important. However, 
I did point out that I wished the people who commented on his blog 
would write in such a way that they wouldn’t mind their kids reading 
their posts. Some of those people write hate-filled venomous comments. 
Therefore, my post never saw the light of day as Mr. Crawford apparently 
cannot handle anything but sychophantic praise.

Personal note to the editor of Crawford’s Blog. The difference between 
Susan Henderson and you is Ms. Henderson will print this column. She 
may not be happy about it, but she will print it. I call that class and journalistic 
integrity. (Don’t be surprised if Herr Crawford takes a shot at me 
on his blog. If he does, I’ll consider reposting it here so you can see him in 
all his glory.) And remember, I supported him in my comments.

So, who says I can’t be serious? On a technical note I am considering 
trading in my computer for an Etch-A Sketch. Why? I recently came 
across the FAQ (frequently asked questions) and answers section at the 
Etch-A-Sketch Help Desk:

Q: My Etch-A-Sketch has all these funny little lines all over the screen. 
What do I do? A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: How do I turn my Etch-A-Sketch off? A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: Is there a shortcut for Undo? A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: How do I create a new document window? A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: How do I reboot my Etch-A-Sketch? A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: How do I delete a document on my Etch-A-Sketch off?

A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: How do I save my Etch-A-Sketch document? A: Don’t shake it. 


The “killing” of Osama bin 
Laden by U.S. special forces 
has prompted a great many 
questions about the continued 
U.S. presence in Iraq 
and war in Afghanistan, and 
about how the more than $7.6 
trillion the United States has 
been spent on “security” since the 9/11 attacks. 
This kind of spending makes me wonder... Who’s 
minding the store?

Total Defense Spending: Between 2001 and 
2011 the United States spent $7.2 trillion (in constant 
FY2012 dollars) on defense, including the 
Pentagons’s annual base budget, the wars in Iraq 
and Afghanistan, and nuclear weapons-related 
activities of the Department of Energy (DOE). 

• The Pentagon’s “base” budget – The Pentagon’s 
annual budget (Function 051) – not including 
war costs or DoE’s nuclear weapons activities 
– grew from $290.5 billion in FY2000, to $526.1 
billion in FY2011. That’s a nominal increase of 
$235.6 billion (or 81 percent) and a “real” (inflation-
adjusted) increase of $160.3 billion, or 43 

• Department of Energy – Annual funding 
for the nuclear weapons activities rose more 
slowly between FY2000 and FY2011, from $12.4 
billion to $19.0 billion. That’s a nominal increase 
of $6.6 billion (or 53 percent) and a “real” increase 
of $3.3 billion, or 21 percent. 

• War Costs – The total costs of the wars in 
Iraq and Afghanistan, including the Department 
of Defense (DOD) and all other federal agencies 
(Department of State, USAID, etc.) will reach 
$1.26 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year 
(FY 2011) on September 30, 2011. Of this, $797.3 
billion is for Iraq, and $459.8 billion is for Afghanistan. 
In constant FY2012 dollars, the totals 
through FY2011 are $1.36 trillion, $869 billion for 
Iraq and $487.6 billion for Afghanistan.

These figures are well known and fairly simple 
to track. Both the DOD and the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) provide data on Pentagon 
and other military-related spending as part 
of the annual federal budget request released in 
February each year. The Congressional Research 
Services does an excellent job of analyzing the 
costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Homeland Security: One security figure that 
isn’t well known is the amount the U.S. government 
has spent to date on “homeland security.” 
This is because homeland security funding flows 
through literally dozens of federal agencies and 
not just through the Department of Homeland 
Security (DHS). For example, of the $71.6 billion 
requested for “homeland security” in FY2012, 
only $37 billion is funded through DHS. A substantial 
part is funded through the DOD -- $18.1 
billion in FY2012 -- and others, including Health 
and Human Services ($4.6 billion) and the Department 
of Justice ($4.1 billion).

According to OMB, funding for homeland security 
has risen from (continued on page 17)

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Jimmie Lee 
Solomon, Executive 
Vice President 
of Baseball Development 
in Major 
League Baseball, is on an important mission 
and when he’s finished, there’ll be baseball 
programs in every urban American city where 
there is a Major League Baseball team. In the 
1940s, 50s, 60s and early 70s, Baseball, Boxing 
and Horse Racing were the main sports in the 
United States of America. Flash forward and 
today Baseball is not as popular as Basketball 
and Football. Though both Boxing and Horse 
Racing are still popular, they now have niche 
audiences. In the late 1970s, Baseball peaked 
in urban American cities at 27%. Today, it 
stands at 8.5%. After speaking with Mr. Solomon, 
I was able to discern a few reasons why 
many urban teenagers migrated to the other 
two sports (basketball and football).

To play baseball several elements must be 
in place. A large green space is required to 
conduct the game, adequate coaching is paramount 
to be successful and the collection of 
skills (fielding, throwing and batting) which 
is required to become a good baseball player 
usually is taught at an early age by a male 
member of a teenager’s household. Conversely, 
in the late 1970s, a large number of urban 
households were beginning to be headed by 
single women which portent an issue with 
their young sons correctly learning to play the 
game of baseball. In basketball and football 
most of the successful professional players 
are athletic. In baseball one can be marginally 
athletic and still be successful as long as one 
mastered the collection of skills.

As Solomon, a Harvard University Law 
School Graduate, prepares to send a team of 
teenagers to Japan to play baseball in the 
“Friendship Series,” he reflects on the success 
that the first Urban Youth Academy in Compton, 
California is having on the teenagers living 
there. These teenagers chose, because of 
the Urban Youth Academy, to become American 
Ambassadors instead of being enamored 
with all the bad behavior that is sometimes 
present in urban cities. He intimated that 
because of the academies, the teenagers now 
have many options such as attending colleges, 
pursuing a vocation as a baseball executive, 
employment as a groundskeeper, becoming a 
baseball player or an umpire.

The Major League Baseball’s Urban Youth 
Academy is expanding. There is a second 
successful academy in Houston, Texas and 
ground breaking is about to occur on a Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania site. A contract is about 
to be signed for a fourth academy in Miami, 
Florida and a Guabo, Puerto Rico academy is 
up and running. Major League Baseball is also 
the financial backers behind a YMCA baseball 
academy in Atlanta, Georgia and they support 
a Washington National Foundation baseball 
academy in Washington D.C. After six years 
of operating the Compton, California academy, 
25 teenagers have been drafted, over 150 
teenagers have been given some sort of college 
scholarship and about 25 teenagers have been 
recruited to the minor league as umpires.

Solomon is proud of the 2,500 teenagers 
who yearly enter the Urban Youth Academy. 
He remarked that the teenagers matriculate 
from the program learning to respect authority, 
they’re also much better able to envision 
making intelligent choices for their lives and 
they learn invaluable skills from the baseball 
instructions Solomon and his team are teaching 

Solomon’s credo is if a canoe is sailing on 
water and has a “hole on one side” and that 
hole is not “fixed” the canoe will sink, because 
eventually the water will submerge the canoe. I 
trust that Solomon’s trailblazing methods and 
altruistic outreach through the Urban Youth 
Academy will result in a change of behavior 
in urban communities, so when parents are 
deciding which sport to have their teenagers 
participate in they’ll highly consider baseball. 
After all, Baseball for a very long time was the 
United States of America’s pastime and main 

Curbing Bad Behavior: 

Jimmie Lee Solomon by Ron Carter

REV James L. Snyder 


There is an old saying that to 
my knowledge nobody has ever 
taken credit. “A man works from 
sun up to sun down. A mother’s 
work is never done.” If I had said 
that, I would not want any credit 
for it either.

 Why this anonymous person 
compares a man with the mother is certainly information 
that is above my pay scale. It is almost like comparing 
apples with horses. I like apples and I enjoy riding a 
horse occasionally, but they sure do not have anything 
else in common.

 Right up front I will say that I honor and revere motherhood. 
As good old Abe Lincoln said, “All I am or ever 
hope to be, I owe to my mother.” I think that is a rather 
nice way of saying how much he appreciated his mother. 
But, if you will permit me, I think good old “honest Abe” 
exaggerated just a wee bit on this point.

 While I believe mothers have a very important role in 
the bringing up of children, it does not preclude the influence 
of the father. After all, most mothers will say to their 
children, “Wait until your father gets home!” Even mothers 
know that they cannot handle it all by themselves.

 And while I will also give way to the point that mothers 
have a lot of work to do and it never seems to get 
done, such is the case with fathers as well. There never 
seems to be enough time to get everything done.

 Take for example, the father’s job of mowing the grass. 
That job never gets done. If the father has a wee streak 
of ambition about him, gets up Saturday morning and 
goes to the garage and prepares the lawnmower to mow 
he knows very well that he will never get done mowing 
the grass.

If perchance he gets the lawn mowed on any given Saturday, 
he knows, come next Saturday, if not before, the 
grass will need mowing again… And again… And again. 
An endless chore that never seems to get finished.

 Of course, there is a positive side to this routine. When 
the mother of the household gets up on a Saturday morning 
and says to the father, “Honey…” [Every father knows 
that when he is being addressed as “Honey,” there will 
follow a “to-do-list.”] When the mother of the house tells 
the father of the house what needs done that day he can 
simply smile and say, “Honey”… [Every mother knows 
that when she is being addressed as “Honey,” there will 
follow a very good reason why he will not be able to do 
her “to-do-list.”]

 “Honey, I would love to do all of that for you today, 
really, but the backyard needs to be mowed.” And with a 
smile that stretches from Saturday to Saturday, he slowly 
sashays out to the garage and prepares the lawnmower 
for a day of mowing the grass.

 Oh yes, a father’s work is never done.

 Then there is the matter of the father’s paycheck. On 
payday when the father of the household receives his 
paycheck, his heart is filled with jubilation, that is, until 
he gets home. When he gets home the mother of the 
household and all of the children standing behind her 
have their hands out for their share of his paycheck

 He looks at his family with a great deal of pride as he 
counts out, dollar-by-dollar, his hard earned paycheck. 
He had been harboring some hope that he would go 
bowling with his buddies this week, but by the time he 
doles out the weekly allowances he finds himself completely 
doled out. His only consolation is that next payday 
he will get another paycheck.

 Oh yes, a father’s work is never done.

 Let us not forget vacation time. All year long, the father 
of the household works very hard at his job anticipating 
that weeklong vacation. He dreams about setting on the 
beach with his only agenda being nothing, an entire week 
of relaxation and exploiting the vigor of nothingness. It is 
the dream that energizes him all year long.

 Finally, the week comes that nobody is more excited 
than the father of the household.

 “All right, family,” the father says, “let’s all head for the 

 “Aw, dad” the tribe of his household says, “we want to 
go to Disney World.”

 “Whose world?” the father sighs.

 After the family votes on where they will go for their 
week’s vacation the father of the household, although he 
will be funding the entire week, is outvoted 99 to 1. “Oh 
well,” he groans as he packs the car for Disney World, 
“there’s always next year.”

Oh yes, a father’s work is never done.

Only one exception exists for this rule. That is our 
heavenly father. His work is finished in Jesus Christ. “Let 
us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering 
into his rest, any of you should seem to come short 
of it. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as 
unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, 
not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. For we 
which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I 
have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: 
although the works were finished from the foundation of 
the world” (Hebrews 4:1-3 KJV).

 Hallelujah, His work is done.

The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 
1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his 
wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores. E-mail jamessnyder2@ The church web site is

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